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Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, SH.
Place and Date of Birth:
Palembang (Indonesia), April 17, 1!".
Marital Statu:
#arried. $ife% #s. &'((y Amalia) fi*e +hildren, i.e. ,obby -erliansyah (male,
1), Sheera #a'lidya (female, 17), Afida .'r'lfa/ria (female, 10), #ies1a
Alia -arhana (female, 11), and ,afi -ahr ,a2i (male, 1).
1. 3ffi+ial ,esiden+e, Jl. $idya 4handra III .o. 7, Ja1ar(a P'sa(.
5. Jl. #argasa(6a ,aya, Pondo1 7ab' Indah 89:, Ja1ar(a Sela(an,
Indonesia. &elp. "55197!;;7:) "55197!;"55) -a<. "55197!;;7:)
HP% "5=1911;;15;. >mail% /imly?mah1amah1ons(i('
!ffice Addre
1. &he 4ons(i('(ional 4o'r(, ,ep'bli+ of Indonesia, Jl. #edan #erde1a
8ara( "97, Ja1ar(a P'sa(. &elp."55190!55;=7.
5. -a+'l(y of 7a6, @ni*ersi(y of Indonesia, Depo1, and Jl. Salemba ,aya
.o. :, Ja1ar(a, Indonesia. &elp. "55190;7;:, -a< "551901:"0=) HP.
0. Aisi(ing Professor of (he -a+'l(y of 7a6, @ni*ersi(y of Airlangga
(S'rabaya), @daya (8ali), Sri6i/aya (Palembang), Andalas (Padang),
#'hammadiyah (Ja1ar(a), Pa1'an (8ogor), A(ma/aya 4a(holi+ @ni*ersi(y
(Ja1ar(a), and (he Indonesian Islami+ @ni*ersi(y (Bogya1ar(a).
"raduate from
1. Primary S+hool 'p(o Senior High S+hool, Palembang, in 17:.
5. -a+'l(y of 7a6, @ni*ersi(y of Indonesia, Ja1ar(a, in 1=5.
0. ,e+h(sfa+'l(ei(, @ni*ersi(ei( (e 7eiden, .e(herland, 1; (Sand6hi+h
- 1 -
:. -a+'l(y of Pos( Crad'a(e S('dies, @ni*ersi(y of Indonesia, Do+(or
Degree, 11.
!. Har*ard 7a6 S+hool, Har*ard @ni*ersi(y, 4ambridge, #assa+h'sse((,
@SA, Pos( Crad'a(e S'mmer 4o'rse, 15.
!ther Trainin#$ %or&ho' or Stud( Viit:
1. 7eadership &raining, Cerald ,i+hard Ins(i('(e, Hong1ong, 1=;.
5. &raining and $or1shop on H'man ,igh(s, 4onfli+( and De*elopmen(
Al(erna(i*es in Asia, 4hiang #ai, &hailand 1=1.
0. Par(i+ipa(ory 7eadership #e(hodology &raining, Ins(i('(e for 4'l('ral
Affairs and 7P0>S, S'ra1ar(a, 1=5.
:. H'man ,igh(s 7egal ,epresen(a(i*es &raining by Indonesian 4omm'ni(y
for H'mani(y Asso+ia(ion (H@#AIDA), Ja1ar(a 1=5.
!. EPea+e ,esear+hF $or1shop in @ni(ed .a(ions @ni*ersi(y, &o1yo 1=!.
". 7earning &oge(her in Japan on EJapan and I(s De*elopmen(F, IA&SS
-or'm, S'2'1a 4i(y, Japan 1=! (0 mon(hs), fello6ship of (he Honda
7. 8y (he in*i(a(ion of Depar(men( of S(a(es @SA, 4ompara(i*e S('dy Aisi(
on E>d'+a(ion in &he @ni(ed S(a(esF, In(erna(ional Aisi(or Program (o (he
@ni(ed S(a(es of Ameri+a (1! +i(ies), 1=".
=. Aisi(ing ,esear+her, S+hool of 7a6, @ni*ersi(y of $ashing(on, @SA,
. 8y (he in*i(a(ion of -ran+e Co*ernmen(, S('dy Aisi( (o 4ons(i('(ional
4o'n+il and (he 4o'n+il of S(a(e of -ran+e in Paris, and (he 4ons(i('(ional
4o'r( of A's(ria in Aienna, J'ne9J'ly 5;;0.
Ser)ice in Pu*lic+"o)ernmental !ffice+Ser)ice:
1. 4hief J's(i+e of (he 4ons(i('(ional 4o'r( of (he ,ep'bli+ of Indonesia,
(A'g's( 5;;09no6).
5. Senior Ad*isor (o (he Se+re(aria(e Ceneral of (he .a(ional PeopleFs
Assembly of (he ,ep'bli+ of Indonesia (#P,), 5;;595;;0.
0. ><per( ad*isor of (he S'b9+ommi((ee of 4ons(i('(ional Amandmen(, (he
Indonesian PeopleFs Assembly, 5;;195;;5.
:. Senior Ad*isor (o (he #inis(er of &rade and Ind's(ry, 5;;595;;0.
!. 4hairman of (he 4ons(i('(ional S('dies Crad'a(e Program a( (he -a+'l(y of
7a6, @ni*ersi(y of Indonesia, 5;;;9 no6.
". 7e+('rer of (he -a+'l(y of 7a6, @ni*ersi(y of Indonesia from 1=1 'p(ill
presen(, and ob(ained professorship in 4ons(i('(ional 7a6 in 1=.
7. Assis(an( (o (he Ai+e Presiden( of (he ,ep'bli+ of Indonesia, from #ar+h
1= (o De+ember 1 (Assis(an( (o (he Ai+e Presiden( 8.J. Habibie, 6ho
- 2 -
la(er on (he resigna(ion of Presiden( Soehar(o, be+ame (he Presiden( of
,ep'bli+ of Indonesia from #ay 1=).
=. Se+re(ary of (he .a(ional 4o'n+il for Se+'ri(y and 7a6 >nfor+emen(
Sys(em, 4haired by (he Presiden( of (he ,ep'bli+ of Indonesia d'ring (he
+risis period, 1=91.
. Ai+e 4hairman of .a(ional $or1ing Cro'p for ,eforma(ion, and (he
4hairman of S'b 4ommi((ee on 7egal ,eform, Se+re(aria( of S(a(e,
,ep'bli+ of Indonesia, 1=91.
1;. 3ffi+er in9+harge of (he ><per( Panel on (he Agenda of 4ons(i('(ional
,eform ((oge(her 6i(h Prof. Dr. 8agir #anan), (he 3ffi+e of Ai+e
Presiden(, ,ep'bli+ of Indonesia, 1=91.
11. #ember of Indonesian Delega(ion (o (he 4ommi((ee on S+ien+e and
&e+hnology (43#S&>4H) 4onferen+e, (he 3rgani2a(ion of Islami+
4o'n(ries (3I4), Islamabad, Pa1is(an 1.
15. @noffi+ial #ember of Indonesian Delega(ion (o (he 1;
(4ommo((ee on S+ien+e and &e+hnology of (he 3rgani2a(ion of Islami+
4o'n(ries), Ceneral Assembly, Islamabad, Pa1is(an -ebr'ary, 5;;5.
10. #ember of $or1ing &eam of (he .a(ional Defen+e and Se+'ri(y 4o'n+il
($anhan1amnas), 1=!91!.
1:. 4ons(i('(ional ><per( 4ons'l(an( (o (he Indonesian Parliamen(, DP,,
1!.#ember of .a(ional $or1ing 4ommi((ee on Indonesian Preparedness
-a+ing Clobali2a(ion 4hallenges, #inis(ry of ,esear+h and &e+hnology,
1".Senior S+ien(is( a( (he .a(ional Agen+y for (he Assessmen( and
Appli+a(ion of &e+hnology, #inis(ry of S+ien+e and &e+hnology, Ja1ar(a,
from 1191!.
17. ><per( Ad*isor (o (he #inis(er of >d'+a(ion and 4'l('re of (he ,ep'bli+
of Indonesia, in (he field of Adminis(ra(ion of .a(ional >d'+a(ion and
4'l('re, from 1091=.
1=.#ember of Indonesian Delega(ion (o EDe*elopmen( =F Ceneral
Assembly, &eheran, 1=.
1. #ember of Indonesian Delega(ion (o @.>S43 Ceneral Assembly, Paris
5;. #ember of .a(ional >d'+a(ion Poli+y De*elopmen( $or1ing Cro'p,
#inis(ry of >d'+a(ion and 4'l('re, Ja1ar(a 1:91=.
51. #ember of Indonesian Delega(ion (o So'(h >as( Asian #inis(er of
>d'+a(ion 4onferen+e (S>A#>4) Ceneral Assembly, 4ambodia, 1!.
55. 4hairman of $or1ing Cro'p, 8oo1s and ,eading Poli+y, #inis(ry of
>d'+a(ion and 4'l('re, 1!.
50.#ember of S'per*ising &eam and $or1ing Cro'p Poli+y for G7in1 and
#a(+h @ni*ersi(y ProgrammeH, #inis(ry of >d'+a(ion and 4'l('re, 1!.
- 3 -
5:. #ember of Indonesian Delega(ion (o S>A#>4 (So'(h >as( Asian
#inis(ersF of >d'+a(ion 4onferen+e) Ceneral Assembly, D'ala 7'mp'r,
5!. #ember of S'per*ising &eam for Pres(igio's S+hool and &alen(ed
4hildren >d'+a(ion De*elopmen( $or1ing Cro'p, #inis(ry of >d'+a(ion
and 4'l('re, 1"917.
5". #ember of +ons'l(ing gro'p or 6or1ing (eams of (he Indonesian
Parliamen( (DP,), andIor (he #inis(ry of In(erior Affairs, #inis(ry of
J's(i+e, and #inis(ry of &rade and Ind's(ry on draf(ing of ne6 la6s
+on+erning poli(i+al, e+onomi+ and legal reform, 1795;;0.
57. 7e+('rer of (he .a(ional High ,an1ing 3ffi+ial 7eadership 4o'rses a( (he
S(a(e Ins(i('(e of P'bli+ Adminis(ra(ion (7A.) (179no6), and (he S(a(e
Ins(i('(e of .a(ional Se+'ri(y and Defen+e (7>#HA..AS) (5;;09no6).
5=. 7e+('rer of (he .a(ional &raining 4en(er of J's(i+es, Ja1ar(a (5;;;9no6).
8in(ang #aha P'(ra @(ama, 1 (-irs( 4lass S(ar of ,I).
Pu*lication - .*oo&/:
1. &he Idea of PeopleFs So*ereign(y in Indonesian 7a6 and 4ons(i('(ion
(boo1), Ja1ar(a% I+h(iar 8ar'9*an Hoe*e, 1:.
5. 4riminal 7a6 ,eform in Indonesia (boo1), 8and'ng% Ang1asa, 1!.
0. &he Agenda of 7a6 De*elopmen( in (he Clobal >ra (boo1), Ja1ar(a%
8alai P's(a1a, 1".
:. ,ole Shif( 8e(6een Co*ernmen( and Parliamen( in His(ory (boo1),
Ja1ar(a% @I9Press, 17.
!. Islam and Demo+ra+y (boo1), Ja1ar(a% Cema Insani Press, 17.
". @@D 1:!% (he 4ons(i('(ion of $elfare S(a(e and (he -'('re ,eali(y
(boo1), Ja1ar(a% @ni*ersi(y of Indonesia, 1=.
7. &heories of In(erpre(a(ion and S+hools of &ho'gh(s in 4ons(i('(ional 7a6,
(boo1), Ja1ar(a% InHil+o, 1=.
=. HabibieFs ,eform% So+io94'l('ral Aspe+( and (he 7egal Sys(em (boo1),
8and'ng% Ang1asa, 1.
. ,eform in Indonesia, Aol'me 5, (Aision and A+hie*emen(s of 8.J.
Habibie% 7egal and So+io94'l('re), (boo1), Ja1ar(a% ,a/a6ali Press, 1.
1;.In(rod'+(ory Aision (o 4ons(i('(ional ,eform (repor(), &he Habibie
4en(er, Ja1ar(a, 5;;1.
11.4onsolida(ion of (he 1:! 4ons(i('(ion Af(er (he -o'r(h Amendmen(
(boo1), Ja1ar(a% PSH&.9@I, 5;;5.
- 4 -
15.&he 4ons(i('(ional 4o'r(s in 7= 4o'n(ries (4ompila(ion of 4ons(i('(ion,
7a6 and ,eg'la(ion on 4ons(i('(ional 4o'r(s or 4o'n+ils in 7=
4o'n(ries), Ja1ar(a% PSH&.9@I, 5;;595;;0.
10.-orma( of (he S(a(e 3rgans and (he Shif( of Po6er in 1:! 4ons(i('(ion
(boo1), Bogya1ar(a% -H9@II Press, 5;;:.
1:.Indonesian 4ons(i('(ion and 4ons(i('(ionalism, (boo1), Ja1ar(a% #D,I9
PSH&. -H@I, 5;;:.
1!.H'ndreds of ar(i+les or s+ien(ifi+ 6ri(ings p'blished in /o'rnals and in
o(her a'(horFs boo1s of *ario's (opi+s +on+erning ed'+a(ion and h'man
reso'r+es de*elopmen(, poli(i+s and poli(i+al de*elopmen(, so+ial problem
and so+ial de*elopmen(, and legal iss'es.
!ther Acti)itie in Non0"o)ernmental Intitute:
1. 4hairman of (he Pa+ifi+ Harmony for In(erna(ional 4oopera(ion
(PHA-I4), 1="91;.
5. -o'nding member of (he -a+'l(y of 7a6 and (he Islami+ @ni*ersi(y of As9
SyafiFiyah Ja1ar(a (1=0).
0. -o'nder of 8adan Arbi(rase #'Famala( Indonesia, 10.
:. 4hairman of (he Indonesian Asso+ia(ion for ,eading So+ie(y, Ja1ar(a,
!. -o'nder and (he 1
Se+re(ary Ceneral of (he ><e+'(i*e 8oard of (he
In(erna(ional Islami+ -or'm for S+ien+e, &e+hnology, and H'man ,eso'r+es
De*elopmen( (II-&IHA,), Ja1ar(a, 1"95;;5.
". Indonesian 4hairman of (he In(erna(ional Asso+ia(ion of &raffi+ and
Safe(y S+ien+es, +en(ered in &o1yo, Japan, from 5;;;9 presen(.
7. Ai+e 4hairman of (he Habibie 4en(er, Ja1ar(a, from 5;;;9presen(.
=. 4hairman of ><per( 4o'n+il of (he Indonesian Asso+ia(ion of #oslem
In(elle+('al (I4#I), 5;;;9 presen(.
. 4hairman of (he Indonesian Asso+ia(ion of 4ons(i('(ional and
Adminis(ra(i*e 7a6 Professors, Ja1ar(a, 5;;; J no6.
1;.In*ol*ed in many fo'nda(ions and non9go*ernmen(al organi2a(ions in (he
fields of so+ial de*elopmen( and h'mani(arian a+(i*i(ies.
- 5 -

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