Writing Report of School Sport Day

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Writing report of school sport day

There was excitement in the air. The collective heart beats of hundreds could be heard. The
cheers and war cries reached the ears as one stood on the Heritage School Gurgaons field on
30th of September 2011. The first annual sports meet was in full action. Racers were sprinting
on the tracks with such speed it was almost possible to hear the zoom as they went past you.
Spectators on the side of the long jump sand pit hushed as one of their class mates darted past
them only to jump a few feet into the sand. The determined faces of the students were visible as
they mustered all their might to throw a 4.2 kg ball as far as they could.
There was a rush around the food stall at all times making it difficult to see the food much less be
able to purchase any. By ten in the morning, the meat began to roll with Abhishek and Aakshi
welcoming the senior programme participants and spectators outlining the days events. Within
minutes the participants could be spotted on the tracks, taking their positions on the ground. The
reporters, the spectators, the contestants, the crowd-managers, the magistrates and teachers were
all out in the open doing their jobs flawlessly.
Reporters buzzed around asking students and teachers alike about their views on the sports day.
Crowd-managers handled the situation remarkably well keeping their peers in check. Students
from all classes volunteered to take measurements and record the scores while the Shutterbug
photographers captured priceless moments on their cameras.

This student oriented programme wouldnt be anywhere near complete without the coordination,
commitment and enthusiasm shown by everyone. Being stationed at the long jump site, I was
able to witness the first few students making their way upto the pit. The 8th graders were a bit
timid casting glances on either side. Colonel Yadav too had approached the long jump ground
and debriefed the students on better techniques. He was extremely enthusiastic and eased the
nervousness of the students, aiding them to perform better. The crowd too it seemed was
energized and their oohs and aahs seemed synchronised with the jumps taken. The collective
intake of the audience and the sudden outburst of cheers were amongst the best feeling one could
ever hope to experience on that very day.
Nikunj Aggarwal of class 10b set the record with a 5.11 metre leap leaving all others in his class
disappointed and somewhat astounded with his score. Apoorv commented, I demand a
rematch I can surely beat Nikunj if I get just one more chance. Anant too said, I am
disappointed with my performance, only if I hadnt lost speed in the end Nikunj only smiled
when asked about his victory.
Students in classes 8 and 9 did amazingly well. Adhiraj of class 8 was glowing as he told the
reporters, I am so happy. I knew I was going to make it in the top 2, but I did not know that I
was going to win! The 8th graders were cheering their peers when the girls took their turn
participating. Each spectator had an individual opinion of who was going to win with their own
set of reasons. Anna was ecstatic with the outcome. It seemed that students were thoroughly
enjoying themselves. Everyone had a role to play. Whether it was part of the music band, or the
timer of the races or the magistrates.
The whole day was amazingly harmonized with students stepping out in the sun to cheer their
class mates and friends. If one stood in the centre of the field on that day, one would be startled
with the activity and regular cheers erupting from different corners of the field. These memories
will be cherished by the Heritage Family for years to come.

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