Why Do We Communicate

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1. Why do we communicate?

We communication to share information

- to understand each
- to make connection
For exemple, In a bussines situation we often
communication to deeloper information, to
fine business partners to do market
resurses, to hae an effectie teem work to
adertise!, so eerytin" all the actiities are
based on communication. #ommunication is
also important in interpersonal relationship.
$ "ood communication leads to a "ood
%. &arriers of communication
'here are barriers communication when the
resire can not understand the massa"e of the
sander. For ex. (ne barriers can be a
lan"ua"e. 'his barrier a curs intercultural
communication when the lan"ua"e of
communication is diffrent or there are
important cultural diffrences. )iffrences in
business etics in diffrent cultural. )iffrent
etics alues the technolo"y doesent share
properly and miss understandin" can occur.
$n exident happened and people enoled a
*. +thical alues
$re a set of moral rules or principles of
behaiour "oermin" a person on "roup, 'he
ethical alues of a person define the
behaiour person and create a ima"e of a
persona are consider for ex. ,olitines
respinsibil, behaiour empaty society.
&usiness hae a well defined
ehics polity based on alues. 'his etics polity
lide to hicher employe an comeatment.
-. ,rocesses of communication
$ real communication is when you
communicat the massa"e diarectly usin"
erbal communication. .imbolic expresion,
body lan"ua"e , ob/ect communication
clothin", hair style , arhitecture or symbols
and "raphin".
0. 1uman relations
#an be a different tipes of e2uality
superiority or inferiority. 3elation are
consider when are the same leel re"ardin"
the social status an there moral alues. 'he
relations superiority or inferiority employ a
different in social states alues, behaiour
standards. ,osition with in a business or
or"ani4ation. 'hese differences can be real
or supossed dipend a social or moral
condition of a person. For ex5 in business can
be is the position of "eneral mana"er in other
person can be an asistent so this is a relation
superiority, inferiotity with the company but
outside or"ani4ation the people hae a
relationship and e2uality.
6. #ultural diersity
In the "lobal market it is esential to
understand the benefits of cultural a earnes
and cultural diersity employs different
lan"ua"e. )ifferent tradition, diffrent
business cultural and social behaiour. For
ex5 In "lobal business it is important to
understand cultural diersity and its
7. 8lobali4ation and intercultural
implication, etnocentrism
'he belie that your one own race nation or
"roup is better then others.
9enocenturism5 eerythin" that is stain
:. 'he importance of ,3 in
#an be the interface in communication. 'he
,3 office communication the information to
thou"h media news paper, telewision, radio.
+ery institution has a ,3 office
representatie that a keeps a public in the
institutions actiities, policy, strate"y.
;. ,ublic discourse, erbal
nonerbal communication
Forms of communication can be erbal
communication or spoken word areas where
spoken word is used in ,3, press conferences
or interiews. 'he written word is used in
press releases copy writin". When writin" it
is ery important to look at and inte"rate the
cross c particulars of the tar"et audience.
,ublic discourse is another form of erb
wich emloyess both erbal and nonerbal
communication body lan"ua"e. In a public
discource it is important the appera"e the
way the speech in diliared the ordience on
the messa"e.
1<. Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal communication is exchan"e
of information between two or more people.
It is also an area of study. 3elated skills are
learned and can be improed. )urin"
interpersonal communication there is
sendin" and messa"e receiin". 'his can be
conducted usin" both direct and indirect
methods. .uccessful interpersonal
communication is when the messa"e senders
and the messa"e receiers understand the
)efins the relationship beetween the people.
$ "ood communication is benefition for the
partys enoid where as a bad communication
can hae a ne"atie on the relationship.
11. 1ow to catch atention in
In order to attract audience you should be is
enthusiastic your speech a smart and
proffesional and short you meet a creatie
use of lan"ua"e a "ood sens of humor and
another thin" is stron" oice "ood eye
contact and expressie body lan"ua"e. It is
also important to ask rhetorical "oods to
catch attention and you shout belieer to take
when in benefition.
1%. Importance of listenin"
In communication is ery important to be a
"ood lisener. =istenin" to your counterpart
you can find out work and "et more
information than use talkin". =istenin" skills
in communication are also important "lobal
business when you hae to consider cultural
diffrences. In some cultures lisenin" in more
important than talkin".
1*. 'he role of ,3 in the
communication in the company
: as ilyen
,3 is the mediator beetwen the company a
clients and costumiers.
1-. 'he importance of intercultural
Intercultural communication is of importance
to international as it examines how people
from different cultural beliefs and reli"ions
come to"ether to work as communication the
arth each other. )emands for intercultural
communication skills are increase as more
and more businesses "o "lobal or
international without the help of intercultural
communication they can unknowin"ly cause
confesion and misunderstandin"s. 'he basic
skills of intercultural con "aps utally "eneral
communication skills that can be used
uniersally by all cultures and races. $n
exemple of such communication skills int he
intercultural enorinment is to listen without
repeat what you understand confirm means
"ie su""estions and knowled"e mutual
10. #ultural transfer
In my oppinion in a "lobal world cultural
transfer is inertable. Workin" and
interaction with people diffrent culturals we
learn about new ways diffrent traditions life
style and with sometimes adapt that to denim
and cultural transfer happens naturally. For
ex5 in business communication with started
to use a "lobal lan"ua"e introducin" en"lish
business worlds.

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