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1. State and explain coulombs law.

2. Define electric field. Find an expression for the intensity of electric field at a point due to point of
3. What do you mean electric flux, and flux density?
4. State Gauss theorem in electrostatics.
5. State and Gauss theorem in electrostatics .Derive an expression for the electric field due to uniform
Charged sphere.
6. Use Gauss law to find the electric intensity at a point near an infinite plane sheet of charge.
7.Two positively charged particles ,each of mass 1.710
kg and carrying a charge of 1.610
are placed at a distance 0.117meters .Then find force acting between the two particles.
8.A thin spherical shell of metals has a radios of 0.25 meters and carries a charge of 0.2 micro
coulomb.caluculte the electric intensity at a point(1)Inside the shell (2)just outside the shell and(3)3.0
meters from center of the shell.
9. One coulomb of charge is given to a metallic sphere of radios 1 cm.Find the intensity of electric field.

1. Define magnetic induction.
2. Derive an expression for moving a charged particle in uniform electric field.
3. Write a note on Hall Effect.
4. Describe the cunstruction and working of Cyclotron.
5. Explain Hall Effect and its importance.
6. State and explain Biots and savarts law.
7. Give the expression for magnetic induction due to straight current carrying conductor.
8. Explain the magnetic induction due current carrying circular coil.
9. Explain Amperes law
10. Derive an expression for resonating frequency in LCR series resonant circuit.
11. State the Maxwells equations for static fields.
12.State Gauss law in magneto statics.
13.An infinitely long conductor carries a current of 10 mA.find the magnetic field at a point 10 cm away
From it
14.A long straight wire carries a current of 10 amp. An electron is travelling at 10 m/sec is 1 cm from the
wire. What force acts on the electron if the motion is directed (a) towards the wire (b) parallel to the
wire (c)at right angles to the direction given in (a) & (b).
15.A current of 1 amp .is flowing in circular coil of radius 10 cm and 20 turns. Calculate the magnetic
Induction at a distance 10 cm on the axis of the coil and at centre
16.In a cyclotron , the frequency applied to the dees is 8.6 mega cycles /sec.Caluculate the magnetic
field of induction required to accelerate the protons (mass of proton=1.7910

1. Define and explain Faradays laws.
3. Define and explain Lenzs laws.
4. Explain about motional e.m.f and transformer e.m.f.
5.Explain what is ment by Displacement current.
6.State the Maxwells equations for time varying magnetic fields.

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