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Phopy Chandradewi
English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Sciences Faculty,
Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

This final project research is case study. The aim of the study is analyze of Javanese
pronunciation interference in students speech English of the fifth semester of
Muhammadiyah university of Purworejo. The researcher to get the data recorded the
respondents speech used open questionnaire to know strategy to minimize students
interference. The sample of the study is ten respondents taken from class A on the fifth
semester. The groups are ten respondents and the researcher just focus analyzing
speech respondent in second group. The researcher used recording because participants
have differences topic speech and pronunciation. In collecting the data, the writer used
interview and open questionnaires. This research is a qualitative research, so it needs a
data analysis. By conducting this research, the writer finds that the interference of
Javanese pronunciation in speech such as: First, Vowel interference when the students
pronounce //, /u:/, /I/, /:/ and // vowel, for example : /blood/, /new/, /meal/, and
/bad/. Because they never found that vowel in Javanese pronunciation, so they
pronounce that vowel use short vowel like /u:/, /o/, and /a/. Second, Consonant
interference when the students pronounce plosive sounds especially /p/, /t/, and /k/ in
initial position. For example: /page /, /time/, and /knife. Third, Diphthong interference,
in Javanese pronunciation there are no diphthongs, this is the biggest problem of
Javanese students in pronouncing English words. For example : /make/, /save/, /learn/,
/island/, /write/, /go/, /date/, and /where/.
(Keywords: Javanese pronunciation, Interference language, Javanese Students, Speech)
A. Introduction
Language is very important in interaction of people around the world. People
have learned language since the children. Their first language that they learn is called
mother tongue. The process of learning the first language occurs naturally.
As one of language skills, speech competence in English subject is taught in
fifth semester students of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.
In a daily application, we will probably find similarities among languages.
English and Javanese are two languages which are different to each other. Due to the
difference of the origin and the culture in both languages, it makes the researcher
put his concern to analyse if the two languages are really alike. The researcher
focused on Javanese pronunciation. As we can find in Javanese language, it plays its
own rule which is interfered by the culture where this language grows. Different from
English, Javanese language, basically, has two stages of the use.
The researcher is really interested in the relationship between culture and
teaching learning process. Beside the students get confused to differentiate in
pronouncing English vowels and consonant, which are short sounds and which are
long sound, the writer thinks their Javanese pronunciation can interfere in Speech.
Seeing this fact the researcher is interested to conduct study on An Analysis of
Javanese Pronunciation Interference in Speech of the Fifth Semester English Students
of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo in the Academic Year 2012/2013.
B. Research Method
This study is case study. There are three groups in one class. However, the
researcher only focused analyzing ten respondents in second group.
This case study is conducted on Javanese pronunciations interference in
speech class of fifth semester English student in UMP in the academic year of
2012/2013. It means that the result of this study later can only be applied or only
relevant to the fifth semester English student of UMP in 2012/2013 and it cant be
generalized to other cases.. The objects of this study are the students who live in
Javanese family and know well Javanese culture. They are the ones who tend to
practice Javanese pronunciation makes a problem in speech. The subject of the study
is the English Department students of fifth-semester of Purworejo Muhammadiyah
University in Academic year 2012-2013. The researcher analyzed interference of
certain Javanese pronunciation in speech.
The researcher presents the process of the data collecting he has already done
in conducting her research. The process is as follows: (1) The researcher makes an
appointment with the respondents; (2) She records them; (3) The researcher notes
the points of the respondents speech in front of the class; (4) Next, in addition
when the researcher felt the answer was not enough, in order to support and
strengthen the previous answer, the researcher gone another question needed.
The researcher presents the process of data analysis she has already done in
conducting her research. The process is as follows: (1) The researcher described how
the respondents use English in speech; (2) She described the way how Javanese
pronunciations interfere in their speech; (3) She interpreted the data and correlated
it to the theory.
The researcher described how the respondents use English in speech. Then,
she described the way how Javanese pronunciation interferes in their speech. The
third, she interpreted the data and correlated it to the theory.
C. Finding and Discussion
The result of the Javanese interference in speech process especially on the
ability to speak orally. Among them think that Javanese is their habit, so they use
Javanese on their daily conversation, this habit affects in their English pronunciation,
so they get difficulty in speech. The researcher presents the result of the recorded
data of 10 respondents. They come from class A of the fifth semester English
Department of UMP in the academic year 2012/2013.
The students have difficulty pronouncing /i:/, /u:/, /:/, /:/, and //. They
couldnt pronounce the words correctly. This is because the students are unfamiliar
with these vowels. They couldnt find this vowel in Javanese pronunciation. And they
get difficulty to produce the sounds. But a few of students know that vowels, because
they know it from pronunciation subject that they studied before.
In pronouncing consonants respondents often get difficulty in plosive and
affricative sounds. In pronouncing plosive sounds /p/, /t/, /k/ in the initial positions,
they produce a voiced consonant. This happens because they never practice to
produce that sound. General, in pronouncing consonants the respondents couldnt
pronounce correctly, because there are differences between Javanese consonants
and English consonants.
Almost all of the respondents did not know about diphthongs. They never
find diphthongs in Javanese pronunciation, so when they pronounce diphthong they
often get difficulty, and their vocal cords couldnt produce that sound. They
unfamiliar with diphthong, this is a big problem of Javanese students in pronouncing
English words. But the researcher found that a few of respondents could pronounce
diphthong correctly, they could produce that sound because they know the theory
that the students had studied in Pronunciation subject before.
The students never use English in their daily conversation; they only use
Javanese in conversation. Javanese pronunciation interfere Javanese students in
pronouncing English words correctly, they need a lot of practice in pronouncing
English words.
There are some to ways minimize the interference of Javanese pronunciation
in speech: (1) studying harder they force themselves to be better in speech; (2) They
broaden their knowledge and try to overcome. By doing this, they have courage to
speech in their daily activity.
D. Conclusion
Vowel interference when the students pronounce //, /u:/, /I/, /:/ and //
vowel, for example : /blood/, /new/, /meal/, /prophet/, /work/, and /bad/. Because
they never found that vowel in Javanese pronunciation, so they pronounce that
vowel use short vowel like /u/, /o/, and /a/. Consonant interference when the
students pronounce plosive sounds especially /p/, /t/, and /k/ in initial position. For
example: /page /, /time/, and /knife. Diphthong interference, in Javanese
pronunciation there are no diphthongs, this is the biggest problem of Javanese
students in pronouncing English words. For example: /make/, /save/, /learn/,
/island/, /write/, /go/, /date/, and /where/.
The way to minimize the interference of Javanese students in pronouncing
English words in the second semester of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo,
the first is watching English movies. Second is listening English music, and reading
books, learning a vocabulary to improve their pronunciation. And the last is practicing
with their friends in class or outside.

E. Refference
Abdullah, Wakit. 2007. Baahasa Jawa Kuna: Sejarah, Struktur, dan Leksikonnya.
Jurusan Sastra Daerah Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa Universitas sebelas
Maret Surakarta.
Arikunto, Suharsini. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta:
Rineka Cipta
Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Teaching by principles. New York: Longman
Kelly, Gerald. 2001. How to Teach Pronunciation. Bluestone Press Charlbury,
Oxfordshire UK
Kreidler, W. Charles. 2004. The Pronunciation of English. Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Ramelan, 1994. English Phonetics. IKIP Semarang Press
Rod Ellis. 1986. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford
University Press


Judul Artikel : An Analysis of Javanese Pronunciation Interference in Speech
of the Fifth Semester English Student of Muhammadiyah
University of Purworejo in the Academic Year 2012/2013
Nama Penyusun : Phopy Chandradewi
NIM : 082120158
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah

Telah memenuhi syarat untuk diunggah ke e-journal.

Purworejo, 30 Maret 2013

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd
NBM 87708


Judul Artikel : An Analysism of Javanese Pronunciation Interference in Speech
of the Fifth Semester English Student of Muhammadiyah
University of Purworejo in the Academic Year 2012/2013
Nama Penyusun : Phopy Chandradewi
NIM : 082120158
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah

Telah memenuhi syarat untuk diunggah ke e-journal.

30 Maret

S.S M.Pd

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