Middletown Area School Board Meeting Minutes - April 28, 2014

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-01223 42567 !889:;<
+=6:3 >?@ >ABC DEAA =FGF
!8GI86J :; 5998;75;08 K868E Mlke Corradl, newLon uavls, Cordon Llnhorn, Melvln lager,
1erry Cllman, uavld !ohn, 8arbara Layne, amela rlce, and Mlchael 8lchards.

!8GI86J ;29 :; 5998;75;08 K868E none.

-95LLMNOI3:0 :; 5998;75;08 K868E ur. Lorl Suskl, SuperlnLendenL of Schools, ChrlsLlne MosLoller,
AsslsLanL Lo Lhe SuperlnLendenL for Currlculum, lnsLrucLlon, and AssessmenL, uavld lranklln,
AsslsLanL Lo Lhe SuperlnLendenL for llnance and CperaLlons/8oard SecreLary, !ody Zorbaugh,
CommunlcaLlons SpeclallsL/8ecordlng SecreLary, !osh 8leecher, CompuLer 1echnlclan, Peldl
Zula, ulrecLor of Puman 8esources, kevln Cook, MAMS rlnclpal, Chrls SaLLele, MAMS AsslsLanL
rlnclpal, !eremy klng, MAPS AsslsLanL rlnclpal and ALhleLlc ulrecLor, !ohn 8rougher, ulrecLor
of 1echnology, uarren ulCello, 1revor uavls, !odl Sessa, Lmlly krelder, 8ob SLlLL, Suzanne
8ologa, ulsLrlcL rofesslonal SLaff, uagen Pughes, !lmmy llLzpaLrlck, ChrlsLlna 8rlnLon, Llsa and
!eremy Shaver, !lm, Cheryl and Courtney OHara, Brendan arkhlll, 8ob, aula, uavld and !osh
Alcock, 8lll Alcock, 8rlan, klmberly, Morgan kennedy and famlly, 8ob, !ulle, Mackenzle and
keely Lombardl, MlLch, uebble and !acob Spear, !ordan SmlLh, Cregg Sulllvan, 8ene and
SamanLha 8omberger, Chrls, 8eLsy and Zac CaLes, Mark and kaLhy Shlpkowskl, Cwen MarLz,
uawn 1empleLon, 8rlan, Lorl, Andrew and noah ?elch, 8oseann ?elch, ken and !oyce kleffer,
Ldward and Clenda Mlller, Marlln and !udy 8lesecker, 8oberL SouLhard, !oseph SouLhard, Alden
Sessa, 8owan Sessa, lyush, ulmple and Aayushl aLel, lnLeresLed SLudenLs and ClLlzens, and
hyllls Zlmmerman and noelle 8arreLL, 8eporLers.

.533 92 '6786 Ms. Layne called Lhe meeLlng Lo order and asked Lhose presenL Lo
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe ledge of Alleglance and a momenL of sllenL medlLaLlon.

Ms. Layne reporLed LhaL Lhe School 8oard meL ln LxecuLlve Sesslon on
March 29, 2014 for a board Lralnlng conference.
,233 .533 Ms. Layne asked Lhe SecreLary, uavld lranklln, Lo call Lhe roll. A quorum
was presenL as noLed above.
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-9O78;9 .2O;0:3E ur. Suskl lnLroduced uagen Pughes and !lmmy
llLzpaLrlck. 1he sLudenLs reporLed on Lhe acLlvlLles of SLudenL Councll.

P8Q .3OIE ur. Suskl lnLroduced ChrlsLlna 8rlnLon and Mackenzle Lombardl.

1he sLudenLs reporLed on Lhe acLlvlLles of key Club.
,802<;:9:2;J ur. Suskl lnLroduced Courtney OHara as Lhe SLudenL of Lhe MonLh for
Aprll and !eremy Shaver as Lhe 8oLary SLudenL of Lhe MonLh for Aprll.
CourLney selecLed Ms. Suzanne 8ologa as Lhe sLaff member who had mosL
lnfluenced her school career and !eremy selecLed Mr. 8ob SLlLL as Lhe
educaLor who had mosL lnfluenced hls school career. 1he sLudenLs and
educaLors came forward Lo be congraLulaLed by Lhe 8oard members.

Mr. kevln Cook and Mr. Chrls SaLLele presenLed Lhe 2013-2014
CuLsLandlng MAMS SLudenLs of Lhe ?ear and spoke of Lhelr achlevemenLs:
uavld Alcock, Morgan kennedy, keely Lombardl, and !acob Spear. 1he
sLudenLs came forward Lo be congraLulaLed by Lhe 8oard members.

Mr. 1revor uavls presenLed Lhe CaplLal Area Sclence and Lnglneerlng lalr
wlnners: Aayushl aLel, Alden Sessa, !acob Spear, and noah ?elch. 1he
sLudenLs came forward Lo be congraLulaLed by Lhe 8oard members.

Mrs. !odl Sessa presenLed Lhe Amerlcan Leglon Lssay ConLesL wlnners:
Anna 8ufflngLon, Sara ulnLlman, !ordyn uupes, Chloe Lrb, naLe klnsey
(advanced Lo dlsLrlcLs and sLaLes), Alex Monrolg, SamanLha 8omberger
(advanced Lo dlsLrlcLs), Alden Sessa, 8owan Sessa, 8oberL SouLhard
(advanced Lo dlsLrlcLs), Creggory Sulllvan (advanced Lo dlsLrlcLs), Cabrlel
Wlsnlewskl, and Andrew ?elch. 1he sLudenLs LhaL were presenL came
forward Lo be congraLulaLed by Lhe 8oard members.

Ms. Lmlly krelder recognlzed Creggory Sulllvan and sald LhaL he was
elecLed A LdlLor ln Chlef for Lhe 2013 ?ouLh & CovernmenL Conference.
Creggory came forward Lo be congraLulaLed by Lhe 8oard members.
N68J8;959:2; Mr. !ohn 8rougher and Mr. uarren ulCello presenLed a progress reporL on
Lhe sLudenL lad lnlLlaLlve. 1hey began Lhelr presenLaLlon by playlng an
lnformaLlve vldeo explalnlng how Lhe use of lads has been lnsLrumenLal
ln Lhe educaLlonal process aL MAMS Lhls year. SLaff members and Lhe
sLudenLs recognlzed earller ln Lhe evenlng were hlghllghLed ln Lhe vldeo.
1hen, Mr. 8rougher explalned Lhe Llmellne of Lhe lad pro[ecL from lLs
lncepLlon ln Lhe lall of 2012 Lo Lhe currenL sLage of preparlng for Lhe lad
launch aL Lhe hlgh school for Lhe 2014-2013 school year. Mr. 8rougher
noLed LhaL an lnvesLmenL ln Lralnlng lncludlng sLaff Lralnlng on
Mac8ooks and lads, sLudenL Lralnlng, parenL Lralnlng, and ongolng
Leacher Lralnlng has been lnsLrumenLal Lo Lhe success of Lhe pro[ecL.
Mr. 8rougher descrlbed Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe lads aL Lhe varlous levels.
Mr. ulCello shared how lads have dlrecLly lnfluenced Lhe educaLlonal
process for Leachers, sLudenLs and parenLs. Mr. ulCello sald LhaL Leachers

are uLlllzlng lads Lo enhance lnsLrucLlon, Lrack sLudenL progress,
sLreamllne assessmenL, and communlcaLe wlLh parenLs. Mr. ulCello
explalned how the iPads Anytime/Anywhere student-cenLered learnlng
approach has lncreased sLudenL parLlclpaLlon, lmproved organlzaLlonal
skllls and fosLered creaLlvlLy.

ur. Suskl Lhanked Mr. 8rougher and Mr. ulCello for Lhelr dedlcaLlon Lo Lhls
pro[ecL and expressed appreclaLlon for Lhelr Llme and efforLs.
NOI3:0 .2GG8;9 uawn 1empleLon, 10 Woodland Ave, compllmenLed Mr. 8rougher and Mr.
ulCello on Lhelr presenLaLlon. Ms. 1empleLon sald she appreclaLed LhaL
Lhey lncluded muslc ln Lhelr presenLaLlon. Ms. 1empleLon Lhanked Lhe
School 8oard for allowlng Lhe Plgh School chorus Lo perform ln lLLsburgh
Lhls pasL weekend. Ms. 1empleLon sald Lhe Plgh School muslc program
has been an enormous success under Lhe dlrecLlon of Mr. SLeve SmlLh.
Ms. 1empleLon sald LhaL she belleved Ms. 8ebecca MarLz dld an lncredlble
[ob overseelng Lhe 89 sLudenLs on Lhe Lrlp due Lo Lhe reslgnaLlon of Mr.
SmlLh. Ms. 1empleLon compllmenLed Ms. MarLz on her ablllLy Lo
coordlnaLe wlLh evenL sLaff, deal wlLh parenLs, communlcaLe wlLh Lhe
admlnlsLraLlon, and oversee Lhe volunLeers and chaperones whlle earnlng
Lhe respecL of Lhe sLudenLs. Ms. 1empleLon sald LhaL she recommends
Ms. MarLz for Lhe choral dlrecLor poslLlon aL Lhe Plgh School. Ms.
1empleLon lmplored Lhe school board Lo conLlnue Lo lnvesL ln Lhe muslc
program because of Lhe beneflLs of muslc ln educaLlon.
Secretarys Report
!:;O98J Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. !ohn seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
mlnuLes of Lhe Aprll 13, 2014 School 8oard MeeLlng. 1he voLe Lo approve
Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.
.2GGO;:059:2;J Mr. lranklln sald Lhe 8oard CommlLLee Calendar for May 2014 was
aLLached Lo Lhe agenda and LhaL changes Lo prevlously scheduled nlghLs
and Llmes were ln red.
Treasurers Report Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
Treasurers Report for March 2014. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was
9 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8
4:33 $:J9J Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
R$:J9 2L N5:7 4:33JR wlLh LoLals by fund, as deLalled. 1he voLe Lo approve
Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8
lund 10 - Ceneral lund $369,624.32
lund 32 - CaplLal 8eserve lund $70,099.40
lund 39 - CaplLal ro[ecLs lund $0

lund 31 - lood Servlce lund $83.83
lund 39 - WMSS 8adlo SLaLlon lund $832.13
lund 72 - Lxpendable 1rusL lund $0
lund 74 - nonexpendable 1rusL lund $0
lund 81 - SLudenL AcLlvlLles lund $3,792.84

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Ms. rlce seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe R$:J9
2L H;=5:7 4:33JR wlLh LoLals by fund, as deLalled. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 9 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8
lund 10 - Ceneral lund $1,073,338.73
lund 32 - CaplLal 8eserve lund $131,042.44
lund 39 - CaplLal ro[ecLs lund $0
lund 31 - lood Servlce lund $127,370.40
lund 39 - WMSS 8adlo SLaLlon lund $3,990.44
lund 72 - Lxpendable 1rusL lund $0
lund 74 - nonexpendable 1rusL lund $0
lund 81 - SLudenL AcLlvlLles lund $11,339.94
'37 4OJ:;8JJ none
5(1&-7)( 5++1)$0
9%77)##-- :-;%$#
Ms. amela rlce reporLed for Lhe Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee.



1he MlnuLes from Lhe Aprll 8, 2014 Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee MeeLlng
were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
employmenL of Lhe lndlvlduals llsLed below. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 9 Lo 0.
1. !usLln SmlLh as LlemenLary Sclence ueparLmenL Chalr for Lhe 2014-
2013 school year aL a sLlpend of $1,730
2. SLephanle Molnar as LlemenLary klndergarLen Chalr for Lhe 2014-2013
school year aL a sLlpend of $330

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve revlslons Lo
Lhe MaLhemaLlcs currlculum for Lhe elemenLary schools and mlddle
school as presenLed Lo Lhe Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee on Aprll 8, 2014
for lmplemenLaLlon ln Lhe 2014-2013 school year. 1he voLe Lo approve
Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo adopL Lhe
Clencoe MaLhemaLlcs program for Lhe mlddle school and approve lLs
purchase aL an approxlmaLe cosL of $40,000. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

!8G265;7OGJ 2L

S:837 &6:=J


-01223 .538;756

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. uavls seconded a moLlon Lo adopL earson's
Lnvlslon MaLhemaLlcs program for Lhe elemenLary schools and approve
lLs purchase aL an approxlmaLe cosL of $133,000. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. Llnhorn seconded a moLlon Lo approve a
Memorandum of undersLandlng wlLh seven oLher member dlsLrlcLs Lo
form Lhe uauphln CounLy Cnllne ConsorLlum. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve a
Memorandum of undersLandlng and 8uslness AssoclaLe AgreemenL wlLh
ennsylvanla Counsellng Servlces, lnc. for lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe Lruancy
lnLervenLlon "Check & ConnecL" model aL Lhe ulsLrlcL, sub[ecL Lo revlew by
Lhe ulsLrlcL sollclLor. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. uavls seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
followlng fleld Lrlps. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.
1. SlxLeen 7Lh graders Lo aLLend Lhe ennsylvanla SLaLe Sclence Clymplad
CompeLlLlon aL !unlaLa College on May 2, 2014 wlLh a ulsLrlcL van and
subsLlLuLe Leachers as Lhe only cosL provlded by Lhe ulsLrlcL.
2. LlghL ArchlLecLure course sLudenLs Lo lalllngwaLer ln Mlll 8un, A on
May 21, 2014 wlLh a ulsLrlcL van and subsLlLuLe Leacher as Lhe only
cosL provlded by Lhe ulsLrlcL.

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. !ohn seconded a moLlon Lo walve ollcy
#003 requlrlng a flrsL readlng and adopL Lhe revlslons Lo ollcy #220
(SLudenL Lxpresslon/osLlng and ulsLrlbuLlon of MaLerlal). 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve an open
campus envlronmenL aL Lhe hlgh school from May 30, 2014 Lhrough !une
3, 2014 for senlors and !une 3, 2014 Lhrough !une 3, 2014 for
underclassmen Lo admlnlsLer flnal exams. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon
was 9 Lo 0.

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve an early
dlsmlssal for sLudenLs on Lhe lasL day of school, lrlday, !une 6, 2014. 1he
voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.
9%77)##-- :-;%$#
Mr. uavld !ohn reporLed for Lhe ersonnel CommlLLee.



.15;<8 2L

1he MlnuLes from Lhe Aprll 8, 2014 ersonnel CommlLLee MeeLlng were
made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. !ohn moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
reslgnaLlon of !ennlfer Slnger, PealLh 8oom nurse, effecLlve March 28,
2014. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Mr. !ohn moved and Mr. Llnhorn seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
change of employmenL sLaLus for Lhe lndlvldual llsLed below. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.
1. Lorralne AlLland from a SubsLlLuLe nurse Lo a Long-1erm SubsLlLuLe
PealLh 8oom nurse aL an hourly raLe of $18.66 Lo flll a vacancy creaLed
by Lhe reslgnaLlon of aula Sembach from AugusL 26, 2013 Lhrough
CcLober 4, 2013.
2. Lorralne AlLland from a Long-1erm SubsLlLuLe PealLh 8oom nurse Lo a
lull-1lme PealLh 8oom nurse (SupporL SLaff, 8ange 2) aL an hourly raLe
of $18.66 Lo flll a vacancy creaLed by Lhe reslgnaLlon of !ennlfer Slnger
effecLlve Aprll 9, 2014.

Mr. !ohn moved and Mr. uavls seconded a moLlon Lo approve an
agreemenL wlLh lronLllne 1echnologles, lnc. Lo provlde an auLomaLed
Llme and aLLendance sysLem aL an esLlmaLed annual cosL of $4,300
and one-Llme lmplemenLaLlon cosL of $3,000. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Mr. !ohn moved and Ms. rlce seconded a moLlon Lo approve an
agreemenL wlLh lnfoSnap, lnc. Lo provlde auLomaLed sLaff reglsLraLlon
servlces aL an esLlmaLed annual cosL of $4,330 and a one-
Llme lmplemenLaLlon cosL of $2,173. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was
9 Lo 0.
9%77)##-- :-;%$#
Mr. Mlchael 8lchards reporLed for Lhe CperaLlons CommlLLee.

HJ8 2L S50:3:9:8J

1he MlnuLes from Lhe Aprll 10, 2014 CperaLlons CommlLLee MeeLlng were
made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. Llnhorn seconded a moLlon Lo add Lhe
MlddleLown PlsLorlcal SocleLy Lo Lhe faclllLy usage caLegory llsL for Lhe
2013-2014 school year as a caLegory 4 organlzaLlon. 1he voLe Lo approve
Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe use
of faclllLles on Lhe llsLlng aLLached Lo Lhe agenda. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe

moLlon was 9 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo adverLlse
aLhleLlc flelds / grounds malnLenance and supplles for bld for Lhe 2014-
2013 school year. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.
9%77)##-- :-;%$#
Mr. 1erry Cllman reporLed for Lhe ALhleLlcs/AcLlvlLles CommlLLee.


S:837 &6:=J

1he MlnuLes from Lhe Aprll 10, 2014 ALhleLlcs/AcLlvlLles CommlLLee
MeeLlng were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. Cllman moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
reslgnaLlon of Lmlly krelder as Lhe AsslsLanL !unlor Plgh 1rack and lleld
Coach effecLlve Aprll 10, 2014. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Mr. Cllman moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve slx
sLudenLs and one chaperone Lo aLLend a sLudenL leadershlp conference aL
enn SLaLe Parrlsburg on May 6, 2014 aL a ulsLrlcL cosL of $33 per person.
1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Mr. Cllman moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve uavld
8rodlsh as a volunLeer 8oys Soccer Coach for Lhe 2014-2013 school year,
pendlng submlsslon of all requlred clearances. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 9 Lo 0.
9%77)##-- :-;%$#
Mr. Cordon Llnhorn reporLed for Lhe llnance CommlLLee.

,8TO8J9J L26


1he MlnuLes from Lhe Aprll 13, 2014 llnance CommlLLee MeeLlng were
made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. !ohn seconded a moLlon Lo award Lhe food
servlce managemenL conLracL Lo 1he nuLrlLlon Croup for Lhe 2014-2013
school year as recommended by Lhe 8l revlew commlLLee. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Ms. rlce seconded a moLlon Lo appolnL Wlllls of
ennsylvanla as Lhe properLy and casualLy lnsurance broker Lo Lhe ulsLrlcL
for Lhe 2014-2013 school year aL Lhe sLandard commlsslon formula of Lhe
carrlers wlLh no addlLlonal compensaLlon belng pald by Lhe ulsLrlcL. 1he
voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo renew an


agreemenL wlLh 8ellance CommunlcaLlons, lnc. Lo provlde on-llne
communlcaLlons sofLware durlng Lhe 2014-2013 school year aL a cosL of
$4,790.10. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo renew a
conLracL wlLh ur. Andrew Welkle Lo serve as Lhe ulsLrlcL's denLlsL for Lhe
2014-2013 school year aL a raLe of $16.66 per sLudenL screenlng and
$12.01 per hour for denLal asslsLanLs. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was
9 Lo 0.
)8K 4OJ:;8JJ
5(1&-7)( 5++1)$0
Ms. rlce read Lhe aLLached resoluLlon concernlng 1eacher AppreclaLlon
Week. Ms. rlce moved and Mr. !ohn seconded a moLlon Lo adopL
a resoluLlon Lo proclalm May 3 - 9, 2014 as 1eacher AppreclaLlon Week
and exLend Lhe graLlLude of Lhe 8oard of School ulrecLors Lo our Leachers
for Lhelr dedlcaLed servlce. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.
34-- 5##1(67-"#8
Mr. !ohn moved and Mr. Llnhorn seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
reLlremenLs of Lhe lndlvlduals llsLed below. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 9 Lo 0.
1. Marle oland, PealLh 8oom nurse, effecLlve !une 6, 2014
2. !ody koenecke, 1eacher, effecLlve !une 30, 2014
Mr. Cllman moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve
uanlel McClone as a volunLeer 8oys Soccer Coach for Lhe 2014-2013
school year, pendlng submlsslon of all requlred clearances. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0.
.5=:953 +685
";986G87:598 H;:9
Ms. Layne had noLhlng Lo reporL.
#5O=1:; .2O;9Q
&801;:053 -01223
newLon uavls polnLed ouL Lhe aLLached uauphln CounLy 1echnlcal School
8lasL newsleLLer.
#5O=1:; .2O;9Q
&5U .233809:2;
Mr. lranklln had noLhlng Lo reporL.
/566:JIO6< +685
Ms. Layne had noLhlng Lo reporL.

'3GJ987 ,8<:2;53
,806859:2; 42567
Ms. Layne had noLhlng Lo reporL.
N-4+ $:5:J2; Mr. !ohn sald LhaL bllls have been proposed for a new fundlng formula for
speclal educaLlon wlLh Lhree Llers. Mr. !ohn sald LhaL Lhls formula sLarLs
Lo recognlze Lhe acLual cosLs lncurred by ulsLrlcLs Lo provlde speclal
educaLlon servlces. Mr. !ohn noLed LhaL Lhe formula only relaLes Lo new
fundlng. Mr. !ohn sald LhaL charLer and cyber charLer schools are upseL
wlLh Lhe new fundlng formula. Mr. !ohn sald LhaL Lhe new formula would
help school dlsLrlcL budgeLs and hoped LhaL Lhe leglslaLlon would be
adopLed before Lhe end of !une.
ur. Suskl exLended sympaLhles Lo Lhe famllles of Lwo MASu reLlred
educaLors: uolores 8lmle who served as a PealLh & hyslcal LducaLlon
Leacher for 39 years aL MAPS and klLLy llLzpaLrlck who served as a 4Lh
grade Leacher aL kunkel. ur. Suskl also exLended sympaLhy Lo former
school board member, !ay 8urns, on Lhe recenL passlng of hls wlfe. ur.
Suskl announced LhaL Lhe admlnlsLraLlon recelved noLlflcaLlon on SaLurday
LhaL 8lll Melser had safely arrlved aL hls deploymenL desLlnaLlon ln Lhe
Mlddle LasL. ur. Suskl congraLulaLed Lhe MAPS Lennls Leam on Lhelr 11Lh
vlcLory lasL week and wlshed Lrlc 8elles and Parry kapensLeln luck ln Lhe
ulsLrlcL lll uoubles on May 9. ur. Suskl announced LhaL Lhe ulsLrlcL was
noLlfled LhaL Lhe Make A Wlsh loundaLlon has granLed Lhe wlsh of a
kunkel LlemenLary sLudenL Lo go Lo ulsney World. ur. Suskl sald LhaL Lhe
sLory was feaLured on lox 43 news and C8S 21 news lasL week. ur. Suskl
remlnded Lhose presenL of Lhe followlng upcomlng evenLs: 1hursday, May
1 MAMS Sprlng Choral ConcerL aL 7:00 p.m., lrlday, May 2 MAPS mlnl-
1PCn, 3:00 - 11:00 p.m., 1uesday, May 6 MAPS Sprlng 8and ConcerL aL
7:00 p.m., 1hursday, May 8 MAMS Sprlng 8and ConcerL aL 7:00 p.m.,
and 1hursday, May 13 MAPS Sprlng Choral ConcerL aL 7:00 p.m. ur.
Suskl noLed LhaL MAPS sLudenLs have seL a goal Lo ralse $20,000 aL Lhe
mlnl-1PCn Lo ald ln Lhe flghL Lo cure pedlaLrlc cancer. ur. Suskl
announced LhaL schools across Amerlca wlll celebraLe 1eacher
AppreclaLlon Week nexL week. ur. Suskl sald LhaL Lhe ulsLrlcL ls blessed Lo
have a team of high quality educators who are dedicated to the Districts
sLudenLs and Lo Lhe professlon as a whole. ur. Suskl sald LhaL as a Lhank
you Lo Lhe sLaff Lhe ulsLrlcL wlll be provldlng luncheons aL each bulldlng
nexL week compllmenLs of Lhe nuLrlLlon Croup. ur. Suskl Lhanked Lhe
8oard in advance for helping to recognize the hard work of the Districts
educaLlonal professlonals and supporL sLaff.
,2O;795I38 Mr. Cllman congraLulaLed sLudenLs and coaches and Lhanked Mr.

8rougher and Mr. ulCello for Lhelr presenLaLlon.

Ms. rlce appreclaLed Lhe greaL recognlLlons and presenLaLlons LhaL
remlnd us why we do whaL we do. Ms. rlce Lhanked Mr. 8rougher and
Mr. ulCello for Lhelr presenLaLlon and Lhanked Lhe Leachers of Lhe ulsLrlcL
for Lhelr hard work.

Mr. uavls Lhanked Mr. Cook and Mr. SaLLele for feaLurlng Lhe MAMS
sLudenLs, congraLulaLed all Lhe sLudenLs who were recognlzed, Lhanked
Mr. 8rougher and Mr. ulCello for Lhe lnformaLlve presenLaLlon and
congraLulaLed Lhe nuLrlLlon Croup on Lhelr selection as the Districts food
servlce managemenL company.

Mr. 8lchards agreed wlLh everyone and sald lL was nlce Lo see a full room
Lo celebraLe all Lhe poslLlve Lhlngs LhaL are happenlng LhaL beneflL Lhe
educaLlon of our sLudenLs.

Mr. lager agreed wlLh hls colleagues and sald LhaL he llked LhaL four
MAMS sLudenLs were honored lnsLead of [usL Lhe usual Lwo. Mr. lager
sald LhaL we have Lhe besL sLaff. Mr. lager sald LhaL he ls glad LhaL Lhe
nuLrlLlon Croup was appolnLed agaln and compllmenLed Lhem on Lhelr
food program.

Mr. Corradl Lhanked all Lhe sLudenLs and congraLulaLed Lhem. Mr. Corradl
sald lL was nlce Lo see a full room. Mr. Corradl Lhanked Mr. 8rougher and
Mr. ulCello for Lhelr presenLaLlon. Mr. Corradl expressed appreclaLlon for
Lhe teachers and said he cant Lhank Lhem enough for maklng MASu Lhe
besL school dlsLrlcL ln Lhe area.

Mr. Llnhorn echoed Lhe commenLs of hls colleagues. Mr. Llnhorn also
Lhanked Mr. 8rougher and Mr. ulCello for Lhelr presenLaLlon.

Mr. !ohn congraLulaLed Lhe nuLrlLlon Croup and echoed Ms. 1empleLons
commenLs abouL Lhe choral Lrlp Lo lLLsburgh. Mr. !ohn sald LhaL Lhe
sLudenLs recelved experL advlce from professors and he noLed LhaL we
have many LalenLed sLudenL muslclans. Mr. !ohn sald LhaL Ms. MarLz dld a
fabulous [ob leadlng Lhe evenL and lL was a greaL Lrlp for everyone.

Ms. Layne echoed her colleagues. Ms. Layne acknowledged Lhe work of
Lhe Leachers and sald we would noL have a room full of sLudenLs LonlghL lf
it werent for Lhe Leachers. Ms. Layne commenLed on Lhe role LhaL
parenLs play ln Lhe success of Lhe sLudenLs. Ms. Layne sald LhaL she was
lmpressed by Lhe LalenL of Lhe Mr. MlddleLown conLesLanLs who ralsed

$2,400 for mlnl-1PCn.
+7V2O6;G8;9 Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo ad[ourn. 1he
voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 9 Lo 0. 1he meeLlng ad[ourned aL 8:33


uavld A. lranklln, 8oard SecreLary

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