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Customer Relationship Management

Follow Up Boss
Lead Categorization and Metrics

1 | P a g e
3 Columbus Circle 15
Floor New York NY 10019 | 877 311 6549
The following definitions are agreed upon as to how leads will be categorized in the
Locate lead management tool, Follow Up Boss (FOB).
1. Leads Leads are the beginning of revenue for Locate and critical to our
business model. They are qualified by the operations and call center teams.
Leads must be responded to immediately and can arrive in a number of
Registered users on the Locate website that are automatically
forwarded to FOB into the lead smart list,
Individuals who requested information on the Locate website that are
automatically forwarded to FOB into the lead smart list,
Potential customers that called into call center and an automated
email is automatically forwarded to FOB into the lead smart list,
Personal contacts and referrals from team members that are manually
entered into FOB into the lead smart list.
2. Contacts Contacts in FOB are an accumulation of all leads that enter the
system and can be viewed under the All People smart list. Leads that enter
FOB that are not actionable should immediately be tagged as a contact.
All leads are contacts
Associates, colleagues and all parties with general interest the register
with Locate are tagged as a contact
3. Buyer a qualified customer who is activity working with a sales agent to
view property for purchase.
Working with a Locate sales agent or Locate certified sales agent in
the broker network.
Actively visiting properties
Pre-qualified for a mortgage

Customer Relationship Management
Follow Up Boss
Lead Categorization and Metrics

2 | P a g e
3 Columbus Circle 15
Floor New York NY 10019 | 877 311 6549
4. Renter a qualified customer who is activity working with a sales agent to
view property for rent.
Working with a Locate sales agent or Locate certified sales agent in
the broker network.
Actively visiting properties
5. Pending signed contract
6. Closed Closed real estate transactions

Customer Relationship Management
Follow Up Boss
Lead Categorization and Metrics

3 | P a g e
3 Columbus Circle 15
Floor New York NY 10019 | 877 311 6549

The lead specific metrics are managed in the Follow Up Boss lead management tool
through the main Dashboard. Operations/ will managed this daily, 7 days a week.
1. Unactioned Leads
Goal: ZERO. There should simply never be an unactioned lead. It is
better to make some initial contact than leave the let the lead age.
2. Contacted
Goal: 100%. Every lead should be contacted and qualified.
3. Speed to Action
Goal: 7 minutes is the industry recommendation

Customer Relationship Management
Follow Up Boss
Lead Categorization and Metrics

4 | P a g e
3 Columbus Circle 15
Floor New York NY 10019 | 877 311 6549
All referrals to all brokers will be tagged as Referrals.
Example Tag Sets:
I. Referral Tags
- Referral
o Broker_BershireHathaway
Agent_Grace Millstein
o Zip_07940
II. Closing Tags
- 2014 June
- 2014 July
- 2014 August
- 2014 September
- 2014 October
- 2014 November
- 2014 December

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