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Pacifism, opposition to war and other violence, expressed either in an organized political movement
or as an individual ideology. Pacifism varies from a form that is absolute and doctrinal to a relative and more
practical form. Absolute pacifists are against all wars and against violence in any form whatsoever; relative
pacifists are selective of the wars and violence they oppose. Most absolute pacifists stress the immorality of
the taking of one persons life by another person. !he philosophy of pacifism has been propounded
throughout history on grounds of morality, divine will, or economic and social utility; the term itself,
however, did not become popular until early in the "#th century.
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$n attempting to prevent war, pacifists must achieve four principal goals. A climate of feeling
favorable to peace must be established; the potential causes of conflict, inherent in such factors as economic
competition, the +uest for power, and fear of foreign domination, must be eliminated or minimized; means
for the settlement of disputes must be provided, as in mediation, arbitration, and trial procedures; and,
finally, ways must be found to ensure observance of the settlements that are made. 'everal distinctive
approaches to achieving these goals have been advanced.
Corpuri pentru pace
Peace %orps, ,nited 'tates agency created to promote world peace and friendship by training
American volunteers to perform social and humanitarian service overseas. )riginally an agency of the
,nited 'tates -epartment of 'tate, it was created by executive order in ./0., and made an independent
agency of the ,nited 'tates government in ./1.. !he volunteers help communities in developing countries
improve their social and economic conditions. 2ach volunteer serves for a "3year term. !he organization has
its national head+uarters in 4ashington, -.%.
5e+uirements for a Peace %orps volunteer are that he or she be a ,.'. citizen, be at least .1 years of age, and
have not more than two dependents under the age of .1. 6olunteers work or teach in rural and urban
communities. !hey are involved in pro7ects ranging from health to education to agriculture. About 8##
different 7ob skills are utilized in the corps. $n the .//#s volunteers were working in more than .## countries
throughout Africa, *atin America, the Mediterranean, Asia, 2astern and %entral 2urope, and the Pacific.
!he Peace %orps recognizes that the work of the volunteers should help satisfy the most pressing needs of
developing countries. &or example, in most developing countries, where 19 percent of the people work on
the land, Peace %orps programming has shifted from education to agriculture and related rural programs.
$n .//9 the Peace %orps branched out from its previous focus on long3term development pro7ects and 7oined
the $nternational 5escue %ommittee :$5%; in working with refugees and displaced persons. !he Peace %orps
concentrated on giving refugees useful, life3long skills such as farming techni+ues and information about
preserving the environment. !he two agencies have worked in refugee camps in !anzania, 5wanda, and
!he Peace %orps also operates domestic programs. !he Peace %orps &ellows=,'A program helps returned
volunteers arrange for scholarships for masters degree programs while they work or teach in public health or
community development. $n the Peace %orps 4orld 4ise 'chools, volunteers speak in schools, sharing their
experiences with American students.

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