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--- Legend Release Notes ---

Date prepared: 08/05/2014

Prepared by: Ashley Smith

Release No: 10.9.9 Feature Pack 16
Application Name: Legend Suite

10.9.9 Feature Pack 16 New Features

Front Of House
1. Ref TM#133150//TFS#10031 Option to Exclude Credit Notes from Cash Lift receipt
Change: The option to exclude credit notes from the cash lift receipt has been added. This is a database only setting,
if you would like this setting updated please log a ticket with Legend Support.
Membership Management
1. Ref TM#10622 Allow online account linking, unlinking and password reset from MM
Change: It is now possible to check whether a member has linked their account online, and link, unlink or send a
password reset. This is accessed through the Online Admin option in the Special Menu. When clicking Reset
Password the user will see a pop up with the members new password:

Please note the member will NOT receive an email with this password.
1. Ref TFS#9556 Changes to Recurrence Tab in Reservation screen
Change: The Recurrence Daily option previously defaulted to Every 1 day(s) and End after 7 occurrence(s). This
will now default to Every 7 day(s) and End after 10 occurrence(s).
2. Ref TFS#10161 Raising event on members account when an activity start time is amended
Change: An event will be raised in Membership Management when an activity the member is booked on to has its
start time changed.

1. Ref TFS#10629 Online Course Links Report
Change: A new report, Online Course Links, has been added under Standard :>> Bookings >> Course Reports. The
default columns for this report are Club Name, Course Name, Course Start and End dates, Main and Sub Categories,
External Course ID and the Course Status.
2. Ref TFS#10626 Member Booking Number Report
Change: A new report, Member Booking Number, has been added under Standard >> Bookings. This will show the
number of bookings made in a given range broken down by member. The default columns for this report are
Member Number, First Name, Last Name, Email, Club Name, Status, Start Date, Agreement, Agreement Price, Home
Tel No, Mobile Tel No, Work Tel No, Home Address (1-4), Postcode, Number of Bookings, Number of Bookings
Cancelled, Number of Bookings Attended, Number of Bookings Booked, Number of Bookings Not-Attended, Number
of Bookings Attended Overridden
Control Panel
1. Ref TFS#10621 Added configuration for Attend Upcoming Class
Change: The setting Upcoming Classes short mark booking as attended has been added within Control Panel >>
Global Settings >> Bookings tab. If ticked then members will be automatically set as attended when a user adds
them to a class via the quick booking buttons in Front of House.
2. Ref TFS#10619 Do not allow users to open core apps outside of their start and finish dates
Change: If Start and Finish dates are set against the user in Control Panel >> User Management >> username then
the user will be unable to open Legend applications outside of their start/finish dates.
Fee Collection
1. Ref TFS6111 ADDACS Processing
Change: It is now possible to process ADDACS files in Fee Collections. This is done through the Returned Advices
option within Fee Collection, in the same way as an ARUDDS file.
Sports Courses
1. Ref TM#133000//TFS#10490 Un-enrolled members on remaining sessions will now be more visible
Change: When un-enrolling a member from all of the remaining sessions they will appear in the Previous Enrolees
list below the current enrolees list. Any member who is not a drop-in and has attended at least one session in the
past and has cancelled all future sessions will be shown in this list.

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