FAQ and How-To For JLESA-0.3.0

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FAQ and How-to for JLESA-0.3.0

Nag E!e"#r $%ro!
Q: What is JLESA?
A& JLESA is a '(L-ed software written in Ja)a. *t is +,rrent! ,nder de)e!o-"ent. /,t it is ,sa/!e for s-e+ifi+
goa!s. *t wi!! /e ,-on +o"-!etion an e!e)ator sste" ana!sis and design too!. 01e "ain goa! is to -rod,+e t1e
,!ti"ate -!atfor" for +o"-aring e!e)ator +ontro! a!gorit1"s 2+a!! s+1ed,!ing sste"s3.
Q: What is JLESA good for?
A& *n t1e f,t,re. it "a /e ,sed to +o"-are so-1isti+ated +a!! a!!o+ation a!gorit1"s. JLESA +,rrent! +an /e
,sed to de/,g and test +a!! s+1ed,!ing a!gorit1"s. JLESA +,rrent! +an /e ,sed to +1e+4 if a state"ent a/o,t a
-assenger "ode! is tr,e or fa!se. JLESA +an /e ,sed to +1e+4 if a si",!ated -assenger traffi+ fits to a "eas,red
one. JLESA +an /e ,sed to esti"ate a 1and!ing +a-a+it of e!e)ator sste"s. JLESA +an /e ,sed to resear+1.
Q: How can I access JLESA?
A& 5own!oad it fro" www.so,r+eforge.net. 6se Ant to /,i!d it or ,se t1e /inar -a+4age. 6se o,r fa)orite
editor to edit t1e 78L +onfig,ration fi!es or t1e so,r+e +ode. 9,rrent!. so"e o-tions +an on! /e set in t1e
so,r+e +ode. w1i!e ot1ers in 78L.
Q: What are all those files in the data/jlesa directory?
A& *gnore t1e :.!+4 fi!es. t1ose are !o+4 fi!es for !ogging. (assengers.in-,t is a -re-generated -assenger traffi+
-attern t1at "a /e !oaded / t1e Fi!e;ased(assenger'enerator. <,t-,t.+s) is a fi!e t1at is generated / t1e
Si"-!e(assenger(ro+essor. 'enerated(assengers.!og +ontains t1e !og of generated -assengers.
(assenger0i"es.!og +ontains t1e !ogs a/o,t -assenger wait and tra)e! ti"es. Q,e,Lengt1s.!og +ontains t1e !ogs
a/o,t t1e !engt1 of -assenger =,e,es on t1e f!oors. 01ese wi!! 1a)e a gra-1i+ re-resentation in a !ater )ersion.
/,t at t1e +,rrent "o"ent t1e +an /e -ro+essed / s+ri-ts on!. 01e !og.!og fi!e +ontains a!! !og infor"ation
stored int t1e a/o)e fi!es and so"e "ore. For e>a"-!e. if o, need to +o,nt t1e ,ti!i?ation of t1e sste". o,
+an ,se t1is !og fi!e as o,r in-,t.
Q: Can I change the Call Allocation Algorith?
A& @es. -!ease do so. @o, s1o,!d d,-!i+ate 5nAone9A for e>a"-!e and a!ter t1e 0i+423 "et1od and ot1ers as
needed. @o, "a need to +1ange Sste"0est as -!,g-in s,--ort for 9as is not et i"-!e"ented.
Q: Can I a!e a new Call Allocation Algorith?
A& <f +o,rse. ;e s,re to i"-!e"ent t1e 9A interfa+e as t1e +,rrent! i"-!e"ented 9As do. @o, "a ,se t1e
;idir9o!!ALL9A +!ass to +ontro! one +ar in a /idire+tiona! +o!!e+ting a!gorit1". t1ere are !ots of 9As w1i+1 ,se
t1is te+1ni=,e. For e>a"-!e. 5nAone9A does t1is. @o, "a write o,r own or in s-e+ia! +ases o, "a o"it
it. ;,t t1is wi!! "a4e o,r wor4 1arder. (!ease "ai! finis1ed so,r+e +ode to "e so * +an in+!,de it in t1e ne>t
Q: What if I ha"e a Call Allocation Algorith written in C?
A& @o, "a ,se it if o, +an +o"-i!e it to a dll or an so. Nati)e9A does t1is. o, s1o,!d see Nati)e9A.1 and
Nati)e9A.Ba)a for instr,+tions. t1ere is a/o,t 5 -ages of +o""ents dea!ing wit1 t1is. @o, s1o,!d ,nderstand
t1e JN* and t1e s1ared !i/raries to "a4e +o"-!e> a!gorit1"s as t1e 9CJa)a f,sion wi!! "a4e de/,gging ",+1
Q: What is #assenger$enerator?
A& *n JLESA. -assengers are generated / a +!ass t1at e>tends t1e a/stra+t (assenger'enerator +!ass. *f o,
want to +reate o,r own -assenger traffi+ "ode!. o, ",st s,/+!ass t1is a/stra+t +!ass. 01ere are a!read two
s,+1 +!asses o, +an !oo4 into. na"e! (oisson(assenger'enerator w1i+1 generates -assengers ,sing a si"-!e
(oisson-!i4e distri/,tion. Fi!e;ased(assenger'enerator generates -assengers fro" a -assenger !og fi!e and t1,s
ena/!es t1e e>a+t re-rod,+tion of a -assenger traffi+ -attern.
Q: What is #assenger#rocessor?
A& *n JLESA. -assengers are -ro+essed / a +!ass t1at e>tends t1e a/stra+t (assenger(ro+essor +!ass. @o, +an
,se t1is +!ass to +o!!e+t statisti+s 2as in Si"-!e(assenger(ro+essor3 or to generate "ore so-1isti+ated traffi+
-atterns. For e>a"-!e. if o, want to 4ee- tra+4 of ea+1 -assenger and "a4e s,re t1at t1e a--ear on t1e f!oor
w1ere t1e disa--eared. o, +an ,se a (assenger(ro+essor to +ontro! a (assenger'enerator.
Q: What else can I config%re if I a willing to code?
A& A!"ost e)ert1ing. Howe)er. o, s1o,!d on! i"-!e"ent 4ine"ati+ "ode!s / i"-!e"enting t1e
$ine"ati+8ode! interfa+e. if o, want to +reate ot1er 4ine"ati+ "ode! t1an t1e +,rrent ones. @o, "a a!so
+1ange t1e (assenger +!ass. /,t * wi!! do t1e sa"e. so it "a /e /etter to wait JLESA-0.D.0 w1ere (assengers
and +a!!s wi!! /e +1anged to "a4e t1e sste" ",+1 "ore f!e>i/!e.
Q: What else can I config%re if I a not willing to code?
A& A!"ost e)ert1ing. 9onta+t "e in e-"ai! at e4nagEiit./"e.1,.
Q: Why is it so %gly?
A& *t is f,n+tiona! and * 1ad to dea! wit1 "ore i"-ortant "atters /efore * re+ode t1e '6*.
Q: &ay I ha"e a s%ggestion?
A& (!ease. * a" interested in a!! +o""ents. s,ggestions an o-inions. 9onta+t "e in e-"ai! at
Q: What o'tions can I set in the (&L config file?
9ons,!t JLESA+fg.dtd. As !ong as JLESA is ,nder de)e!o-"ent and JLESA+fg.dtd is -!anned to +1ange * a"
not -!anning to re!ease do+,"entation on JLESA+fg.dtd. *f o, 1a)e s-are ti"e to do so. -!ease send "e t1e
do+,"entation in e-"ai!.
Q: How to start JLESA?
1. 5own!oad and insta!! Ja)a. 1tt-&CCBa)a.s,n.+o"CB2seCdown!oadsCinde>.1t"! is a good start.
2. 5own!oad and ,n?i- JLESA.?i-.
3. 5o,/!e-+!i+4 on jlesa-0.3.0-bin.jar or si"i!ar.
D. *f o, need nati)e 9As. re+o"-i!e nati)e9A.+.
Q: How to create and alter 'assengers %sing the $)I?
1. 9!i+4 on a f!oor to generate a -assenger wit1 rando" destination f!oor.
2. (,s1 down a "o,se /,tton on a f!oor o, want t1e -assenger to a--ear and wit1o,t re!easing it drag t1e
"o,se to t1e destination f!oor. Fe!ease t1e "o,se /,tton.
3. *f o, want to +1ange t1e destination of a -assenger. +!i+4 on it. *f t1e -assenger does not started getting in
into a +ar. t1e -assengers destination f!oor wi!! +1ange.
Q: How to control the cars an%ally?
Edit t1e 78L +onfig fi!e.
Q: How to change the call allocation algorith?
Edit t1e 78L +onfig fi!e.
Q: How to add/reo"e cars?
Set t1e 9A in t1e 78L +onfig fi!e to w1ate)er o, want.
Q: How to change the n%*er of floors?
Set t1e 9A in t1e 78L +onfig fi!e to w1ate)er o, want.
Q: How to change the ca'acity of cars?
Set t1e 9A in t1e 78L +onfig fi!e to w1ate)er o, want.
Q: How to alter the s'eed of cars?
Set t1e 9A in t1e 78L +onfig fi!e to w1ate)er o, want.
Q: How to alter the s'eed of car doors?
Set t1e 9A in t1e 78L +onfig fi!e to w1ate)er o, want.

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