Internship Exit Performance Description

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The five yeai teachei ceitification piogiam at Nichigan State 0niveisity piepaies college giauuates to assume

the iesponsibilities of beginning teaching. The piogiam consists of a planneu sequence of piofessional couises
anu fielu expeiiences incluuing a yeai-long inteinship aftei stuuents complete theii bacheloi's uegiee. A five-
yeai piogiam enables teachei canuiuates to acquiie a soliu giounuing in theii teaching subjects as
unueigiauuates anu to spenu a yeai of guiueu leaining to teach in a school anu classioom setting. The piogiam
meets all the iequiiements foi the piovisional elementaiy anu seconuaiy teaching ceitificate of the State of
Nichigan. It also ieflects state anu national stanuaius foi beginning teacheis.

The inteinship combines obseivation anu guiueu piactice teaching aveiaging about Su houis pei week with
twelve cieuit houis of mastei's uegiee couises. These expeiiences aie uesigneu to suppoit the intein's giowth
both in classioom teaching anu in the peifoimance of a teachei's othei piofessional ioles, such as woiking with
paients anu colleagues in the school. The inteinship incluues a sustaineu peiiou of leau teaching. With the
collaboiating teachei's suppoit, the intein beais piimaiy iesponsibility foi planning, instiuction, anu

NS0 is an Affiimative ActionEqual 0ppoitunity Institution
Exit Performance
(EPD) Report Cover Sheet
Lepkowski, }enna Elementaiy Euucation
Intein Najoi

Noiitz, Robin Nt. Bope Elementaiy School
Nentoi Teachei School Name

Baumann, Amanua Lansing Public Schools
NS0 Fielu Instiuctoi School Bistiict

Please place an X by the coiiect item:
Inteinship Aiea Team Assignment:
Elementaiy Euuation

Seconuaiy Euucation Special Euucation

Repoit piepaieu by:
X Nentoi Teachei X NS0 Fielu Instiuctoi

Repoit piepaieu foi:
X Fall & Spiing Semsetei Fall Semestei Spiing Semestei

Repoit is baseu on the school yeai: FS1S-SS14 Bate: Apiil 2u14

MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution

Summary of Accomplishments:
Jenna Lepkowski is a professional and dedicated intern. She cares about each student and maintains high
expectations for herself as well as her students. Ms. Lepkowski is very confident and knowledgeable about
working with children. She is conscientious and eager to learn and grow as an educator. Her behavior
management skills in the classroom are very effective. She follows through on communication and
assignments with the students.

Description of Internship Situation
Jennas intern year was spent teaching 23 students in a fourth grade classroom at Mt. Hope Elementary School. Mt. Hope is
located in Lansing, MI and is one of 25 elementary schools in the Lansing School District. It is a public school serving 276
students in 4-6 grades. Mt. Hope has an 85% free and reduced lunch rating with a diverse, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic
population. Students in Jennas class had varied learning abilities. Reading levels ranged from first-grade to twelfth grade, and
math levels were either very low or very high. Three students were sent during different times of the morning to a pull-out
resource room for reading, writing, and spelling. Five students went twice a week to a pull-out program for Tier Three (Response
to Intervention) math assistance, and six others went twice a week for Tier Three language arts assistance. Six others were sent
to an off-site all-day class once a week for higher level, in-depth learning.

Knowing Subject Matters and How to Teach Them
Jenna designed, adapted, and sequenced learning activities to promote intellectual involvement with content and active
construction of knowledge. She purposefully took into account what students know and how they learn, and planned instruction
and assessment together to support student learning.

Jennas lessons were directly tied to Michigans fourth Grade Level Content Expectations with an eye on Common Core. She was
reflective in her thinking about teaching strategies and how to integrate student interest in her implementation of lessons. She
researched presentations, videos, and interactive lessons on the Promethean board to create more enthusiasm for learning. She
used iPads for research in a persuasive writing assignment. She was cognizant of when students needed extra time in
understanding content and was flexible in her instructional design. She used a variety of teaching strategies during her lessons:
modeled expected learning processes, discussion models, and formative/summative assessing. She was purposeful in curriculum
design and in developing activities appropriate to the needs of students.

For both the science and social studies units, Jenna did a lot of research, used technology such as the Promethean board and
video clips to engage students learning, and was fully prepared each day to teach. One of her strengths is in timing a lesson for
the allotted time; not an easy task as our schedule varied from one day to the next. We also team teach, so she had to be
cognizant of starting and ending times as it affected two other classrooms as well. Jenna created a highly engaging unit for
science on properties and states of matter. There were many hands-on learning activities including experiments, acting as
molecules, and simulations. She had students write a pamphlet for social studies as a project-based, non-traditional assessment
that reflected what was taught.

Jenna concentrated on inquiry-based learning in both her math and science units. She grouped the students in various ways and
had them come up with the ideas on their own. She also had an organized way to orchestrate the groups. Because she put a
great deal of thought into this student-centered learning, it was very effective.

Working with Students
Jenna challenged her students constructively by setting and maintaining high expectations. She took into account individual
learning styles and needs of her students. This was seen in how she engaged one-on-one with her students and in her use of
proximity to engage each student individually. If someone needed additional support, Jenna found time to clarify the lesson for
them. By doing this students were able to build trust and confidence in their learning abilities and positions in the classroom. She
often brought students up to the Elmo or white board to demonstrate their answers.

Jenna was cognizant of the importance of the school-to-home connection. Although she was hesitant to communicate with
parents at first, she quickly became adept at face-to-face conferences, phone contact, emails, planner messages, and written
notes. She stood her ground on what the issues were and found a way to word her messages in a positive manner to let the
parents know we were all working together as a team. Her communications were consistently professional and centered on the
child and how to help him or her be most successful in academics and behavior.

Jenna is flexible and works well with coworkers. Because of our team teaching, Jenna was able to observe many other teaching
styles. Since we now have to teach art, music, and physical education ourselves, Jenna took it upon herself to learn and teach in
each of those areas. Jenna also took the initiative to collaborate with other classrooms in her building. She planned and
coordinated a field trip for Earth Day to Constitution Hall and included all the fourth grades. She also joined with two other interns
to plan and do a Lesson Study for a social studies lesson.
MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution

Even though Jenna tore her ACL, she still joined in coaching our after-school volleyball team for five weeks. She was an integral
component with her leadership skills, ability, and positive attitude.

Creating and Managing a Learning Community
Jenna developed a culture of learning that promoted respect for diverse people and ideas. She set high expectations for her
students and held them accountable. She worked at promoting cooperative learning communities. The learning environment in
Jennas fourth grade class was organized. The classroom rules and procedures were appropriate. Students knew what was
expected of them as they learned to work as a cooperative group of learners.

Jenna maintained a respectful, fair, and direct approach to students needing support in the classroom, including at-risk students.
She was clear when communicating with students and encouraged students to solve their own problems. She helped students
communicate with each other and demonstrated for them problem-solving strategies and what to do the next time that particular
situation might come up.

Working and Learning in a School
Jenna demonstrated leadership in her building and presented herself in an ethical and professional manner. She was able to give
and accept constructive feedback and work collaboratively with colleagues and families. Jenna proved herself to be dependable
and highly effective in how she took on challenges as opportunities for personal growth.

Jenna participated in staff meetings and professional developments. She also attended after-school functions such as coaching,
as mentioned before, the Halloween Dance, and a Holiday Family Night. She planned her surgery for her torn ACL so that she
can attend camp at the end of May.

One of Jennas greatest strengths was her ability to plan differentiated lessons to include diverse learners. She put hard work and
thought into her lesson plans and utilized many different ways of engaging the students with the use of technology, working in
groups, and immediate feedback. Her inquiry-based units and project-based assessments really brought the lessons full circle for
complete understanding.

Jenna Lepkowski is a reflective, diligent, dedicated professional educator who maintains a student-learning
focus in her design of lesson plans. She comes to the teaching profession with many pedagogical abilities
and an understanding of creating a learning community for students. Her experiences as an intern have
strengthened her abilities. Jenna is ambitious, organized, and responsible. Above all she is creative and
passionate about teaching. Jenna Lepkowski is a highly qualified teacher, and she has my strongest
recommendation. She would be an asset to any school district.

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