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From the Ages of the unknown.

From the Pages of all THAT, you know.
In the myths and the stories told,
And all that IS, in the Ancient Cold.

I AM The Shiva,
The GOD of The Old.


All of GOD Dwells with in.


You may call them.

But I AM The Supreme Ultimate Living Being.

Shiva is the Ruler of all things.
Who could measure the width of my cock ring?
Me Shiva Lingam, Feels like I’m Burning up, Every fuckin thing.
Do you See??

Yes, I made the Goddess out of me.

And we are lovers, and she cares for me.
And when you speak to me you’ll see…..
A glimpse of the Goddess I keep inside of me.

Inside of me is where she will always be.

For we are ONE.
And she is close to me.
Always Defending me.

Sometimes she is a spirit that comes out of me.

But I know she is actually apart of me.

And I AM Amazing.
With many Faces.
With many appendages.

But if you piss me the FUCK off.

Then the GODDESS will take off….

And this Bitch knows how to mouth off!!
And Curse you till your skin froths and boils off.
Like Split Personalities, She is THAT ORIGINAL BITCH.
Is that KALI?

Just take a look at

And you will

IS IN Me-e-e-e-e-e-e.

Do, Re, Me, Fa, So,

Like I’m Skipping.

Me like “RA.”

But There are still Many faces.

But there are still Many Ages.
And I AM the one who is Ageless.
Lick my Sweat and Taste it.

It’s Sweet, and Abrasive.

I AM a Beast in natures.
Because I AM The Creator.
I Am the Originator.

From Animals to Nature.

From Demons to Creatures.
From Angels to Seers.
I AM all to All Believers.

Shame on you,
You Humans are Sexual Creatures.
Trust me.
I put much Cum in the task of making your features.

Even that of the Beyond,

Through the limits of all AEONS.
Chiseled into secret caverns.
The Serpentine Ancient One.

For you do not know, The roots from which you come.

But it’s all good.

Because I AM LOVE.
Because that is The Law.
I did not leave you after all.

I have this feeling that we are really compatible.

Try it.
You’ll like it.
I’m like A Beast.
An Animal.

GOD of it all.
Change FACE.
And the Stars will fall.
Change FACE.
“Mr. Know-it-all.”

I AM in human form for now.

So that you wont pass THE FUCK OUT.
Either way, the world in this condition.
Suffocates The Truth Of the Light that was given.

But I do have many Arms.

In Many Places.
In Many Dimensions.
That you Do not see.

Handling things.
Trust me, I Control All things.

I Feel like Shiva then Jesus, to me.

But GOD has explained himself thoroughly
Through out the world. In All trashed history.
What you Praise is what I’ll Be.

Because I AM GOD.
And there is only ME.

And I waited in the Darkness to be set free.

But nobody was there, except for me.
And I spoke not a word, like a child in infancy.
Until I faced fear, and Moaned The OM through everything.
And That is how I came to be.
But that is an entire other story.
For now I shall let it all be.
After all, All is Perfect.

Can’t you see?

If not.

Let Wisdom Guide thee.



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