Mtflrts Rvic : Announcements For Everyone Workshopcalendar

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2 5 Y e a r s S e r v i n g T e x a s C h i l d r e n
May 2014
108 W. Irterurban St.. Suite A - Rockwall, Texas 75087
Metro number: 972-772-3200
Toll Free: 877-208-9490
Dayhome Fax: 972-203-9429
Center Fax: 866-380-5488
Announcement s
for Everyone
If Summertime means a different
schedule, send us an email or call us to
report your meal ti me changes.
Wor ks hop Calendar
Thursday, May 22, 2014, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Gold Hall Community Center
at corner of 101 Elm St. - 450 North
Space is limited so please call Nutriservice to sign up for any
of these workshops.
Need free online training? Just log i n!
This month we are featuring the
Annual Training: The year is halfway
over! If you haven't attended a
workshop, we have a few more
scheduled. We now offer the online
training that you register and take
online and print your own certificate.
Don't wait until the last minute - you
can take it now. You must have it
completed by September 30, 2014.
The Agrilife Ext. Service has posted the
SIDS and SHAKEN Baby Training on
their website again! You can find the
link at under self
study. Just scroll down and you will
find it on the list. This had been
removed a while back, so if you need
it, better take it while you can. FREE :)
You can now follow us on Pinterest!
For Home Daycare Providers Only
Next month's reimbursements mail date: June 18
Dayhome re-enrol l ments wi l l be coming in July. Please clean up
your enrol l ment and drop kids no longer enrolled so we don' t send
you unnecessary forms.
If you plan t o be out for summer vacation, be sure t o call t he office
and call your licensing rep\ We know of a f ew providers t hat lost
thei r license because they weren' t home when t he licensing staff
visited (and they did not respond t o t he l etter they received).
For Cent ers Only
Next month's reimbursements mail date
if complete claim is in by the 4
: June 20
Annual trai ni ng f or centers staff is available online at
www.nutri servi This is required trai ni ng for all center staff
who participate in t he f ood service. Very convenient: available
24/ 7. Free Training f or all your staff, j ust check it out.
DID YOU KNOW? Mi l k or juice is not a requi rement at snack ti me...
You can serve any 2 of t he 4 components at snack. Serving a piece
of f rui t or a vegetable as one of those components is a GREAT idea
at snack. Fresh f ood is always a healthy choice. We are requi red t o
fol l ow t he licensing standard regarding j ui ce: If you are serving
juice at both breakfast and lunch, you are out of compliance.
Licensing standard 747.3116: Only serve up t o 4 ounces of f rui t or
vegetable juice per day for ages 1-5. Only 6 ounces PER DAY f or
ages 6 and older.
Fun Food Pin of t he Month:
Grilled Bell Pepper Frogs
Go to
for more fun food that looks like animals and bugs!
Physical Activity Pi n of t he Month:
Minute t o Wi n It Games
Go to
activity/ for more fun ways to get moving!
This game is called "Wrap it up!" One player must
wrap another in toi l et paper. The first player to
get wrapped in an entire roll of toi l et paper is the
wi nner!
This specific example was found at and you can go there to see
more fun minute to wi n it games for kids. You can
also do a search online for "mi nute to wi n it kids"
or come up wi t h your own games to play this
summer. If you do make some up of your own be
sure to sure wi th us!
25 Y e a r s S e r v i n g T e x a s C h i l d r e n

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