Blood Pressure Regulation

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Blood Pressure Regulation

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Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings (!"
Page 1. Introduction
# $here are two basic mechanisms for regulating blood pressure:
(%" short!term mechanisms, which regulate blood &essel diameter, heart rate and contractilit'
((" long!term mechanisms, which regulate blood &olume
Page 2. Goals
# $o compare and contrast the short!term mechanisms that respond to rising blood pressure with the
short!term mechanisms that respond to falling blood pressure.
# $o understand the process of long!term regulation of low blood pressure.
# $o describe the long!term and short!term effects of increased osmolarit' on blood pressure.
Page 3. Short-Term Regulation of Rising Blood Pressure
# )hort!term *egulation of *ising Blood
# *ising blood pressure
# )tretching of arterial walls
# )timulation of baroreceptors in carotid
sinus, aortic arch, and other large
arteries of the nec+ and thora,
# Increased impulses to the brain
# -abel this diagram:
Page 4. Effect of Baroreceptors
# Increased impulses to brain from baroreceptors
# Increased paras'mpathetic acti&it' and decreased s'mpathetic acti&it'
# *eduction of heart rate and increase in arterial diameter
# -ower blood pressure
Page 5. Increased Parasympathetic Activity
# Effect of Increased Paras'mpathetic and
.ecreased )'mpathetic /cti&it' on 0eart
and Blood Pressure:
# Increased acti&it' of &agus
(paras'mpathetic" ner&e
# .ecreased acti&it' of s'mpathetic cardiac
# *eduction of heart rate
# -ower cardiac output
# -ower blood pressure
# -abel the following diagram and e,plain what
is happening in the animation:
Page 6. Decreased Sympathetic Activity
# Effect of .ecreased )'mpathetic /cti&it' on /rteries and Blood Pressure:
# .ecreased acti&it' of &asomotor fibers (s'mpathetic ner&e fibers"
# *ela,ation of &ascular smooth muscle
# Increased arterial diameter
# -ower blood pressure
Page 7. Recap: Regulation of Rising Blood Pressure
*ecap: )hort!term regulation of *ising Blood Pressure
# *ising blood pressure
# )tretching of baroreceptors
# Increased impulses to the brain
# Increased paras'mpathetic acti&it'
# .ecreased s'mpathetic acti&it'
# )lowing of heart rate
# Increased arterial pressure
# *eduction of blood pressure
# $a+e notes on the diagram abo&e as the animation proceeds.
Page 8. Short-term Regulation of Falling Blood Pressure
# )hort!term *egulation of 1alling Blood Pressure:
# 1alling blood pressure
# Baroreceptors inhibited
# .ecreased impulses to the brain
# .ecreased paras'mpathetic acti&it', increased s'mpathetic acti&it'
# $hree effects:
%. 0eart: increased heart rate and increased contractilit'
(. 2essels: increased &asoconstriction
3. /drenal gland: release of epinephrine and norepinephrine which enhance heart rate,
contractilit', and &asoconstriction
# Increased blood pressure
Page 9. Sympathetic Activity on Heart and Blood Pressure
# Effect of Increased )'mpathetic /cti&it' on 0eart and Blood Pressure:
# Increased acti&it' of s'mpathetic cardiac ner&es
# .ecreased acti&it' of &agus (paras'mpathetic" ner&e
# Increased heart rate and contractilit'
# 0igher cardiac output
# Increased blood pressure
Page 10. Vasomotor Fibers
# Effect of Increased )'mpathetic /cti&it' on /rteries and Blood Pressure:
# Increased acti&it' of &asomotor fibers (s'mpathetic ner&e fibers"
# Constriction of &ascular smooth muscle
# .ecreased arterial diameter
# Increased blood pressure
Page 11. Sympathetic Activity on Adrenal Gland
and Blood Pressure
# Effect of Increased )'mpathetic /cti&it' on
/drenal Glands and Blood Pressure:
# Increased s'mpathetic impulses to adrenal
# *elease of epinephrine and norepinephrine
to bloodstream
# 0ormones increase heart rate, contractilit'
and &asoconstriction. Effect is slower!
acting and more prolonged than ner&ous
s'stem control.
# Increased blood pressure
Page 12. Recap: Regulation of Falling Blood
# *ecap: *egulation of 1alling Blood Pressure
# 1alling blood pressure
# Baroreceptors inhibited
# .ecreased impulses to the brain
# .ecreased paras'mpathetic acti&it'
# Increased s'mpathetic acti&it'
# Increased heart rate and contractilit'
# Increased &asoconstriction
# *elease of epinephrine and norepinephrine
from adrenal gland
# Increased blood pressure
# $a+e notes on this diagram as the animation

44 5ow is a good time to go to 6ui7 6uestions %, (, and 3:
# Clic+ the 8ui7 button on the left side of the screen.
# /fter answering 6uestion 3, clic+ the Bac+ to $opic button on the left side of the screen.
# $o get bac+ to where 'ou left off, clic+ on the scrolling page list at the top of the screen and choose 9%3. Introduction: -ong!$erm
*egulation of -ow BP9.
Page 13. Introduction: Long-Term Regulation of Low BP
# -ong!term regulation of blood pressure is primaril' accomplished b' altering blood &olume.
# $he loss of blood through hemorrhage, accident, or donating a pint of blood will lower blood pressure
and trigger processes to restore blood &olume and therefore blood pressure bac+ to normal.
# -ong!term regulator' processes promote the conser&ation of bod' fluids &ia renal mechanisms and
stimulate inta+e of water to normali7e blood &olume and blood pressures.
Page 14. Loss of Blood
# :hen there is a loss of blood, blood pressure and blood &olume decrease.
Page 15. Kidney Juxtaglomerular Cells
# ;u,taglomerular cells in the +idne' monitor alterations in the blood pressure. If blood pressure falls
too low, these speciali7ed cells release the en7'me renin into the bloodstream.
Page 16. Renin-Angiotensin Mechanism: Step 1
# $he reninangiotensin mechanism consists of a series of steps aimed at increasing blood &olume and
blood pressure.
# )tep %: Catal'7ing 1ormation of /ngiotensin I: /s renin tra&els through the bloodstream, it binds to an
inacti&e plasma protein, angiotensinogen, acti&ating it into angiotensin I.
# -abel this diagram:
Page 17. Step 2: Conversion of Angiotensin I
# )tep (: Con&erting /ngiotensin I to /ngiotensin II: /s angiotensin I passes through the lung
capillaries, an en7'me in the lungs con&erts angiotensin I to angiotensin II.
# -abel this diagram:
Page 18. Step 3: Angiotensin II in the Bloodstream
# )tep 3: /ngiotensin II )timulates /ldosterone *elease: /ngiotensin II continues through the
bloodstream until it reaches the adrenal gland.
Page 19. Release of Aldosterone
# )tep 3: /ngiotensin II )timulates /ldosterone *elease: 0ere it stimulates the cells of the adrenal
corte, to release the hormone aldosterone.
Page 20. Angiotensin II as a Vasoconstrictor
# / secondar' effect is that angiotensin II is a &asoconstrictor and therefore raises blood pressure in the
bod'<s arterioles.
Page 21. Aldosterone Mechanism
# -ong!$erm *egulation: /ldosterone =echanism: $he target organ for aldosterone is the +idne'. 0ere
aldosterone promotes increased reabsorption of sodium from the +idne' tubules.
Page 22. Distal Convoluted Tubule
# -ong!$erm *egulation: /ldosterone =echanism:
# Each distal con&oluted tubule winds through the +idne' and e&entuall' empties its contents into a
urine!collecting duct.
# $he peritubular capillaries absorb solutes and water from the tubule cells as these substances are
reclaimed from the filtrate.
# -abel the diagram of the +idne' tubules and associated blood &essels on the top of the ne,t page.
Page 23. Sodium Reabsorption
# /ldosterone stimulates the cells of the distal con&oluted tubule to increase the acti&e transport of
sodium ions out of the tubule into the interstitial fluid, accelerating sodium reabsorption.
# -abel this diagram:
Page 24. Water Reabsorption
# /s sodium mo&es into the bloodstream, water follows. $he reabsorbed water increases the blood
&olume and therefore the blood pressure.
# -abel this diagram:
Page 25. Increase in Osmolarity
# .eh'dration due to sweating, diarrhea, or e,cessi&e urine flow will cause an increase in osmolarit' of
the blood and a decrease in blood &olume and blood pressure.
Page 26. Long-Term Effect of Osmolarity on BP
# /s increased osmolarit' is detected there is both a short and long!term effect. 1or the long!term effect,
the h'pothalamus sends a signal to the posterior pituitar' to release antidiuretic hormone (/.0".
Page 27. Antidiuretic Hormone
# /.0 increases water reabsorption in the +idne'.
Page 28. ADH in Distal Convoluted Tubule
# /.0 promotes the reabsorption of water from the +idne' b' stimulating an increase in the number of
water channels in the distal con&oluted tubules and collecting tubules (ducts".
# $hese channels aid in the mo&ement of water bac+ into the capillaries, decreasing the osmolarit' of the
blood &olume and therefore blood pressure.
# -abel the diagram on the top of the ne,t page.
Page 29. Short-Term Effect of Osmolarity on BP
# / short!term effect of increased osmolarit' is the e,citation of the thirst center in the h'pothalamus.
$he thirst center stimulates the indi&idual to drin+ more water and thus reh'drate the blood and
e,tracellular fluid, restoring blood &olume and therefore blood pressure.
Page 30. Other Chemicals That Influence BP
# $here are man' other chemicals which influence blood flow and blood &essel diameter. =ost of them
act b' influencing blood &essel diameter.
Page 31. Summary
# In the short!term, rising blood pressure stimulates increased paras'mpathetic acti&it', which leads to
reduced heart rate, &asodilation and lower blood pressure.
# 1alling blood pressure stimulates increased s'mpathetic acti&it', which leads to increased heart rate,
contractilit', &asoconstriction, and blood pressure.
# -ong!term blood pressure regulation in&ol&es renal regulation of blood &olume &ia the renin!
angiotensin mechanism and aldosterone mechanism.
# Increased blood osmolarit' stimulates release of antidiuretic hormone (/.0", which promotes
reabsorption of water, and e,cites the thirst center, resulting in increased blood &olume and blood
44 5ow is a good time to go to 6ui7 6uestions > and ?:
# Clic+ the 8ui7 button on the left side of the screen.
# Clic+ on the scrolling page list at the top of the screen and choose 9>. Blood 2olume Chain *eaction9.
# :or+ through 6ui7 6uestions >!?.
Notes on Quiz Questions:
Quiz Question #1: Identification
# $his 6uestion as+s 'ou to label structures which are important in blood pressure regulation.
Quiz Question #2: High Blood Pressure
# $his 6uestion as+s 'ou to lower blood pressure b' clic+ing on the appropriate ner&e.
Quiz Question #3: Chemical Heart Stabilization
# $his 6uestion as+s 'ou to identif' the chemical that will increase blood pressure.
Quiz Question #4: Blood Volume Chain Reaction
# $his 6uestion as+s 'ou to list the proper se6uence of e&ents that occurs when blood &olume and
blood pressure increases or decreases.
Quiz Question #5: Dehydration Chain Reaction
# $his 6uestion as+s 'ou to list the proper se6uence of e&ents that occurs when deh'dration increases
or decreases.
Study Questions on Blood Pressure Regulation:
%. (Page 3." :hat are baroreceptors@
(. (Page 3." :here are the baroreceptors that sense blood pressure located@
3. (Page 3." :hat happens to baroreceptors when blood pressure is high@
>. (Page >." :hat happens to both paras'mpathetic acti&it' and s'mpathetic acti&it' when blood pressure is
?. (Page >." :hat is the effect of increased paras'mpathetic acti&it' and decreased s'mpathetic acti&it' on
both heart rate and blood pressure@
A. (Page ?." :hat is the name of the paras'mpathetic ner&e that decreases heart rate@
B. (Page ?." 0ow does a decrease in heart rate decrease blood pressure@
C. (Page A." :hat is a &asomotor fiber@
D. (Page A." :hat is the effect of high blood pressure on arteries@
%E. (Page A." 0ow does &asodilation decrease blood pressure@
%%. (Page C." :hat happens to baroreceptors when the blood pressure is low@ :hat effect does that ha&e on
the brain@
%(. (Page C." :hat are the three effects of an increased s'mpathetic acti&it' and decreased paras'mpathetic
%3. (Page D." 0ow does an increase in heart rate increase blood pressure@
%>. (Page %E." :hat is the effect of low blood pressure on arteries@
%?. (Page %E." 0ow does &asoconstriction increase blood pressure@
%A. (Page %%." :hat is the effect of s'mpathetic acti&it' on the adrenal gland@
%B. (Page %%." :h' are the effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal gland slower!acting
and more prolonged than ner&ous s'stem control@
%C. (Page %3." :hen there is a loss of blood through hemorrhage, accident, or donating a pint of blood, what
two long!term regulator' processes will restore blood &olume and therefore blood pressure bac+ to
%D. (Page %>." :hat happens to blood &olume and blood pressure when there is blood loss@
(E. (Page %?." If blood pressure falls too low, what do the ju,taglomerular cells of the +idne' release into
the bloodstream@
(%. (Page %A." -abel the diagram on p. %A.
((. (Page %A." :hat is angiotensinogen@
(3. (Page %A." 0ow is angiotensinogen acti&ated@
(>. (Page %B." -abel the diagram on p. %B.
(?. (Page %B." 0ow is angiotensin I con&erted into /ngiotensin II@
(A. (Pages %A!%D" Place the following steps in the release of aldosterone in order:
a. /n en7'me in the lungs con&erts angiotensin I to angiotensin II.
b. /ngiotensinogen is acti&ated into angiotensin I.
c. /ngiotensin II stimulates the cells of the adrenal corte, to release the hormone aldosterone.
d. /s renin tra&els through the bloodstream, it binds to an inacti&e plasma protein, angiotensinogen.
e. /ngiotensin II continues through the bloodstream until it reaches the adrenal gland.
f. /ngiotensin I passes through the lung capillaries.
(B. (Page %D." -abel the diagram on p. %D.
(C. (Page %C,%D" :hat happens when /ngiotensin II reaches the adrenal gland@
(D. (Page (E." :hat are two effects of angiotensin II@
3E. (Page (%." :hat is the target organ for aldosterone@
3%. (Page (%." :hat is the effect of aldosterone@
3(. (Page ((." :hat is 9filtrate9 and where is it located within the +idne's@ :hat is its relationship to the
blood capillaries.
33. (Page ((." :hat is the process of reabsorption within the +idne's@
3>. (Page (3." :hat happens when aldosterone binds to the cells of the distal con&oluted tubule@
3?. (Page (3." -abel the diagram on p. (3.
3A. (Page (>." -abel the diagram on p. (>.
3B. (Page (>." 0ow does aldosterone increase the blood &olume and blood pressure@
3C. (Page (?." :hat effect does deh'dration due to sweating, diarrhea, or e,cessi&e urine flow ha&e on
osmolarit' of the blood, blood &olume, and blood pressure@
3D. (Page (A." /n increased osmolarit' of the blood causes the release of what hormone@
>E. (Page (B." :hat is the effect of /.0@
>%. (Page (C." 0ow does /.0 increase water reabsorption in the +idne'@
>(. (Page (D." :hat is the short!term effect of increased osmolarit' of the blood on blood pressure@
>3. ()ummar'" :hen blood &olume and blood pressure are increased, do the following increase or
a. *enin release from the +idne' FFFFFFFF.
b. /ngiotensinogen into /ngiotensin I FFFFFFF.
c. /ngiotensin I into /ngiotensin II FFFFFFF.
d. /ldosterone release from the adrenal gland FFFFFFF.
e. )odium reabsorption from the filtrate into the blood FFFFFFF.
f. :ater reabsorption FFFFFFF.
g. Blood &olume and blood pressure FFFFFFF.
>>. ()ummar'" :hen blood &olume and blood pressure are decreased, do the following increase or
a. *enin release from the +idne' FFFFFFFF.
b. /ngiotensinogen into /ngiotensin I FFFFFFF.
c. /ngiotensin I into /ngiotensin II FFFFFFF.
d. /ldosterone release from the adrenal gland FFFFFFF.
e. )odium reabsorption from the filtrate into the blood FFFFFFF.
f. :ater reabsorption FFFFFFF.
g. /s a result blood &olume and blood pressure FFFFFFF.
>?. ()ummar'" :hen there is an increase in deh'dration, are the following increased or decreased@
a. Bod' water FFFFFFF.
b. Blood &olume and blood pressure FFFFFFF.
c. Blood osmolarit' FFFFFFF.
d. /.0 release from the pituitar' FFFFFFF.
e. :ater permeabilit' of the +idne' tubules FFFFFFF.
f. Grine output and blood osmolarit' FFFFFFF.
g. /s a result, blood &olume and blood pressure FFFFFFF.

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