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Mathematics lesson plan

(Adapted from Gervasoni & Parish, ACU Ballarat Campus)

Lesson opic!
Addition Partitioning - Open Ended
#ear Level(s)!
Mathematical $ocus! The partitioning of numbers from 0-20
Australian Curriculum (AC)!!
#ear level! 1
Content strand! umber and A!gebra
Proficienc% strand(s)! "!uen#$% &easoning
Content description(s)! &epresent and so!'e simp!e addition and subtra#tion prob!ems using a
range of strategies in#!uding #ounting on% partitioning and rearranging parts
Bac&'round to the students( current learnin'!
The students understand()no* a!read$+
,e'e!op #onfiden#e *ith number se-uen#es to and from 100 b$ ones from an$ starting point.
/)ip #ount b$ t*os% fi'es and tens starting from 0
The students understand(#an do mathemati#a!!$+
&epresent ,ata *ith ob0e#ts and dra*ings *here one ob0e#t or dra*ing represents one data
1ount #o!!e#tions to 100 b$ partitioning numbers using p!a#e 'a!ue
Learnin' )*+ectives,)utcomes!
Mathematics content/concept/idea learning outcome
At the end of this !esson% the students *i!! demonstrate understanding of+
Partitioning of numbers - The different #ombinations of numbers that #an form 20
Mathematics strategies/processes/ways of working and thinking mathematically outcome
&e#a!!ing pre'ious )no*!edge ( Tria! and error
Assessment strate'ies!
(Brief description of the strategies you will use to assess student learning. This must link directly to the
objectives/outcomes. What are you going to observe and/or listen for in order to identify understanding? What evidence
of learning (e.g. work samples photos video audio! will be collected by you for further analysis?!
What assessment strategies will you use in this lesson?
Obser'ation% *or) samp!e 2of f!o*er3
What will you look for, and analyse, in the evidence found in the assessment?
The number of peta!s of ea#h #o!our add together to #orre#t!$ represent the number *ritten in the
#entre of the f!o*er
(Brief description of the resources that are needed to support teaching and learning" include physical and technological
if appropriate!
eacher .tudent
4hiteboard 4or) sheet 2see atta#hed3
)r'anisation for learnin'!
4ho!e #!ass dis#ussion - f!oor
5ndi'idua! *or) tab!es
/e% 0uestions to 'uide learnin' and prompt student thin&in'!
(#ist $%& key 'uestions that will be used to support stimulate provoke and probe thinking that helps students to describe
e(plain justify connection%make generalise evaluate etc.!
4hat is another *a$ *e #an ma)e 6667
8o* did $ou get that7
5s that a!! the different #ombinations *e #an ma)e7 8o* do $ou )no*7
Lesson actions!
)n the cells below list the actions that you and the students will do during each phase of the lesson.
e1! 23GAG2, 24PL)-2
Lesson introduction (5hole U363G 63)!
29ui!d a*areness of and !in) to prior(#urrent )no*!edge: introdu#e ne* !earning(a#ti'it$: ;tune< the students into the mathemati#s: bui!d moti'ation and
engagement: stimu!ate #uriosit$: estab!ishing understanding of the prob!em to be in'estigated: estab!ishing #!ear e=pe#tations on *a$s to *or)
1ounting ba#)*ards b$ 1>s from 100
?outube #!ip
e1! 24PL)-2, 24PLA63, 2LAB)-A2
"evelopment,investi'ation (Part 7 6382.6GA63G)!
2/tudents engage *ith the mathemati#a! tas)(game(a#ti'it$(!earning e=perien#e to e=p!ore(e=p!ain(e!aborate upon the mathemati#a!
ideas(#on#epts(strategies(*a$s of *or)ing mathemati#a!!$: engagement *ith #!ass(sma!! group dis#ussions: possib!e 'ariations introdu#ed for students
*ho are e=perien#ing diffi#u!t$ or re-uiring e=tension: *a$s of ad0usting the !esson for students: tea#her ro'ing and #o!!e#ting assessment information
*ith attenti'e !istening and obser'ation3
6 @ 6 A 10
Bi'e #hi!dren 5 ob0e#ts. Te!! them to pretend that the 5 ob0e#ts be!onged to 2 peop!e% some to one
person and some to the other person. 4or) out ho* man$ might ha'e be!onged to ea#h person.
666 has 13 !o!!ies. 666 eats them o'er 2 da$s. 8o* man$ #ou!d the$ eat on ea#h da$7
666 had C15 in his t*o po#)ets. 8o* mu#h mone$ *as in ea#h po#)et7
There are 1D students in a #!ass. 8o* man$ students are bo$s7 8o* man$ are gir!s7
A bas)et ba!!er s#ored E points in t*o games. 4hat might her s#ores in ea#h of the games be7
Ad+ustin' the lesson 2strategies $ou *i!! use to ad0ust the !esson3!
2na*lin' prompt! Bi'e first number% !oo)ing to find the other
e1! 24PLA63, 2LAB)-A2, 28ALUA2
Plenar% and conclusion (5hole -2$L2C63G and G232-AL6.63G)!
2/tudents dis#uss(e=p!ain(e!aborate upon strategies(produ#ts(mathemati#a! thin)ing: tea#her !eads a dis#ussion to high!ight and summarise the important
mathemati#a! idea2s3: en#ourage student e'a!uation of their !earning(strateg$ use(*a$s of *or)ing mathemati#a!!$: -uestions to pose to students shou!d
support ref!e#tion on the important ideas and strategies !earned3
,is#ussion of their *or)+ pi#) out a fe* e=amp!es
- ,id peop!e #hoose the same partition #ombination for ea#h number
4hat did $ou !earn7
Post7lesson revie9 and evaluation (to *e completed once the lesson is tau'ht)!
Student Achievement
(Brief description of what students achieved as a result of your lesson. This should link directly to the
objectives/outcomes of the lesson and link back to the evidence that was collected during the lesson. *(pected and
une(pected achievements should be described here!
Teacher Effectiveness
(Brief description of elements that were successful in relation to the teacher+s practice. This should link directly to
evidence of student learning. ,eflection on teaching should focus on what will be further refined in teaching practices or
ideas for improving teaching strategies!

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