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Literacy Groups Reading/Writing Conferences

Lesson Topic/Focus: Reading/Writing

Date: 20/11/13

AusVELS Domain(s): English

Year level(s):6

AusVELS strand(s): Reading & Viewing /

Lesson duration: 50 minutes

AusVELS sub-strand(s):Literature
Learning Standard(s)/Outcome(s):
Students will work on their writing piece and will learn what the good qualities of their writing are as well as
what can be improved on for future.
Students in reading group will read their chosen book independently and answer questions about storyline,
characters as well as read out loud to teacher.

Formative assessment of students current writing piece, assessing good qualities and where it can be improved.
Assessment through one to one discussion with student about current book being read, finding out their understanding
of the plot, engagement with characters and listening to their reading.

Teaching focus:
I would like to develop my skills at reading and writing conferences, being able to fluently ask questions to the students
in the reading group about their book and to find positives and areas of improvement for the students writing.

Background to the learning:
A. References for teacher background knowledge
AusVELS English Level 6 -
Candler, L. (2011). Questions for conferencing. Available from
Writing Workshop Compliments for Writers & Conference Questions for Writers.

B. Identify students current knowledge
Most students should have achieved the AusVELS level 5 standards in English for Reading and viewing, and
Writing. Students will be reading a text chosen by themselves and have a writing piece they are working on
currently to discuss in the conference.

Lesson resources:
Writing conference record sheet
Students book
Students writing piece

Lesson content:
A. Introduction 2_ mins
Reading conference: Ask student what the book theyre currently reading is and write on record sheet. Ask student to
tell you what the books about. Ask the student to describe the characters, setting, time etc. that is depicted in the
Writing conference: Ask student what piece of writing their working on and discuss what was spoken about in the last
conference, what was good about their writing and what was discussed for improvement in their future writing.

B. Development 3 mins
Reading conference: Ask student deeper questions about the content of the book, encourage them to make text to
self connections to the book through questions such as What would you say to the character if they were here right
now? Is the character a type of person you would like to be friends with? Do you know anyone like the character
in the book?
Writing conference: Read through students current piece of writing, identifying a positive aspect of their writing that
they can be complemented on and also an area of improvement, whether it be better vocabulary, grammar, sentence
structures, punctuation etc. Discuss whether the student improved on the area that was discussed in last interview.

Reading conference: Have student read a short amount of the book and listen for words being read and pronounced
correctly, fluency, expression, reading the punctuation and more.
Writing conference: Discuss areas to work on and goals for future writing and how it can be implemented or improved

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