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problem solvers. solution providers.

Table of Contents
About Lauren ..........................................1
Corporate Philosophy .............................2
Market Soluons ....................................3
Material Experse & Diversity ................4
Design Engineering .................................5
Commitment to Quality ..........................6
Value-Added Capabilies ........................7
Organizaonal Sophiscaon .................8
About Lauren
Lauren Internaonal Inc., a vercally integrated company, has
access to unprecedented resources that not only contribute to our
growth, but also to the growth of our customers. Through horizontal
perspecve, our posion of excellence and thought leadership
delivers ever-increasing customer value. Our vision is your future.
Lauren Internaonal Corporate Philosophy:
Driving Innovaon
Market Diversity
Progressive Growth
Global Relaonships
Lauren Manufacturing
Building a Tradion of Excellence & Unequaled Customer Sasfacon
Lauren Manufacturing, a division of Lauren Internaonal Inc., is known for being progressive,
customer-centric and innovave. Since 1965, we have provided our customers with creave
soluons, value-added processes, precision-engineered products and on-me delivery. We have
built a reputaon founded on trust, service, innovaon and quality. We connually strive to
produce soluons by answering the wants and needs of our customers.
It is this tradion of perseverance and integrity that has driven Lauren Manufacturing to supply the
global market in industries such as automove, agriculture, window and door, HVAC, renewable
energy, lighng and many more.
The working partnerships we have with our customers have posioned Lauren Manufacturing as the
leading single-source supplier of extruded and molded polymer products.
Corporate Philosophy
Corporate Philosophy
Diversity... Flexibility... Technology... Global Reach
Laurens corporate philosophy of vercal integraon and global
partnerships connually serve our customers through a progressive
and diverse porolio of materials and process capabilies. These
strategic alliances keep Lauren at the forefront of global trends in both
technology and products.
Lauren is structured to encompass a single-source supply posion
through collaborave technical and process experse coupled with a
strong global supply network. Our products and soluons provide a
level of versality and performance that connues to prove we are the
leader in polymer soluons.
Market Soluons Worldwide
Lauren Manufacturing develops innovave soluons for
customers around the globe.
Lauren Manufacturings sealing soluons can be found in mulple
industries. We provide highly engineered polymer products to a
wide array of markets including: vehicle and transportaon, building
and construcon as well as consumer and industrial goods.
Due to our market diversity, we supply a variety of materials and
product types allowing Lauren Manufacturing to become the one-
stop source for all of your custom sealing needs. Below are just a
few examples of the industries we serve:
Building and Construcon:
Window and Door (Commercial and Residenal)
Venlaon Systems
Industrial and Consumer Goods:
Renewable Energy
Specialty Enclosures
Vehicle and Transportaon:
Heavy Equipment
Recreaonal Vehicle
Heavy Truck and Bus
Mass Transit
Market Solutions
Material Expertise & Diversity 4
Thermoplascs (Rigid & Flexible)
EPP/EPE (Expanded Polypropylene/
Other Engineered Plascs
Thermosets (Sponge & Dense)
Material Experse & Diversity
Lauren Manufacturing has the material for all your sealing needs.
Laurens investment in materials technology along with our collaborave
relaonship with our sister company, LMI Custom Mixing, enables a free-
ow of ideas, bringing unique benets to our customers. Our research and
development team focuses on working with the customer to fully understand
the end-use applicaon so the best material can be selected. During this
process, we are ever mindful that the right choice includes supplying a
product where the material performs not only to the required specicaons,
but at the right price point as well.
Lauren Manufacturing oers a diverse spectrum of materials:
R&D works to oer unique compounding soluons that meet the following standards used in the market today:
UL & more
Our engineers provide the following services:
Innovave Designs
Market and Applicaon Knowledge
2D & 3D Finite Element Analysis (F.E.A.)
3D Modeling
Equipment Development
In-House Tool Design
Engineering Design
Let us put our engineering knowledge and experse to
work for you.
Lauren Manufacturing believes in creang an open dialog with our
customers. Our applicaon engineers work directly with customers
to ensure end product sasfacon. If you need engineering design
assistance or just have a queson, our engineering team can guide
you through every step of the product development process. From
FEA to our physical lab capabilies, we have the tools to ensure your
part meets the intended performance requirements.
Creave soluons result from Laurens engineering experse and
innovaon. Recently developed was Laurens iDea Seal (Innovave
Design Engineered Applicaon). This technology eecvely combines
a rigid plasc with an EPDM sponge or dense material. This product
type was developed in direct response to the need for a seal that
slides through channels smoothly without stretching, providing an
airght system.
To speak with a technical consultant call 800-683-0676.
Engineering Design
Commitment to Quality 6
Lauren owns & operates mulple Keyence IM Series
Image Dimension Measurement Systems (All-in-one
microscope that can observe, measure, and record all within a
single system.)
Commitment to Quality
Total quality management is the foundaon of our enre organizaon.
To achieve our vision, we strive to connuously improve our quality
systems to meet or exceed customer expectaons. Under the principle
that everyone is responsible for quality, Lauren ulizes a cross-funconal
team approach to support all areas of our business.
Laurens adherence to quality standards such as APQP, FMEA and PPAP
are used to ensure that products are launched successfully and designed
to prevent defects. Our daily use of lean manufacturing techniques is
the cornerstone for providing high quality, compeve products and
services for our customers today and beyond.
A company cered to: TS 16949, ISO 9001 w/Design, ISO 14001
Operaonal Capabilies (but not limited to):
Large to Intricate Parts
Dual & Triple-Durometer
Vibraon Dampening
Rubber to Metal Bonding & Fabricaon
Cu ng (angle, die-cut, lathe, water jet)
Drilling / Punching / Notching
Vulcanized / Welded / Molded Corners (O-rings/Frames)
Laser Etch Prinng
Custom Prinng / Striping / Stamping
Color Match
Value-Added Capabilies
Weve got what you need.
Lauren currently oers a wide variety of integrated capabilies
and technologies. Our goal is to provide product design opons
that can be considered to oer the best seal soluon for the
end-use applicaon. Whether it is for ease of installaon and
assembly or performance, Lauren is up for the challenge.
Value-Added Capabilities
Organizational Sophistication
Financial Strength
Global Business Partners
Diverse Product Mix
Quality Products and Services
Material and Engineering Experse
Operaonal Excellence
Corporate Excellence
Organizaonal Sophiscaon
The Lauren experience is more than just a product.
Lauren Manufacturing understands what it takes to compete in the global market today. Our speed-to-market
turnaround remains a compeve advantage. We value the relaonships built with our customers, realizing their
success is our success.
Lauren remains an industry leader in the areas of materials and engineering design, maintaining a strong presence in
the markets we serve. Our commitment to lean manufacturing, emerging technologies and processes as well as our
global presence results in more compeve products and services for our customers.
Commitment to Quality
Material Experse Process Capabilies:
Extruded & Molded
Material Diversity: Rubber, Plasc
& Other Specialty Polymers
A company cered to: TS 16949, ISO 9001 w/Design, ISO 14001
Value-Added Capabilies Engineering Knowledge & Support
2228 Reiser Avenue S.E. | New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663
Phone: 330.339.3373 | Toll Free: 800.683.0676 | Fax: 330.339.1515
Email: | Web:

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