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Strengthening and Revitalising Rural Cooperative Credit Delivery System

1. I am extremely happy to be with you today and thank Dr. Harsh Kumar
Bhanwala, Chairman, NABARD and the organizers of this National Meet of State
Cooperative Banks for inviting me to share the Reserve Bank's perspectives.
2. Since inception the Indian Cooperative movement was initiated by the
Government to align the rural credit system with the objectives of development
planning. The RBI played an important role. The RBI's concern and involvement in the
sphere of rural credit stemmed from its very statute of incorporation. Specific
provisions were made in the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 for the establishment of
an Agricultural Credit Department and for extending refinance facilities to the
cooperatives. RBI laid emphasis on strengthening and ensuring viable provincial
cooperative bank, central cooperative banks, marketing societies and primary
agricultural credit societies in each province for seasonal agricultural operations.
Role of cooperatives
3. The cooperative movement in the country, originated as a measure against
rural poverty, agrarian disturbances in 1875 in the Deccan against moneylenders led
to the enactment of Taccavi legislation in 1892. Sir Frederick Nicholson recommended
the establishment of cooperative societies on the Raiffeisen model popular in
Germany. Thus, cooperatives as people's institutions have a long legacy and a rich
tradition in India. The founders of Planning in India considered cooperation an
instrument of economic development combining the advantages of private ownership
with public good.
4. Rural credit cooperatives in India were originally envisaged as a mechanism for
pooling the resources of people with small means and providing them access to cheap
and cost-effective financial services. Democratic in features, the movement was also
an effective instrument for development of degraded waste lands, increasing
productivity, providing food security, generating employment opportunities in rural
areas and ensuring social and economic justice to the poor and vulnerable. In light of
this, the cooperatives occupy an important position in the Indian financial system.
Speech delivered by Dr. Deepali Pant J oshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India at the National
Meet of CEOs of State Cooperative Banks held at Mumbai on March 21, 2014. Assistance rendered by
Shri A.G. Ray, GM, Smt. Mangaladevi Ashok Kumar, AGM and Shri D.K. Nalband, AGM is gratefully

Cooperatives were the first formal institutions to be conceived and developed to
purvey credit to rural India and have been a key instrument of credit delivery to enable
farmers to meet their production needs and so increase production and productivity in
the rural areas.
Evolution of cooperatives in India
5. In the first Phase (1900-1930), the cooperative movement originated due to the
initiative of the colonial government in the early 20
century. The idea of establishing
cooperatives of the type that worked successfully in Germany was mooted in the late
century. These cooperatives were seen as a means to liberate the poor farmers
from the clutches of usurious money-lenders. The Government passed the
Cooperative Societies Act in 1904 followed by a more comprehensive Cooperative
Societies Act later in 1912. In 1915, the Maclagan Committee advocated that "there
should be one cooperative for every village and every village should be covered by a
cooperative." The Royal Commission made the observation if cooperation fails, there
will fail the best hope of rural India.
6. In the second Phase (1930-1950), by virtue of the provisions of the RBI Act, the
Reserve Bank was given a mandate to closely associate with matters relating to rural
credit and banking. RBI Act provided for both the establishment of an Agricultural
Credit Department in the bank and extension of refinance facilities to the cooperative
credit system. RBI introduced credit facilities to provincial cooperative banks for
seasonal agricultural operations and marketing of crops from 1942.
7. In the third Phase (1950-1990), a major initiative for pursuit of the mandate given
to the Reserve Bank was taken with sponsoring of All India Rural Credit Survey in
1951-52. The study recommended an integrated approach to cooperative credit and
emphasized the need for viable credit cooperative societies by expanding their area of
operation, encouraging rural savings and diversifying business. The Committee also
recommended government participation in the share capital of the cooperatives. The
National Commission on Agriculture (1976) recommended setting up of Farmers
Service Cooperative Societies with the active collaboration of the nationalized banks.
The involvement of commercial banks was institutionalized through nationalization of
major commercial banks in 1969, causing unprecedented penetration of commercial
banks in the rural sector. The State has used co-operatives to channel its development
schemes, particularly subsidy-based programs for the poor. As these institutions have
a wide reach in the rural areas and also deal with finances, the choice was natural.
8. By 1982, to consolidate the various arrangements made by the RBI to promote /
supervise institutions and channel credit to rural areas, NABARD was established
based on the recommendation of the CRAFICARD (Sivaraman Committee 1981). The
Agriculture Credit Review Committee (Khusro Committee, 1989) stressed the
importance of encouraging members thrift and savings for the cooperatives. It also
emphasized the need for better business planning at the local level and for strategies
to enable cooperatives to be self-sustaining. To this end, the Committee was in favor
of serving non-members, if it made business sense. The 1990s witnessed more
concerted attempts by both the government and non-official organisations and
cooperators, to explore ways to revitalize the cooperatives.
9. In the Fourth Phase (1990s and onwards), there has been an increasing
realization of the deleterious impact of intrusive State patronage, politicization, and the
consequent impairment of the role of cooperatives in general, and of credit
cooperatives in particular, leading to a quest for reviving and revitalizing the
cooperative movement. Several Committees were set up to suggest cooperative
sector reforms during this period.
Short Term Cooperative Credit Structure (STCCS)
10. Since inception, cooperatives have made available institutional credit at affordable
cost particularly to the agricultural sector. The Short-term Rural Cooperative Credit
Structure (STCCS) provides mainly short term and medium-term production credit
besides other financial services. At present, there are nearly 92,432 Primary
Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS), 371 District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCB)
with 13,233 branches and 32 State Cooperative Banks (SCB) with 992 branches. On
an average, there is one PACS for every 8 villages. These societies have a total
membership of more than 120 million rural people making it one of the largest rural
financial systems in the world. 60% of population still depends upon the agricultural
Performance of rural cooperative banks in extension of agriculture credit
11. Institutional lending to agriculture and allied activities has recorded a significant
growth during the last two decades due to the aggressive policy of the government in
expanding credit to agriculture. The following figure depicts the growth in agricultural
credit distributed by the STCCS:

Performance of STCCS under agricultural Credit
(Rs. in crore)
2002-03 35052 52820 33996
2007-08 53314 95974 57642
2008-09 51866 97207 58787
2009-10 59784 104997 74938
2010-11 68481 122795 91304
2011-12 81523 144761 107300

12. Lending by cooperative credit institutions grew much faster than that by other
banks during the 1990s. Thereafter, their share has been declining since 2007-08.
Despite this fall, cooperatives clearly remain the major source of agricultural credit to
small and medium farmers in terms of the number of borrowers and size of individual

Agricultural Loans Disbursed during the Year (Rs. in crore)
Agency 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
25,312 (10) 26,765
Total 2,29,400 2,54,658 3,01,908 3,84,514 4,68,291 5,11,029
Figures in brackets indicate percentage share of different agencies to total agricultural credit

Problems of cooperatives
13. Despite the phenomenal outreach and volume of operations, the health of a very
large proportion of rural credit cooperatives has deteriorated significantly. The
institutions are beset with problems like poor governance infrastructural weaknesses,
operational inefficiencies and the consequent impairment of their financial health.
Several factors such as low borrowing membership, low resource base, lack of
democratization and professionalism, high incidence of overdues and almost stagnant
recovery performance have led to the deterioration in the financial soundness of
cooperatives. There is an urgent need to find ways for strengthening the cooperative
movement to meet the credit needs of rural India, especially the resource-poor and
resource-less poor farmers. The revitalization and strengthening of cooperative
institutions at all levels should therefore be considered not only desirable but
expedient. The thrust has to be four-fold, financial, operational, organizational and
Poor governance

14. Cooperatives operate within the legal framework formulated by state governments.
However, compliance with the legal provisions of the State Cooperative Societies Acts
has not been ensured. Governance, connected lending, transparency in grant of loans,
audit, internal checks and control, recovery of dues, recruitment of qualified persons
are issues trammeling the efficient functioning of cooperatives.
15. As dominant share holders, state governments interference in the management of
cooperatives. Supervision and guidance by the elected Boards is lax. Delay in conduct
of elections, frequent supersession of the Boards, lack of participation by members in
the management and decision-making process have impaired functioning of
cooperatives on sound business lines. In the absence of professional management,
accountability and uncertain tenures, the Board members are not able to provide
dynamic leadership to the organization. Restoring and strengthening autonomy,
mutual help and self governance are the cornerstone of the cooperatives.
Absence of prudent interest rate policies
16. Cooperatives have access to huge deposits from public but there is no system to
ensure prudent deployment of these funds. They have not taken advantage of the
freedom given to them to decide on the interest rates on deposits and advances. While
deposits are accepted at unsustainably higher rates, loan pricing is done in imprudent
manner without factoring in cost of funds. Many cooperatives are unable to generate
enough revenue or surplus to sustain their operations and boost capital formation on
account of very thin or negative margins. As a result, there are frequent demands for
recapitalization which causes pressure on the limited resources of governments which
could have been used for productive investments benefitting the society in large.
Lack of HR Policies and professionalism
17. The quality of human resources is an important determinant of the success of any
organization. This aspect, however, has not received due importance in the
cooperative institutions. The cooperative banks are headed by a committee of elected
members who are not professionals and do not possess sound knowledge in banking
functions. The Committee takes crucial business decisions involving sanction of loans,
investments, interest rates on deposits and loans, etc. which require a minimum
degree of skill and expertise. Often, the role of Chief Executive Officers in these areas
is minimal.
18. Cooperatives do not have well defined capacity building and HR policies in crucial
areas like recruitment, placement, training, career progression, succession planning,
etc. Recruitments are done without any objective and systematic manpower
assessment. All these have led to inefficiency and lower productivity. Though there is
a system of training in place in many cooperative banks, there is no need-assessment
to align training with the current and future staff requirements. Training programs
should be designed to achieve skill upgradation in areas related to audit and
expenditure, management and aptitude development. It is also necessary to keep the
staff sufficiently motivated through periodic job rotation, job enrichment and recognition
of performance.
Poor recovery performance
19. Frequent loan waiver announcements by governments aimed to garner electoral
support have vitiated the credit discipline among the borrowers and affected the
recovery atmosphere. The resultant weak finances, growing NPAs and poor resource
base have contributed to the declining performance of the cooperatives, particularly at
the grass root level. Since these grass root institutions depend on liquidity support
from higher financing agencies like State and Central Cooperative Banks, non-
payment of dues impairs the financial health of the entire chain.
Inadequate Internal control and audit
20. Cooperatives do not pay attention to implementation of adequate and foolproof
internal checks and control. Balancing of books and reconciliation of entries are in
arrears for unduly long periods. As a result, there is frequent incidence of frauds
involving the staff who game the system. Very often, these cases are held up due to
protracted litigation in Courts of law and the guilty are not brought to book .There is
absence of effective audit mechanism. There are delays in the conduct of audits and
submission of reports. Quality of audit leaves much to be desired in as much as it fails
to address the gaps in the systems and processes and improve efficiency of
operations of the cooperatives.
Lack of member participation
21. The cooperative structure should be member-driven. However, members having a
voting right do not take active part or show interest in the affairs of the cooperatives
since the control and management is vested in a few members .Besides, depositors,
whose money is intermediated by the cooperatives, have no voting right or any say in
the management.
Not keeping pace with changes
22. Cooperatives have been unable to adapt themselves to the rapid pace of changes
in the financial sector. Cooperatives have lagged behind in designing of new products
and services and in adoption of technology and advanced management practices that
have changed the face of financial sector in the post economic-liberalization era. As a
result, they are unable to cope with the stiff competition posed by other banks in rural
finance and retain their market share.
Duality of control
23. Under the Constitution, Cooperation is a state subject governed by the respective
State Cooperative Societies Acts. Registration, incorporation, management, election,
and audit are governed by the State Acts. Some aspects relating to banking activities
are regulated and supervised by the Reserve Bank of India / NABARD under the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As Applicable to Cooperative Societies). There is an
urgent need to remove the overlapping controls and endowing functional autonomy
and operational freedom to cooperatives. Banking functions should be brought
completely under the Banking Regulation Act. The provisions of the Banking
Regulation Act should override the provisions of the State Acts/bye-laws/rules which
run counter to it. This will lead to clear demarcation of the areas of activities of
cooperative banks.
Need for Revival of the Cooperative Credit Institutions
24. It is pertinent to mention that in the first place, India is a country with a population
of more than 110 crore, of which around 70 crore reside in a little over 6 lakh villages.
As there are a little over ninety two thousand PACS in the country, every 8th village,
on an average, has an existing cooperative credit outlet. It is in this context that the
role of cooperatives assumes importance. A number of Committees were set up to
suggest reforms in the sector. Based on the recommendations of the Vaidyanathan
Committee, the Government of India rolled out in J anuary 2006, a package for revival
of the Short-Term Rural Co-operative Credit Structure. The Task Force also suggested
wide-ranging reforms in the governance and management of STCCS including crucial
amendments to the respective State Cooperative Societies Acts that were to precede
the recommended one-time capitalization jointly by the Central government, the state
governments and the STCCS of the state itself.
25. Twenty-five state governments signed the MoU with Government of India and
NABARD to participate in and implement the package. As on December 2012, 21
states had amended the respective State Cooperative Societies Act. An amount of Rs.
9,002 crore was released by NABARD as the Government of India's share, while the
state government released Rs. 856 crore as their share for recapitalisation of 53,202
eligible PACS in 17 States. Recapitalisation assistance could not be released in many
cases as the states did not complete all the necessary benchmark activities within the
stipulated period.
Licensing of Rural Cooperative Banks

26. The Committee on Financial Sector Assessment set up by the Government of India
in September 2006, under the Chairmanship of Dr. Rakesh Mohan, looked into the
financial health of all the banks including the cooperative banks and made
recommendations for improvement of financial health and systems for attaining and
maintaining financial stability. A major recommendation of the Committee was to
prohibit unlicensed banks from functioning beyond March 2012.
27. As there were a large number of cooperative banks (17 out of 31 State
Cooperative Banks and 296 out of 371 District Central Cooperative banks) functioning
without license, the Reserve Bank of India relaxed the licensing norms to grant license
to these banks. The relaxed norms were
i) Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR) Minimum 4 %, and

ii) Compliance with CRR and SLR for the last one year (default on one or two
occasions were permitted).

Consequent upon relaxation of licensing norms, 50 banks qualified for issue of license
reducing the number of unlicensed banks from 73 as on February 29, 2012 to 43 as on
March 31, 2012 and further to 23 as on J une 30, 2013.

Progress in licensing of State and Central Cooperative Banks

Position as on
Licensed Unlicensed Total Licensed Unlicensed Total
31 March 2006 13 18 31 73 298 371
31 March 2009 14 17 31 75 296 371
31 March 2012 30 01 31 329 42 371
30 September 2012 31 - 31 330 41 371
30 November 2012 31 - 31 345 26 371
31 March 2013 31 - 31 348 23 371
31 December 2013 32* - 32 348 23 371
* The J harkhand State Coop. Bank was issued license on 26 August 2013

Recent Policy Initiatives
Implementation of Core Banking Solution
28. The Reserve Bank of India has granted permission to StCBs and CCBs to
participate in the payment system and offer RTGS/ECS/NEFT facilities to their
customers/members. Since IT infrastructure is the prerequisite for offering these
services, Core Banking Solution (CBS) is being implemented in StCBs and CCBs.
Several banks have joined the NABARD assisted project and made significant
progress in implementation of CBS. Some banks have undertaken implementation of
CBS on their own. Full implementation is expected to be achieved by March 31, 2014.
Progress in implementation of CBS as at January 31, 2014
No of banks CBS completed CBS in progress Yet to commence
32 371 28 294 4 55 - 22

Prudential norms on capital adequacy
29. Rural cooperative banks have been kept out of Capital to Risk-Weighted
Assets Ratio (CRAR) framework for a long time on the grounds that there is an in-built
accretion to capital every time a loan is availed of by a member. In view of the high
level of default characterizing the STCCS and the risk posed by higher concentration
of loan portfolios of these banks in a single sector with defined areas of operation, the
Vaidyanathan Task Force recommended for bringing all tiers of the STCCS under the
CRAR framework. The Reserve Bank of India recently reviewed the position of CRAR
in StCBs and CCBs and has introduced the minimum CRAR requirement for these
banks. A roadmap has been laid down for achieving CRAR of 7% by March 31, 2015
and 9% by March 31, 2017.
30. Since these banks have limited avenues of mobilizing additional capital resources,
permission has been granted for issue of Long Term (Subordinated) Deposits and
Innovative Perpetual Debt Instruments. State / Central Co-operative Banks (StCBs /
CCBs) are now allowed to issue Long Term (Subordinated) Deposits (LTD) with the
prior permission of the respective Registrar (RCS) granted in consultation with the
Reserve Bank. LTD can be issued to members and non-members, including those
outside the area of operations of the StCBs / CCBs concerned. There is no prohibition
on existing shareholders subscribing to LTD. The amounts raised through LTD will be
eligible to be treated as lower Tier II capital, subject to certain conditions.
31. State / Central Co-operative Banks are also allowed to issue Innovative Perpetual
Debt Instruments (Innovative Instruments). The instruments may be issued as bonds
or debentures to qualify for inclusion as Tier I Capital for capital adequacy purposes.
Banks are required to obtain prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India, on a case-
by-case basis, for issue of innovative instruments. Innovative instruments shall not
exceed 15 per cent of total Tier I capital. Innovative instruments in excess of the above
limits shall be eligible for inclusion under Tier II, subject to limits prescribed for Tier II
capital. However, investors' rights and obligations would remain unchanged.
Membership of credit Information Companies
32. Under the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005, all co-operative
banks are credit institutions and every credit institution has to be a member of at least
one Credit Information Company (CIC). State and Central cooperative banks are
required to take membership of at least one CIC. In developing economies, lending,
especially to retail, has been made possible by credit information companies, which
perform the vital task of collating and distributing reliable credit information to the
specified users. Reports from CICs contain information about the payment behaviour
of consumers and commercial entities, including data on timely fulfillment of or
delinquency in meeting the financial obligations. It helps credit institutions in making an
informed decision about a credit applicant.
State Cooperative Banks Guiding Role
33. State Cooperative Banks are the apex level institutions in the federal structure of
STCCS. They accept huge deposits from the affiliated / member societies and also
from non-members. They provide liquidity support and financial accommodation to the
member societies down the chain. Large volume of funds in the form of governmental
assistance under various welfare and subsidy schemes, grants and refinance from
higher refinance agencies are channeled through state cooperative banks to the lower
tier institutions. Hence, it is the responsibility of the state cooperative banks to provide
guidance and direction to the member societies and ensure that the valuable
resources are not frittered away and diverted to investments in risky assets.
Weaknesses in lower tier institutions would eventually move up the chain and bring
down the entire edifice of the federal cooperative credit structure. Even strong state
cooperative banks would face threat to their survival if the structural weaknesses are
not addressed in a timely manner.
34. State cooperative banks have a larger role in the development of the state
economy. They should rise above the self-interest and work for serving the economic
interests of the society at large. It need not be emphasized that these banks should
keep their own house in order and conduct themselves with unquestionable integrity
and social responsibility.
Way forward
35. Cooperatives have inherent advantages as member-owned and member-
controlled institutions. Successive governments have acknowledged their role in
improving the productivity and eradication of poverty among the rural masses and
contribution to development of rural economy and provided support and assistance as
a part of State-promoted policies. However, cooperatives have to make sustained
efforts to address the constraints and inadequacies discussed above.
36. To sum up, cooperatives should practice good corporate governance and social
responsibility. These institutions should be purely member-driven keeping the
principle of cooperation in letter and spirit. Professionalism should be introduced in
staffing and adequate training opportunities should be provided to the employees of
cooperatives for skill upgradation. They should frame sound and prudent policies for
loans and investments and conduct themselves in the larger interests of the depositors
and the general public. Cooperatives should overcome their inertia and resistance to
change and emerge as technology-driven, well-managed institutions to inspire
confidence in the public and secure their survival.
Thank you for a patient hearing.

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