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Male ( ) Female ( )
2. Age:
(<18 ) (19 25) ( 25 40) (40 60) (> 60)
3. Marital status:
Single ( ) Married ( )
4. Kindly specify your occupation
Student ( )
Employed ( )
Self-employed ( )
Housewife ( )
Retired ( )
5. Monthly income
(20k) (21k 35k) (36k-50k) (above 50k)
6. Where do you purchase your monthly household provision?
Big bazaar ( ) Any other modern outlet ( ) Local Market ( )
7. Please specify reason for regular/occasional purchase from Big bazaar?
Quality stuff ( )
Availability of all items ( )
Good ambience ( )
Any other specific reason ( )
8. Are you satisfied with the conditions, which they are provided towards products &
Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( )
Neither Agree nor Not Agree Disagree ( )
strongly disagree ( )
9. Are you aware of Big bazaar Customer Loyalty Programme?
Yes ( )
No ( )
10. If yes, have you enrolled in Big bazaar Customer Loyalty Programme?
Yes ( )
No ( )

11. If yes, how you find the programme?
Poor ( )
Good ( )
neutral ( )
very good ( )
12. Are you getting all your household requirements during your visit to Big Bazaar?
Yes ( )
No ( )
13. Do you feel the products more in demand are often not available during your visit?
Yes ( )
No ( )
14. How do you find the customer service staff of Big bazaar?
Poor ( )
Good ( )
neutral ( )
very good ( )
15. Which section of Big Bazaar you like most?
Grocery ( )
Vegetables ( )
Cosmetics ( )
Apparels ( )
Toys ( )
Kitchen appliances ( )
Footwear ( )
16. Give your opinion on our loyalty programs?
Average ( )
Satisfied ( )
Good ( )
Poor ( )
Unsatisfied ( )
14. Big bazaar Sales executives are providing Deep details about loyalty programs. Do you
agree with this statement?
Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( )
Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( )
As per the situations ( )
15. Which of the following characteristics are deciding the product & services Quality? Give
your ratings?
High Low
a) Performance 5 4 3 2 1
b) Easily availability 5 4 3 2 1
c) Quality 5 4 3 2 1
d) Quantity 5 4 3 2 1
e) Durability 5 4 3 2 1
16. Do you like to purchase goods & services again from Big bazaar?
Yes ( ) No ( ) May be / May not be ( ) No Idea ( )
17. Is the company providing any extra benefits to the customers, Tick whichever is
Former memberships ( )
By one get one free ( )
Exchange offers ( )
Discounts on cash ( )
18. Give your overall rating towards loyalty?
Fully trusted ( ) 50-50 ( ) Partial loyalty ( ) Nil ( )

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