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Aries March 2014

S N Rao
Love / Relationships
Venus is afflicted in Capricorn with Mercury. Saturn, Rahu with Mars in Libra causes opposition to you. In
this month love and affection would be lackin. It could also become a month of failures, frustrations or
sentimental restlessness. !he first two weeks will be the most complicated. "ut keep your hopes hih,
because thins will slowly et better, and in March you#ll have the occasion to make up for it. !his is not a
favorable period for lovers. $omestic life will be below averae. $ifferences of opinion and lack of
satisfaction in residence would be a cause for concern.
Career / Finance
!he karaka of profession, Saturn occupies Libra and is afflicted by Mars and Rahu. %ou#ll be haunted by a
sensation of constraint or dissatisfaction. %ou#ll be very creative and make a lot of plans, but for now you
don#t feel comfortable at all under the pressure of current responsibilities, and your work capacity
vacillates. %ou#ll &ust pick up any tension and risk ettin yourself in the middle of a conflict that miht take
its toll. !he best thin for you would be to take a leave of absence until around '(th March, when you#ll
start bein efficient aain. Income will be within ordinary limits, but unplanned e)penses miht occur.
*eavy is not favorable and vitality is likely to be low. %ou don#t look very well. %ou#ll be a little better
in the last week.
Taurus March 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
Mercury, the lord of the +
house is with Venus, the lord of your sin in Capricorn. If you#re hopin for a
adventure, don#t et your hopes too hih. !he relationships that start now can be very passionate but they
won#t last for lon. If you have a stable relationship, it#s time for communication, for e)chanin opinions,
for &oint future plans. %our pro&ects seem to focus especially on career and,or accommodation. - rather
important decision miht have to be taken in the middle of the month. Saturn and Rahu in your house of
work ives a hectic schedule and lack of transparency in your behavior.
Career / Finance
Saturn in the .
house is not favorable for stability in your career. March '(/0 will stir up your desire to
stand out. %ou#ll work very hard and you seem to be ettin involved in a lare1scale action or one many
people take part in. %our point of view miht not match the others#, but you#ll manae to make your point
stronly followin some rather heated confrontations. %ou#ll appear to be a touh, but efficient person. -s
for money, the tendencies are contradictory2 hih income is in store for you, but not hih enouh to your
mind. $ifferences with your colleaues, superiors may be a cause for concern.
Saturn in the .
house with Rahu and Mars is not favorable for ivin vitality. !here will be some stress,
minor in&ury, but your physical shape is ood, especially in the first two weeks. *owever it is a delicate
position that will affect your vior. "ut you#ll benefit from the support of 3upiter, so you don#t have to worry
too much about it.
%ou#ll still have to show patience and understandin to your friends.
e!ini March 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
3upiter occupies your sin. !he atmosphere of love arees with you. Mercury, the ruler of the house, will
be with Venus, so love is in the air. Riht from the beinnin of March you#ll be on the point of en&oyin an
accomplishment. %ou#ll et what you want in the second part of the month, probably followin an
intellient decision or an invincible stratey. 4inally, March will keep your adrenaline hih, which will have
e)cellent effects on the erotic e)periences. Marriae is on the cards for those who wish to make their
relationship permanent.
Career / Finance
5ith Saturn, the karaka for profession passin throuh the house of creativity, your ambition and desire
for doin somethin new takes over. In order to succeed, you#re willin to make use of all means possible2
intellience, perseverance, initiative, connections. "ut it seems that you still have to work on your
patience and discipline. It#s an important month, in which you can accomplish many thins, on the
condition that you think maturely and plan your steps carefully. 4inancially, everythin is ok and maybe
more. - promotion for the deservin will be an icin on the cake.
Mars, the lord of the .
house is with Saturn. %ou#ll tend to worry, to be frustrated and dissatisfied. %ou
could also encounter some difficulties. It#s important that you assess the risks correctly and you don#t do
anythin that could cause you damae.
$on#t make important decisions in the first part of March '(/0.
Cancer March 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
Mars, the lord of the +
house is with a stron Saturn and Rahu. Se)ually, a bi appetite will characteri6e
all the month in March '(/0. -ffectively, the first week will be more complicated2 either your reactions will
be e)aerated with no reason or there will be aruments reardin money or other material issues.
Startin with the second week of March, there will be harmony within the family aain7 if you#re sinle,
you#ll have new opportunities of meetin the person of your dreams. Lon distance relationships or those
startin while travelin are favored.
Career / Finance
5ith Saturn in Libra alon with Mars and Rahu, March will be an active month, e)citin and prosperous if
you work in sales, assurance, accountancy or banks. In the area of your personal finances, there will be a
revival. %ou could have your eyes on an ac8uisition, a loan or a business or you could benefit from a raise
of your partner#s or associates# income. !his month can brin you a ood profit at any time, but they can
enerate crises and stress as well. $on#t venture in lare1scale actions unless you are sure of their
success. Responsibility and pressure at the work place is likely to increase.
3upiter in 9emini supports you and will provide you with much physical enery and optimism. $ependin
on your natal chart, you could, however, deal with a crisis situation in the first part of the month that can
cause you worry and fear. "ut due to your stron nature, you#re e)pected to overcome it successfully.
:ay attention to &ourneys, especially in the first week, but not only. !here#s a certain risk of accidents.
Consolidate your position. %ou have a very active and combative period ahead of you socially and
professionally speakin.
Leo March 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
3upiter, the lord of the +
house is in the //
house. !his month will intensify your sensitiveness and
emotional empathy. Such a confiuration can lead to events that depend on the influence your partner
has on you, because his,her presence will totally focus your attention. $ependin on the circumstances, a
new love, marriae or break1up can happen or a separation caused by a new love. Lon distance
relationship will be beneficial and may be satisfyin.
Career / Finance
Mars in Libra with Saturn and Rahu is rewardin for you. -t any time, somethin new can happen,
somethin unusual, relevant, ordered probably by someone e)terior. It can be somethin positive, but
don#t count on it. In case of rivalry or competition, take precautionary measures because the people
you#re interactin with seem to be at an advantae. 4inances seem to vacillate as well. -fter a first week
of tension and losses, luck seems to be on your side aain.
!he influence of Mars and Saturn with Rahu will not be ood for vitality. %ou won#t benefit from a stron
astral support. Moreover, it#s Saturn that rules the sector of your health. If you want to avoid some
inconveniency, some chanes are re8uired in your lifestyle. $on#t take on e)treme attitudes and don#t o
on strane diets. $on#t treat yourself superficially. In this period it would be best if you followed the
traditional medical advice.
-lways keep calm and rational.
"ir#o March 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
Venus, the karaka for love occupies Capricorn with Mercury. Love is in the air for you. !his will unleash
wild eneries that can cause une)pected happenins which may not be entirely favorable, %ou may be
full of passion or restlessness. In the second part of March, thins will calm down a little, but you have to
make some decisions. $omestic life may be below averae. Communication with your loved one may
Career / Finance
3upiter in 9emini can brin a lot of travel and ains in your day to day work. :artnerships will work out
well. "usiness matters will be prominent. %ou can e)pect chanes reardin the nature of your work or
the workin conditions, and in special cases, even a reorani6ation, transfer or replacement amon the
manaers. It#s possible that some complications occur in the area of collaborations or aruments
reardin a contract. %our popularity or fame can be 8uestioned. %ou have to fiht and you can win, you
can even ac8uire some more authority.
Saturn is afflicted with Rahu in Libra. - lot of stress, a lot of hard work, and eclipses that are not a ood
sin for your health. It#s not compulsory that you have problems, but you can#t afford to be careless either.
9et a doctor immediately at the slihtest sinal that somethin is wron about your body. -void alcohol,
ciarettes, eat liht and fresh food, beware of infections and don#t nelect already e)istin ailments.
Chane somethin in your lifestyle for the sake of your health. -s for the rest, be cautious.
Li$ra March 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
Venus, the planet of love and romance occupies Capricorn with Mercury. March '(/0 is favorable to
holidays, fun and love. !he first two weeks will be the best for you, especially the first week. %ou#re in the
mood for adventure, you like flirtin, provokin, incitin. Saturn with Rahu ; Mars indicates eventful
period for romance and passion, stirs up your sensuality and can provide e)traordinary erotic
e)periences. !he last week is also passionate, but more troublesome. Marriae matters can be faced with
hurdles and delays.
Career / Finance
Saturn, the karaka for profession occupies Libra with Mars and Rahu. 4un will be fun, and responsibilities
will be responsibilities. !he work load and pressures are likely to increase. !he house of work is over
solicited not only by Saturn, aspectin the /(
house for a lon period ahead. It makes you work hard but
it#s well worth the effort2 every new step you take will et you closer to success. %ou miht find yourself in
the situation of fiercely fihtin for somethin in the first part of the month and thereafter makin important
decisions. Money will come by means of work and talent.
3upiter, the lord of health is influencin your sin. !he hih solicitation in the last period has accumulated
and miht take its toll. Somethin could o wron if you don#t do anythin to prevent it. -nd it could be
sudden and une)pected. !ake it easy, be prudent and keep your eyes wide open, especially in the first
and the last week.
9et yourself orani6ed, make the best of your time and stick to your aenda.
Scorpio March 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
3upiter, the lord of the +
house is in 9emini. Considerin that Mercury and Venus are toether in
Capricorn, you#ll be faced with hurdles in love matters. <obody can resist your seduction and the se)
appeal you have in the eyes of the opposite se). It will be a special period for passionate, but free of
responsibility love. If you have a stable relationship, you can e)pect an awakenin of the erotic desire, but
some other bla6in thins miht happen in the first part of the month.
Career / Finance
Saturn, the karaka and the lord of the =
house occupies Libra with the lord of the ascendant. Stars would
like you to have more holidays. If you have to be on the &ob, you can do a ood pro&ect makeover with
your career as well. %ou#ll have initiative and enery, and the instinct of opportunism will help you catch
the occasions. %ou know how to promote your talents and how to et everyone#s attention. !he Moon can
brin somethin new or a reorientation. %ou#ll earn enouh so as to be able to indule yourself in all your
small whims, but beware2 when finances depend on other people, you could encounter problems.
:artnership will be favorable in the /
half whereas you miht need to be more careful in the '
half of
the month.
Mars the lord of the ascendant and the .
house is with Saturn and Rahu. %ou#ll be >?, on top of thins.
!here will be no reason for worry. -ll you have to do is not e)aerate with food. Maybe you should take
better care in the last week, when Venus miht have conflict with Saturn and cause unpleasant events
une)pectedly. Reardless of the nature of the problems @health or anythin elseA, it#s better safe than
4ree yourself of restraints and let your creativity and fantasy loose.
Sa#ittarius March 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
Mars, the lord of the +
house is with Saturn and Rahu. In almost entire month in March '(/0, Mercury,
9emini#s ruler, will be with Venus, the planet of love, so temptation will permanently be in the air. In the
first two weeks reason will prevail over feelins and you won#t e)perience anythin too e)citin. Mars will
be creatin positive instincts and adrenaline. Se)uality will manifest viorously and freely, the desire to
con8uer and the pleasure for adventure will rise, therefore you#ll en&oy a period of passion. - desire to o
out, flirt and en&oy will be prevalent throuhout the month
Career / Finance
Mercury, the lord of the /(
house occupies Capricorn with Venus. !he first part of March seems to be
more dynamic, while the second more fruitful. %ou can rely @more than everA on the art of communication,
intellience, the capacity of atherin and processin information. !his will come in handy especially if
you have an intellectual profession, but also if you work in sales or if you have a small business. >ther
fields of interest in March will be the real estate and the finances. %ou miht et the idea of makin an
investment, probably to the interest of the family and home. !ravel miht increase and you may be
re8uired to travel for your day to day activities. "usiness is likely to be above averae.
Venus, the lord of health occupies Capricorn. !here will be a lot of tension and fuss that can lead to
undesired nervousness. Maybe it wouldn#t be a bad idea if you took some manesium supplements to
protect yourself aainst stress. !he first week in March '(/0 could be delicate as reards health. !ry not
to e)pose yourself to any daners, don#t hurry and don#t let aner affect your &udment. Saturn aspectin
the first house can cause rheumatism, coldness and muscular.
More attention needed when drivin and while takin any kind of trip.
Capricorn March 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
Venus, the lord of passion occupies Capricorn with Mercury. 5eeks of e)citement, in which you#ll meet a
lot of people, increasin your chances of meetin the perfect one. -ffinities are built on intellectual and
spiritual criteria. %ou miht et some proposals, verbal declarations or romantic favours, maybe even o
on a trip with your partner. !o new and old relationships, communication has a special part as a priceless
tool of ettin to know each other or of improvin your cohabitation. !hose who are toether for a lon
time may think of the future for lon term commitments.
Career / Finance
Mercury, the lord of the .
house receives aspect from Mars, the karaka for action. 5ritten or verbal,
communication proves to be important for your career as well. %ou may write a paper, take a test,
neotiate a contract or have preliminary discussions concernin a future cooperation. March is a month of
interaction, in which team spirit, information and opinion e)chane prevail. Some surprises could occur in
the area of money. !ravel miht ive losses. !here miht be apprehension and lack of self belief.
Conflicts with superiors at the work place miht be a cause for concern.
Mercury, the lord of health is with Venus. !here won#t be any serious health problems. !ake care
especially when travelin, because there is a risk of accidents. %ou don#t lack prudence, but you have to
take into consideration that March is a month of tension that affects many of us and you can#t know when
and whom you miht interact with.
Calm and prudence in all domains.
A%uarius March 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
Saturn, the lord of the ascendant is e)alted and with Mars and Rahu. 3upiter has complete aspect over
this combination. Somethin new and une)pected can happen at any time. !he event miht have an
unusual or strane nature. !he bad news is that the two partners miht disaree, you#ll make the
decisions and set the round rules but may differ on many occasions. !he delicate aspect is that you
don#t always have the necessary clear1headedness for correct initiatives. !he emotional involvement is
very hih, romanticism prevails, but you tend to ideali6e or to et into confusin situations. In both cases,
future disappointments are possible. $well on how much the relationship or the person you#re strulin
for is worth it. $omestic life would be difficult.
Career / Finance
Mars, the lord of the /(
house is with Saturn in Libra. If you don#t o on a holiday, you#ll be lad to
discover that March '(/0 is a month of professional satisfactions. It could be about a period in which
you#re workin enthusiastically on a pro&ect, an opportunity for a promotion appears or in which your
efforts pay off. %ou miht have to handle some rivalries or cooperation problems, thouh. !he financial
component is stronly marked out B you#re in for considerable earnins or other material advantaes, but
also for important e)penses, some of which will come out of the blue. !here will be an increase in work
load and responsibilities.
Saturn, the lord of health is with friends in Libra and is very stron. !heoretically, you shouldn#t have any
health problems. 3upiter in 9emini protects you as it has full aspect over your financial health and besides
that, it lends you work capacity.
Increase your ambitions and aspire only that much that you can achieve practically.

&isces March 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
Venus, the karaka for love is with Mercury in Capricorn. !his marks out your charm and intensifies your
sentimentalism. 3upiter lends you passion and desire for action. %our wishes demand to be fulfilled riht
away, but... If you hurry, you#ll risk makin mistakes. !his can lay the foundation of a stron love or an
uly break1up. If you have a relationship that doesn#t work, maybe it#s time you set yourself free and
looked for somethin different. If you have a relationship you care about, be tactful because any spark
can cause a fire. Saturn in the C
house may cause differences in opinion between partners. Its affliction
to Rahu may cause verbal conflicts in domestic life.
Career / Finance
Mercury with Venus in Capricorn will increase your ability to work hard and increase your knowlede.
-fter the first week in which you#ll find it difficult to achieve satisfyin results, thins will radually start to
turn around. <othin comes easy but the chances to succeed are rowin. Social interactions and
meetin new people are favorable to your career. %ou#ll concentrate better, think more clearly and
become skillful. Challenes and confrontations will still be in the picture. "ut if you play your cards calmly,
rationally and strateically, the last week can brin you the accomplishments you#ve been dreamin of.
Saturn is very stron in Libra. "eware until the /Dth March, Mars in Libra will provide you much enery,
but it can also e)pose you to ailments with a rapid evolution @infectious, feverish, inflammatoryA or to small
accidents because of the rush and carelessness @cuts, burns, etc.A. %ou#ll e)perience a short period of
lower tonus
-wareness. !he month could mean attacks, traps, disease, loss, secret enemies and other hidden

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