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1he pro[ecL 8enewable energy crowdfundlng ln CroaLla was selecLed as one of Lhe slx
wlnnlng ldeas under Lhe lnnovaLlon lund LhaL seeks Lo supporL unu CounLry Cfflces ln
Lurope and CenLral Asla ln developlng rapld proLoLyplng capablllLles and LesLlng of new
approaches and meLhods for solvlng developmenL problems.

1hls ldea was supporLed from Lhe perspecLlve of LesLlng ouL a new meLhod (crowdfundlng)
of generaLlng fundlng for small scale, local level renewable energy pro[ecLs and from Lhe
perspecLlve of belng well poslLloned wlLhln Lhe ongolng porLfollo and work of unu ln
CroaLla ln Lhe area of renewable energy. 1he ldea addressed a problem of small scale ouLflLs
and enLrepreneurs noL belng able Lo access favorable loans Lo klck sLarL and Lake ownershlp
of Lhe energy-relaLed ldeas. 8ased on a varleLy of revlewed cases globally, crowdfundlng
was ldenLlfled as a poLenLlal vehlcle LhaL can address Lhls lssue Lhrough Lapplng lnLo Lhe
global pool of poLenLlal funders. Also, lmporLanL role of energy cooperaLlves was lncluded ln
plloL as addresslng noL-ln-My-8ack-?ard (nlM8?) syndrome LhaL renewable energy faces
Loday, whlch ls recognlzed as an lmporLanL barrler Lo wlder lnvesLmenLs ln renewable

verlflcaLlon of uslng crowdfundlng for developmenL pro[ecLs was performed for energy
lndependenL school ln CroaLla. AfLer 13 dlfferenL crowdfundlng plaLforms were LesLed,
lndlegogo was chosen as Lhe mosL approprlaLe Lo use (please read more abouL Lhls here:).

Campalgn slLe LhaL was used for lndlegogo can be found here.


Crowdfundlng campalgn was a huge learnlng experlence, and Lhere ls a need from unu
polnL of vlew Lo use galned experlence Lo:

- Share Lhe knowledge acqulred ln crowdfundlng campalgn for energy lndependenL
school ln CroaLla,
- 1o fosLer a dlscusslon on how crowdfundlng can be used for flnanclng developmenL
pro[ecLs, especlally renewable energy developmenL pro[ecLs?

1hese recommendaLlons are based on a CroaLlan communlLy pro[ecL on lndlegogo
crowdfundlng plaLform. AlLhough our recommendaLlons could apply Lo any oLher conLexL,
Lhere are some speclflcs LhaL mlghL dlffer from your pro[ecLs.

>:A=97=AB 97>?

So here are some of Lhe Llps we would llke Lo share wlLh Lhe world:

C1))/&0 $)%,)1'

lnLernaLlonal developmenL organlzaLlons llke unu should be very cauLlous abouL flnanclng
lssues, ln order Lo mlnlmlze repuLaLlon rlsks LhaL mlghL occur due Lo noL dellverlng promlses
or flnances from crowdfundlng Lo Lhe announced pro[ecL. 8efore you sLarL, ask yourself
some honesL quesLlons: =>% 7%8'* )#6#1?# 6%''#63#* ,%&#; (&* >%7 7%8'* 3>1$ :#
%)9(&1@#*A B%7 7%8'* 3># ,%&#; :# 4(1* %83 3% )#6141#&3$? Such quesLlons need Lo be
consldered buL Lhey can be avolded alLogeLher ln one slmple way. Can unu be Lhe one, or
ls unu [usL a backlng parLner Lo Lhe pro[ecL beneflclary who recelves flnances from

Cur advlce ls - have a local organlzaLlon you are Lrylng Lo help (llke a medlcal cenLer ln
Lebanon Lo supporL hosL Syrlan refugees or vocaLlonal Lralnlng cenLer ln !ordan) be Lhe
offlclal lead of Lhe crowdfundlng campalgn and unu as a shadow lead. WhaL does Lhls

unu provldes Lhe man-hours and experLlse, Lhe locals are lnvolved ln Lhe plannlng sLage
and process (Lhls boLLom up approach can hugely help you undersLand Lhelr needs and
sLrucLure your campalgn message) buL Lhe campalgn ls reglsLered ln Lhe name of Lhe local
organlzaLlon. 1he money ls collecLed Lhrough Lhe beneflclarles' bank accounL. 1hls means
LhaL before you sLarL Lhe campalgn lL's lmporLanL Lo have a rellable local parLner LhaL
undersLands crowdfundlng and ls ready Lo experlmenL wlLh lL.

When we were selecLlng our local parLner - ln our case Lhe Lnergy cooperaLlve kasLela - we
made sure Lhey undersLood whaL crowdfundlng ls and how Lhls can help Lhem. AlLhough
Lhey were skepLlcal aL flrsL, Lhelr doubLs dlsappeared swlfLly afLer we ralsed 1000 uSu ln Lhe
flrsL day.

?)%,) 4,14%,/&0 %) 31%$) )-# 5#&)D$ E1*#,1 )D1 +%54%/0& $)%,)$

Make sure you lnvesL aL leasL Lwo monLhs of preparaLlons before Lhe acLual campalgn sLarLs.
Some people have a concepLlon LhaL crowdfundlng ls [usL abouL puLLlng your pro[ecL on llne
and walLlng for Lhe money Lo come ln. 1hls ls however far from reallLy. A crowdfundlng
campalgn ls a very lnLense process LhaL requlres full commlLmenL for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe
campalgn (aL leasL 8 man hours per day). 8uL Lhe more work you puL ln upfronL
preparaLlons, Lhe beLLer! So whaL do you need Lo prepare?

7'1&)/*F )D1 0,#.4$ F#. -%&) )# )%,01)G lf you are crowdfundlng for a communlLy
pro[ecL ln your counLry, Lhlnk of people LhaL can ldenLlfy wlLh lLs cause. ln our case
Lhese were CroaLlan dlaspora, local communlLy and renewable energy enLhuslasLs.

7'1&)/*F )D1 5.3)/43/1,$ #* F#., $)#,FG 1hese are usually Lhe medla. So lf you are
dolng a renewable energy pro[ecL, you should alm aL 1hree Pugger and 8enewable
Lnergy World. Medla ouLleLs llke Lhe PufflngLon osL also llke Lo publlsh such
sLorles. ldenLlfy and conLacL people Lhrough Llnkedln, who work for Lhe medla you
wanL Lo geL coverage from.

@&0%01 F#., %.'/1&+1 E1*#,1 )D1 +%54%/0& $)%,)$

AlLhough we knew how much Lhls ls lmporLanL, we dldn'L do lL. And lL made our way Lo
successful campalgn even harder. Lngage your frlends and famlly a few monLhs before Lhe
campalgn sLarLs. lf Lhey are noL enLhuslasLlc and noL wllllng Lo supporL lL, Lhlnk agaln abouL

your pro[ecL! 8each ouL Lhe frlends of frlends. lL ls all abouL havlng a crowd who ls ready Lo
pledge aL Lhe momenL Lhe campalgn ls ouL. 1helr donaLlons should creaLe a momenLum of
20-30 of your goal. lL wlll glve credlblllLy Lo Lhe whole campalgn, and encourage people Lo
donaLe. no one wanLs Lo be Lhe flrsL Lo donaLe, buL lf donaLlons are consLanLly lncreaslng,
people don'L wanL Lo mlss Lhe chance Lo be a parL of someLhlng successful. Lveryone llkes Lo
be a parL of someLhlng blg, someLhlng LhaL brlngs mulLlple beneflLs.

>%F>%3 4,14%,%)/#&$

Some esLlmaLes show LhaL campalgns wlLh ayal recelve around 20 more donaLlons Lhan
Lhose wlLhouL. 1herefore lL's lmporLanL Lo have your ayal ready before Lhe campalgn
sLarLs, lL lncreases your chances. 1here ls a serles of sLeps you have Lo Lake Lo creaLe an
accounL. lndlegogo has provlded lLs users wlLh very helpful lnsLrucLlons on seLLlng up an
accounL. Powever, Lhese do noL conLaln some lnformaLlon LhaL mlghL cosL you a monLh
worLh of Llme.

llrsL of all, Lhe accounL should preferably be llnked Lo a credlL card owned by someone from
Lhe local organlzaLlon you are parLnerlng wlLh. 1he money wlll Lherefore be auLomaLlcally
Lransferred Lo LhaL accounL. lf you are an lnLernaLlonal organlzaLlon, Lhls helps you avold red
Lape. <& 3># 6($# %+ 2)%(31( C (&* 4%3#&31(''; %3>#) 6%8&3)1#$ C ;%8 6(& %&'; 8$# ( :8$1&#$$
D1$( 6()* :#6(8$# %&'; 3>1$ (66#43$ 4(;,#&3$ E*%&(31%&$ 3% ;%8) 6(,4(19&FG lf you have a
MasLer Card for example - and are based ln CroaLla and poLenLlally oLher counLrles - you
wlll noL be able Lo seL up your ayal accounL. lf you are LargeLlng Lhe uS, where mosL
people use ayal, Lhls mlghL be a serlous seLback for your campalgn.

HDF '#1$ /) )%I1 E1)-11& #&1 %&' )-# 5#&)D$J lf you are sLarLlng from scraLch
and have Lo lssue a buslness vlsa card, Lhls wlll Lake you beLween one and Lwo
weeks. ln our case lL Look around 13 buslness days. AfLer Lhls you reglsLer wlLh
ayal, whlch Lhen noLlfles you Lo send supporLlng documenLs. 1hese are banks
sLaLemenLs, evldence of reglsLraLlon wlLh a regulaLory body, eLc. CollecLlng Lhese
wlll Lake you anoLher Lhree Lo flve worklng days. AfLer you have done Lhls, you sLlll
have Lo walL for ayal Lo verlfy your accounL and Lhls mlghL Lake anoLher flve
worklng days.

HDF '#1$ >%F>%3 ,1K./,1 $.+D $),/+) +#&),#3$J Accordlng Lo ayal, crowdfundlng ls
a poLenLlal source for fraudulenL acLlvlLles, lncludlng money launderlng and oLher
scams and Lrlckery". lollowlng a serles of lncldenLs, where ayal acLually serlously
harmed some campalgns, Lhey lssued new rules crowdfundlng campalgners have Lo
follow. We wlll noL wrlLe ln depLh abouL Lhls, because lL mlghL Lake one slngle blog.
"/' -1 .$1 >%F>%FJ We really wanLed Lo, buL ayal re[ecLed us. We goL a noLlce
from Lhem saylng LhaL due Lo rules and regulaLlons LhaL apply Lo non-proflLs we are
noL ellglble Lo have an accounL wlLh Lhem. 1hls alone mlghL have reduced our
donaLlons amounL by 20.

=,1%)1 +#&)1&) $.,,#.&'/&0 F#., +%54%/0&

ln oLher words glve Lhe medla someLhlng Lo publlsh. lor lnsLance, we organlzed a concerL of
supporL for Lhe campalgn, where we hosLed among oLhers 1he 8eaL lleeL, whlch ls one of
Lhe mosL popular CroaLlan bands. 1hls creaLed huge medla hype and placed us ln all CroaLlan
medla. We were on Lhe radlo, lnLerneL and 1v for flve days before Lhe concerL. ?ou can also

make addlLlonal web conLenL. lor lnsLance Lhe Scanadu ScouL
campalgn for a Lrlcoder LhaL
Lracks your healLh slgns (LemperaLure, hearL raLe eLc.) creaLed a Clobal 8ody Map where
Lhey feaLured whaL people ln dlfferenL counLrles llke Lo measure Lhe mosL. 1hls obvlously
creaLed fun conLenL, where for lnsLance you learn LhaL 8usslans supporLlng Lhe pro[ecL
measure Lhelr hearL raLe Lhe mosL, whlle Lhe Amerlcans focus on Lhelr blood pressure.

L/'1# +#21,%01

1he mosL lmporLanL elemenL of your campalgn page ls Lhe vldeoG Campalgns LhaL have
vldeos on average ralse 114 more Lhan Lhose LhaL don'L. lnvesLlng your energy lnLo Lhls
parL of Lhe campalgn ls a good ldea. 8uL Lhere obvlously are dlfferences beLween good and
bad vldeos. Pow Lo make a good vldeo?

M#., $)#,F D%$ )# E1 41,$#&%3/N1'G ln any case you need Lo show your face, so
people know who ls Lhe person or Leam behlnd Lhe fundralser. ersonal and slncere
messages geL Lo peoples hearLhs and Lhen Lhey donaLe regardless of Lhe perks. A
good sense of humor wlll also help, as ln Lhe example of Lhe Cood Spread eanuL
8uLLer campalgn.

?),1$$ )D1 0,1%)1, E1&1*/)$ #* F#., 4,#61+)G eople llke Lo ldenLlfy wlLh someLhlng
greaLer Lhen Lhemselves, because when Lhey do Lhey feel llke Lhey are parL of Lhe
soluLlon. lor example, our campalgn sLressed LhaL bulldlng an energy lndependenL
school would creaLe an educaLlonal envlronmenL for chlldren LhaL one-day mlghL
come up wlLh a soluLlon for cllmaLe change.

O%I1 $.,1 F#. /&+3.'1 )D1 P-D#Q -D%)Q -D1& %&' -D1,1R #* )D1 +%54%/0&G Pere ls
a compllaLlon of greaL lndlegogo vldeo plLches. All of Lhese are boLh very personal
buL also lnclude Lhe above named essenLlals. Pere ls however a plLch LhaL does noL
conLaln any of Lhese.

9D1 'F&%5/+$ #* +,#-'*.&'/&0 /$ $D#,) )1,5 %&' +31%, 0#%3S

9D1 PC#C# *%+)#,R

lL ls anoLher Lhlng we dldn'L know abouL ln Lhe beglnnlng, buL soon we reallzed lL ls
someLhlng LhaL makes our campalgn vlslble and beLLer poslLloned ln Lhe sea of oLher
pro[ecLs on lndlegogo. 1he "CoCo facLor" ls an algorlLhm LhaL measures Lhe acLlvlLy ln a
campalgn and drlves Lhe placemenLs of pro[ecLs on Lhe slLe, accordlng Lo a number of
varlables, and makes Lhe campalgns ongolng success or lack of ls lmmedlaLely clear
. lor
more lnfo please read here. 1he hlgher Lhe CoCo facLor" ls, Lhe beLLer chances your
campalgn wlll be successful. 1he followlng facLors wlll lncrease lL:

- A greaL and personallzed vldeo LhaL wlll lead more people Lo your campalgn,
- unlque perks aL dlfferenL levels (ldeally 3-8 dlfferenL ones),
- Make updaLes 1-2 Llmes per week (lnform your audlence abouL Lhe campalgn's
progress). More updaLes you have, Lhe blgger Lhe CoCo facLor ls!
- Lngage your audlence Lo commenL on your campalgn (Lhe more commenLs you
have, Lhe beLLer!)

The Scanadu Scout is a tricoder that monitors your blood pressure, heart rate, oximetry, ECG,
temperature and emotional stress and connects this data with your smartphone. Pretty cool. Yes!

- Pave a consLanL donaLlons flow,
- Pave a loL of Leam members (when we lncreased Lhe Leam members, we goL very
hlgh ln our CommunlLy" caLegory)
- Share Lhe lndlegogo llnk a loL (lL ls Lhe besL lf you're slgned ln before sharlng lL).

8especLlng all Lhls should ensure you appear on Lhe maln lndlegogo page.

9D1 41,I$ T4,/N1$ *#, +,#-'*.&'1,$U

erks should be unlque, well LhoughL ouL, and loglcal for Lhe pro[ecL you wanL Lo crowdfund.
lL ls a blL harder Lo seL Lhe perks for renewable energy, Lhan for a vldeo game pro[ecL for
example. ln a vldeo game campalgn, your freebles would probably be a hard copy of Lhe
same game, or gadgeLs connecLed Lo lL.

SupporLlng a renewable energy pro[ecL means supporLlng hlgher ldeals and bellefs, concern
abouL Lhe fuLure, and glveaways are mosL probably noL Lhe maln reason for pledglng, buL
Lhey round ouL Lhe whole sLory.

1he maln ldea for our glfLs was Lo offer someLhlng LhaL ls local, fun and creaLed by Lhe
school klds. lor Lhe small amounL of money we offered drawlngs and personallzed Lhank
you" noLes produced by Lhe school klds. 1he LlemenLary school CsLrog" has a school's
sLudenL cooperaLlve LhaL produces eco [uLe bags, bookmarks, magneLs and lavender bags, so
Lhe ma[or number of our perks was creaLed around Lhese producLs.

lor Lhe hlgh amounLs we had Lo offer someLhlng greaLer llke kasLela experlence" or
ualmaLlan for a week" LhaL lncludes a week of sLaylng ln local famlly ln kasLela, ollve plcklng
ln Lhe school's ollve garden, dlvlng and learnlng how Lo prepare LradlLlonal ualmaLlan food.

>#$) +%54%/0& %+)/2/)/1$

Lven lf Lhe campalgn has flnlshed, and money ls collecLed - your [ob ls noL done here! llrsL of
all - open a boLLle of champagne! And Lhen Lhank people who made lL happen. Make a
plcLure of Lhe Leam worklng on your campalgn and creaLe some funny Lhank you" noLes.
1hank Lhem personally, or make anoLher updaLe on Lhe campalgn page. 8e creaLlve, show
your graLlLude and happlness Lo Lhe world!

And don'L forgeL Lo say Lhank you" on soclal medla as well! When showlng graLlLude ls
done, lL ls Llme Lo make a llsL of your conLrlbuLors and maLchlng perks, and organlze Lhe
shlpplng. uon'L leave Lhls for Lhe lasL momenL, make sure LhaL freebles come on Llme!


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