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I choose the story I analysed in form 4, QWERTYUIOP by Vivien Alcock as the

character I admire most is Lucy Beck from QWERTYUIOP .Lucy Beck is 17 years old who just
graduated from secretarial studies in Belmont Secretarial College. She then got a job as a
secretary at the Ross and Bannisters. She is physically insignificant as she was described as
young, small ,mouse coloured and easily overlooked. Furthermore, she has a low self-esteem.
This can be shown when she questioned herself who would employ her when there are hundreds
after every vacancy, brighter and more qualified than her with high academic achievements. She
is also very punctual. She arrived at her workplace earlier than anyone. Moreover, she is clever
and courageous. This can be proved when Harry Darke complimented her on catching on quick
when she asked who is Miss Broome and Harry said wrong question and she corrected her
question with who was Miss Broome. Also, she is a compassionate and sympathetic. This is
shown by Lucy Beck when she placed flowers at Miss Broomes grave and when she felt sorry
for Miss Broome after hearing Miss Broomes story. Lucy Beck is also ambitious, determined
and optimistic to change her way of live. This can be shown when Lucy was mentioned of tired
being poor, eating the same lame thing every day and wearing second-hand clothes. She gathered
her strength and determined to get a job to get out of poverty.
This character has taught me that even though you might have some setbacks in your life
embrace it courageously as Lucy Beck did with the ghost of Miss Broome. Also, it taught me
that it is not necessarily that if we are incapable in something than the others, and then we will
live miserably. When Lucy Beck got a job of secretary even though she her typing was described
as such that even the tortoise will laugh at her, the character taught me that there is something
that only we can do and also work hard to achieve something. Lucy Beck also taught me
that without determination you will definitely have hard time dealing with problems. It was Lucy
Becks determination that helped her to keep her job as a secretary at Ross and Bannisters. Lucy
Beck also taught me that punctuality is important to give a good impression so that you might
have more chance of succeeding in life.
My admiration towards this character has left me wanting to follow in her lead of living
your life. I decided that I will be determined, hardworking, well-mannered, and optimistic as the
character is in pursuing my dreams.

Main character & characteristic of QWERTYUIOP

The main character in this short story is Lucy Beck. She was a young 17 years old and small
woman. Her skin coloured was mouse-coloured and she has a easily and plain-looking. She had a
lonely 'O' level and typing speed was so slow as a tortoise. She lives with her lovely mother and
her alchoholic uncle. Her life with her family was in poor neighbourhood. She really wants a job
that can support her family and get away from her uncle, Uncle Bert.

Eventhough Lucy lacks of skills and experienced of job, she managed to get a job as a
secretary at Ross and Bannister's firm. She was a punctuality woman as she always came early to
work. She was very determined to hold her jod at the firm even she was diturbed by a spirit that
was an ex-secretary there before. This shows her courages to fight awat the spirit that was Miss
Broome. She had a battled for an hour with Miss Broome by using the electrical typewriter

After had a extremely fight with Miss Broome, finally, she managed to pursuade Miss Broome
to back to her place. She told Miss Broome that Mr Bannister needed her there. This show that
she good in pursuade people or other thing to follow her instuctions.

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