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Namhe:Herman Bin Hasim

Matric: 113229
Do you think Valentines Day Celebration is important noa!ays"
Valentines Day or V- day! The day was first associated with an occasion in
which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers,
offering confectionery and sending greeting cards. Valentine's Day symbols that are
used today include the heart-shaped outline, doves and the figure of the winged upid.
!t is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it is not a holiday in most
of them" #owever, in my personal view, ! guess this day is not important anymore to be
celebrated especially among the $alaysians"
%s far as everyone is concern, the main purpose of V- day is for lovers to
express their love towards their partners" Therefore, ! believe that it irrelevant to
celebrate it as we do not need to have one special day to express our deepest love to
our partners" &e should always show our affection to them at all times, '() days a
year" There should not be a special day li*e V-day since everyone is free to confess and
express their feelings to their loved ones" +y having an exceptional day li*e V-day, !
believe that people would tend to wait for that particular one day to do all out for their
partners as they want them to be contented and remember it" &hat about other days,
%gain, ! always *eep in mind that love is not something that is based on time"
+esides, during a V-day celebration, it is so obvious that love is in the air" V-day
has becomes over-commerciali-ed nowadays" !t has been converted into a trend to
celebrate V-day as most of the youngsters are seen to be at concerts and pubs to
celebrate it" &hen V-day has becomes a trend, it has already defeated the purpose of
its original reason of celebrating it" !nstead of to express love, it has turned out to be an
event of showing off to the public what couples may do to impress their spouses" !n
addition, couples may want to blow their own horn about the expensive and branded
gifts to be given to their other half" Therefore, it is not anymore on giving something
special sincerely but to brag to buddies on how filthy rich they are"
.inally, the reason why ! thin* Valentines Day should not be celebrated
nowadays as it has been reported the V-day celebration, there were various social
illnesses mushrooming in the country" !n /ovember 0111, it was reported that a bubble
parties was held in +angsar, 2uala 3umpur in con4unction with the V-day celebration"
5n that night, most of the youngsters were dancing na*edly before an ambush by the
authorities" !n Thailand on the hand, it was reported that in year that in year 0166, 078
of 0911 of university students were caught having sex on the .ebruary 69 as a way for
them to celebrate it"
!n the nutshell, there are lots of negative impacts when V-day is celebrated in
$alaysia" Thus, ! urge everyone to stop this celebration before it is too late" !
understand that it has to be done gradually as :ome is not built in a day!

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