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Majority Counsel/Program Services

Senator Joseph L. Bruno, Majority Leader

To: Senator Bruno

From: Ed Bartholomew Jr.. ./
Date: June 10,2001
Subject: End of Session Labor Priorities

The approach to this Legislative Session concerning Labor Issues has been to
focus on non pension legislation. Last session with a strong economy and with the
election cycle in full swing , the Senate Majority accomplished significant
enhancements of pension s across the board.

This year with the slowing down of the economy and the need to regroup [or next
year's elections , w e have attempted to shift the issues to non pension legislation.
With the exceptions of providing some technical and modest pension changes(for
our friends .. I 199. teachers, csea). the Senate Majority Counsel should target non
pension legislation for adoption.

The Senate Majority has essentially passed all Labor related extenders from agency
shop, dues check off binding arbitration for police and fire

The high profile legislative issues attracting the most attention however are closely
all ied with the Budget Process:

• Healthcare& Daycare Funding , AFL CIa , 1199, CSEA ,

• Health care workforce issues , AFL CIa, 1199, CSEA, Nursing Assoc.
• Teach II. NYSUT, UFT
• Training money for Local 100 TWU-- $25 0,000
• Training, educational money for UA W/American Axle(Buffalo) $201 In 200 I,
$2M in 2002
Affordable Housing Smdy-- $250 ,00 AFL CLO

Vv'ith NYC elections this year, there are several NYC Pension bills and related bills
before the Senate which are being reviewed.

SEIU S 5097 25/55 retirement-- no cost --should do

Teamster 237 S2767 Presumption disability Blood /Body Fluids
S 4258a 25 yr. retirement-- self funded- -no cost

Binding Arbitration- Several Groups lobbying:

Corrections S214 Nozzolio

State Troopers 55413 Leibe lJ
Depu ty Sheri ffs S5414 Leibell
Detectives S2090 Padavan
Niagara Frontier S407. S 1910 Volker


Legislative Agenda- Nee

• Day of Rest with overtime payment if requested to work AFL CIa

Card Check All unions
Apprenticeship Program BLDG & TRADES
Wearing Apparel Bid option for school districts NYSUT, BISHOP
Organ Donation leave for state employees Coalition
Prompt Payment- needs amend Carpenters
Apprenticeship Information Trades
Gas Pilot Bill IBEW
Prevailing Wage Enforcement Operating Engineers
Charter School

Timing in Adoption ()f Certain Bills->-

NYC Pensions-- End of Session June 20, 2001. .. NYC budget has been adopted
Or at Budget adoption time
State Wide Pensions -- If adopt at June 20th day, continued pressure will bear to do
more at the Budget adoption ..also tile longer we wait , better picture of the economy
will take place : therefore alternative to consider is pension bills tied into budget.also
may add pressure on Assembly.. perhaps more flexibility in negotiating with other

Binding Arhitration-- What groups to receive BA this year and timing!

It would appear that the Assembly will pass binding arb for all groups. 2nd Floor
is looking at Corrections favorably this year, State Police Supt. opposes binding arb
this year, Deputies not on screen with 2nd Floor. The Assembly philosophy is that
everyone that asks can have binding arbitration .

Corrections--NYSCOPBA --Nozzolio looking to adopt June 20th

This is their main issue as they indicated for this year and next--
* Passed Assembly June 4th
State Police --Leibell--Two major issues in the next two years ..Binding Arb and
:x disability at $4.2 Million cost
*In Assembly Rules

Deputy Sheriffs--Leibell--on issue of binding arbitration(Floyd Holloway claims

in meeting last fall with JLB and Corda representations were made that we
would do this bill this year) alternative is some pension legislation.
*Passed Assembly June 4th

NYC Detectives--Padavan priOlity--

"Passed Assembly June 4th

Niagara Frontier Authority--Volker--

*Passed Assembly June 4th

If the Senate passes these binding arbitration bills this year for these groups, it
wou ld seem that all pension requests in these areas will be deferred to nex t year.


Albany Parking Plan Breslin S3176a

Joint Bidding Goodman S3497
Labor Law 2401241 Volker S 203, 5 4995
Outside Employment Johnson S 3943 opposed by SP
Panel Membership Larkin 5 3999 opposed by SP
Wicks Legislation Goodman S1150, 54508
Rath 54988\ S5312

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