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Wicked the Ultimate Musical

Hating Alison Ashley: Creative Writing

Number o Words: !"#
$rans%ort vehicles &ere rushing do&n roads at a hundred
kilometres %er hour their destination 'aber City( When the
audience arrived) * &as so gobsmacked as * +ust could not
believe ho& many %eo%le had come to &atch our %remiere
%erormance o Wicked the Musical(
Congregations o %eo%le led into the ,oyal 'aber Hall and
&ent to take their seats in readiness or the %lay &hile an-ious
and nervous %erormers &aited .uietly in the /reen room( We
had a number o su%erb lead roles &hom &ere concentrating
and %ractising their lines( $here had been a number o
auditions &hile at cam% to determine &ho &ould be given the
main roles 0there &as a lot o conlict about this1 and as * &as
not a strong actor * &as nominated to be 'tage Manager( * &as
e-tremely %roud o mysel(
Ho&ever) suddenly) * realised that &e didnt kno& &here /linda
0a signiicantly main %art1) the good &itch o the North &as
and it &as my res%onsibility to ind her) as * &as the %erson in
charge( * ran like the &ind to try and locate her and * irstly
looked in the &ings o the stage( Unortunately) * did not ind
her and then * &ent u%stairs to the 2ight $echnician and he did
not have a clue &here she had gone( * sa& her3 * actually did(
'he &as talking to her relatives that had come to &atch the
%lay 0&hich &as running very late1 and because o this * &ent to
get her immediately(
4nce &e had assembled everyone on the 5rom%t and 4%%osite
5rom%t sides o the stage 0the &ings1 * cued the 6irector to
o%en the curtain( Wicked the Musical) here &e come3 $he
4verture &as %layed and the citi7ens o 'aber City 0the
students on our cam%1 entered onto the arena to celebrate the
death o the &icked &itch 8l%haba( /linda descended onto
stage beautiully to conirm the circumstances o the &itch
&ho had melted( $he clock &as then shited back to the birth
o the disgusting looking 8l%haba $hro%%(
/linda and 8l%haba at irst had a terrible ight bet&een their
dierences but then /linda gre& attached to her and gave
8l%haba a makeover) &hich lead to the song 5o%ular( $hey both
then climbed to the tallest to&er but the &icked &itch
08l%haba1 overheard /lindas mother saying that the &icked
&itch should be killed( 8l%haba eeling betrayed le& o in her
broomstick and accidentally hit the stage roo 0this &as .uite
unny31( 'he also ca%tured one o the citi7ens o 'aber City(
*n the end) though) /linda %ersuaded 8l%haba to let the %erson
go and they both decided to establish a riendshi% 9or /ood
0song1( $he entire cast then entered or the 9inale and the
audience a%%lauded ecstatically 0&anting an 8ncore31 and &e
gave it to them(
Curtain call) lights out and deinitely the end o a sensational
and e-ce%tional %erormance(

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