Year 9 QM1 - Drugs Education

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Year 9 QM1 Drugs Education

The first 20 are multiple choice questions. You do not need to write the answer down but just the letter next to the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is an unclassified drug?
. poppers
!. cannabis
". #$%
%. cocaine
2. Which drug is also &nown as 'miaow( or )"T
. *cstas+
!. )ephedrone
". lcohol
%. )arijuana
,. Which of the following is not a ris& of ta&ing ecstas+?
. d+ing
!. li-er. &idne+ and heart problems
". getting aggressi-e
%. &nowing what is in the pill
/. What is the penalt+ for suppl+ of a "lass ! drug?
. 0 +ears in jail
!. 1/ +ears in jail and a fine
". 0 +ears in jail and a fine
%. 1/ +ears in jail
1. What class is cannabis in?
. "lass
!. "lass !
". "lass "
%. 2ot classified and is legal
3. 4ow man+ +ears would +ou be sent to prison for if +ou were found in possession of a "lass drug?
. 1/ +ears
!. 0 Years
". 2 +ears
%. 21 Years
0. What drug used to be in coca cola?
. cid
!. 4eroin
". "ocaine
%. $peed
5. Which one of the following is the odd one out?
. "oca "ola
!. "offee
". Tea
%. 6range juice
7. 4ow man+ chemicals are there in a cigarette?
. 6-er /000
!. #ess than /000
". 100081100
%. #ess than 1000
10. 9f someone was 'chasing the dragon(. what drug would the+ be using?
. "rac&
!. "r+stal )eth
". #$%
%. 4eroin
11. Which of the following is an example of a %owner?
. Tranquillisers
!. $peed
". *cstas+
%. "affeine
12. Which one of these drugs is a "lass drug?
. :4!
!. mphetamine
". )agic )ushrooms
%. tabacco
1,. Which one of the following happens when +ou consume alcohol?
. $peeds +ou up
!. )a&es +ou happ+
". ;eeps +ou awa&e
%. %epresses the ner-ous s+stem
1/. What is the legal age at which +oung people can bu+ alcohol?
. 10
!. 15
". 20
%. 21
11. 4ow man+ +ears can smo&ing &noc& off +our life expectanc+?
. 11 < 21 +ears
!. 10 < 11 +ears
". 1 < 10 +ears
%. =p to 1 +ears
13. Which one of the following is a hard drug?
. "annabis
!. )agic mushrooms
". 2icotine
%. *cstas+
10. What is the legal age to bu+ a pac& of cigarettes?
. 15
!. 17
". 20
%. 21
15. What is the recommended maximum amount of alcoholic units for a man to consume a da+?
. , < /
!. / < 1
". 3 < 0
%. 2 < ,
17. What is the recommended maximum amount of alcoholic units for a woman to consume in a da+?
. / < 1
!. 3 < 0
". 2 < ,
%. , < /
20. Which one of these is not a side effect of smo&ing?
. Yellow fingers
!. $tained teeth
". #ung cancer
%. 9ncreased energ+
The next questions show the mar&s a-ailable next to the question. )a&e sure +ou gi-e this man+ points in +our answer.
21. #ist 1 unwanted side effects of smo&ing cannabis >1?
22. #ist , wa+s cocaine affects +our heart.>,?
2,. @oe binge drin&s on $aturda+ nights. #ist 0 wa+s this might affect her beha-iour. >0?
2/. #ist 3 people or groups of people that might be affected b+ one person ta&ing drugs. >3?
21. What does it mean 'to suppl+( a drug? >2?
23. "hoose a drug that +ou ha-e researched about and answer the following questions about it. >0?
1? 2ame of the drug
2? "lass of drug
,? What does it loo& li&e?
/? 4ow do people ta&e it?
1? What is the penalt+ for suppl+ing this drug?
3? What do +ou thin& the penalt+ should be for suppl+ing this drug? Wh+?

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