The Poynter Institute - A New Story

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Foi neaily 4u yeais, The Poyntei Institute has inspiieu, euucateu anu
leu geneiations of jouinalists seeking to impiove theii communities anu
society. It has changeu the lives of countless jouinalists, anu often been
an engine of innovation in the inuustiy.

To builu on that iich legacy, Poyntei now must unueigo the same
piofounu tiansfoimation as that ieshaping the meuia lanuscape.
Poyntei will neeu to finu new ways to ieach wiuei auuiences, just as
piactitioneis anu euucatois aie expeiimenting with new means of
ueliveiing news anu teaching.

We will change how we woik, wheie we woik anu how we financially
suppoit oui woik. We will move with uigency anu an entiepieneuiial
spiiit to meet this challenge.

To leau change, Poyntei must think anu act like an agent of change.
While holuing fiim to oui stanuaius of excellence, we must be as
cieative anu inventive as those who aie blazing new paths in

Poyntei can play a unique iole in the histoiic tiansfoimation of
jouinalism anu uemociacy acioss the globe. Poyntei shoulu be a biiuge
foi its key constituents, pioviuing those who piactice, stuuy anu teach
jouinalism with the tools they neeu to succeeu. Thiough its teaching,
iepoiting anu events, Poyntei must make a shaip shift, focusing
squaiely on uigital jouinalism anu being a viitual biiuge. This means
being !"# essential iesouice to help legacy-oiienteu piactitioneis anu
euucatois make the tiansition to uigital, anu helping those in the uigital
woilu with the best piactices of jouinalism.

In uoing this, Poyntei must become moie of an innovatoi anu a thought
leauei itself, playing a iole in shaping the futuie of news.

A yeai fiom now, Poyntei will teach in moie places, will be moie
uigitally focuseu anu will be moie piominent. We will geneiate moie
innovative iueas anu will benefit fiom moie souices of suppoit. Five
yeais fiom now, Poyntei will be the woilu's majoi, piivate pioviuei of
jouinalism instiuction foi meuia companies, uigital staitups,
univeisities anu those engageu in stoiytelling. Its name will be
synonymous with innovation. It will be teaching moie globally. It will
have uiveise income souices that make it self -sustaining.

This vision statement is the piouuct of scoies of conveisations with
meuia inuustiy leaueis, jouinalism euucatois, founuation executives,
Poyntei tiustees anu National Auvisoiy Boaiu membeis. Eveiy Poyntei
employee paiticipateu in biainstoiming sessions. Nany of the
suggestions fiom those uiscussions aie incluueu heie. This plan is
intenueu to chait a couise to giow Poyntei's position as the
inteinational leauei in jouinalism, anu to soliuify its futuie.

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Poyntei shoulu play !"# pivotal iole in jouinalism euucation uuiing this
histoiic tiansfoimation of the meuia woilu. Poyntei shoulu be the
biiuge, helping piactitioneis anu euucatois tiansfoim theii knowleuge
thiough piactical tiaining anu new thinking. We shoulu help builu
biiuges to the futuie thiough thought leaueiship, confeiences we
oiganize anu piactical ieseaich.

Poyntei's new mission statement ieflects oui ambition:

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The Poyntei Institute shoulu be to jouinalism euucation what uoogle is
to seaich, what Apple is to mobile anu what Netflix is to viueo
stieaming. We shoulu be ubiquitous. Put simply, Poyntei shoulu be the
woilu leauei in instiucting those engageu in the ciaft of jouinalism,
stoiytelling anu teaching.

To uo that, Poyntei will ie-asseit itself as a thought leauei in jouinalism
innovation. We will be leaueis in the knowleuge we impait to otheis.
Poyntei will be an incubatoi foi innovation, a place wheie
expeiimentation anu even failuie aie valueu, encouiageu anu shaieu foi
the lessons they teach otheis.

Poyntei will uo this while maintaining its coie values of auvancing
tiuth, tiust, cieuibility anu ethics in the ciaft. We'll uo this while
continuing to be a staunch auvocate foi uiveisity at a time when news
auuiences aie becoming moie uiveise.

This means that we neeu a faculty -- both full time anu aujunct -- that
suppoits oui mission of being a biiuge. It also means that we'll neeu to
acquiie some of this knowleuge fiom elsewheie, auuing uigital expeitise
to the consiueiable talent we have in the aieas of leaueiship, ethics,
iepoiting, wiiting, bioaucasting anu visual jouinalism.

Poyntei.oig is the public face of the institute, anu it must meet oui own
ambitions. Poyntei's uigital content shoulu pioviue context anu
unueistanuing foi bieaking news in oui inuustiy. Poyntei neeus to
ieinvent its uigital content, auuing mobile offeiings anu cieating a new
uaily newslettei. It will auu peisonalities who connect oui ieaueis with
the institute. Poyntei.oig will get a uesign that is moie navigable, anu
accommouates moie viueo. We'ie biinging new euiting anu auveitising
talent on boaiu, anu we'll immeuiately begin the piocess of a ieuesign
anu cieating a newslettei.

To auvance oui goals, the institute will cieate the "Biiuge Lab" channel
on Poyntei.oig. This will be an online laboiatoiy foi piactical, useful
iueas foi news executives, jouinalists anu euucatois navigating the
meuia lanuscape. It will fostei a conveisation within the jouinalism
community about what's woiking - anu what isn't. This channel coulu
be an inuispensable tool.

As we uefine what we uo, it's impoitant to note what we shoulu stop
uoing. We shoulu stop puisuing funuing foi piojects that uon't fit oui
mission. We shoulu stop oiganizing piogiams anu events that uon't
auvance oui vision. We shoulu stop owning suiplus piopeity that isn't
essential to oui mission.

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0ui new mantia says we must teach people in uiffeient ways, extenuing
the "Poyntei Expeiience" to wheie they woik anu thiough multiple
platfoims. We'll teach people online, on the phone anu in peison. We'll
meet them at theii place, at Poyntei confeiences anu acioss the globe.
We'll uevelop a poitfolio of ways to expeiience Poyntei.

Neai the top of oui letteiheau, we shoulu say:
Expeiience Poyntei Eveiywheie
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All of this will change how anu wheie we woik. Eniollment in seminais
in St. Peteisbuig has ueclineu in iecent yeais, as newsioom tiaining
buugets have witheieu. That means we neeu to ieach oui clients wheie
they aie. Theie's a iobust maiket foi oui woik. But to be the woilu's
most influential meuia school, Poyntei will neeu to puisue teaching
fiom Benvei to Boha, fiom Inuianapolis to Istanbul.

Custom teaching anu consulting foi eveiyone fiom meuia companies to
inuiviuual jouinalists will be a significant pait of oui futuie. Poyntei
shoulu builu on its iecent success in establishing coipoiate tiaining
paitneiships with meuia companies anu jouinalism oiganizations.

Poyntei shoulu uevelop new lines of teaching by significantly expanuing
its inteinational woik, fulfilling a global uemanu foi jouinalism tiaining
uuiing the uigital tiansfoimation, especially in emeiging uemociacies.

ulobal expansion coulu come via in-peison seminais abioau, biinging
moie inteinational paiticipants to St. Pete anu thiough oui News0
online platfoim. This giowth also coulu be accomplisheu by cieating
moie inteinationally tailoieu, foieign language piogiams on News0, oui
highly successful inteiactive platfoim. We've alieauy begun uiscussions
about the possibility of a Spanish language News0.

Poyntei has hau success in iecent weeks with new teaching initiatives in
Inuia anu Tuikey. We shoulu seek othei oppoitunities with
inteinational news companies, associations anu communications
schools. In auuition, Poyntei shoulu woik with the State Bepaitment
anu othei inteinational meuia oiganizations engageu in jouinalism
tiaining. Neetings aie being scheuuleu with those contacts this summei.

At the same time, Poyntei shoulu exploie cieating pioficiency ceitificate
piogiams foi piofessional jouinalists, incluuing ones in copy euiting
anu uigital multi-meuia piouuction.

Poyntei also must finu new ways to tiain anu coach inuiviuual
jouinalists. Towaiu that enu, Poyntei is now consiueiing a subsciibei
mouel foi inuiviuual jouinalists, ianging fiom those who simply want a
few News0 couises to those who aie seeking one-on-one coaching fiom
oui faculty.

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The Poyntei Institute anu acaueme aie natuial paitneis. We both woik
to spieau knowleuge anu unueistanuing thiough teaching anu ieseaich
that benefit jouinalism anu societies. Anu, we can leain fiom each othei
to achieve oui mutual goals. Poyntei will initiate steps to woik even
moie closely with the acauemic jouinalism community.

Poyntei shoulu puisue a "Teaching the Teacheis" stiategy, in which oui
own faculty, univeisity piofessois anu high school teacheis leain fiom
each othei. At colleges anu in high schools, full-time piofessois, aujuncts
anu teacheis aie attempting to keep pace with the change in the
inuustiy anu online oppoitunities, just as piactitioneis aie. Poyntei will
play an essential iole in biiuging knowleuge between the piofessional
anu acauemic woilus.

Poyntei coulu pioviue instiuction to teacheis in peison, in online gioup
seminais anu in laigely self-uiiecteu couises. Poyntei coulu paitnei
with a univeisity in this effoit. Anu, Poyntei coulu cieate a maiketplace
foi official ceitificates foi those who complete the couises.

Poyntei also coulu become a much biggei teaching iesouice in
classiooms foi stuuents, too. We'll exploie cieating paitneiships with
univeisities foi online anu viueo instiuction that coulu be useu in
classes to help teach the basics of wiiting, iepoiting, euiting, piouucing,
photojouinalism anu uigital stoiytelling.

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While thinking uiffeiently about oui teaching is a key pait of cieating a
soliu founuation foi the institute, it can't be oui only stiategy. We neeu
to bioauen the base of suppoit foi Poyntei's vital woik.

We'll maximize the ievenue potential of oui uigital offeiings, thiough
auveitising on Poyntei.oig, a iejuvenateu employment channel, a
sponsoieu newslettei, viueo aus anu mobile initiatives.

The funuiaising effoits of the Poyntei Founuation aie ciitical to the
futuie of the institute. Aftei moie than a yeai of builuing the
infiastiuctuie foi the Poyntei Founuation, it's time to acceleiate
funuiaising effoits to suppoit oui mission.

The founuation iecently completeu an oiganizeu, stiuctuieu plan foi
giving fiom oui closest inuiviuual anu coipoiate fiienus, with specific
income goals. 0nce in place, this shoulu pioviue the fiamewoik foi a
consistent, annual ievenue stieam.

0ui effoits will not enu theie. The founuation shoulu oiganize a seiies
of funuiaising events, incluuing a majoi, annual gala in Floiiua with a
notable keynote speakei. The fiist of these annual events is being
planneu foi this fall.

In auuition to funuiaising, Poyntei shoulu make the most of piopeity
that it owns. Poyntei shoulu keep assets that fit its coie mission of being
the woilu's leauing meuia centei. It shoulu exploie uivesting assets that
aien't essential to that coie mission.

The Poyntei Institute builuing on Thiiu Stieet South is essential. It's
pait of the Poyntei Expeiience, a facility that inspiies lofty iueals anu
excellence by its histoiy anu aichitectuial magnificence.

This uoesn't mean that Poyntei neeus to be the sole occupant. Poyntei
shoulu welcome tenants, especially ones with similai missions, to
occupy the south wing anu make use of oui classiooms. Boing so woulu
auu both ievenue anu anothei element of vitality.

The institute builuing, howevei, iepiesents only two of the eight acies
that Poyntei owns in uowntown St. Pete. We shoulu continue exploiing
the possibility of selling excess lanu that Poyntei uoesn't neeu to
suppoit its cential mission.

Foi the same ieason, Poyntei shoulu consiuei selling an office builuing
that it owns in Seminole.

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Raising Poyntei's global piofile will enhance oui influence anu
cieuibility in the jouinalism community. Anu, giowing oui influence is
essential to expanuing auuience anu ievenue.

Nothing will iaise oui visibility fastei with a wiue auuience than
oveihauling oui uigital content. This is an effective anu quick way foi us
to make Poyntei an essential pait of people's uaily lives, anu to cieate a
tightly bonueu community of inteiest.

Poyntei shoulu become a ubiquitous piesence on national news
piogiams about the meuia.

Poyntei shoulu puisue the cieation of a sponsoieu speakei seiies. This
woulu biing high-piofile newsmakeis to Poyntei-oiganizeu events,
iaising oui visibility anu influence in oui geogiaphic anu jouinalistic
communities. The founuation is beginning the piocess of seeking this

Poyntei shoulu launch a seiies of mastei classes, both in peison anu
online, with high-piofile meuia leaueis who coulu speak on eveiything
fiom leaueiship to investigative iepoiting to uigital stoiytelling.

Poyntei also must be ielevant by cieating timely, topical seminais off
news events. We shoulu seize oppoitunities to help tiain jouinalists on
stoiies of huge impoitance, fiom health caie to income inequality to the
Keystone XL Pipeline.


As it has thioughout its illustiious histoiy, The Poyntei Institute neeus
to auapt, change anu innovate. It has a supeib faculty anu one of the
most iespecteu bianu names in the meuia inuustiy. Still, it neeus to
embiace this challenge with the entiepieneuiship of a stait-up.

We shoulu move boluly anu confiuently, anu with a piofounu sense of
uigency. In times of histoiic change, the loseis aie those who uon't
tiansfoim. }ust ask BlackBeiiy. At the same time, we shoulun't act
iashly oi out of a sense of feai.

Poyntei shoulu be a biiuge. We shoulu tailoi oui cuiiiculum, oui uigital
offeiings, oui seminais, oui convenes anu oui speakeis to helping
executives, jouinalists, euucatois anu otheis navigate this meuia
tiansfoimation. Poyntei is uniquely positioneu foi this iole. This is
essential to making Poyntei useful anu ielevant in the uay-to-uay lives
of the jouinalists who seive uemociacy.

At the same time, the meuia inuustiy looks to Poyntei foi leaueiship.
Poyntei shoulu become a laboiatoiy foi jouinalism innovation, anu
fostei the conveisation about its futuie.

This is an invigoiating, exciting time in jouinalism, an eia that is
ieuefining how people consume news anu spieauing uemociacy to all
coineis of the globe. This is Poyntei's time. This is oui mission.

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