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Maintenance & operation
PCM 30/32
Canne! "#$ip%ent &CTI'
S/No. Topics Page No.
1. Introduction of TDM 4
2. Mentis of TDM 7
3. Working principle of P.C.M syste !
3.1. "#pling !
3.2. $u#nti%#tion &
3.3. Types of $u#nti%#tion 1'
3.4. (ncoding)Decoding 11
3.*. Construction of 2 M +it)s pulse fr#e , Multi-fr#e 13
3... /MI #nd 0D13 2ine Codes 1*
3.7. / #nd 2#3s 17
3.!. PCM tr#nsission systes #nd corresponding
C4#r#cteristics 17
4. Function #nd description of regener#ti5e repe#ter 1!
*. Function#l di#gr# of PCM 3'6 "yste 1&
.. Interf#ces #nd connecting options of PCM 3'6 syste 2'
7. Tec4nic#l d#t# of PCM 3'6 syste 21
!. Function#l Di#gr# #nd Description of PCM 3'6 syste 23
&. Function #nd oper#tion of 5#rious /l#rs 2!
1'. /l#r indic#tion in "D/)"/D 2&
1. Me#sureent of g#in le5el dependent 3'
2. Me#sureent of g#in fre7. dependent 31
3. Me#sureent of 7u#nti%#tion distortion 32
4. Me#sureent of cross t#lk coupling 33
*. Me#sureent of idle c4#nnel. noise 34
.. Me#sureent of different 3orking 5olt#ges of PCM syste 3*
1. I8T9:D;CTI:8 :F TDM
W4en telep4one counic#tion +eg#n indi5idu#l connecting p#t4s 3ere used i.e.
sep#r#te p#ir of 3ires 3#s used for e5ery telep4one connection. T4is 3#s kno3n #s
sp#ce-di5ision ultiple< ="DM> on #ccount of t4e f#ct t4#t ultitude of lines 3ere
#rr#nged p4ysic#lly ne<t to e#c4 ot4er. "ince # p#rticul#rly l#rge proportion of c#pit#l is
in5ested in t4e line pl#nt? efforts 3ere #de #t #n e#rly st#ge to #ke ultiple use of
#tle#st t4ose lines used for long-r#nge counic#tions. T4is led to t4e introduction of
fre7uency-di5ision ultiple< =FDM>. T4is in5ol5es su+di5iding # 3ide fre7uency +#nd
into n#rro3er su+-+#nds. Fig. 1 s4o3s # 4! @0% +#nd su+di5ided in to 12 su+ +#nds. T4e
sinusoid#l sign#l of # su+-+#nd =c#rrier> is odul#ted +y # telep4one sign#l. "ince #
sinusoid#l sign#l #cts #s t4e c#rrier for # telep4one sign#l. T4is process is kno3n #s
c#rrier tr#nsission. Follo3ing deodul#tion on t4e recei5e side t4e telep4one sign#ls
#re #g#in #5#il#+le #t t4eir origin#l fre7uencies.
It is not t4e only 3#y of #king ultiple uses of lines 4o3e5er. /not4er
possi+ility is offered +y tie-di5ision ultiple< =TDM>. 0ere t4e tr#nsitted telep4one
sign#ls #re sep#r#ted in tie. Fig. 2 s4o3s # period cont#ining 32 tie slots e#c4 tie
slot is #ppro<i#tely of 3.& s tie. T4is su+-di5ision is repe#ted e5ery 12* s in
consecuti5e periods. :ne tie slot in e#c4 of t4e consecuti5e periods is #lloc#ted to e#c4
telep4one sign#l. In TDM? t4e #n#log or Digit#l s#ples of # nu+er of telep4one
c4#nnels #re tr#nsitted o5er t4e s#e line.
Fig.1 Fre7uency Di5ision Multiple<
su+di5ided into 32 tie slot? e#c4 #ppro<. 3.& s
Fig.2 Tie Di5ision Multiple<
T4e principle of tie-di5ision ultiple< is +#sed on t4e t4eory t4#t # coplete
3#5efor is not re7uired in order to tr#nsit sign#ls suc4 #s t4ose encountered in
telep4ony. It is sufficient to s#ple t4e 3#5efor #t regul#r inter5#ls #nd to only tr#nsit
t4ese s#ples =see Fig. 3>. W4en # 3#5efor is s#pled? # tr#in of s4ort pulses is
produced. T4e #plitude of e#c4 pulse represents t4e #plitude of t4e 3#5efor #t t4e
specific s#pling inst#nts. T4is con5ersion is kno3n #s pulse #plitude odul#tion
=P/M>. T4e en5elope to t4e P/M sign#l reflects t4e origin#l for of t4e cur5e =see Fig.
9el#ti5ely l#rge inter5#ls occur +et3een e#c4 s#ple. T4ese inter5#ls c#n +e used
for tr#nsitting ot4er P/M sign#ls? i.e. t4e s#ples of se5er#l different telep4ones
sign#ls c#n +e tr#nsitted one #fter t4e ot4er in repe#ted cycles. W4en t4e pulses of
se5er#l P/M sign#ls #re co+ined t4ey for # P/M tie-di5ision ultiple< sign#l =see
Fig. *>
Fig. 3 Periodic s#pling of t4e #n#log telep4one sign#l #
Fig.4. P/M sign#l consisting of t4e s#ples of #n#log telep4one #
Fig.*. P/M tie-di5ision ultiple< sign#l consisting of s#ples t#ken fro t4e t4ree
#n#log telep4one sign#ls? #? + #nd c in repe#ted cycles.
Fig.7. PCM tie di5ision ultiple< sign#l consisting of t4e coded s#ples of #n#log
Telep4one sign#ls #? +.
If t4e 3#5efor s#ples? i.e. t4e pulses 3it4 differing #plitudes? #re con5erted
to +in#ry c4#r#cter sign#ls? t4e ter pulse code odul#tion =PCM> is used. During t4is
process t4e pulse-like s#ples #re 7u#nti%ed #nd coded ! +its #re nor#lly used 4ere. T4e
digit#l sign#l in Fig.. is s4o3n in siplified for 3it4 4-+it c4#r#cter sign#ls =PCM-
3ords> inste#d of !-+it PCM 3ords.
W4en t4e PCM sign#ls of se5er#l telep4one sign#ls #re interle#5ed t4ey produce #
PCM tie-di5ision ultiple< sign#l =see Fig.7>.
Digit#l tr#nsission 4#s nu+er of erits o5er #n#log. "oe of t4ese #d5#nt#ges
1. Tr#nsission 7u#lity is 5ery l#rgely un#ffected +y dist#nce #nd
en5ironent#l c4#nge.
2. Process of regener#tion #t suit#+le inter5#ls l#rgely inii%es t4ese
3. (<pensi5e filters #re not re7uired in t4e ultiple<ing e7uipent.
4. Testing procedures #re siplified.
*. 0ig4 noise iunity
.. PCM tie-di5ision ultiple< sign#ls perit t4e ultiple use of lines #nd
electronic circuits.
7. PCM sign#ls #re uc4 less sensiti5e to interference t4#n #re #n#log
sign#ls =e.g. P/M sign#ls>.
!. 2o3 sp#ce re7uireents.
3. Working principle of PCM.
3.1 Sampling.
"#pling t4eore.
T4e s#pling t4eore is used to deterine t4e iniu r#te #t 34ic4 #n #n#log
sign#l c#n +e s#pled 3it4out infor#tion +eing lost 34en t4e origin#l sign#l is
T4e s#pling fre7uency =f/> ust +e ore t4#n t3ice t4e 4ig4est fre7uency
cont#ined in t4e #n#log "ign#l =f/>A
/ s#pling fre7 =f/> of !''' 0C 4#s +een specified intern#tion#lly for t4e fre7
+#nd =3'' 0C-34'' 0C> used in telep4one syste i.e. t4e telep4one sign#l is s#pled
!''' ties per second. T4e inter5#l +et3een t3o consecuti5e s#ples fro t4e s#e
telep4one sign#l =s#pling inter5#l D T/> is c#lcul#ted #s follo3s.
T/ D 1)f/ D 1 D 12*us
!''' 0C
Fig. ! 6ener#tion of # P/M "ign#l
Fig s4o3s telep4one sign#l is fed 5i# 2.P.F. to #n electronic s3itc4 t4e 2.P.F.
liits t4e fre7 +#nd to +e tr#nsitted. It suppresses fre7uencies 4ig4er t4#n 4#lf t4e
s#pling fre7. T4e electronic s3itc4 dri5en #t t4e s#pling fre7 of !''' 0C t#kes
s#ples fro t4e telep4one sign#l once e5ery 12* us. / pulse #plitude odul#ted
sign#l is t4us o+t#ined #t t4e output of t4e electronic s3itc4 # P./.M sign#ls
Fig. &. T4e "#pling Process
Fig. 1' 9epresent#tion of "#pling #nd (ncoding
Fig. 11 9epresent#tion of Tie Di5ision Multiple<ing
T4e first st#ge in t4e con5ersion to # digit#l sign#l in pulse code odul#tion is
$u#nti%#tion. T4e 34ole r#nge of possi+le #plitudes 5#lues is di5ided in to 7u#nti%ing
;nifor $u#nti%ing 8on ;nifor $u#nti%ing
Fig. 12 $u#nti%#tion
In t4is Fig? 1. e7u#l 7u#rti%ing inter5#ls #re indic#ted? t4e 7u#rti%ing inter5#ls #re
nu+ered E1 to E! in t4e E5e r#nge of t4e telep4one sign#l #nd F1 to F! in t4e F5e r#nge.
T4e 7u#rti%ing inter5#l is deterined for e#c4 s#ple. Decision 5#lues for t4e
+ound#ries +et3een #dG#cent 7u#ti%ing inter5#ls. :n t4e tr#nsit side? t4erefore se5er#l
different #n#log 5#lues f#ll 3it4in t4e s#e 7u#nti%ing inter5#l. :n t4e recei5e side one
sign#l 5#lue corresponding to t4e id point of t4e 7u#nti%ing inter5#l is reco5ered for
e#c4 7u#nti%ing inter5#l.
Fig. 13 T4e 7u#nti%ing process
3.3 Types of Quantization.
T4ere #re t3o types of $u#nti%#tion.
1. ;nifor $u#nti%#tion.
2. 8on-;nifor $u#nti%#tion.
$u#nti%#tion distortion decre#ses #s t4e nu+er of 7u#nti%ing inter5#ls #re
incre#sed. If t4e 7u#nti%ing inter5#ls #re #de sufficiently s#ll t4e distortion 3ill +e
iniu #nd t4e noise ipercepti+le.
Uniform Quantization.
$u#nti%#tion in 34ic4 #ll t4e 7u#nti%ing inter5#ls #re of e7u#l si%e. In t4is type
e7u#l #nd l#rge 7u#nti%ing inter5#ls #re used o5er t4e 34ole #plitude r#nge? rel#ti5ely
l#rge discrep#ncies 3ill occur in c#se of s#ll sign#l #plitudes.
Non-Uniform Quantization.
$u#nti%#tion in 34ic4 t4e 7u#nti%ing inter5#ls #re not #ll of e7u#l si%e? s#ll
7u#nti%ing inter5#ls #re usu#lly #lloc#ted to s#ll sign#l 5#lues ="#ples> #nd l#rge
7u#nti%ing inter5#ls to l#rge sign#l 5#lues to #ke t4e 7u#nti%ing distortion r#tio ne#rly
independent of t4e sign#l le5el.

Fig 14. ;nifor $u#nti%#tion
Fig.1*. 8on-;nifor $u#nti%#tion
3.4 Encoding/Decoding
T4e PCM sign#l to +e tr#nsitted is o+t#ined +y encoding t4e 7u#nti%ed inter5#ls.
T4e encoder #lloc#tes #n !-+it PCM 3ord to e#c4 indi5idu#l s#ple. In PCM
tr#nsission systes #n !-digit +in#ry code is used for t4e 12! E5e #nd 12! F5e
7u#nti%ing inter5#ls =12!E12!D2*.D 2
>. T4e PCM 3ords t4erefore 4#5e ! +its.
Fig.1.. (ncoding of 7u#nti%ed s#ples 3it4 ! 7u#nti%ing le5els =3 +in#ry
digits)code 3ord 34ere t4e ost signific#nt +it is used to de5ote t4e sign>.
:n t4e recei5e side # sign#l #plitude H out is #lloc#ted to e5ery ! +it
PCM 3ord? it corresponds to t4e id point of t4e p#rticul#r 7u#nti%ing inter5#l. T4e
c4#r#cteristic for decoding is t4e s#e #s t4#t for non-unifor encoding on t4e tr#nsit
T4e PCM 3ords #re decoded in t4e order in 34ic4 t4ey #re recei5ed #nd
con5erted to # PCM sign#l? fin#lly t4e P/M sign#l is fed to # lo3 p#ss filter? 34ic4
reproduces t4e origin#l #n#log telep4one sign#l.
3.5 Construction of 2 M bit/s pulse frame
Pulse frame
!''' s#ples per second #re tr#nsitted #s ! +it PCM 3ords in +ot4 directions
for e#c4 of t4e 3' speec4 circuits. T4is e#ns t4#t? 3it4in # period of 12* s =reciproc#l
of ! @0C> 3' PCM 3ords e#c4 3it4 ! +its? #re tr#nsitted consecuti5ely in e#c4
direction. In #ddition to t4ese 3' PCM 3ords # furt4er 2! +its #re #lso tr#nsitted? ! +its
for sign#ling #nd ! +its 34ic4 cont#in #ltern#tely # +unc4ed fr#e #lignent sign#l #nd #
sign#l 3ord. T4e 3' PCM 3ords toget4er 3it4 t4e ot4er 2! +its for # pulse fr#e.
Pulse fr#es #re tr#nsitted directly one #fter t4e ot4er.
Fig-17 Frame structure of the 30 channels PCM system
Multi frame.
In t4e 3' c4#nnel PCM syste # ultifr#e is #de up of 1. fr#es 3it4in #
ultifr#e t4e sign#l tie slot cont#ins four +its e#c4 for sign#ling infor#tion of t4e 3'
telep4one c4#nnels. It is # set of consecuti5e fr#es in 34ic4 t4e position of e#c4 fr#e
c#n +e identified +y reference to # ultifr#e #lignent sign#l.
Fig.1! Fr#e #nd Multifr#e structure for CCITT3' c4#nnels PCM syste
AMI and HDB3 Line codes
AMI code
/ code deri5ed fro # +in#ry +y in5erting t4e pol#rity of t4e #ltern#te pulses
representing +in#ry I1J #nd +y representing +in#ry I'J 3it4 # %ero 5olt#ge. T4e /M1
code is t4erefore # pseudo tern#ry code.
Pseudotern#ry sign#ls #re +etter suited for line tr#nsission t4#n #re +in#ry
sign#ls. T4e #ltern#tion +et3een E5e #nd F5e #llo3s t4e regener#ti5e repe#ters to reco5er
t4e tiing sign#l re7uired for t4eir o3n sync4roni%#tion.
Fig. 1&. Con5ersion of /MI to 0D13 Code
HDB3 Code
2ong se7uences of %eros 34ic4 3ould occur 34en # c4#nnel is idle ust +e
#5oided since t4e l#ck of tr#nsitions #y #llo3 tiing reco5ery circuit to #lfunction.
/ popul#r code f#ily 34ic4 o5er coes t4e tiing reco5ery pro+les is kno3n
#s 4ig4 density +ipol#r =0D13>
In 0D13 code? t4e #<iu nu+er of %ero is t4ree. Con5ersion fro /MI to
0D13 in5ol5es t4e follo3ing rules.
W4en four consecuti5e %eros occur? t4e code is c4#nged to ''' H. 8ote t4#t is H #
5iol#tion pulse 4#5ing t4e s#e pol#rity #s t4e preceding pulse of t4e /MI se7uence.
/n odd nu+er of pulses occur +et3een successi5e H-pulses to ensure t4e
successi5e H pulses #re of opposite pol#rity.
/n #ddition#l pulse is #dded so t4#t t4e preceding rule is #c4ie5ed. T4is ensures
t4#t t4e e#n 5#lue of t4e sign#l is %ero.
Fig. 2' Code fors of /MI #nd 0D13
3.7 A and Laws
3.7.1 A Law
2#3 for specifying t4e 13-segent c4#r#cteristic for non- unifor 7u#nti%ing in
PCM codecs. 9ecoended +y t4e CCITT for PCM3' tr#nsission systes.
3.7.2 Law
2#3 for specifying t4e 1*-segent c4#r#cteristic for non-unifor 7u#nti%ing in
PCM codes. 9ecoended +y t4e CCITT for PCM 24 tr#nsission systes.
3.7.3 A/ Law Conversion
;sed on intern#tion#l connections 34en # con5ersion 4#s to +e #de fro #
PCM3' tr#nsission syste to # PCM24 tr#nsission syste #nd 5ice 5ers#. T4e
/) l#3 con5ersion is c#rried out in t4#t country eploying t4e -l#3.
3.8 PCM Transmission systems and Corresponding characteristics
T4e tr#nsission systes recoended +y t4e CCITT #re t4e PCM3' syste?
3it4 2'4! k+it)s =CCITT 9ecoend#tion 6.732>? #nd t4e PCM 24 syste? 3it4
1*44 k+it)s =CCITT recoend#tion 6. 733>K t4ese co+ine 3' #nd 24 telep4one
c4#nnels per tr#nsission direction respecti5ely to for # tie-di5ision ultiple<
sign#l. PCM3' tr#nsission systes #re used t4roug4 out (urope #nd in #ny
non-(urope#n countries. PCM 24-tr#nsission systes 4#5e +een inst#lled
#inly in t4e ;"/? C#n#d# #nd L#p#n. PCM3' #nd PCM 24 #re #lso kno3n #s
Ipri#ry tr#nsission systesJ or +#sic systes. T4eir ost iport#nt fe#tures
#re gi5en in T#+le1.
Coon c4#r#cteristics PCM3' #nd PCM24
#. "#pling fre7uency ! k0%
+. 8o. of s#ples per telep4one
c. Pulse fr#e period 1)+ D1)!''')s D 12* s
d. 8o. of +it in PCM 3ord ! +it
e. 1it r#te of telep4one c4#nnel + . d D!''')s . !+it D.4 k+it)s
PCM 3' PCM 24
f. (ncoding)decoding
8o. of segents in
- l#3
g. 8o. of c4#nnel tie slots
per pulse fr#e
32 24
4. 8o. of +its per pulse
= D #ddition#l +it>
d. g D ! +it. 32
D 2*. +it
d. g E 1 D
! +it. 24E 1
D 1&3 +its
i. Period of #n !-+it
c4#nnel tie slot
c.d)4D12*s . !)1&3
D c# 3.& s
c.d)4 D 12* s. !)1&3
D c# *.2 s
G. 1it r#te of tie-di5ision
ultiple< sign#l
+. 4 D !''')s. 2*. +it D
2'4! k+it)s
+. 4 D !''')s 1&3 +it
D1*44 k+it)s
T#+le 1. C4#r#cteristics of t4e PCM 3' #nd PCM 24 tr#nsission systes
4. Function and description of a regenerative repeater.
4.1 Function of Regenerator:
T4e function of # regener#tor is to discriin#te +et3een t4e presence #nd #+sence
of pulses in t4e recei5ed sign#l #nd to tr#nsit # replic# of t4e digit#l sign#l
tr#nsitted fro t4e terin#l or proceeding regener#tor.
/ typic#l regener#tor cont#ins circuits to regener#te t4e line sign#l in +ot4
directions of tr#nsission? t4e regener#tor circuits for e#c4 direction of
tr#nsission +eing sep#r#te #nd independent of e#c4 ot4er.
4.2 Description of Block diagram:
It cont#ins #n e7u#li%er 3it4 #plifier? # tiing reco5ery circuit #nd #
regener#ting circuit. T4e incoing #nd #ttenu#ted? distorted sign#l is fed to #
pre#plifier 3it4 # fi<ed e7u#li%er? t4e #plifier is # t3o st#ge differenti#l
#plifier =3ide +#nd type> 3it4 # g#in of *2 d+. / detector detects # sign#l
#plitude regul#ted circuit #kes t4e #plitude of t4e digit#l sign#l independent
of t4e line loss #t e7u#li%er out put +y copens#ting #ttenu#tion of 4' d+. 8o3
t4is sign#l is fed to # tiing reco5ery circuit 5i# full 3#5e rectifier 34ic4
produces t4e retiing sign#l 3it4 t4e 4elp of pulse sync4roni%ed :"C 34ic4 is
locked in p4#se T4e del#y eleent use # c#p#citor to deterine s#pling inst#nts
in t4e tie decision circuit. T4e E5e #nd F5e pulses #plitude of 2 M +it)s sign#l
#re processed sep#r#tely. It is s#pled in tie decision circuit 3it4 t4e 4elp of
reco5ered tiing. During s#pling if # +in#ry digit I1J is detected # tie
decision circuit produces # ne3 pulse #nd if # +in#ry I'J is detected no pulse is
produced. /t t4e out put st#ge sign#l is #g#in #plified up to 3 H P-' #nd is
tr#nsitted to t4e ne<t direction.
T4e function#l units #re di5ided into centr#l section? perip4er#l section #nd line
terin#ting unit=if re7uired>.
Centr#l section #rr#nged into centr#l ultiple<er? super5ision unit ? centr#l
sign#ling section =di5ided into sign#ling ultiple<er #nd sign#ling processor> #nd po3er
T4e perip4er#l sections #re t4e c4#nnel units 34ic4 in e#c4 c#se 4#5e t4ree
function#lly identic#l c4#nnel circuits. / #<iu of 1' c4#nnel units c#n +e used.
If re7uired ? t4e line terin#ting unit consisting of # slide in line terin#ting unit
#nd # slide- in unit po3er feeding unit c#n +e used.
Fig.22 Pri#ry Multiple<er PCM 3' 6 3it4
2ine Terin#ting (7uipent Function#l ;nits.
To eet t4e different re7uireents of t4e telecounic#tions net3orks? t4e
PCM 3' 6 pri#ry ultiple<er offers # nu+er of interf#ces #nd
interconnection options.
2-M+it)s de5ice interf#ce #ccording to 6.7'3 3it4 F1 connections=7* M
flo#ting or 12' M +#l#nce > for t4e outgoing #nd incoing 2M+it)s sign#l in
0D13 code.
2M+it)s line interf#ce 3it4 t4e F1 connections for t4e tr#nsission line
=oper#tion 3it4 integr#ted line terin#ting e7uipent>
(<c4#nge Interf#ce for connection to #n#log s3itc4ing systes. 3'
sign#ling con5erters #<iu? option#lly for loop or F sign#ling.
.4-@+it)s? interf#ce for # #<iu of 3' incoing #nd outgoing .4-
@+it)s sign#ls 3it4 co-direction#l clock #ssignent.
Clock interf#ces? t4ese interf#ces e<ist for oper#ting t4e pri#ry
ultiple<er in # sync4ronous d#t# net3ork? 3it4 clock input T3 in for
sync4roni%ing t4e intern#l oscill#tor #nd clock output T3 out for
sync4roni%ing e<tern#l de5ices.
9eferences 6.7..rel#te to t4e #ppropri#te CCITT 9ecoend#tions in
9ed +ook III.3.
7.1 System parameter.
7.1.1 General Information on Telephone Transmission
8u+er of telep4one circuits NNNNNN..3'
Hoice fre7uency +#nd NNNNNNNN3'' 0% to 34'' 0%
7.1.2 Pulse Code Modulation
"#ple r#te =6.711)2>NNNNNNNNNNNN..!''' 0% E *'< 1'
(ncoding l#3 =6.711)3>NNNNNNNNNNN./ l#3
2o#d c#p#city =6.711)4>NNNNNNNNNNN.E 3.14 d1o
7.1.3 2 Mbit/s Pulse Frame (G.704, 3.3)
Inter5#l +et3een t3o s#ples of # telep4one sign#l
=Dpulse fr#e period> NNNNNNNNNNNN12*Os
8o. of tie slots per pulse fr#eNNNNNN.N.32 =' to 31>
Dur#tion of one tie slot NNNNNNNNNN.3.&'.Os
8u+er of +its per pulse fr#e NNNNNNNNNNNN2*.
8u+er of +its per tie slot NNNNNNNNNNN!
Dur#tion of one +it NNNNNNNNNNNN..4!! ns
Tr#nsission of telep4one sign#ls tie slots 1 to 1* #nd 17 to 31
Tr#nsission of sign#ling infor#tion tie slot 1.
Tr#nsission of fr#e #lignent sign#l
#nd "er5ice 3ord NNNNNNNNNNNN...#ltern#tely in tie slot '
Tr#nsission of t4e Ireote loopJ co#ndNN.+y +its of t4e ser5ice 3ord
7.1.4 Signaling Pulse Frame (G.704, Table 7)
Dur#tion of one sign#ling pulse fr#eNNNNNNN2 s
8u+er of sign#ling tie slots per sign#ling pulse fr#e N1. = ' to 1*>

8u+er of +its per sign#ling tie slot NNNNN..!
8u+er of sign#ling +its
#ssigned to # telep4one sign#l NNNNNNNNN...4 =#? +? c? d>
Tr#nsission of sign#ling
+its for telep4one sign#ls 1)1. to 1*)3' in sign#ling tie slots 1 to 1*
Multi fr#e #lignent sign#l #nd
sign#ling ser5ice 3ord
8u+er of +its NNNNNNNNNNNNNN...4 e#c4
Tr#nsission NNNNNNNNNGointly in sign#ling tie slot '
7.1.5 Bit Rates
1it r#te
of PCM ultiple< sign#l NNNNNN 2'4!k+it)s E *' < 1'
1it r#tes
of t4e coded telep4one sign#ls NNN.. .4 k+it)s E *' < 1'
1it r#te of t4e sign#l c#rrying
t4e sign#ling infor#tion NNNN .4 k+it)s E *' < 1'
8.1 Facial View of PCM 30G System
Fig. 24 =# > Pri#ry Multiple<er PCM3' 6
Fig.24 =+> Function#l 1lock Di#gr# of PCM 3' 6
8.2 Primary Multiplexer PCM 30 G SYSTEM.
T4e Pri#ry Multiple<er PCM 3' 6 fors t4e first le5el 3it4in t4e 4ier#rc4ic#l
structure of t4e digit#l sign#l tr#nsission systes. In #ddition to ultiple<ing 3'
telep4one c4#nnels sign#ls for .4 k+it)s d#t# sign#ls? t4e PCM 3' 6 pri#ry Multiple<er
4#ndles t#lks of #tc4ing t4e e<isting #n#log net3ork to digit#l net3ork.
T4e e7uipent cont#ins t4e PCM ultiple<ing unit #nd t4e sign#ling con5erter for 3'
#n#log telep4one sign#ls. Inste#d of t4e HF c4#nnel units? 3' digit#l c4#nnel units
3it4 co direction#l .4 k+it)s interf#ce c#n +e used.
T4e pri#ry ultiple<er c#n +e e7uipped 3it4 # line-terin#ting unit for tr#nsitting
t4e 2 M +its)s sign#ls.
8.3 Voltage Converter.
T4e 5olt#ge con5erter supplies t4e direct 5olt#ges re7uired for units of PCM
tr#nsission syste. It is designed for #n input 5olt#ge of 3. H to 7* H DC #nd is
t4erefore suit#+le for connection to 4! H #nd .' H st#tion +#tteries. T4e 5olt#ge
con5erter supplies four oper#ting 5olt#ges. E*H? -*H? -12H #nd F11.*H.
/ll outputs #re isol#ted fro t4e input #nd #re pro5ided 3it4 no-lo#d? o5er lo#d
#nd s4ort circuit protection. :utputs #re onitored for o5er 5olt#ge #nd under
5olt#ges in t4e F*H circuit.
F ig.25 Voltage Converter
8.4 Central Multiplexer.
T4e Centr#l Multiple<er #cts #s # centr#l clock supply for tr#nsit #nd recei5e
direction 3it4 5olt#ge controlled cryst#l oscill#tor. T4e slide-in-unit #lso c#rries
out fr#ing #nd recei5ing #lignent for t4e 2 M +it)s sign#l. T4e digit#l sign#l is
produced in t4e tr#nsit direction fro t4e tri+ut#ry infor#tion stre#s. T4ese
#re deri5ed fro t4e slide-in-unit c4#nnel units? super5ision unit #nd sign#ling
8.5 Supervision slide-in-unit
T4e super5ision slide-in-unit is used in PCM 3' 6 Pri#ry ultipe<er? it
onitors proper oper#tion? indic#tes f#ult #nd initi#te f#ult #l#rs.
8.6 Signaling Multiplexer
T4e sign#ling ultipe<er slide-in unit? is # p#rt of t4e centr#l sign#ling section of
pri#ry ultipe<er PCM 3' 6. T4e sign#ling Multiple<er =" Mu<> is directly
connected to t4e centr#l ultipe<er? t4e super5ision unit? t4e sign#ling processor
#nd t4e sign#ling con5erters.
8.7 Signaling Processor,
T4e sign#ling Processor ="P9:C>? e<p#nds t4e function of t4e sign#ling
Multiple<er. T4e slide-in-unit processes t4e sign#ling for t4e sign#ling con5erter.
It is oitted if t4e PCM 3' 6 is e7uipped only 3it4 sign#ling con5erters t4#t
re7uire no speci#l sign#ling procession =e.g. 3it4 ( , M>
8.8 Telephone channel unit (SEM 38 GOU)
T4e telep4one c4#nnel slide-in-unit "(M 3! 6:; is inst#lled for interoper#tion
3it4 s3itc4ing e7uipent 3it4 (,M sign#ling. T4e "(M 3! 6:; processes 3it4
t4ree telep4one c4#nnels? e#c4 of t4ese c4#nnels units cont#in # tr#nsission
oriented section 3it4 C:D(C) filter de5ice #nd e<c4#nge oriented section
"(M st#nds for sign#ling con5erter ( , M 3! for 3 c4#nnels? ! 3ires? 6:; for
ground or open un syetric#l sign#ling.
T4e pri#ry ultipe<er PCM 3' 6 c#n +e e7uipped 3it4 up to ten telep4one
c4#nnel units "(M 3! 6:;? t4ese #re linked 5i# +us circuits to t4e centr#l
8.9 SDA 32 LDL signaling converter.
"D/ 32 2D2 slide in sign#ling con5erter unit is used in t4e PCM 3' 6 pri#ry
ultipel<er. In PCM 3' links #nd 34en used in (W"D systes. It is connected
to c#ll processing e7uipent using loop sign#ling. :ne slide-in unit #ccood#te
t4ree telep4one c4#nnels. (#c4 c4#nnels is #de up of # tr#nsitter p#rt 3it4 #
4y+rid circuit #nd # C:D(C filter circuit plus # c#ll processing p#rt.
"D/ st#nds for sign#ling con5erter digit#l to #n#log? 32 indic#tes 3 c4#nnels 2
3ires #nd 2D2 for long dist#nce loop.
T4e PCM 3' 6 syste c#n +e e7uipped 3it4 # #<iu of ten "D/ 32 2D2
slide in-units. 1y e#ns of +uses? t4ey #re connected to # coon sign#ling processing
e7uipent or t4e centr#l ultiple<er.
8.10 SAD 32 BEL signaling converter.
T4e sign#ling con5erter "/D 32 1(2 is used on PCM 3' 6 tr#nsission routes?
#nd interoper#tes 3it4 (W"D systes in s3itc4ing e7uipent 3it4 loop sign#ling
T4e PCM 3'6 c#n +e e7uipped 3it4 upto ten slide in Funits. T4ese #re linked 5i#
+uses to t4e centr#l ultiple<er. :ne slide in-unit "/D 32 1(2 processes t4e
t4ree telep4one c4#nnels. (#c4 of t4ese c4#nnel circuit cont#in # tr#nsission
oriented section 3it4 4y+rid #nd Codec )Filter de5ice #nd #n e<c4#nge oriented
8.11 SAD 33 FXU Signaling Converter
T4e "/D 33 FP; slide in sign#ling con5erter unit is used in PCM 3'6 pri#ry
ultiple<er. In PCM 3' links #nd 34en used in (W"D systes? it is connected to
c#ll processing e7uipent using F-sign#ling. :ne slide in-unit #ccood#tes
t4ree HF c4#nnel units. (#c4 c4#nnel unit is #de up of # tr#nsitter p#rt 3it4 #
4y+rid circuit #nd # codec filter circuit. T4e units #re interconnected 3it4 t4e
centr#l sign#ling processing f#cilities or t4e ultiple<er centre.
T4e PCM 3' 6 pri#ry ultiple<er c#n +e e7uipped 3it4 # #<iu of ten
sign#ling con5ersion units? representing t4e e7ui5#lent of 3' tr#nsission
8.12 Signaling converter SDA 33 FXU
T4e sign#ling con5erter slide-in-unit "D/ 33 FP; is inst#lled in t4e pri#ry
ultiple<er PCM 3' 6? on PCM 3' tr#nsission routes #nd in interoper#tion
3it4 (W"D syste. It is connected to s3itc4ing e7uipent 3it4 F-sign#ling. :ne
slide-in-unit #ccood#tes t4ree c4#nnel circuits. (#c4 of t4ese c4#nnel circuits
cont#in # tr#nsission-oriented section 3it4 4y+rid #nd C:D(C filter de5ice #nd
#n e<c4#nge oriented section.
T4e slide in units #re connected 5i# +us lines to t4e centr#l sign#ling processor
#nd centr#l ultiple<er.
T4e PCM 3' 6 units #re connected 5i# +us lines to t4e centr#l sign#ling processor
#nd centr#l ultiple<er.
T4e PCM 3' 6 inset is e7uipped 3it4 upto ten sign#ling con5erter slide-in-units
t4is corresponds to 3' tr#nsission c4#nnels.
9. Function and operation of various Alarm.
Indic#tions in syste unit /.
2(D displ#ys =centr#l Mu< section>
"Q8 =/I"? F0>
INT It glo3s in c#se of f#ilure of #ny centr#l unit or centr#l function of clock
SYN It glo3s in c#se of incorrect +it r#te or loss of fr#e #lignent or feeding
current disconnection.
D EXT: ;rgent #l#r of dist#nt end in t4e s#e section? it is #ssoci#ted in D-+it
in ser5ice 3ord of pulse fr#e.
LED displays =centr#l sign#ling section>
SYN (AIS 16)
INT It glo3s in c#se of clock supply f#ilure #nd distur+#nce on sign#ling +us.
SYN 2oss of ultifr#e #lignent in @-+it of M.F./."
D-EXT Dist#nt #nd urgent #l#r in D-@ +it in ser5ice 3ord of ultifr#e
BQ-EXTA.Dist#nt end urgent #l#r in 8@ +it in ser5ice 3ord of ultifr#e.
10. Alarm indication in SDA/SAD
1. 8or#lly off =c4l in good 3orking condition or c4l in idle>
2. Fl#s4es * ties)sec during di#ling? it glo3s per#nently on sei%ure of c4l.
Alarm indication
A) Mux central unit
2ine on 2oop
"Q" 1 "Q" 2 "Q" 1 "Q" 2 "Q" 1 "Q" 2
F#ilure +y pulling
centr#l unit P P P P
Fro f#r end
terin#l "ys-
(B) Signaling Central Unit

"Q" 1 "Q" 2 "Q" 1 "Q" 2 "Q" 1 "Q" 2 "Q" 1 "Q" 2
1y pulling processor
unit P P
1y pulling centr#l
eory unit
1y pulling logic
--------) )---------
1y pulling centr#l
unit #t ot4er st#tion
F#ulty c4l unit #t
ot4er st#tion
1. Measurement of Gain level dependent
Test instrument:-
PCM Terin#l test set P2'12 F /7'2
=i> 2oop t3o PCM systes under test #t 2M-+it DDF st#ge #t f#r end.
=ii> Connect tr#nsit I1;2J of PCM terin#l test set to respecti5e c4l
of one syste #nd connect recei5e I1;3J of PCM terin#l test
set to s#e c4ls of second syste.
(iii) Basic Setting:
HF iped#nce tr#ns &'':4s
9el. 2e5el tr#ns '.' d1r
HF F iped#nce recei5e &'' :4s
9el. 2e5el recei5e -7.' d1r
Trans Signal:
Fre7 1'1.0%
2e5el r#nge -.'N.* d1:
"tep 3idt4 1d1
=IH> Evaluation:
Toler#nce M#rk CCITT
Me#suring r#nge -)E 2.* d1
Mode /uto.
H> Press function st#rt)stop #nd 3#it for gr#p4ics result.
=1> T4e gr#p4ic result s4ould +e 3it4in #rk gi5ing 5#ri#tion #nd
5#rious le5els.
=2> ;sing cursor o+ser5e #nd record g#in 5#ri#tion #t 5#rious fre7s.
for #ny t3o c4ls. in +ot4 directions.
Systems A:
2iit R'.*d+ R1.d.+
Systems B:
E3.' ' -1' -2' -3' -4' -4*
2iit R'.*d+ R1.d.+
2. To Check Gain freq. Dependent:
Test instrumentA PCM terin#l test set P2'12-/7'2
=i> 2oop t3o PCM systes under test #t 2M+it DDF st#ge #t f#r end.
=ii> Connect tr#nsit I1;2J of PCM terin#l test set to respecti5e c4#nnel of
one syste #nd connect recei5e I1;3J of PCM terin#l test set to s#e
c4#nnel of second syste.
=iii> "elect e#suring configur#tion #s /n#log? M#nu#l /dGustent #s I11J
#nd select p#r#eter #s +elo3.
(iv) Basic Setting:
HF-iped#nce Tr#ns &'':4s
9el. 2e5el Tr#ns '.' d1r
HF iped#nce 9ecei5e &'' :4s
9el-2e5el 9ecei5e -7.' d1r
Trans Signal:
Fre7. 3''NN34'' 0% le5el '.' d1:
9eference fre7. 1'1. 0%
Toler#nce M#rk CCITT
Me#suring 9#nge - ) E 2.* d1
Mode /uto
Press function st#rt ) strop #nd 3#it for gr#p4ic result.
=i> T4e gr#p4ic result s4ould gi5e 5#ri#tions on 5#rious le5els.
=ii> ;sing cursor? o+ser5e #nd record g#in 5#ri#tions #t 5#rious fre7s. for t3o
c4ls in +ot4 directions.
Systems A:
Tr#nsit 2e5el D ' d1
9ecei5e 2e5el D -7 d1
3''0% 4''0% 1'''0% 2'''0% 24''0% 3'''0% 34''0%
2iit R'.*d+ R1.d.+
Systems B:
Tr#nsit 2e5el D ' d1
9ecei5e 2e5el D -7 d1
3''0% 4''0% 1'''0% 2'''0% 24''0% 3'''0% 34''0%
2iit -2.'
3. Measurement of Quantization Distortion:
Test instrument: PCM Terin#l test set P2'12-/7'2.
=i>. 2oop t3o PCM systes under test #t 2M- +it DDF st#ge #t f#r end.
=ii.> Connect tr#nsit 1;2 of PCM terin#l test set to respecti5e c4#nnel of one syste
#nd connect recei5e 1;3 of PCM terin#l test set to s#e c4#nnel of second syste.
=iii>. "elect e#suring configur#tion #s #n#log? #nu#l #dGustent #s 12 #nd select
p#r#eters #s +elo3A
=i5>. Basic Setting A
HF-iped#nce Tr#ns &'' :4s
9el-2e5el '.' d1r
HF- iped#nce 9ecei5e &'' :4s
9el- 2e5el -7.' d1r
Trans SignalA
Fre7uency 1'1. 0%
2e5el -.'N*d1:
"tep 3idt4 1d1
Toler#nce M#rk CCITT
Me#suring 9#nge 'N 1* d1
Mode /uto.
5. Press function st#rt)stop #nd 3#it for gr#p4ic result.
i. T4e gr#p4ic result s4ould gi5e 5#ri#tion on 5#rious le5els.
ii. 1y using cursor o+ser5e #nd record 7u#nti%ing distortion #t 5#rious
le5els on t3o c4#nnels in +ot4 directions.
"ys / #nd 1
C4#l 8o.
' d1: -1'
2iits B 33 d1 27d1 22d1
4. Measurement of cross talk coupling
Test instrumentA PCM Terin#l test set P2'12.
i. 2oop t3o PCM systes under test #t 2M- +it DDF st#ge #t f#r end.
ii. Connect tr#nsit 1;2 of PCM terin#l test set to respecti5e c4#nnel of
one syste #nd connect recei5e 1;3 PCM terin#l test set c4l =n E 1> c4l
of s#e syste.
iii. "elect e#suring configur#tion #s #n#log #nu#l #dGustent #s 13 #nd
select p#r#eters #s +elo3.
iv. Basic Setting:
HF- iped#nce Tr#ns &'' :4s
9el-2e5el '.'d1r
HF-iped#nce 9ecei5e &'':4s
9el-2e5el -7.'d1r
Me#suring r#nge -&'N.*'
Me#suring fre7uency 1'1. 0%
5. Press function st#rt)stop #nd 3#it for gr#p4ic result.
T4e gr#p4ic result s4ould gi5e 5#rious re#dings on 5#rious le5els.
C4l =n> nE1 n-1 C4l =n> nE1 n-1
1 -!* 1. -!.
1* -!3 3' -!4
2iit F.* d1
5. Measurement of idle chl noise:
Test instrument:
PCM Terminal set P2012-A702
i. loop t3o PCM systes under test #t 2M-+it DDF st#ge #t f#r end.
ii. Connect recei5e 1;3 of PCM terin#l test on c4l of testing
iii. "elect e#suring configur#tion #s #n#log #nu#l #dGustent #s 14
#nd select p#r#eters #s +elo3.
i5. Basic SettingA
HF-iped#nce 9ecei5e &'' :4s
9el-2e5el -7.' d1r
9ecording tie 3.* inutes
Me#suring r#nge -&'N..*' d1
5. press function st#rt)stop #nd 3#it for gr#p4ic result #nd record
Basic Noise
C4l 8o.
"ys 8o.
1 2 3 4 * . 7 ! & 1' 11 12 13 14 1*
"ys 1
"ys 2
2iitA -.* d1: P
6. Measurement of different working voltages of PCM system.
Test instruments:
Multimeter, connecting cords.
1. Follo3ing different 5olt#ges #re #5#il#+le #t t4e output of #in supply
2. Me#suring socket is pro5ided #t test p#nel for t4e e#sureent of #+o5e
5olt#ges 3it4 t4e 4elp of ultieter.
Holt#ge Me#sured H#lue liit
-12 HDC "yste 1 "yste 2 12 R *S
-* HDC *R *S

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