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Soal Bahasa Inggris SD Semester Ganjil

Kelas : V ( Lima )
Tahun Pelajaran : 2012201!
I" Berilah tan#a silang ($) %a#a huru& a' (' )' atau # untu* ja+a(an ,ang (enar %a#a lem(ar
ja+a(an ,ang telah #ise#ia*an-
1. Yudi writes on the blackboard with a
a. stick c. boardmarker
b. pen d. chalk
2. May I borrow your ?
a. sharpener c. pencil
b. compass d. rubber
3. My grandfather has a hair.
a. white c. black
b. green d. grey
. !ur classroom. It has fourty tables and fourty chairs. !ur classroom is "ery clean# because we
always clean it e"eryday. In front of the classroom is whiteboard. It is "ery clean. $e are happy
because we ha"e a clean classroom.
%ow many tables and chairs are there in the te&t ? ....
a. 'here are eighty chairs and tables c. those are fourty tables and chairs
b. 'here are fourty tables and fourty chairs d. 'his are three chairs and tables
(. 'oothpaste# the right spelling for the word is .
a. ti)dabel ou)ti)eich)pi)ei)es)ti)i c. ti)ou)ou)ti)pi)ei)es)ti)i
b. te)ou)ou)eich)pi)es)ti) e d. ti)ou)ti)eich)pi)ei)es)ti)i
*. +le&a , will you come to my birthday party tomorrow#-andra ?
-andra , Yes# I will.
a. I am sorry c. I can not
b. thank you d. I don.t like party.
/. 'he month only has twenty eight or twenty nine days is
a. 0anuary c. 1ebruary
b. March d. 2ecember
3. $e celebrate 4artini.s day in
a. May c. 0uly
b. +ugust d. +pril
5. 6i)yu)7i)yu)es)ti# is the spelling for
a. -eptember c. 0une
b. +ugust d. 8o"ember
19. 'he three last months in a year are
a. !ctober#8o"ember and 2ecember c. 0uly# +ugust# -eptember
b. March# +pril# May d. 0une# 0uly# +ugust
11. Mrs. Maya lost her money# when he went shopping. -he feels "ery
a. happy c. satisfied
b. sad d. hungry
12. 1arah , $hy do you still sleep
-andra , I."e got stomachache.
1arah , 'ake #please :
-andra , Yes# thank you
a. medicine c. alcohol
b. mango d. aspirin
13. Yesterday# Maria#6"a# and Marcella make a ru7ak. 'hey like the hot food so they made the ru7ak
was "ery hot. 'hey ate ru7ak so well. ;ut two hours later they felt unwell. 'hey got stomachache.
Maria.s condition and friends were so bad. 'hey got to a doctor. +nd promised not to eat so hot
Maria get stomachache# because she
a. ate hot ru7ak c. ne"er eat ru7ak
b. ate ru7ak d. ate ru7ak e"eryday
1. Mr. 4heir , %elmi# what.s wrong with you ?
%elmi , I ha"e a<an ..
a. earache c. stomachache
b. sorethroat d. headache
1(. $hat.s the man doing ? %e is ..
a. %e is reading c. %e is sleeping
b. %e is drinking d. %e is eating
1*. Yesterday# Mrs. -ari went picnic to .
a. the mountain c. the beach
b. the =oo d. the botanical garden
1/. >ahmat likes to go to the mountain. %is hobby is .
a. swimming c. racing
b. mountain climbing d. sailing
13. -arah is a student. -he has a hobby. -he likes reading."ery much. 6"ery afternoon she goes to a
reading park to read some story books# science# and do her homework.
'he meaning of rea#ing %ar* is .
a. 'aman ;aca c. 'aman 4anak)kanak
b. kantin d. 'aman 0a7an.
15. 'omorrow is holiday. I and my parents will go picnic. $e will go to ;ali. In ;ali we will go to
the beach. I like playing sand at the beach.
.oli#a,' in Indonesia means
a. bola "oli c. tamasya
b. hari libur d. hari ker7a
29. 1ahri , %ow many days are there in 1ebruary ?
+nnisa , It.s about . 2ays.
a. twenty eight c. thirty one
b. thirty d. twenty se"en
21. 'he day after $ednesday is
a. 1riday c. 'hursday
b. -aturday d. 'uesday
22. 'he ?hristian goes to the church e"ery
a. Monday c. $ednesday
b. 1riday d. -unday
23. @-aya biasanya 0alan kaki ke tamanA. In 6nglish is ..
a. I usually take a walk to the park c. I always take a walk to the park
b. I usually walking to the park d. I ne"er take a walk to school
2. 'he students study chemistry in the
a. classroom c. library
b. laboratory d. canteen
2(. My father his guests in the li"ing room.
a. meets c. dri"es
b. plays d. calls
2*. 'he room is "ery hot. . 'he +ir ?onditioner.
a. -witch off c. -witch on
b. ;ring it to me d. Blay off
2/. >asyid , Mira# may I borrow your .. ?
Mira , Yes# ofcourse.
a. book c. diary
b. maga=ine d. dictionary
23. Mr.4heir is teaching in the classroom. %e is a .
a. teacher c. secretary
b. director d. dri"er
25. !ur classroom. It has fourty tables and fourty chairs. !ur classroom is "ery clean# because we
always clean it e"eryday. In front of the classroom is whiteboard. It is "ery clean. $e are happy
because we ha"e a clean classroom.
$hat is infront of the classroom ?
a. tables c. whiteboard
b. chairs d. students
39. @Is C blackboard C there C a C wall C the C onA. 'he correct sentence is
a. 'here is a blackboard on the wall c. 'here is a wall on the blacboard
b. on the wall a blackboard is there d. 'here on a blackboard is the wall
31. 'eachers are gathering in the .
a. teacher.s room c. library
b. mosDue d. classroom
32. $e celebrate the new years in ..
a. March c. +pril
b. 0uly d. 0anuary
33. 'he last month of the years is
a. 0une c. 0anuary
b. 2ecember d. May
3. 'he correct spelling for 1ebruary is .
a. Eef C ei C bi C a, ) yu C e C a , ) ai F c. Efe)bi C yu C a, ai F
b. Eef C i C bi C a, ) yu C ei C a, ) ai F d. Eef Ci I C bi C a, ) yu C ai C a, ) i F
3(. 1. 2ecember 2. 1ebruary 3. 0uly . -eptember (. +ugust *. May /. 0une 3. !ctober
5. 0anuary 19. 8o"ember 11. +pril 12 March
'he best arrangement for the months abo"e is
a. 5#2#12#11#1#/#3#(##3#19#* c. 5#2#12#11#*#/#3#(##3#19#1
b. 5#12#2#*#/#11#(##19#1#3#3 d. 5#2#3#11#*#/#3#(##12#19#1
II" Isilah %ertan,aan #i (a+ah ini #engan te%at -
3*. 'he students on the chairs
3/. $e celebrate our Independence day on
33. 'he month that only has 23 days is
35. 'oday is $ednesday# Yesterday was ..
9. +ryani , $hat day after 1riday ?
>iyani , 'he day after 1riday is ..
1. 'eacher , -iska# clean the with an eraser# please :
-iska , Yes# -ir.
2. 'he classroom is "ery hot and dark. . the door# please :
3. +rsyad , 6&cuse me. May I go to toilet# sir?
'eacher , ;e careful.
. March# +pril# May# 0une# 0uly# # -eptember# !ctober#2ecember.
'he students . 'he floor with a broom before start studying.

III" /a+a(lah soal #i (a+ah ini #engan ja+a(an ,ang sing*at #an te%at -
*. $hat are the meaning of ,
+. 6yesore , .
;. 6arache , .
?. ?ough , .
2. -orethroat , .
/. >earrange the words below into a good sentence :
take C my C mother C I C for C checking up C hospital C the C to

3. Mr. 4heir , $hat time is it ?
-tudent , ..

5. ?omplete with the correct word :
$e will ha"e test tomorrow at se"en o.clock. Blease# come on time. You may not
(9. 'ranslate the sentences into 6nglish :
) -aya pergi ke sekolah pada 7am 9*.39 pagi

K012I /343B31 B3.3S3 I1GG5IS
K6L3S V S676ST65 G31/IL TP 20128201!
I" PILI.31 G31D3
1" D 11" B 21" 2 !1" 3
2" D 12" 3 22" D !2" D
!" 3 1!" 3 2!" 3 !!" B
9" B 19" 2 29" B !9" B
:" 3 1:" D 2:" 3 !:" 2
;" B 1;" 2 2;" 2
<" 2 1<" B 2<" D
=" D 1=" 3 2=" 3
>" B 1>" B 2>" 2
10" 3 20" 3 !0" 3
3*. sit
3/. 1/
33. 1ebruary
35. 'uesday
9. -aturday
1. whiteboard
2. open
3. yes#please < sure < of course < alright < !4
. +ugust
(. sweep < clean
III" 053I31 T65B0K3
*. +. -akit mata
;. -akit telinga
?. ;atuk
2. -akit tenggorokan
/. I take my mother to the hospital for checking up
3. It is a Duarter to one < It is twel"e fourty fi"e
5. come late
(9. I go to school at half past si& in the morning.

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