Dukan Diet Food List

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Dukan Diet Food List

The Dukan Diet plan is very effective because you can eat as much as you want and still
lose weight. Below is the updated list of the 100 allowed foods for the Dukan Diet: 68 Pure
Proteins and 32 Vegetables.
100 Foods Allowed on the Dukan Diet
You dont lose weight when youre hungry
During his researh! Pierre Dukan identified 100 allowed foods that ontain the essential
nutrients for our bodies that ha"e tre#endous benefits and are rih in protein! low in
arboh$drates and fat. %ou an eat as #uh as $ou want fro# the Dukan Diet food list during the
four phases of the Dukan Diet.
! "ure "roteins# $tarting on the Attack phase
Lean meat
Beef tenderloin! &ilet #ignon ' Buffalo ' ()tra*lean ha# ' ()tra*lean +osher beef
hot dogs ' ,ean enter*ut pork hops * ,ean slies of roast beef * Pork tenderloin!
pork loin roast ' -edued*fat baon! so$ baon* .teak: flank! sirloin! ,ondon
broil' Veal hops ' Veal saloppini * Venison
/hiken ' /hiken li"er ' /ornish hen ' &at*free turke$ and hiken sausages '
,ow fat deli slies of hiken or turke$ ' 0strih steak * 1uail ' 2urke$ * 3ild
4rti har ' /atfish ' /od ' &lounder ' 5rouper ' 6addok ' 6alibut and
s#oked halibut ' 6erring ' 7akerel ' 7ahi 7ahi ' 7onkfish ' 0range rough$ '
Perh ' -ed snapper ' .al#on or ##oked sal#on ' .ardines! fresh or anned in
water ' .ea bass ' .hark * .ole ' .uri#i ' .wordfish ' 2ilapia ' 2rout ' 2una!
fresh or anned in water
/la#s ' /rab ' /rawfish! ra$fish ' ,obster ' 7ussels ' 0topus ' 0$sters '
.allops ' .hri#p * .8uid
%egetarian "roteins
.eitan ' .o$ foods and "eggie burgers ' 2e#peh * 2ofu
Fat&free dairy products
&at*free ottage heese! &at*free rea# heese! &at*free #ilk! &at*free plain 5reek
st$le $ogurt! &at*free riotta! &at*free sour rea#
/hiken ' 1uail ' Duk
4nd .ugar*free gelatin
() vegetables# starting from the *ruise phase

4rtihoke * 4sparagus ' Bean sprouts * Beet * Brooli * Brussels sprouts *
/abbage * /arrot * /auliflower * /eler$ * /uu#ber * (ggplant * (ndi"e * &ennel *
5reen beans ' +ale ' ,ettue! arugula! radihio ' 7ushroo#s ' 0kra ' 0nions!
leeks! shallots ' Pal# 6earts * Peppers ' Pu#pkin * -adishes ' -hubarb *
.paghetti s8uash * .8uash * .pinah ' 2o#ato ' 2urnip ' 3aterress ' 9uhini
+ore foods allowed on the Dukan Diet#

.6:-424+: : ;nli#ited starting fro# the Attack phase. 2he +on<a root fro# 4sia
=/hina and >apan? is satisf$ing! rih in fiber! sti#ulates intestinal transit and has "irtuall$
no alories. %ou an also find kon<a in other for#s! suh as a powder or @flourA and
so#eti#es a gel. %ou an use an$ for# for Dukan *ooking.
0,:V( 0:, : starting fro# the *ruise phase. -ih in o#ega 3 fatt$ aids! pol$phenols
and "ita#in ( =an antio)idant? ' all essential for health. ,i#ited 8uantit$: 1 tsp
50>: B(--:(. : starting fro# the 4ttak phase. ,i#ited 8uantit$: Pure Protein da$s: 1
2bsp ! Proteins and Vegetables da$s: 2 2bsps.
7e#bers of Dukan personaliBed weight loss oahing ha"e e)lusi"e aess in the sli##ing
apart#ent to:
2he 100 allowed foods: all their properties! nutritional 8ualities and assoiated Dukan
:nfor#ation on tolerated foods and foods that keep $ou feeling full.
6undreds of Dukan reipes and food tips

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