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Mobi l e: - +91-(0) 9232688762
Mai l : C/ O Bi man Bi hari Bi swash, 31, S. V. Road, 10th l ane, sardarpara, Bi rati ,
Kol kata- 700 01.
C!RR"R OB#"C$%V" & Work in respective fiel ! better perfor"ance#
Want to be a s$ccessf$l "an %&o can serve t&e or'ani(ational nees %it& f$llest
eication) co""it"ent sincerit*#
Want to be an ac&iever in f$lfillin' or'ani(ations polic* an pro'ra"s#
'"RSO(!) *!$!
*!$" O+ B%R$, & -.
(o/em0er, 117..
+!$,"RS (!2" & !m3l4a Sen53pta.
(!$%O(!)%$6 & %ndian
+!2%)6 S$!$7S & 2arried
,OBB6 & Drama, Part Time teaching.
'"R2!("($ !**R"SS & C/O 'radip Sen53pta.
!darshapall4, '.O.-Birati.
Kolkata-700 01.
+o"plete MADHYAMIC $ner West Bengal Board of Secondary Education fro"
BIRATI HIGH SCHOO !"it# $$%&&'(ar)s in t#e year of *++,-#
+o"plete HIGHER SECO.DARY $ner 8.B.C.,.S." fro" BIRATI HIGH
SCHOO !"it# ,/%0/'(ar)s in t#e year of *++1-#
+o"plete B%Sc !GE.ERA- fro" CAC2TTA 2.I3ERSITY !"it# 4$%00' (ar)s
in t#e year of 0&&0-%
"9'OS7R" %( CO2'7$"R
":pos3re in Comp3ter&
Comp3ter ,ardware & ,+ -sse"blin' ! ./W 0ro$bles&ootin'#
Operatin5 S4stem & M1 231) Wino%s (98) Me) 4,) 7)#
'a;ka5e & M1 3ffice (4,) 2003) 2007 ! 2010)#
Others & ,&otos&op) -$to ca#
1incerit*) .ar %ork#
Willin' to learn "ore#
+onfient ! p$nct$al#
-aptabilit*) belief in belon'in' to a tea" of e"plo*ees

#OB "9'"R%"(C"
$otal 6ears o= ":perien;e& 1 4ears

Current Job Profile (From June 2012 to till date)
1 3f 35 , a ' e
+o"pan* "2$ 2e5atherm '/t )td
6t7s a "an$fact$rin' co"pan* %it& "an* *ears of e8perience in "an$fact$rin' of
6n$ction Meltin') .olin' 9$rnace 6n$ction .arenin') an .eat 0reatin' :;$ip"ent !
0ransfor"er# <earl* t$rnover nearl* 100 +r#
*esi5nation : Commer;ial O==i;er
Client & 2o"estic an 6nternational
(at3re o= work &
1 Looking after Way Bill Matter ( Issue and Calculate Entry Tax
! Looking after "C" form matter (Issuing and Collecting
# $ender%s In&oice entry (In '() and looking after t*ere enter )ayment+
, )etty Cas* *andling+
- .ata entry for 'ale T(/ matter and 0re0are documentation+
Previous Job Profile

1# "mplo4er & '!) ? CO.

a. *esi5nation & Chemist
b# *3ration : 9ro" 13
-$'$st 2003 to 1=
2ece"ber 200>#
c# (at3re o= work : -nal*sis of ;$alit* of packa'e rinkin' %ater#
2# "mplo4er : (i;holas piramal @!;tis *i/isionA
a. *esi5nation & $.B.2.
b# *3ration : 9ro" =t& ?an$ar*) 200= to 2ec72007#
c# (at3re o= work : 6nirect sellin'#
# Responsi0ilit4 : 6"ple"entation of strate'* plan of t&e
3# "mplo4er & Or;hid @2ano=armaA
a. *esi5nation & '.S.R.
b# *3ration : 9ro" 1
?an$ar*) 2008 to 9
"a*) 2010#
c# (at3re o= work : 6nirect sellin'#
# Responsi0ilit4 : 6"ple"entation of strate'* plan of t&e
># +o"pan*: 8erm 8ink #V @%A %ndia '/t. )td. (-n 6no-@ritis& +o"pan*)
6t7s a cons$ltant co# Wit& "an* *ears of e8perience in cons$ltin' over t&e %orl)
speciali(in' in t&e Sewera5es Reha0ilitation ! Constr3;tion) 8ater ? 8aste 8ater
sectors %it& %orlAs best an tr$ste Reha0ilitation $e;hnolo5ies.
*esi5nation : +ield !ssistant
*3ration : 9ro" 10
Ma* 2010 to 31
Ma* 2012#
Client & Bolkata M$nicipal +orporation (K2C)#
!ssi5ned 'roBe;t : ?a%a&arlal Ce&er$ Cational Drban Eene%al Mission (#((7R2)#
2 3f 35 , a ' e
-ppro8# proFect val$e of above contractors- >) 92) 63) 87) 10>#00+
(at3re o= work & Ere&abilitation of "an entr* ! Con-"an :ntr* brick se%er %it&
trenc&less tec&nolo'* b* Glass Eeinforce"ent ,lastic (GE,) pipes#
S7B-CO($R!C$ORS& 1 -CG:EH:.C:E (-$stria) 1 -,1-M6+.6GDC (2$bai-6nia) 1
M6+.:H @-D (Ger"an)
Responsi0ilit4 &
,reparin' a .a(ar Ee'ister an "aintainin' t&e sa"eI
,articipatin' in .a(ar ientification ! Eisk assess"ent proce$re %it& t&e e8ec$tion
/ constr$ction tea"I
2evelopin' "aterial for re'$lar toolbo8 talksI
+on$ct safet* in$ction / orientation trainin' for t&e ne% e"plo*ees#
+on$ctin' ail* / %eekl* site / ca"p inspectionsI
-visin' proc$re"ent epart"ent on p$rc&ase of t&e ri'&t t*pe of ,,: an safet*
-ssistin' "ana'e"ent in accient investi'ationsI
6nvesti'ate all near "iss report ! s$''est for t&e correction "eas$resI
Monitorin' %aste isposal#
+on$ctin' ! '$iin' all t&e e"er'enc* e8ercisesI
Beepin' "ont&l* recors of all activities re;$ire to be carrie o$t $ner t&e .1:
,reparation of Mont&l* .1: 1tatistics report
:n'lis& J 9E:: (Eea) Write ) 1peak)#
@en'ali J 9E:: (Eea) Write ) 1peak)#
.ini J 9E:: (Eea) Write ) 1peak)#
6 &ereb* eclare t&at t&e above %ritten partic$lars are tr$e to t&e best of "*
kno%le'e an belief#


2ate: @Sh4amtan3
,lace: Bolkata#
3 3f 35 , a ' e

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