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Winnie Aman

Austin, Texas 78739

(512) 923-5385
Product Development and Project Management
Goal-driven, results-oriented, and committed professional with an entrepreneurial spirit
and proven success in Product Development and Project Management
'x!e(ience& )(o&uct *ana+e( with !(o&uct $i,ecyc$e ana+eent, (esou(ce ana+eent an& o!tii-ation, an& .u&+et
!$annin+ an& ana+eent. )*/ 0e(ti,ie& )(o1ect *ana+eent an& /T/2 0e(ti,ie& )(o,essiona$. 3i$i+ent ca(ee(
!(o,essiona$ with 164 yea(s o, !(o+(essi5e an& &i5e(se ex!e(ience as a )(o&uct *ana+e(, 3esi+n 'n+inee(, an& 6(anchise
7usiness 8wne(. 'nthusiastic, an& &etai$-o(iente& $ea&e( who wo(%s we$$ with !eo!$e at a$$ $e5e$s. )(oacti5e$y i&enti,y,
onito( an& cont(o$ (is%s. A&&itiona$ hi+h$i+hts inc$u&e"
)(o&uct en+inee(in+" 9es!onsi.$e ,o( conce!tua$i-in+ an& c(eatin+ &esi+ns ,o( new !(o&ucts: &(i5in+ !(o&uct
&e5e$o!ent $i,ecyc$e ,(o &esi+n to !(ototy!in+, ,i(st a(tic$es, testin+, an& (e$ease to anu,actu(in+.
A&e!t in )(o1ect *ana+eent as &eonst(ate& th(ou+h sta(t-u! o, ;2.2* ,(anchise .usiness to inc$u&e !$annin+,
$an& an& e<ui!ent !u(chase, .ui$&in+ const(uction, cont(act#5en&o( ne+otiations, co(!o(ate counications an&
.u&+et ana+eent.
3i5e(si,ie& ex!e(ience in e&ica$ &e5ice, consue(, an& (ea$-estate a(%ets.
0o!(ehensi5e %now$e&+e o, !(o&uct &e5e$o!ent $i,ecyc$e an& new !(o&uct int(o&uction.
=een statistica$ an& ana$ytica$ st(en+th to aintain .usiness ,inancia$s an& (eco(&s.
)(o5en sta,, ana+eent an& oti5ationa$ s%i$$s in &i(ectin+ !(o1ect teas.
*u$ti$in+ua$ with ,$uency in 0antonese, *an&a(in, an& 'n+$ish.
0o!etent in e-coe(ce, '9), !oint-o,-sa$e, an& .usiness inte$$i+ence en5i(onent.
)(o1ect *ana+eent )(o&uct 3esi+n > 3e5e$o!ent )(o&uct 2i,ecyc$e *ana+eent
Tea 7ui$&in+ > 2ea&e(shi! )(ocess Ana$ysis > 7encha(%in+ 0ustoe( 3(i5en *ana+eent
9e+u$ato(y 0o!$iance 9esou(ce *ana+eent#o!tii-ation 7u&+et )$annin+ > *ana+eent
Ori#en $iomedical% Austin, T? (12#2@1@ A @2#2@1B)
Engineering Product Manager
2e& !(o&uct &e5e$o!ent in ana+in+ tas%s (e<ui(e& to success,u$$y $aunch u$ti!$e e&ica$ &e5ice &esi+ns.
/&enti,ie& a(%et nee&s an& o!!o(tunity si-es. 3e5e$o!e& .usiness !$ans an& (ecoen&ations to senio( ana+eent.
)a(tici!ate& in ea($y en+a+eent with custoe(s an& o!e(ationa$ co!anies to &ocuent an& (eso$5e custoe( ex!e(ience
Directed the product development cycle from prototype development to manufacturing integration of two custom
medical devices producing sales revenue of $1.2 million annually and capturing 30% of the international market.
3e,ine& !(o1ect sco!e, +oa$s, an& &e$i5e(a.$es to ensu(e consistency with co!any st(ate+y an& coitents.
Led project manager in product development, testing and validation, risk assessment, and optimize production
efficiency of multiple product lines.
Created and executed regulatory compliance, Food and Drug Administration product and process
Completed FDA 510K premarket notification filing process.
Culver&'% Austin, T? (2#2@@5 A @B#2@1@)
Owner/Operator (!/"!!# $ !%/"!!&
)e(,o(e& a$$ .usiness a&inist(ati5e an& ,inancia$ ,unctions inc$u&in+ .u&+etin+, !ay(o$$, an& (e!o(tin+. Cene(ate& an&
i!$eente& u$ti!$e c(eati5e a(%etin+ st(ate+ies an& a&5e(tisin+ ca!ai+ns. )(e!a(e& an& !(ocesse& )>2 stateents to
,(anchiso( an& $en&e(s, con&ucte& on+oin+ sa$es ,o(ecastin+ an& !(o,it ana$ysis, ca!ita$i-e& on o!e(ationa$ cost (e&uction.
*ana+e& an& &i(ecte& u$ti!$e teas o, sixty-,i5e e!$oyees.
2e& an& coache& sta,, to eet o( excee& onth$y sa$es <uotas with annua$ sa$es o, ;1.1*. /nc(ease& sa$es .y 6D
&u(in+ secon& yea(.
9e&uce& o!e(ationa$ cost .y 15D th(ou+h chan+es in 1o. ,unctions, success,u$ ne+otiations with 5en&o(s on ,oo&
cost, an& othe( uti$ity sa5in+s.
)$anne&, assi+ne&, an& &i(ecte& wo(%: a!!(aise& !e(,o(ance: ensu(e& tie$y (eso$ution o, custoe( issues.
'usiness Planning ( Development ("/"!!) $ !/"!!#&
)e(,o(e& &ue &i$i+ence an& tho(ou+h$y (esea(che& ,(anchise o!!o(tunity. /nte(5iewe& u$ti!$e ,(anchisees th(ou+hout
the (e+ion an& ac<ui(e& in-&e!th %now$e&+e an& un&e(stan&in+ o, .usiness !hi$oso!hy, o!e(ations, an& sa$es !otentia$.
)(e!a(e& .usiness !$an, ne+otiate& with 5a(ious $en&e(s, ac<ui(e& ;1.85* ,un&in+ ,o( .usiness sta(t-u!.
)$anne&, coo(&inate&, an& ,aci$itate& (estau(ant .ui$&in+ const(uction, !e(ittin+, an& tota$ !(o1ect ana+eent ,(o
sta(t-u! to co!$etion.
Central E'cro(% /(5ine, 0A (12#2@@2 A 1@#2@@3)
Escrow Officer
)e(,o(e& (ea$ estate esc(ow an& tit$e se(5ices ,o( coe(cia$ an& (esi&entia$ accounts. *ana+e& an& o5e(saw u$ti!$e
accounts an& con&ucte& ,o$$ow-u! as wa((ante& to &e5e$o! new .usiness.
Euccess,u$$y ana+e& c$ient accounts in an o(+ani-e& ,ashion ,(o tie o, initia$ sa$es !(o!osa$ to ,ina$ $oan c$osin+.
Overture Service' )*% )asa&ena, 0A (8#2@@@ A 12#2@@1)
Product Mar*eting Manager
3i(ecte& an& oti5ate& a(%etin+ tea that c(eate& o!tii-e& a&5e(tisin+ !(o&ucts ,o( a,,i$iate !a(tne(s o, 'a(th2in%,
Fahoo, Getsca!e, an& GetHe(o. /&enti,ie& an& &(o5e !a(tne(-s!eci,ic !(o&uct (oa&a!s an& ,aci$itate& success,u$ !(o1ect
ana+eent ,o( each account. 0a!ita$i-e& on etho&s to enhance !e(,o(ance o, co!anyIs existin+ !a(tne( !(o&uct set.
3e,ine& !(o&uct ,eatu(es .ase& on ,ee&.ac% ,(o .usiness &e5e$o!ent +(ou! an& sea(ch en+ine c$ients.
9es!onsi.$e ,o( sea(ch !(o&ucts that yie$&e& an 18D inc(ease in (e5enue ,(o on$ine a&5e(tise(s an& !o(ta$ sea(ch
en+ines in 2
<ua(te( an& 29D in 3
<ua(te( o, 2@@1. 'nhance& sea(ch (e$e5ancy an& e,,iciency .y 19D.
Advanced Micro Device'% Eunny5a$e, 0A (9#1993 A 9#1997)
Design Engineer
*ana+e& an& &i(ecte& c(oss-,unctiona$ teas in the &esi+n an& !(o&uction o, ic(o!(ocesso(s uti$i-e& in co!ute(s an&
&i+ita$ !hones. 0onsu$te& with e.e(s o, c(oss-,unctiona$ teas in a$$ ,acets o, &esi+n wo(% an& et a++(essi5e
&ea&$ines. A&5ise& a(%etin+ sta,, on ,o(ecastin+ an& new !(o&uct ,easi.i$ity#e5a$uations. Ana$y-e& .ench a(% &ata ,o(
&esi+n (e5iews. 'n+a+e& with !(o&uct en+inee(in+ tea in !(o&uct s!eci,ication &ocuentations.
Achie5e& cuu$ate& sa$es o, ;11.2* ,o( ic(o!(ocesso(s.
0(eate& new !(o&uct (oa&a!s an& !(o&uct !(o1ections ,o( senio( ana+eent (esu$tin+ in new !(o&uct $ines.
Project Management Pro-e''ional )PMP* certi-ication% )(o1ect *ana+eent /nstitute
M$A Mar.eting% Jni5e(sity o, Eouthe(n 0a$i,o(nia, 2os An+e$es - Deans Honor List; VP Graduate Women in Business
$ac/elor o- Science% Electrical Engineering% Jni5e(sity o, 0a$i,o(nia, 3a5is
ITI! v0 Certi-ication

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