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Mohsin Raza/Handout 2 -1- Numerical Analysis CS-572

Lecture 3
Solutions of equation in one variable


In this lecture, we consider one of the most basic problems of numerical approximation, the
root-finding problem. This process involves finding a root, or solution, of an equation of the
form ( ) 0 f x = , for a given function f . A root of this equation is also called a zero of the
function f .

The problem of finding an approximation to the root of an equation can be traced back at
least as far as 1700 B. C.

The first technique, based on the Intermediate Value Theorem, is called the Bisection, or
Binary-search, method. Suppose f is a continuous function defined on the interval [a, b],
with ( ) f a and ( ) f b of opposite sign. By the Intermediate Value Theorem, there exists a
number p in (a, b) with ( ) 0 f p = . Although the procedure will work when there is more than
one root in the interval (a, b), we assume for simplicity that the root in this interval is unique.
The method calls for a repeated halving of subintervals of [a, b] and, at each step, locating
the half containing p.

To begin, set
a a = and
b b = , and let
p be the midpoint of | |
, ; a b that is,
1 1 1 1
1 1
2 2
b a a b
p a
= + =
If ( )
0, f p = then
p p = , and we are done. If ( )
0, f p = then ( )
f p has the same sign as
either ( )
f a or ( )
. f b When ( )
f p and ( )
f a have the same sign, ( )
1 1
, , p p b e and we set
2 1
a a = and
2 1
. b p = when ( )
f p and ( )
f a have the opposite signs, ( )
1 1
, p a p e and we set
2 1
a a = and
2 1
. b p = we then reapply the process to the interval | |
2 2
, a b . This produces the
method described in Algorithm 2.1.(See Figure 2.1).

Mohsin Raza/Handout 2 -2- Numerical Analysis CS-572


Mohsin Raza/Handout 2 -3- Numerical Analysis CS-572

Exercise 2.1

Mohsin Raza/Handout 2 -4- Numerical Analysis CS-572

Find an approximation to 3 correct to within

using the Bisection

Algorithm. [Hint: consider ( )
3 f x x = .]


This lesson is identical to the lecture which is presented in the Class and
this lesson is not intended as a complete set of lecture for the course: there
are many things explained in the lecture that arent in these notes.
Important for the Readers

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