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Basic -
Basic -
Basic -
Basic +
Basic +
Action Plan and
Practice Priorities
Action plan typed here.
Mentor Reflection
As your mentor, what's
going well that I can do
more of?
As your mentor, where
would you like more
Domain 4:
What are my areas of growth professionally? Self
Responsive to Coaching
Accurately Reflect on Practice
Domain 3:
How do I get more students engaged in critical
Ask, Ask, Ask
Comparison Matrix
Domain 2:
Classroom Climate
and Culture
How can I be a more effective manager? Self
Manage Materials and Supplies
Positive Framing
BMC & Incentive System
Mentor Name:
Domain 1:
Planning and
What does effective planning look like? Self
Aligned Assessments and Activities
Clearly Written Objectives
Lesson Design (I/W/Y)
Do Now/Exit Ticket
Action plan typed here.
Domain 4 Comments: I learned what the quote "It's not about you, it's about the
kids first hand during this lead teach. I had a moment where my actions spoke
louder than words, and realized to not have it happen again. I then made sure to
show that I am coachable and took all steps necessary to excel.
Domain 3 Comments: This is an area that I know I can really improve on. With the
amount of time we have with students, my primary goal is that they are moving
and active, therefore I know I do not spend as much time on this aspect as others.
I believe my exit ticket for the human body systems was a great assessment to
see what the students know, as all the questions were critical thinking, and
challenged students. I always tried to increase the brain piece with classes and
prompting them with "think about how we can use championship attitude during
our game", while connecting back to our daily objectives. As I prompted students
with a TPS, exit tickets, or how can we achieve our homework goal I would take
three students before I revealed the correct answer. I instituted my first
comparison matrix lesson. Students were engaged, but my delivery could have
Domain 2 Comments: I had a few laspes in judgement with managing the
materials and supplies. I realized I need a plan for everything! I admitted it was my
fault, and positively shaped the incident as a lesson learned. After that, I became
adamant about always being in control with equipment to not have another
incident occur and ensure safety of all students. I received a script from my
mentor of everything I said to the students during an afternoon teaching. My
mentor challenged me to find ones that were not positive and to spin them into
that. This gave me more of an insight on how to build positive framing throughout
my lead teach. I believe displaying a anchor chart of the PE hierarchy of
consequences gives a visual for the students, and I was always ready to take
action when students were not being respectful. I updated our PE all star points
every morning, and let classes know where they stood in terms of points, and how
many they needed for a reward. Lastly I worked hard to manage students by
myself to figure out what works and what doesn't for next year.
Date Completed:
Domain 1 Comments: I had clearly aligned assessments with planning exit tickets
around our health component, along with activites. I had clear objectives for each
lesson, although I had to change her objective for the primary in my lesson, I was
flexible, and my objective was became measurable. I posted objectives
accordingly and tried in increase connecting objectivies throughout the lesson
while even posting a sign to help remember. I worked hard during my lessons to
focus on a clear I/W/Y, however sometimes had to adjust my lesson due to
discipline issues. Exit Tickets were proven to be effective as they are helping the
Basic -
Basic -
Basic +
Basic -
Basic -
Basic +
Action Plan and
Practice Priorities
Action plan typed here.
Mentor Reflection
As your mentor, what's
going well that I can do
more of?
As your mentor, where
would you like more
Domain 4:
CTR Requirements
Common Core Introduction
Domain 3:
Think Pair Share
Cold Call
No Opt Out
Do Now
Exit Tickets
Domain 2:
Classroom Climate
and Culture
Strong Voice
What to do, Do It Again
Resident Name: Mentor Name:
Domain 1:
Planning and
I do, We do, You do
Marker Board Configuration
Do Now/Exit Ticket
Action plan typed here.
Domain 4 Comments:
Domain 3 Comments: Do Nows and Exit tickets continue to be Scott's greatest
Domain 2 Comments: Scott still struggling to find his teacher persona. He does not
look or sound confident in front of students. He hesitates, makes statements as if
asking questions, and does not address student actions that are inapropriate. He
does have a friendly demeanor with students, and he is making use of many least
Date Completed:
Domain 1 Comments: Scott is making adequate progress in lesson plan design
and delivery; lesson plans are on time and are thorough. He is making progress
toward writing a clear, student friendly objective, and he will need to keep refining
this step. He has taken responsibility for the Markerboard 2 days of the week. Scott
has planned well for his do now & exit tickets, however his execution still needs
Basic -
Basic -
Basic -
Basic -
Action Plan and
Practice Priorities
For the next two weeks of cycle one, be sure you have 100% level 0, eyes and bodies on you before instruction. Use formal register in strong voice to hold them accountable
to this standard especially when you begin to talk. Use proximity and knowledge of frequent flyers to improve focus during your instruction. Practice checks for understanding,
cold call, think pair share, no opt out. Take over Domain 1 responsibilities. Practice and have a plan for when a student refuses to serve punishment.
Mentor Action
As your mentor, what's
going well that I can do
more of? Observation tools, professional environment, video reflection, teaching schedule.
As your mentor, where
would you like more
support? Positive reinforcement, use various observation tools.
Domain 4:
CTR Requirements
Common Core Introduction
Domain 3:
Think Pair Share
Cold Call
No Opt Out
Do Now
Exit Tickets
Domain 2:
Classroom Climate
and Culture
Strong Voice
What to do, Do It Again
Resident Name: M. Kerwin Mentor Name: B. Billings
Domain 1:
Planning and
I do, We do, You do (IDWDYD)
Marker Board Configuration
Do Now/Exit Ticket
For the next two weeks of cycle one, be sure you have 100% level 0, eyes and bodies on you before instruction. Use formal register in strong voice to hold them accountable
to this standard especially when you begin to talk. Use proximity and knowledge of frequent flyers to improve focus during your instruction. Practice checks for understanding,
cold call, think pair share, no opt out. Take over Domain 1 responsibilities. Practice and have a plan for when a student refuses to serve punishment.
Observation tools, professional environment, video reflection, teaching schedule.
Positive reinforcement, use various observation tools.
Domain 4 Comments: Ms. Kerwin has demonstrated professionalism with the
students, staff, parents, and the community during the school day, after school,
and on the weekends and football games. She is always on time for school and
arrives early for meetings. She has volunteered her time before school, after
school, and on the weekends to become an engaged member of the North
Domain 3 Comments: Ms. Kerwin is in the early stages of using these
instructional techniques. She can improve think pair share by checking for
understanding before allowing kids to talk. She can also improve her cold call
technique by informing students before she's going to use the technique prior to
questioning and framing the technique positively. She as not attempted no opt
Domain 2 Comments: Ms. Kerwin has utilized strong voice when appropriate and
has demonstrated command of the classroom. She is gives explicit instructions
that follow SOCS and uses Do It Again nearly every time it is necessary. She is in
the process of learning to use pull the plug to refocus classrooms that
Date Completed: 9/25/2013
Domain 1 Comments: We have been working off of my lesson plans developed
during common planning time. I have taken responsibility for the planning so Ms.
Kerwin could focus on BMC and SOCS. I have explicitly modeled these
components during instruction and in my classroom. Ms. Kerwin will be in
charge of these aspect of our classroom beginning in cycle 2.
Basic +
Basic +
Basic +
Basic +
Action Plan and
Practice Priorities
Naming the steps, CFU around each step and objectives throughout lesson, tight exits, waiting for 100%, giving specific feedback around objectives.
Mentor Action
As your mentor, what's
going well that I can do
more of? Daily debreif/reflection and pushes for improvement. Open communication.
As your mentor, where
would you like more
support? Mapping out lead teach, ability to teach lessons prior to mentor modeling, practice sessions.
Domain 4:
Maintain Accurate Records
Common Core Introduction
Domain 3:
Think Pair Share
Turn and Task
@ Bats
Wait Time
Checks for Understanding
Domain 2:
Classroom Climate
and Culture
BMC (Directions and Narration)
Tight Transitions
Resident Name: M. Kerwin Mentor Name: B. Billings
Domain 1:
Planning and
IDWDYD - Daily Double Plan
Beginning: The Hook/Preview
MIddle: IWY
Ending Lesson: review key ideas, CFU,
Name the Steps
Board = Paper
Naming the steps, CFU around each step and objectives throughout lesson, tight exits, waiting for 100%, giving specific feedback around objectives.
Daily debreif/reflection and pushes for improvement. Open communication.
Mapping out lead teach, ability to teach lessons prior to mentor modeling, practice sessions.
Domain 4 Comments: Ms. Kerwin displays professionalism in all aspects of her
residency including after school coaching/functions. She is highly organized and
communicates effectively in a timley manner. She accurately keeps track of daily
attendance, PE grades, and unit assessments. She has also taught common core close
Domain 3 Comments: Resident gives multiple at bats and performs multiple CFU around
directions. She has also demonstrated effective use of TPS to increase student voice in
her lessons. To get even better she should incoporated more CFU and
narration/coaching points around each of the teaching points in the lesson.
Domain 2 Comments: Ms. Kerwin has a firm and consistent grasp of PE BMC. She takes
action immediately and every time it is necessary. She gives explicit directions near
100% of the time and narrates appropriately. She ensures tight transitions through these
directions and successfully "does it again" when necessary. Her positioning, circulation,
Date Completed: 10/31/2013 Cycle 2 ScoreCard
Domain 1 Comments: Lesson plans are completed on time and according to daily
double plan. Resident has demonstrated the ability to preview objectives and activate
prior knowledge the majority of the time.
In the future, resident will include anchor chart to name the steps and to review key ideas
in the lesson. She will also name the steps and CFU around each step.
Basic +
Basic +
Basic +
Basic +
Action Plan and
Practice Priorities
Pushing Kerwin into proficient / basic + in all areas.
Mentor Action
As your mentor, what's
going well that I can do
more of? Helping me strategize the best way I come up with ideas. EX: Our primary LP that was Elves/Grinches and how roll the LP out and then make it effective.
As your mentor, where
would you like more
During lead teach in January to let me try to push ideas that I fill foster next year in my own classroom and then then reflect/debrief so I can improve going forward.
Push my teaching past Basic and allow me to become Basic+ in majority of our domains.
Domain 4:
Winter Assessment Performance (December)
Reflecting on Practice Accurately
Common Core
Domain 3:
Academic Conversations
Engaging Everybody (Turn & Task, CC, WT, EW)
Without Apology
Critical Thinking (HOTS)
Domain 2:
Classroom Climate
and Culture
Sweat the Details
Incentive Systems
Warm/Strict & Emotional Constancy
Positive Framing
Resident Name: M. Kerwin Mentor Name: B. Billings
Domain 1:
Planning and
LPT (Lesson Plan Template)
IDWDYD (Craving Data, @ Bats)
Beginning: Hook and Preview
Middle (Heart): IWY
End: Review key ideas, CFU, Bridge to next
Pushing Kerwin into proficient / basic + in all areas.
Helping me strategize the best way I come up with ideas. EX: Our primary LP that was Elves/Grinches and how roll the LP out and then make it effective.
During lead teach in January to let me try to push ideas that I fill foster next year in my own classroom and then then reflect/debrief so I can improve going forward.
Push my teaching past Basic and allow me to become Basic+ in majority of our domains.
Domain 4 Comments: Resident accurately reflects on lessons each and every time.
She identifies what worked and what needs to be improved next time. She is also
on point with assessing her teaching ablities and lesson delivery. One area of
improvement is working on assessing lessons as she is teaching them and making
adjustments during the lesson to improve effectivness.
Domain 3 Comments: Residents lesson pacing is on point with each and every
lesson. She pays close attention to her timing during each and every lesson. She
engages everybody in her lessons and ensures that each student receives
opportunities to lead and follow. One area of improvement is to push questioning to
reflect HOTS.
Domain 2 Comments: Resident successfully uses positive framing and incentive
systems to motivate her students. She does an excellent job of sweating the
details and remaining emotionally constant each and every day and throughout
each lesson. Areas of improvement include promoting incentive programs daily
within each lesson and engaging students in the incentive process.
Date Completed: 12/18/2013
Domain 1 Comments: Resident consistantly delivers her IWY in each lesson. She
reviews key ideas and CFU appropriately throughout her lessons. One area she
needs to improve is the beginning of her lesson where she needs to hook the
students, preview the lesson, and give them the "why" behind the lesson.
Basic -
Basic -
Basic -
Basic -
Basic -
Basic +
Action Plan and
Practice Priorities
Action plan typed here.
Mentor Action
As your mentor, what's
going well that I can do
more of? Providing more opportunities for independent instruction and establish herself as the lead teacher.
As your mentor, where
would you like more
Domain 4:
Accurately Reflect
Winter Performance Assessment (January)
Common Core
Domain 3:
Academic Conversations
Critical Thinking (Comparison Matrix; Graphic
Engaging Everybody
Precise Praise
Format Matters
Take A Stand
Domain 2:
Classroom Climate
and Culture
Positive Framing
Environmental Check List
Emotional Constancy (Warm/Strict)
Resident Name: M. Kerwin Mentor Name: B. Billings
Domain 1:
Planning and
Assessment and Data
Data Systems (EPAS, NWEA, etc.)
Action plan typed here.
Providing more opportunities for independent instruction and establish herself as the lead teacher.
Domain 4 Comments: Resident has demonstrated the ablity to accurately
reflect after teaching lessons and use data to improve instruction moving
Domain 3 Comments: Resident lesson planned for academic conversations
and critical thinking in her lessons but was unable to execute constantly due
to the correction of behavior issues at the 3-8 level. At the K-2 level resident,
she fully engage everybody in activity and used precise praise at a basic
level. Resident can improve her precise praise by scripting examples of this
for each lesson. She can also ensure that her students use academic
vocabulary by using fomat matter technique and take a stand during
academic conversations.
Domain 2 Comments: During the first half of her lead teach resident pushed
through lessons and allowed small behaviors to spiral and take away from
classroom culture. However, she was able to address these behavior issues
during the second half and put students back on track for learning. During
this process, she displayed emotional constancy being both warm/scrict.
Resident can improve her J-Factor by bringing her love of PE to the job
specifically during the hook. Resident has used positive framing in her
teaching but can continue to improve on this to build positive momentum in
her lessons. Resident forgot to post K-2 Objectives the first day of her lead
teach but did communicate them and checked understanding to ensure the
students knew the objective. She also developed anchor charts connected to
3-8 hockey lesson plans to to engage mulitple learning styles. Resdient met
all other environmental checklist items.
Date Completed: 1/24/2014
Domain 1 Comments: Resident has attempted to use do now/exit tickets
during her second lead teach. Resident needs to plan future assessments to
gather data that informs her instruction and connects directly to unit/lesson
Basic +
Basic +
Basic +
Action Plan and
Practice Priorities
Script/Practice positive framing and lesson plan delivery.
Mentor Action
As your mentor, what's
going well that I can do
more of? Independent teaching time.
As your mentor, where
would you like more
support? Positive Framing, Lesson planning/delivery.
Domain 4:
Monitor student progress in small/whole groups
Maintain accurate records
Domain 3:
EveryBody Writes
Wait Time
Cold Call
Call & Response
Comparison Matrix
Domain 2:
Classroom Climate
and Culture
Positive Framing
Small Group Management / BMC
Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness
Resident Name: M. Kerwin Mentor Name: B. Billings
Domain 1:
Planning and
Use assessments in instruction
Use formative data for small/whole group instruction
Script/Practice positive framing and lesson plan delivery.
Independent teaching time.
Positive Framing, Lesson planning/delivery.
Domain 4 Comments: Resident maintains accurate daily records and
effectively monitors students in small/whole groups. She has also
demonstrated professionalism as a teacher and basketball coach.
Domain 3 Comments: Resident uses wait time appropriately and uses cold
call/call and response as a daily part of her instruction. As a PE team we
have not used everybody writes as a strategy but talk about how it could be
used to extend PE in the classroom. Resident can improve cold call
technique by prompting students before questioning that she will be using
cold call. We do not use everybody writes in PE to maximize physical
Domain 2 Comments: Resident constantly demonstrates flexibility and
responsiveness. Resident is consistent with her BMC and reads
classes/students effectively. She can improve BMC by scripting more
positive framing into her lesson plans and practicing delivery when
Date Completed: 3/4/2014
Domain 1 Comments: Resident has developed, delivered, and extrapolates
data from exit tickets consistently in her instruction. She has shown
improvement in her exit ticket planning by adding HOTS questions and
making strong connections to objectives. Resident can improve by utilizing
data to form small groups to guide future whole group instruction.
Action Plan and
Practice Priorities
Action plan typed here.
Mentor Action
As your mentor, what's
going well that I can do
more of?
As your mentor, where
would you like more
Domain 4:
What are my areas of growth professionally? Self-
Domain 3:
How do I get more students engage in critical
Domain 2:
Classroom Climate
and Culture
How can I be more effetive as a manager? Self-
Resident Name: Mentor Name:
Domain 1:
Planning and
What does effective plannng look like? Self-
Action plan typed here.
Domain 4 Comments:
Domain 3 Comments:
Domain 2 Comments:
Date Completed:
Domain 1 Comments:
Action Plan and
Practice Priorities
Action plan typed here.
Mentor Action
As your mentor, what's
going well that I can do
more of?
As your mentor, where
would you like more
Domain 4:
Being Reflective and Responsive
End of Year Routines
Domain 3:
Think Pair Share
Domain 2:
Classroom Climate
and Culture
BMC Revisit - Narration
Classroom Environment Checklist
Resident Name: Mentor Name:
Domain 1:
Planning and
Know Your Turnaround Students
Planning for Next Year
Action plan typed here.
Domain 4 Comments:
Domain 3 Comments:
Domain 2 Comments:
Date Completed:
Domain 1 Comments:

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