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Multiple dreams
Day activity went into the office for work. Grilled out salmon/peaches/corn on cob. Brother came
over to print something and was visited but members of his Church while he was here.
1. Underwater Fun
I am underwater with a group of women. We are not struggling to breathe and we dont feel or
look like we are underwater but we are weightless as if floating in water. One of the women
was having issues with a strap on her bikini top or bra which is a dark blue color and here boob
keeps trying to slip out. The woman is Maggie in my mind but does not look like Maggie. We
were trying to fix it but eventually gave up. All of the women around a thin and beautiful and
watching me, floating around me slightly above me. They are smiling and there is a lighthearted
feeling as if we are all enjoying ourselves.
2. I know I had another dream in between but did not make a mental note of what it was and cant
3. Going Fishing
I am on a boat dock putting a boat in the water to go fishing. I am with a younger version of my
Dad and another man and his young son (not sure who they were). We are lowering the boat
into the water using some type of crane and were worried about getting in trouble because we
had left the motor attached to the boat and apparently you are supposed to remove it when
putting the boat in. So we start removing the motor from the boat and I put the first 2 bolts in
my pocket. I have a vague feeling that the other man and son are Curtis and Conner. There are
other people on the dock also putting their boats in the water. The dock seems unusually high
to me but feels normal.
1. Books
I am sitting was seems to be my living room next to a bookshelf and getting ready to read a


1. Old timey sidewalk repair
I am fixing the curb on a sidewalk with long rectangular pieces of granite. Everyone around is
dressed in suites and top hats. Not sure what year it is but feels like a well to do town in the
1800s. Kind of feels like marthas vineyard.
2. Strange contest and gunman
I am in the woods on a road with Chris Benner and Daniel. Maggie and Rachel are there too.
We are building some type of contraption that looks like a big box and somehow attaches to his
truck. We bolt it down into his truck bed. Chris thinks that we are finished but for some reason
I have a memory of building one of these before and putting it in the back of my saab. I tell
chris that we are done yet that we need to wire the box up to electric (like a tail light) and also
connect it to the throttle (gas pedal) somehow. I have no idea what this box does or why we
are building it but I also feel like there are other people building these in their cars too. For
some reason we have a bunch or yard tools with us to that have become scattered around.
Chris ran over a couple with his truck and broke the handles. I go looking for a rake and shovel
and find my rake broken but I also find large stack of similar rakes so I just take one and put it in
the back of the truck. I continue looking for a shovel and I go to the edge of the road to look at
some that I see there and a man stops me. He is a police officer. He tells me to stop and points
into the woods where I see a man with a gun pointed at another man. The gunman is walking
toward the other man with his gun right in his face. The unarmed man is walking backwards.
There is a large number of police surrounding the 2 men and slowly closing in. the gunman does
not see the police and looks a little crazy which is maybe why he didnt notice them. The
unarmed man sees the police and is noticeably relieved. He tells the gunman that he is
surrounded and steps to the side so he can see the offices behind him. The gunman is shocked
and turns around lokok behind him and sees more police. He gets spooked and fires his gun but
doesnt hit anyone. One of the police officers quickly fires back hitting the gunman but not
killing him. The rest quickly close in and arrest the man. After that his finished I continue
looking for shovel and find a stack of shovels. I pull one out but it is not like mine. I look
through the rest and none of them are like the one I want.

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