Management Trainee JD

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Position Management Trainee

Department Content Operations

Reporting Manager Level Operations Manager
Location Hyderabad
Shift Timings Rotational Shifts (incldes night shifts!
Recriter "ame Sgato Maitra

#actSet combines hndreds of databases into a single$ po%erfl information system& 't is a one(stop sorce for
financial information and analytics for bsiness analysts$ portfolio managers$ investment ban)ers * management firms
and other financial professionals to analy+e companies$ portfolios$ mar)ets , economies&
#actSet %as formed in -./0 and operates ot of 12 locations %orld%ide& #actSet$ %ith over 3045 million in annal
revenes$ is head6artered in "or%al)$ Connectict and employs over 7555 people %orld%ide& Or operations
e8tend %ithin "orth 9merica as %ell as :rope and the Pacific Rim& Since -..4$ the Company has been pblicly
traded on the "e% ;or) Stoc) :8change nder the symbol #DS&
The Content Operations teams at #actSet se the best in technology to collect the most accrate and timely
information for the global investor& 9s a part of this team$ yo %ill get an opportnity to constantly deal %ith financial
data that helps or clients ma)e investment decisions& #actSet Content Operations is mainly divided into t%o ma<or
sb grops ( Collection and #actSet #ndamentals&
The Content Collection Department collects proprietary financial information& The Content teams %or) on varios
databases and are responsible for researching$ adding$ parsing$ storing and pdating abndant financial information
sefl for 'nvestors&
#actSet #ndamentals Team collects financial statements of Pblic and Private (=S only! companies across the
continent& The team sorces the company filings from varios sorces li)e stoc) e8changes$ company %ebsites$ and
reglatory body , third party vendors& >e e8tract , analy+e the data from financial statement li)e ?alance Sheet$
#9CTS:T S;ST:MS '"D'9 P@T& LTD& >>>&#9CTS:T&COM
'ncome Statement , Cash flo% statement of the company& 9lso$ the team collects the te8tal data li)e ?siness
9ctivities$ Officers$ Shareholder$ indstry classification and etc&
The management trainees are seen as the ftre leaders of #actSet& #or the first one year$ they
%ill progress throgh a careflly planned stage$ %hich shall inclde the follo%ingA
o =nderstand the environment that %e operate in
o ?e a part of prodction floor and carry ot the responsibilities in an effective manner
o Over time$ ta)e the responsibilities of BC of the teamCs %or)
o Provide the spport to the process management team by sggesting innovation*
process improvement
o >or) on time bond pro<ects and ensre end to end deliveryA from conceptalising to
o Carry ot si8 sigma pro<ect(s!$ nder the gidance of certified trainers
9t the completion of the -1 months period$ the Management Trainees shall ta)e p the
leadership role in the respective processes& The responsibility at that time shall inclde (bt not
restricted to!A
o Management* spervision of the prodction floor and day to day operations&
o Management of 6ality and process improvement throgh innovative ideas
o Pro<ect Management
o Management of team and the membersC motivation* retention
Post Dradate in Commerce * #inance from premiere ?CSchools
Dood nderstanding of management concepts and tools
9bility to lin) management concepts to day to day %or)
Dood pro<ect management s)ills
Dood at M'S$ MS applications (:8cel$ >ord , Po%er Point! and sage of statistical tools
Drive to learn ne% things and deliver in a challenging environment
Eno%ledge of Capital Mar)ets$ #i8ed 'ncome 'nstrments %old be an added advantage
:8posed to decision ma)ing$ process improvement tools and techni6es&
#le8ibility to %or) in shifts
:8cellent commnication s)ills ( both >ritten and Oral

#9CTS:T S;ST:MS '"D'9 P@T& LTD& >>>&#9CTS:T&COM

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