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Dear Katherine:

Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend this evenings meeting, although I am trying to rearrange a previous
commitment in order to do so. Do not consider this as an official Parks Commission document, I am simply
offering my point of view.
I hear your arguments, some with good scientific evidence, and somewhat marginal scientific evidence, relative
to the Berkshire County mosquito control project cessation within the parks in Pittsfield. Having been involved
for many years in the scientific arena within my field, I usually like to read these reports myself and evaluate
the studies, as data presentation can be done with a slant in one of several directions. We know of many
carcinogens that are encountered on a daily basis, but large doses of carcinogens that cause cancer in
laboratory animals do not necessarily relate to humans if the level of the carcinogen is, percentagewise, very
much less than that utilized in these studies. While I realize that the best program is to have no carcinogens
whatsoever encountered by humans, we all know that that is improbable if not impossible. Obviously since this
petition has been signed by many people who did not avail themselves of the scientific data, they are relying
upon your statements as being true if we are going to pass the no mosquito control in the Pittsfield Parks
Unfortunately, many of our parks were established prior to the wetlands initiatives, thus many of them are in
areas that would not be allowed to have parks if they had to be approved under todays environmentally
sensitive laws. This makes them great breeding grounds for heavy inundation of mosquitoes, and while the
incidence of mosquito-borne disease is low, there are many diseases with low incidence that are given great
priority within our legal and medical systems due to their devastating effects. Mosquito-borne diseases could
perhaps be placed in that category. You should also be reminded that mosquito control is accomplished not
only through spraying, as it is the final stage in trying to control this population. There are other less toxic
methods, but perhaps you are aware of that.
To be honest, and most important, this discussion should be initiated and perhaps totally consummated by the
citys Health Board. If we are going to state that mosquito control should not be carried out within the Pittsfield
Parks, is it okay to do so within the other 98% of the space within the city? If you feel as strongly as you state,
the Health Board should be the group you are discussing this with, and if they decide that indeed the mosquito
control program should be ceased throughout the city, then the discussion with the Parks Commission would
be a moot point. To be honest, the Health Board should have signed off on this prior to the project being
initiated, but Im not sure if that took place. No question about it, total control of the mosquito population is next
to impossible, just as it is with the deer tick population. If the health board determines that the benefits of
mosquito control are significantly outweighed by the risks of doing so, and they do so after careful
consideration, understanding of the methods used, the Parks Commission would have no choice but to go
along with that program.
I would therefore ask you not to begin this discussion with the Parks Commission, but instead talk to the
appropriate group, the Health Board. Thus, your petition may be referred to the health board, and if their
recommendation is to cease the mosquito control project, that should be presented to the City Council and it
can be enacted immediately. I realize this issue is time sensitive, as the project will perhaps begin very soon.
We thank you for bringing this to our attention, but it looks as though it is an issue that needs to be presented
to and discussed with the Health Board, and we can and will certainly abide by their recommendations.
John P Herman OD FAAO
Chair, Parks Commission

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