"A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath, But A Harsh

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Father, I pray my child knows that You are always

with him or her.

teaching them to observe all that I have
commanded you. And behold, I am with you always,
to the end of the age. Matthew 28:2
Father, I pray my child will have a grateful heart
attitude today.
!nter his gates with than"sgiving,
and his courts with #raise$ %ive than"s
to him& bless his name$
'salm (:)
Father, I pray my child allows experiences to make
him or her better and not bitter.
*o not be conformed to this world, but be transformed
by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may
discern what is the will of %od, what is good and
acce#table and #erfect.
+omans (2:2
May my child believe in his or her heart that You
raised Jesus from the dead.
because, if you confess with your mouth that
,esus is -ord and believe in your heart that %od
raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
.or with the heart one believes and is /ustified,
and with the mouth one confesses and is
+omans (:01(
Father, I pray my child knows they can talk to You
*o not be frightened, and do not be dismayed,
for the -ord your %od is with you wherever you
go.,oshua (:0b
Father, I pray my child chooses peace instead of
anger today.
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh
word stirs u# anger.
'roverbs (2:(
Father, I pray my child does not hold a grudge
against anyone today.
-ove is #atient and "ind& love does not envy or
boast& it is not arrogantor rude. It does not
insist on its own way& it is not irritable or
resentful&it does not re/oice at wrongdoing, but
re/oices with the truth. ( 3or. (4:)15
Father, I pray my child thinks about what is
excellent or praiseworthy today.
.inally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is
honorable, whatever is /ust, whatever is #ure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if
there is any e6cellence, if there is anything
worthy of #raise, thin" about these things.
'hili##ians ):8
Father, I pray my child is a peacemaker today.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called
sons of God.
Matthew 5:9
Father, I pray my child will learn to be content in
any circumstance.
for ha!e learned "n whate!er s"t#at"on am to be
$h"l"pp"ans %:&&b
May my ch"ld be f"lled w"th yo#r peace today "nstead of
'herefore tell yo#, do not be an("o#s abo#t yo#r l"fe,
what yo# w"ll eat or what yo# w"ll dr"nk, nor abo#t yo#r
body, what yo# w"ll p#t on. s not l"fe more than food,
and the body more than cloth"n)*
Matthew +:,5
May my ch"ld know -hr"st and the power of the
that may know h"m and the power of h"s res#rrect"on,
and may share h"s s#ffer"n)s, becom"n) l"ke h"m "n h"s
$h"l"pp"ans .:&/
May my ch"ld tr#st God to meet all h"s or her needs.
And my God w"ll s#pply e!ery need of yo#rs accord"n)
to h"s r"ches "n )lory "n -hr"st 0es#s.
$h"l"pp"ans %:&9
God, f"ll my ch"ld w"th 1oy and peace so he or she w"ll
o!erflow w"th hope for the f#t#re.
May the God of hope f"ll yo# w"th all 1oy and peace "n
bel"e!"n), so that by the power of the 2oly 3p"r"t yo#
may abo#nd "n hope.
4omans &5:&.
God, may my ch"ld reco)n"5e yo#r lo!e for h"m or her
thro#)h 0es#s6 death and res#rrect"on.
b#t God shows h"s lo!e for #s "n that wh"le we were st"ll
s"nners, -hr"st d"ed for #s.
4omans 5:7
May my ch"ld be content w"th what he or she has.
B#t "f we ha!e food and cloth"n), w"th these we w"ll be
& '"mothy +:7
May my ch"ld be )enero#s and ready to share.
'hey are to do )ood, to be r"ch "n )ood works, to be
)enero#s and ready to share,
& '"mothy +:&7
8ather, lead my ch"ld w"th 9o#r l")ht and 9o#r tr#th.
3end o#t yo#r l")ht and yo#r tr#th:
let them lead me:
let them br"n) me to yo#r holy h"ll
and to yo#r dwell"n);
$salm %.:.
8ather, may my ch"ld reco)n"5e yo# are the )"!er of
e!eryth"n) )ood.

<!ery )ood )"ft and e!ery perfect )"ft "s from abo!e,
com"n) down from the 8ather of l")hts w"th whom there
"s no !ar"at"on or shadow d#e to chan)e.
0ames &:&=
8ather, may my ch"ld seek 9o# w"th all h"s or her heart.
Blessed are those who keep h"s test"mon"es,
who seek h"m w"th the"r whole heart,
$salm &&9:,
May my child "now #eace in his or her heart instead of
7ow the wor"s of the flesh are evident8 strife,
/ealousy, fits of anger8 9ut the fruit of the :#irit is8
%alatians 2:(012, 22
8ather, may my ch"ld f"nd 1oy "n tr#st"n) 9o#.
8or o#r heart "s )lad "n h"m,
beca#se we tr#st "n h"s holy name.
$salm ..:,&
May my ch"ld lo!e r")hteo#sness and 1#st"ce.
2e lo!es r")hteo#sness and 1#st"ce: the earth "s f#ll of
the steadfast lo!e of the >ord.
$salm ..:5
May my ch"ld s"n) for 1oy today;
3ho#t for 1oy "n the >ord, ? yo# r")hteo#s;
$ra"se bef"ts the #pr")ht.
$salm ..:&
May my ch"ld seek to please 9o#.
3o whether we are at home or away, we make "t o#r a"m
to please h"m.
, -or"nth"ans 5:9
8ather, thank yo# that noth"n) can separate my ch"ld
from 9o#r lo!e;
8or am s#re that ne"ther death nor l"fe, nor an)els nor
r#lers, nor th"n)s present nor th"n)s to come, nor
powers, nor he")ht nor depth, nor anyth"n) else "n all
creat"on, w"ll be able to separate #s from the lo!e of God
"n -hr"st 0es#s o#r >ord.
4omans 7:.7@.9
May my ch"ld t#rn from do"n) wron) and do r")ht.
'#rn away from e!"l and do )ood:
seek peace and p#rs#e "t.
$salm .%:&%
May my ch"ld know 1oy e!en "n to#)h t"mes.
-o#nt "t all 1oy, my brothers,when yo# meet tr"als of
!ar"o#s k"nds, for yo# know that the test"n) of yo#r fa"th
prod#ces steadfastness. And let steadfastness ha!e "ts f#ll
effect, that yo# may be perfect and complete, lack"n) "n
0ames &:,@%
8ather, pray my ch"ld w"ll not be an("o#s today.
'herefore tell yo#, do not be an("o#s abo#t yo#r l"fe,
what yo# w"ll eat or what yo# w"ll dr"nk, nor abo#t yo#r
body, what yo# w"ll p#t on. s not l"fe more than food,
and the body more than cloth"n)*
Matthew +:,5
8ather, help my ch"ld foc#s on the "mportant th"n)s "n
as we look not to the th"n)s that are seen b#t to the
th"n)s that are #nseen. 8or the th"n)s that are seen are
trans"ent, b#t the th"n)s that are #nseen are eternal.
, -or"nth"ans %:&7
.ather, I #ray my child will use words to #romote #eace
And a harvest of righteousness is sown in #eace by
those who ma"e #eace.
,ames 4:(8
8ather, pray my ch"ld th"nks abo#t what "s tr#e, noble,
and r")ht today.
8"nally, brothers, whate!er "s tr#e, whate!er "s
honorable, whate!er "s 1#st, whate!er "s p#re, whate!er "s
lo!ely, whate!er "s commendable, "f there "s any
e(cellence, "f there "s anyth"n) worthy of pra"se, th"nk
abo#t these th"n)s.
$h"l"pp"ans %:7
Father, I pray my child seeks peace instead of anger
with their siblings or family members! today.
Anow th"s, my belo!ed brothers: let e!ery person be
B#"ck to hear, slow to speak, slow to an)er: for the an)er
of man does not prod#ce the r")hteo#sness of God.
0ames &:&9@,/
Father, I pray my child is filled with your peace
instead of with fear.
2e who dwells "n the shelter of the Most 2")h
w"ll ab"de "n the shadow of the Alm")hty.
w"ll say to the >ord, My ref#)e and my fortress,
my God, "n whom tr#st
$salm 9&:&@&+
Father, I pray my child sees Your peace in me today.
Chat yo# ha!e learned and rece"!ed and heard and seen
"n meDpract"ce these th"n)s, and the God of peace w"ll
be w"th yo#.
$h"l"pp"ans %:9
Father, I pray my child will focus his or her thoughts
on what is pure.
Blessed are the p#re "n heart, for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:7
Father, I pray my child"s school is a place of peace.
n the same way, let yo#r l")ht sh"ne before others, so
thatthey may see yo#r )ood works and )"!e )lory to yo#r
8ather who "s "n hea!en.
Matthew 5:&+
Father, I pray my child understands that true peace
comes from You.
Grace to yo# and peace from God o#r 8ather and the
>ord 0es#s -hr"st.
& -or"nth"ans &:.
8ather, pray my ch"ld6s m"nd "s )#arded by yo#r peace.
And the peace of God, wh"ch s#rpasses all
#nderstand"n), w"ll )#ard yo#r hearts and yo#r m"nds "n
-hr"st 0es#s.
$h"l"pp"ans %:=
May my ch"ld ha!e r")hteo#sness from God thro#)h fa"th
"n -hr"st.
and be fo#nd "n h"m, not ha!"n) a r")hteo#sness of my
own that comes from the law, b#t that wh"ch comes
thro#)h fa"th "n -hr"st, the r")hteo#sness from God that
depends on fa"thD $h"l"pp"ans .:9

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