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Tumbes in northern Peru has very special geographical feature would only throughout the
country. Beautiful estuaries, beaches, farmland, forests and mountains forming a large stage, a
tourist spot in line to the desired development of the region.

An interesting scenario offers the visitor Tumbes. Historically Tumbes magnet was made to
undertake the arduous and gigantic step in the conquest of Peru.

Tumbes today with almost no lag of any kind is a place where nature imposes its exotic beauty.

1. Etymology of the name

On the origin of the word "slaughterhouse" there is a defined and precise, hence we shall only
present the correct view.
Louis E. Valcrcel, explains that the Spaniards have known the city of Tumbes as "Tumpis"
which was the name they meant the entire inhabitants located in the valley, or "grave" by the
existence of a fruit of a species of Pasiflora that abound in the area at that time.

The priest Giovanni Anello Oliva, argues that the word "grave" or "tomb" was given in memory
of chief TUMBA. Any time your child Quitumbe who founded and populated the area.

Romulo Cuneo Vidal says that the word "grave" has its origins in "Tumpi" or "Tumbi", they
knew the cane or stick used by the curaca of Tumbes.

The Gracilazo Inca de la Vega in his "Comments Reales," tell us that the Spanish, the word
corruption and it is very possible that the origin of the word "grave" is the result of deformation
and alteration of the words "Tumpis "" Lay, "" Tumbi ", etc..

Ricardo Perez Saavedra, in his book "Historical Significance of grave concerns that the word
Tumbes has a defective origin of the word as it passed Chasquis the onomatopoeia of the noise
produced by the harquebus of the Spaniards to shoot and well, the first transmitting "Tumpis",
as modified in the following "Tumpis" and the following Tumbes


Tumbes has a great historical past, a present and a future waiting provisor. Played a historic
role in America's world and the world, and was at the beginning of the modern history of our

Tumbes is considered by Raul Morannd in his book "AIR BOOK" as the city's most beautiful
landscape of America.

In the pre-Inca settled in this land in such warm human large agricultural, fishing, hunting and
trade, the most important was the cultural group TUMPIS, who is considered the greatest
navigators. This time there are important archaeological monuments of the architectural
complex of Cabeza de Vaca.
During the Inca Tumbes was a very important role in the political destiny of Tahuantinsuyo.
Pachacutec submitted it to their domain and after the year 1400 went to the islands of Oceania
hypotonia and was Huayna Capac who became the center of operations from which emerged
with a well-organized army to dominate the punaeos for this reason the king is gave more
importance to Tumbes command to build roads and housing palaces temples. Still preserved
Inca ruins, especially in Playa Rica since then restore missing.

In the discovery and conquest, Tumbes made contact with Europe, the first players in South
America and Felipillo Yacan born in Tumbesian territory, and the Spaniards who arrived in
1527 for the first time the Peruvian coast, beach walking Tumbesian.
After this trip Francisco Pizarro returned to Spain to secure the capitulation of Toledo on 29 July
1528. This document Hernando de Luque was appointed Bishop of Tumbes.

The second arrival of Francisco Pizarro to Tumbes in 1528 was between mid-March to early
April of 1532 in his third arrival found the stubborn resistance of Chilimasa; that history records
as the Battle of Mangroves, which lasted 15 days with their respective nights. This action took
place in Port of firewood, Estero Chepo The district of San Pedro de los Incas at the mouth of
the Tumbes River.

Then comes the actual Caleta la Cruz, placing the Cross of the Conquest that made Cocobolo
wood, measuring 153 meters high. In 1862 she was transferred to Piura deposited on the La
Merced Church on the occasion of the visit of President Jose Pardo and Barrera to Piura, in
1907 the Mayor and the Chairman of the Departmental Board sent the request Pizarro de la
Cruz to the National Museum of History Lima is currently on the premises of the Municipality of
the Cross in Tumbes.
During the Crown in Tumbes, became the port of arrival forced the Spanish authorities. So the
first viceroy of Peru landing Tumbesian land on 14 March 1544. At the beginning of the colony
died in Tumbes Fray Vicente Valverde.

The ancient tombs found that Pizarro was located in the current District of San Pedro de los
Incas, with its capital Corrales, more exactly in Cabeza de Vaca.

The mainland were established in the right margin of Rio Tumbes were inhabited what is now
modern Tumbes also knew that the organization of the parcels. Was Mayor of City of Indian
parallel Spanish and Creole, which administers the Royal Box. Was subjected to raids by British
privateers, where whaling ships endowed. This time there is no material remains, due to the
scarcity of cane and mud guayaquil
The season starts in Tumbes Republican with the Declaration of Independence on January 07,
1821 signed by Juan Francisco Feijoo, Francisco Navarrete, Puello Abad, Juan de Dios Garca
Among others whose names today lifted some of the streets of Tumbes.

Tumbesian Many participated in the independence as Jose Romero, who accompanied Don
Jos de San Martn in his triumphant entry into Lima on July 10, 1821, also contributed
financially to fund the fight for freedom in Peru, or enlisted troops patriotic as the Regiment of
Dragoons Piura.

All walks of life Republican have had an impact on the lives of graveyards to be successively
district, province, coast province, department, sub department is now replaced Tumbes.


Tumbes is located in the north - west of South America and the far north west of Peru.

3 24 '10 "latitude South-Punta Capones (North)
4 11 '45 "south latitude - Fernandez village (South)

From Meridian:

70 09 '10 "West Longitude - slippery (East)
81 03 '30 "longitude west harbor kid (West)

Tumbes is bounded by the rules. - West and south - east by the Republic of Ecuador to the
south, and Piura in the west and north by the Pacific Ocean.


The city of Tumbes is located 6 m.s.n.m

Tumbes climate is semi tropical with almost permanent sunshine all year round, with a
temperature of 36 C for at least 19 C and an average of 24 C


Tumbes is an ecological area with large differences in topography, climate, soil, vegetation, etc..
ecological formations exist in the following types of forest, type in the coastal mangrove forests
and thorny weeds at the first level topography, forest type in the dry and humid topographical
relief mountainous area with steep slopes, where heavy rainfall the river is about 500 mm,

The presence of the current child is one of the determining factors in the climate and flora and
fauna of Tumbes. Sea coasts is quite prodigious Tumbesian hydro biological in areas of high
quality and commercial acceptance.

Among the largest collection of craft are: Sole, Grouper, Corvina, Conchas Negras, prawns,
crabs, etc... In the mountain you can appreciate the magnanimity of Venados, Perdices, pumas,
anteaters, ocelot, Crocodiles, Pavas Monte, etc.


Tumbes has a land area of 11.94 km2 including 4.669.20 km2 surface is oceanic island.

In the same way the census estimated population of 253,767 Tumbes is the year 2007
according to information from the INEI.



TUMBES capital TUMBES 1.800.15 Km2
Zarumilla capital Zarumilla 733.89. Km2
Rear VILLAR Zorritos 2.123.22 Km2


The province of Tumbes is located in the far northern coast of Peru on the border with the
Republic of Ecuador. In pre-Inca times, was inhabited by the legendary and courageous
"TUMPIS. Owners of quality, spacious and attractive beaches, historic monuments and tourist

It is a major producer of precious and coveted Conchas Negras, prawns, squid, crabs and
lobsters. The city of Tumbes is considered the passage of tourists and visitors traveling to the
border with the neighboring country of Ecuador.

Tumbes has the following districts: Tumbes, San Juan de la Virgen, Pampa Hospital, San
Jacinto, La Cruz and San Pedro de los Incas

6.2 Zarumilla:

Capital of the province of the same name is located 25 km from the city of Tumbes and 4 Kms
from the District of Aguas Verdes, Zarumilla was upgraded to a province November 25, 1942.
Has a unique geography in its lower part with its mangroves and estuaries promising pampas.

Zarumilla has been the scene of the historic Battle of the Zarumilla July 24, 1941, where
many Peruvians with great sacrifice and love for their homeland sacrificed their lives as Don
Jos Tudela Lishner, Alipio Rosales Carrasco between Hilario Camacho and the other main
economic activity is the livestock and trade.

Zarumilla has the following districts:

Zarumilla, Papayal, Matapalo and Aguas Verdes. All with their respective villages and towns.

6.3. Contralmirante VILLAR.

The province with its capital Contralmirante Villar Zorritos located 27.5 km from the city of
Tumbes its height is 4 m. Province is considered the largest geographic area with rolling, hills,
creeks and beaches.

It is considered a historic site since it drilled the first oil well in South America in the year 1863,
found traces of it.

The main activity is fishing followed by agriculture and livestock. This province has only has
three districts Zorritos, Casitas and Canoas Punta Sal

7. Water systems

Tumbes has a system for river basin including: Tumbes and Zarumilla.


Born in the mountain ranges of Zaruma (Ecuador), formed by the tributaries of the Yellow river
and Calera. It extends for 1864 km from its entrance to Peru to the mouth. Walk about 220 km
Highlights Delta, being a component of natural mangroves. It makes it flow remains the only
navigable river in the Peruvian coast. Your course is divided into four sections:

a) The Inter. - Mountain, from its origin to the place of Zapayal and Salto del Tigre.

b) The canyons and waterfalls from wear and Zapayal of Salto del Tigre.

c) The Plains, from the Tiger Leaping to the city of Tumbes.

d) The Delta or esters in the mouth in the Pacific Ocean, covered with mangrove vegetation,
whose roots in tangles are the habitat of a varied fauna composed of molluscs, black shells,
oysters, mussels, shells huaqueras, mussels etc. Crustaceans, lobster, crabs, shrimps, prawns,
etc. And fish: corvina, toll, just saw, sole bass, etc..

The beautiful landscape of the river Tumbes is very important in times of rain, quite ideal for
trips throughout the year, making a nice trip by boat from the river to the place Tumbes
mastered the "Boca", showing the change of scenery with the broad majestic and beautiful sea
and the influence on the confluence of the river Tumbes in the mouth, giving rise to a
paradisiacal landscape.

7.2 Zarumilla RIVER

It originated in the highlands of Ecuador changed the flow of water throughout the year,
increasing its volume at times of high rainfall from the month of May the river tries to draw down
on their partner and their moving water runoff. The length of the river is about 50 miles and its
watershed is 749.



Tumbes flora is lush, covers the three provinces of Tumbes, to the eastern slopes of the
mountains of the district Pampas de Hospital, Matapalo, and houses on the sites: Quebrada
Seca, Tutumo the Totora, the rubber, Huasimo there are many varieties of timber trees, such as
the IPE, cow suit, bay leaf, balsam, guachapel, dark wood, wandering leon, etc. Periodic rain in
this area have a woody vegetation thrive admirably. Are up to 15 tree species in contrast to
other coastal regions.


Tumbesian fauna is composed of species such as deer, squirrels, ocelot, monkeys, ducks,
partridges, wild turkeys, swallows, parrots, foxes, Huanchaco, collared peccary, snakes,
iguanas, crocodiles, lizards, etc..

These species are very varied species of fish in our seas, which promotes the sport fishing
and its use as a key element in the local cuisine.

For more knowledge considered these species into three groups:

Corvina, Tollo, Sierra, Sole, Cojinova Liza, Aguiliza, horse mackerel, sea bass,
cabrilla, conger, etc..

CRUSTACEANS: lobsters, crabs, shrimps, prawns, octopus, etc..

MOLLUSKS: Conchas Negras, Huaqueras Conchas, Conchas Pata de Burro, Oysters,
Scallops, Mussels, mussels, clams, squid, barnacles, etc..

Tumbes addition is the only one in Peru that has a marine flora consists of mangrove, whose
bark is used in tanning. The Mangle together form the famous mangroves.

The marine fauna of Tumbes is so varied and exquisite, almost most tourists tend to take a

9. Access roads to TUMBES

Can lead to lie by air or land.


Through the Pan-American Highway north to south and from south to north.

9.2 BY AIR

There are airlines.
Routes: Tumbes - Lima - Tumbes
Direct flights (1. 45 'approx.)


National 10.1

Tumbes - Aguas Verdes 23 Kms
Tumbes Talara 171 Kms.
Tumbes Piura 282 Kms
Tumbes Chiclayo 493 Kms.
Tumbes Trujillo 702 Kms.
Tumbes Cajamarca 810 Kms
Tumbes Huaraz 1095 Kms
Tumbes Lima 1276 Kms
Tumbes Ica 1730 Kms
Tumbes Arequipa 2329 Kms
Tumbes Moquegua 2465 Kms
Tumbes Cuzco 2422 Kms
Tumbes Tacna 2613 Kms
Tumbes Puno 2653 Kms.

10.2 International


Tumbes Machala 114 Kms
Tumbes Loja 254 Kms
Tumbes Cuenca 270 Kms
Tumbes Guayaquil 324 Kms
Tumbes Quito 619 Kms
Tumbes Tulcn 953 Kms

In Tumbes talk about the tourist attractions, is located in the plane of its exceptional natural
beauty and the clearest expression of what are its attractive tourist sites, both within and outside
the city, finally, there is much to discover about the true expression of the richness of tourism in

2.1 TUMBES tourist attraction

2.1.1 Churches

Church "St. Nicholas of Tolentino"

Built in the seventeenth century by the Augustinian fathers, their architecture is a Republican. In
the year 1985 is restored, and today one of the modern north. Have a baroque style in our work
with pointed arches of two levels, being kind of big and small lounge. Shaped by their deeds
Falcones two levels of representation and colorful domes warhead. The high altar, is working on
applications with a baroque style.

Features represented by introducing an oil (passage of the Resurrection of Christ) is one
of the most beautiful Christ for the accuracy of their anatomical line.

On the walls of the church, decorated with stained glass windows seen in its entirety with
scenes of Christ, the saints and the virgin, which is surrounded by extensive passages on the
outside, which are decorated and protected with large grids iron.

Its atrium is one tier to form the final part of this creative work.

In addition to the church are other churches delicately decorated in subdued colors and
ornaments made of wood from the region, along with hand-carved sculptures of various types of

Among them are the following: Chapel San Martn de Porras, Santa Rosa, Nuestra Seora
del Rosario, Maria Rosa Mistica, Nuestra Senora Del Carmen, San Jos, Seor de los Milagros.

In the Pampas District Hospital, was the old church: Exploits religious buildings dating from the
early twentieth century
21.2 square and small squares. Main Plaza

Plaza with a large air 4.691.60 m2. And with modern exotic plantations in the area, large trees
with hanging fruits inedible kignelia pinnata scientifically known popularly as "matazonzo" or
"matacojudo" at the proscenium rises from a shell coated acoustic tile allusive encounter
andalusia two worlds in the center highlights Chilimasa chieftain's head, the sides with
ornamental pools with a water recirculation system dancers. Plazuela Bolognesi.

Modern Hotel located opposite to the Costa del Sol, the plaza serves as the stage for the
military ceremony in honor of the Battle of Dos de Mayo and the Jura de la Bandera.

Plazuela The infrastructure is modern, surrounded by trees. In the center is a colorful and
important monument in honor of the hero of Don Francisco Bolognesi Arica. This will make
good use of this altar of the homeland. Plazuela Alipio Rosales Camacho

Erected in memory of the hero Tumbesian Alipio Rosales, fallen in battle Zarumilla in 1941. This
square is the holiday celebration. It is considered a popular area of the city of traditional and
ancient Bellavista neighborhood. Mother's Boulevard

Located on the street on January 7 the Neighborhood Milagro. This sculpture of a 9 mts. Height
representing the sublime love of a mother said in the action of feeding your baby. Is sitting on
the globe to understand that giving love is the greatest of all and universal. At the feet of ladies
names Tumbesian representative. Plazuela fraternity.

Located between the streets and Mayor Novoa Snchez Carrin, plazuela showy for its circular
shape and by its bright colors and decorative symbols, typical of the Mochica culture - Chimu. Plazuela kiss

Located on Avenida Mariscal Castilla y Oscar R. Andalusia Benavides Benavides start of the
traditional Malecon that runs along the riverside of Tumbes, consists of small roundabouts,
brokers, banks beautiful tree that gives the perfect setting for the sculpture located at the center
representing a couple sitting a romantic kiss, to appreciate a magnificent fourth dimension in art,
where the bodies were cut into a heart.

It shows a beautiful balcony called "balcony of the oath" in a level of more than two
meters in height; adapting a caf at the bottom.

This place is very crowded by couples in love for its romantic atmosphere and the caressing
breeze that she projected onto the river Tumbes.

2.12.9 Plazuela Jorge Chavez.

Plazuela built the hero of the Peruvian aviation. Located on the street Tumpis. Plazuela is a
simple and varied colors. Monumento Teniente Astete

Located in the interception of Av and Av Army Hilario Carrasco in the Neighborhood
Tablazo. Erected in memory of the hero of 1941, with a bust to his memory and arrangements
of colors and modern style.

2.12.11 Plazuela Alipio Ponce Vasquez.

Located on the first block of the street Francisco Navarrete, is a small triangular-shaped plaza
with gardens and a truncated pyramid in places where the police bust of a hero Alipio Ponce
Vasquez. Here too we find the whereabouts Puerto Pizarro Tumbes. Plazuela Grau.

Located to the left of the entrance of the urbanization Andres Araujo Moran, Just built up with a
single piece of square and an altar where the heroes is a Miguel Grau recalling his great skills
of humans and marine hero Plazuela Quiones

Located right next to the entrance of the urbanization Andres Araujo Moran, it can be found at
the forefront of an altar-shaped wings heroes who staged the glory of this hero of aviation in the
war with Ecuador in 1941. Airplane Park.

Location in front of the Plaza Quiones, is that the park is a fighter aircraft, it is modern style
and bright colors, she is also a large pergola and colorful use of reason to various tributes and
ceremonies. The Obelisk Victoria.

Located in front of the Monument to Lieutenant Astete. It is an obelisk in honor of the victory of
Peru. To Ecuador in 1941. It is small and unique cut. Monument Andrew A. Caceres.

Monument surrounded by gardens located to the left entrance of Cerro El Mirador. It is
customary to hold such ceremonies for the soldiers of the Infantry Day. Monument Ramn Castilla.

Built in the third block of the street Mariscal Castilla. It is a striking monument consisting of a
pyramid in special majorities and a bust of Marshal Ramn Castilla in honor of the freedom of
slaves. A taste B. Bust Laguia.

Small structures where the bust of former President Legua. It is located at the interception of
the streets and Francisco Ibez Alfonso Ugarte.

Heroes Crypt Zarumilla.

Located in the Central Cemetery "El Carmen" Tumbes, just stands at the center of the cemetery
where 72 are killed in the crypts of the 1941 war with Ecuador.

2.3.1 pedestrian

Tour Master

Located in the interception of the Andes and Huascar streets, was built in honor of the
Teacher's Day. This walk is being constructed in the form of small galleries and terraces,
surrounded by colorful flower pots, garden benches and cement. Pedestrian Paseo Los Libertadores.

Located next to the Church. It is an attractive, modern promenade in the heart of the city of
Tumbes. It is characterized by a few colors, which pay their macerated and bottles.

It is a busy place for tourists and locals there contracted by restaurants, shops, ice cream
shops, banks, bookstores, clubs, etc. Have a great attraction, especially after 7:00 at night
which converges recreation, commerce and trade and cultural activities. Paseo Bar

Located between the streets Huascar and the Philippines. It is a walk which was built in tribute
to the lawyer. In the center highlights a small monument symbolizing a book. It has also
highlighted boxes in which a small monument, ornamentals. It is a busy place right by the
residents to relax and talk calmly to the streets The Paseo Triunfo.

Located between the Andes and the streets Ayacucho. Led to one of the sides of the main
square. Is a small, hidden walk, which is built on the highest part of the center of Tumbes since
you can see much of the city and see the majestic scenery of the river valley and Tumbes. It is
located on a steep part of the city, so the whole tour is made up stairs. In the center is paid by
our typical garden and tropical palm trees. Pedestrian Paseo "La Concordia Peruvian - Ecuadorian"

Masterpiece built in the 1st and 2nd block from San Martin consists of sidewalks, stairs, an
interesting step in the level of interference with the Av Piura, with ramp for small vehicles and a
variety of settings where you can make countless activities, Teatrino, popular exhibition, so we
shell sound place to histrionics activities (singing, art) in the center of which bears mosaic
artwork that represents the difference between peace and war, which was drawing to win world
for peace Competition Lions Clubs, we also have the Huacoteca where he currently works at
the Chamber of Commerce and Production of Tumbes, the ceiling there is a beautiful work of
art made of mosaics symbolizing the Inca Empire Spanish incursion , shows the famous Cross
of the Conquest, the courageous Indian "Chilimasa" star of the Inca resistance.

The sculpture shows the central entrance facing the main square and is home to the name of
the ride, symbolizes the bonds of integration between our neighboring towns by a water source,
a kero describing countless agricultural mineral wealth of flora and fauna in the area. It also
shows the sculpture of the Peruvian vicua coat prompt and the condor symbolizing the
Ecuadorian coat, both animals are surrounded by a symbol representing the sun. It is a favorite
spot for tourists and foreigners who revel in the beauty and majesty of the work. Walk Triunfino

Projects built in the block 8 of Av Bolvar, in homage to the Golden Jubilee of the school "El
Triunfo" whose main feature is the ornamental arches some 50 names printed on the most
outstanding students of his class and that symbolizes the 50 years andalusia Tumbesian
education services is the alma mater.

In the center features a building that symbolizes the tea in which knowledge is seen wrapping a
sheet printed with members of the fifty promotions. Tour Jerusalem

Located in Block 4 and 5 of the San Martin Street, consists of two stages where in mosaic
technique can be seen different scenes of the birth, life, passion and death of Jesus,
culminating in a sculpture that staged the ascent. At the bottom we find water in a small
sanctuary and holy land of Israel. Walk The Journalist

Cutting very simple, central gardens and colors are located between the streets Huascar and
the Andes. A few meters from the boardwalk. Paseo Juan Pablo II

Cutting gardens and modern central structure erected in honor of John Paul II on his first
visit to Peru. It is colored and opaque, is located on the left side of the pool of Tumbes. Une
streets Mariscal Castilla y Miraflores. Casonas

All of them Renaissance style, of great artistic value that are still conserved important examples
of rustic architecture in its typical way, Adoma by quadrangular pillars, high windows with half
point arch balusters and fine lattices each with plating in a craft workshop Exquisite and unique
shields representative stressed the representative of the production work on families in
Tumbesian mostly farmers, commercial farmers. Its buildings were two or three floors of
spacious and attractive to enhance the ventilation of the hot zone. Used the cane and wood as
Guachapel, Hualtaco, carob Its walls were lined with mud and plastered with kaolin colors.

Feijoo Casona Calle Grau N 508
Casona Cabrera Garca Calle Grau N 620
Cabrera Casona Calle Grau N 641
Casona Noblecilla Bodero Street N 100
Pea Casona Calle Grau N 802

In addition, there are the colorful house - the farm villages of Plateros and Cabuyal, all show us
the beauty of their work in how their work in wood and cane, and the extent of their balconies
and windows and use of wood the region.

2.1. 5 coliseums Coliseum tumpis

Located in the countryside near the fairground, at Av Tumbes (height of block 8), provides the
setting for the conduct of sporting, cultural, artistic Tumbes Coliseum Gallos

Located on Avenida Mariscal Castilla (height of the block No. 9) traditional place where fans
gather to cockfights. Spanish tradition that still persists in Tumbesian. Skills can be seen
nationally and internationally (Chile and Ecuador)

At the dates of July 28, 08 December, and so on. The most crowded days are Saturday and
Sunday, with the quality of cock-fighting, knife and Esquel.

It fights liven with lunches Creoles, are the most crowded by Tumbesian.

2.1.6 Malecn Benavides

Located on the right bank of the river Tumbes, protecting the city of its abundant water in the
rainy months (January, April) has recently been rebuilt and its architectural design and very
quite striking in the country's north coast. Emphasizes a lookout on top of the pier, where you
can appreciate the scenery of its banks and flowery valley Tumbes, composed of banana and
rice-producing areas.

Benavides boardwalk was first built in 1933 to prevent the flooding which caused the river
Tumbes. It has now changed its course from its original form. It is a favorite place for tourists to
admire and enjoy the beautiful natural landscape. It is a place for relaxation and meditation,
especially to admire the sunset Tumbesian.

2.1.8 Old Town

Located next to the Plaza Principal, occupies an area of 300 m2. It is an old mansion. Built in
the Republican era. Whose structure is based on cane guayaquil, has big windows, wooden,
with plenty of colorful ornaments and exquisite art and decor for their own time out in its upper
part and a small central tower which houses an antique clock. This mansion has been operating
since the year 1946 the municipal library

2.2 Attractions outside the city of Tumbes

2.2.1 Archaeological Sites Joint Archaeological Cabeza de Vaca
(San Pedro de los Incas)

A 5 km from the city of Tumbes, in the District of San Pedro de los Incas, and its capital
Corrales, in a place called Cabeza de Vaca, who in time before the conquest was inhabited by
ancient Tumpis of advanced civilization whose material characteristics of the region (adobe) of
this important culture is manifested in many existing notndose ruins that were identified in
specific areas related to one of the spaces were for the production of handicrafts, operating as
real workshops, where addition of the remains have been found malacological instruments of
different kinds. In another area are abundant waste landfills subject to domestic activities. Later
large terraces are evident small possibly worked for the conduct of ceremonies at each of the
terraces bounded by containment walls. All these evidences are located on a natural
promontory and far below the hills where traces rise of a rectangular construction of what was at
the time "La Huaca del Sol" and "Huaca de la Luna", described by Gracilazo de la Vega in his
"Comments Reales. A consequence of this action, the fragility of its architecture and the
destructive hand of man, demanding the immediate attention of the authorities to reassess this
important archeological site.

They are small thumbnails, whose raw material was obtained from the shells of marine species
Spondylus pictorum, and others of its kind that have been found in large amounts in deposit in
the area of malacological Cabeza de Vaca (Corrales).

The Spondylus pictorum was the raw material of the residents of the culture Tumpis admirably
sculpted and perfect, to acquire industrial piping. According to some chroniclers, were more
precious than gold and silver; important for attracting love, discard spells, curing diseases,
offering magical - religious and food to the gods, which were exported to the entire Andean
region. Tumbesian While not highlighted in distillery, pottery, etc.. It is remarkable the high
degree of specialization in the manufacture of these objects it thinks it is a place is in the center
of art, commercial broadcasting. Among the figurines found out birds, fish, grains of corn. Other archaeological sites

In several places there are large deposits of Tumbes pre - Columbian large
accumulations of marine debris, various samples of pottery and remains of human settlements
and rural areas that have not been adequately studied among them are: Plateros Rica Beach,
Lizard Head, Garbanzal, Loma Saavedra, Cuchareta; Zarumilla, Guineal, El Salto, La Palma,
and so on.

2.2.2 Esteros and Manglares

Tidal channels are entering the coastal mangrove forests between which are located in the far
north west of Tumbes in the area from the international border with Ecuador to the southern tip
of Estero Corrales occupy this narrow strip of marshland vegetation whose that grows in the
area known as the mangrove estuaries, which are aquatic vegetation of forests that make up a
maze of islands and canals, forming dense and tangled extracts with strong roots, which are
materials that retain the discharge caused the river Tumbes to form new land in the open sea.
Thanks to this plant is a variety of wildlife, as are the equally exotic black car, the mussels,
shells huaqueras, crabs, etc.. In the area of mangroves have been recorded up to 39 esteros,
taking the main Punta Capones, the Gianina, Zarumilla, Matapalo, etc..

A walk on the marshes is a wonderful experience, especially when visiting some of the many
islands that make up the estuaries and mangroves of the islands birds, island of love Island
whale bone, and so on. Beaches Puerto Pizarro

Located 13 km from Tumbes belong to groups of landscapes in the region of marshes, rather
exotic tourist natural beauty, warm and calm water, shallow depth. Much of the beach is
occupied by buildings fishing - crafts. This beach is busy with mats where you can see beautiful
wooded blocks water-based mangrove.

It is a beach suitable for water sports water skiing, swimming, diving, fishing, underwater
hunting, etc.. Pizarro was in port rent boats to enjoy a walk through unmatched mangroves and
estuaries, there are restaurants where to taste delicious dishes based on seafood own site.
Beachfront Puerto Pizarro lies the island of love, surrounded by lush mangrove forests for its
tranquility, bright sunshine and cleanliness of its sand is suitable for summer camps throughout
the year. To transfer your rented boat (motor boat) on the shore of Puerto Pizarro. Playa El Bendito

You reach this beach along the Panamerican Highway North by entering a trail from Zarumilla
bodywork. Ranging from the height of El Salto to the same height of the estuary. Close to the
beach is a village with the same name. Beach Jeli

Also belongs to the group of estuaries. It is located northwest of Puerto Pizarro, perhaps
a bit isolated, because their access (10 '), is possible only through the waters of the estuaries.
Its fine-grained sandy bottom and middle. The natural charms of its own flora and fauna of the
estuaries are additional conditions for water sports fishing and hunting underwater. Playa Hermosa

It is located approximately 13 km from Tumbes, south along a detour to the height of the village
of Pampa Gallina. It is a wide beach and open sea waters. It extends from the mouth of the
Tumbes River to the southern tip of Estero Corrales, its sand is fine grained medium. Presents
small waves that break at 40 to 50 m. the sea inside. For its varied species of fish and the
possibility to practice all sorts of water sports are a priority for tourism development projects
begin. Playa La Cruz

Located 16 km south west of the city of Tumbes, very busy because of its proximity and
mobility. Is shaped like a crescent, its deep waters are quiet little variety of fish. It is one of the
most visited beaches in the summer for the locals and Tumbesian, especially 'kilometer 19. Playa Grau

Located 23 km from the city of Tumbes is a small beach with calm waters and near-fine grain of
his medium. It is a beach for water sports, summer camps, campfires, etc.. Beach Port Loco

Located between the beaches of Grau and Santa Rosa, 25 km from Tumbes in the district of
Zorritos. Beach is very rich in marine life and quite ideal for water sports, summer camps, camp
fires and so on. Santa Rosa Beach

Located approximately 26 kilometers from the city of Tumbes is a beach similar to the previous
one. Infrastructure south is closed to tourists during summer season. Beach Zorritos

It is located 28 km from the province of Tumbes Rear Villar, District Zorritos. It's beautiful
panorama, a great beach in summer. The sand is very fine and medium grained, very calm
water, so they allow you to enjoy throughout the year for the refreshing sea baths. Beach is very
rich in fish species (sea bass, sole, croaker, etc..) Historical site par excellence because it
drilled the first oil well in Peru and South America and second in the world. Has all the basic
services and tourism infrastructure. For all of these conditions is the most crowded beach in
summer, favored by domestic and foreign tourists. Playa Los Pinos.

Located 30 km from Tumbes is surrounded by a picturesque town of fishermen. It is a beach
suitable for sunbathing and great water sports. Bocapn Beach

It is a bend of the coast, located about 35 km from Tumbes. Are characteristic of many small
mounds of sand creek that exist in the area. In the northern part is surrounded by sand and rock
to the south. Its waters are calm and receive temporary discharge of the bankrupt Bocapn (in
the rainy season) is a beach for swimmers and water sports, with tourism infrastructure. Very
close to it, following a trail bodywork lies the area Hervideros Playa Acapulco.

It is a picturesque fishing cove and a beautiful wide beach, quite rich in marine species such as
squid, prawns in, etc.. Beach Bonanza

It is a broad, sandy, characterized by several rocky portions, a condition that makes it attractive
for tourists visiting its fine-grained sand, very suitable for fishing and extraction of shellfish,
snails, oysters and prawns. Playa Punta Mero

It is a shoreline comprised of fine sand with sea entries whose impact in the formation of natural
tunnels. Ichthyological their wealth is used by people on the high production of oysters, lobsters
and oysters. Beach Cancas

Located 80 km from Tumbes is quite a cache to be populated by fishing and trading area. Most
locals in fishing craft and clothing items of sea shells. Its horseshoe-shaped beach is ideal and
enough to enjoy the sea baths and refreshing to be able to practice some water sports. Playa Punta Sal

It is a beach located about an hour and a half from Tumbes to the height of 1191 km of the
Panamerican Highway North. Considered the most beautiful and largest of the northern coast of
Peru, calm and warm waters rich in fish. It is a beach south fishing is practiced in height
(swordfish, etc.).. It has a good class hotel infrastructure that allows greater flow of domestic
and foreign tourism.



Located south of Zorritos 5 km from the town of Bocapn is "Hervideros" which are small pits
of brackish waters that seem to constantly evolving. According to the study made Raymondi
Antonio in 1882 is full of natural salts, chlorides, iron and iodized salt as chloride, magnesium
chloride, iron oxide, silica, calcium iodide and sodium aluminum. They are also the hot springs
of Fernandez trunk Mocho, Mount Jaguay.

2.3.2 Ucumares (Salto El Tigre)

Small waterfall, located between the District of San Jacinto and La Capitana Farmhouse,
surrounded by picturesque scenery, formed by the presence of the river Tumbes. This area of
lush green vegetation provides among other attractions camping, fishing and the practice of
adventure tourism.

2.4 Roads picturesque

2.4.1 countryside of Tumbes

The countryside of Tumbes semi tropical climate with its offer places of great natural beauty,
conducive to camps. On the right are the towns of San Juan de la Virgen, and Pampas de
Hospital Cabuyal the left and the towns of San Jacinto, Plateros, Rica Playa. All these are easily
accessible countryside with almost constant mobility.

2.4.2 Cerro Pea Redonda.

60 miles south of Tumbes on the left side of the Panamericana Norte, a short hill, where
land is apparent clusters of spherical shape and of various sizes that roll constantly by the side
of the hill. The landscape you see in the original route because there are large conglomerates
that by the action of the rainy season becomes a stone, which sometimes come to surround the

2.5 Protected Natural Areas.

There are three attractions that make up the Northwest Biosphere Reserve include: Tumbes
Reserve, Coto Caza El Angolo (Piura), Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape. The three covers
an area of 230. 810 has comprising the Northwest Biosphere Reserve, recognized by UNESCO
on 1 March 1977.

2.5.1 Tumbes National Reserve.

It has an area of 19266.72 hectares. This promotes forest management and rational
exploitation of forest resources and is in the mountainous region between the right bank of the
river Tumbes and the border with Ecuador, their physical characteristics are: mean annual
precipitation is 160 mm3 and the ecoregion rainforest of the Pacific.

The particular geography and climate of the Tumbes National Reserve make it a host of diverse
fauna from different regions, for example the lowland Otorongo the White Machin and from the
highlands is the Condor and the Gray deer. Species such as desert coastal Chisco hill and
coastal Turtupilin; aquatic environments is the Chuscuri dry forest and it is never white squirrel.
El Mono Coto de Tumbes, the Otter and the Northwest Tumbes crocodile are endangered and
therefore are protected by law.

The predominant type of vegetation in this forest area, are the timber including: Hualtaco, cedar,
balsa wood, Laurel, Palo de Vaca, Oreja de Len, Guachapel, Black Madero, as well as find
Ceibo, Fernn Sanchez, Madero, Polo Polo, etc. It is an easily accessible place suitable for the
practice of adventure tourism is from July to November, the most recommendable.

2.5.2 National Park Hill Amotape

It was created July 22, 1975 by D. S. No. 0800-75-AG, now has an area of 151,494 located
you on the left toward the river Tumbes south to occupy a small sector in the province of Piura
in Sullana. Completely covers the Eastern Province Rear Villar and part of the province of
Tumbes. It aims at a rational management of forest resources and animals, their physical
characteristics are: temperature 24 C, average annual precipitation of 900 mm3, the
topography is very varied, hills and ridges of the chain pitch of Amotape .

It presents various types of vegetation: forest spiny forest, dry forest very equator. Its courses
are temporary water streams during the rainy season. Fauna and flora is varied. Among the
main species are: Jaguar, ocelot, anteater, river Lobito, squirrels, collared peccary, etc.. Among
the birds are: the condor, vulture Real Perdiz Garza. Among the reptiles are: American
crocodile, macanche, Iguanas and others, we also have a great multitude of species, epiphytes,
parasites, and herbal species, etc..

2.5.3 National Sanctuary "Mangroves of Tumbes"

Created by Presidential Decree No. 018 - 88 - AG 02 - 03 - 88, is located on the northern edge
of the mangroves from the naval base of the Falls and the border of Ecuador. It was established
the National Mangrove Sanctuary of Tumbes, on an extension of 2.972.Has based on the
proposal developed by the Data Center for Conservation of Peru and the General Directorate of
Forestry and Wildlife and for having achieved this goal of establishing a representative sample
of the Mangrove Ecosystem in the National System of Conservation (Sinuca).

It has been determined that two thirds of ecosystems depend on the fish population in the world
as due to the intricacies of the roots of mangrove plants, high nutrient availability and the
relative stability of local conditions this area is equal to the spawning and development of the
first studies of many species of crustaceans and mollusks. Fulfilling the shrine a major role in
the conservation of the wetland, we must remember that is not intended to imply that this is
strictly protected, but that is well used by the ecological importance and economic value, based
on forest and aquatic resources it possesses, and its great tourism potential.

2.6 Folklore

2.6.1 Typical Characters of Tumbes. The Conchero

Character typical of coast from Tumbes, daring men who daily risk their lives to boot from the
mud of the swamp between the mangrove roots where they are coveted black shells, highly
valued product in the domestic markets. The Cangrejera

Is another typical personage and his work involves patience and dedication every time to get
the crab dipped his arm in the mud of the mangrove (hole) captured the animal which is listed
with the tongs. Your work schedule like the Conchero is related to the low tide. El Pescador.

It is the clever man of the coast of Tumbes. He is fishing for a livelihood and well located
offshore in small rustic wooden boats, carrying their nets, spears, cast nets and ropes to make
your routine work. Generally live along the beach house in a rustic building made of adobe and
quincha. The Larvero.

He is a typical current, characterized by always walking with their red buckets and nets, and has
directed seashore along the entire coastline. Deals with nets to catch larvae that subsequently,
after an appropriate selection at a good price are sold to companies where the larva is
langostineras bred in artificial Posas to finally become the coveted prawns. Farmer

He is a typical area of the field was closed at 5 am immediately going to your farm or land, to
work their land until 5 pm. It is the humble person by nature, and low economic resources.

2.6.2 Music and Dance The Cumananas

Cumana is the expression of the verse, song and guitar. The Cumana repentistas are
primarily in cumananas singer and improviser must have spark to create the moment cumanana
the most appropriate. The theme of the varied cumananas premium love, sentiment, to the
divine, to death, the insults, his poems are usually grouped in quartets. His music is sad, almost
like a complaint. Example:

As we can say that
Tumbes no folklore:
If all villages
Singer is always


1. No matter you have money
Having two hundred thousand
In the best of your life
Death comes and kills you.

2. The pomp and vanity
They are cheating in life
Only death is true
Everything else is a lie. La Danza de la Pava

It is the most popular dance curious Tumbes. It is very unique and original, both the melody and
its steps and choreography. Initially it was a dance that was introduced in the District of Corrales
for many years, it being known and has danced in the 60's, in the villages of San Juan de la
Virgen, Cerro Blanco and Garbanzal. His dance movements like turkey and Creole is the act of
love of the wild turkey, the grace of this dance is the movement of the kettle, which escapes to
Ladino partner requirements. His music is similar to the cheerful seafood, complemented by the
sentimental huayno rioja rioja and mocking the celebration.

The women dress in a skirt and blouse, wide white flowers adorned with ribbons and men used
pants and white shirt with the neck covered with washers similar to that of the turkey breast.
There is now an ordinary local folk, trying to relive and appreciate the dance in Tumbes, which
of course is to enrich the folklore norteo. Food & Beverages

Tumbes has a wide and varied cuisine with preparations of fish and seafood, especially those
that satisfy the most demanding palate. Among the dishes to entry can include ceviches fish,
black shell, shrimp, cocktail shrimp, squid chicharrones, piononos seafood etc.

Soup balls bananas, chilcano the Parihuela represents a sample of the variety of art ended with
typical products of the region. Among the special dishes you can recommend the tasty rice
shells black sanguito of the black car and majarisco.

Among the typical drinks, we have: the Chinguirito, the cocktail or ABEDA tomb of
redcurrant mash, cocktail orange, guava drink, etc.. Tumbes can also delight in the delicious
sweets antecoco the sweet currants, papaya the ante and the traditional sweet pechiche

2.6.4 Tumbesian

According to George Carlin and Rigoberto Meza Chunga maple, there are words or turns
of talk Tumbesian own, which have particular meaning and are used daily by some residents of
the place and farmers in particular. Mention a few such as:
Acoquinar (beat on the head with the hand mudillos)
Amon (ashamed, confused)
Burraguada (platonic love)
Bolloco (ball pita)
Guineo (banana)
Recado (all chopped vegetables), and so on.

2.6.5 Popular Beliefs

The people are very superstitious Tumbesian from the past and continue to exist yet. These

Chucaque .- The physical discomfort that occurs with severe headaches and stomach,
accompanied by diarrhea, caused by the person who has spent a ridiculous and shameful, is
cured by massaging the abdomen, prayers and insults directed at those who caused the

Susto .- The disease affects people to be cured with spitting a potion made from grass.

Mal de Ojo .- disease usually attacking the children, whose symptoms include high fever,
vomiting and diarrhea. Folk medicine cures the disease through massage and prayers given to
the patient. The origin lies in the strong and peculiar views of some people over others, the
disease has higher incidence in children and is cured with the practice of continuous prayer.

The Witchcraft .- This belief is deeply rooted in the region, especially when there are 2
enemies. One of the enemies come to the healer or shaman to try to intercede on the bet
mysterious and incurable disease.

2.6.6 Craft

You can purchase our work with marine litter as a curtain of shells, earrings, necklaces, etc.. In
cancer, Punta Sal and Puerto Pizarro.

Also our artisans use to make banana Pasay ornaments typical characters like Conchero, the
larvero the Cangrejera, the farmer, and so on.

2.6.7 Tourist Circuits

One of the main alternatives for the development of tourism is the fact of knowing the various
tourist attractions. Among the key we have: Esteros and Manglares

This tour allows us to know the mangrove ecosystem in the village of Puerto Pizarro in which a
boat can travel with their estuaries and canals, visit the Isla del Amor, whale bone, La Isla de los
Pajaros and Crocodile farms, culminating in the purchase of different kinds of marine species
and some typical handicrafts. Beach Hot Springs

We visit all the circuit of beaches and among the most important Playa Hermosa, La Cruz,
Puerto Loco, Zorritos and Punta Sal, which will enjoy its warm waters, clean sand and a
stunning and radiant sun. And we can not visit the Hot Springs Bocapn "Hervideros" same
properties that we would spend a moment of relaxation and enjoyment. History, Culture and Archeology

Through this tour we will visit ancient cradle of the pre Inca Tumpis, traveling museum of its site
and continue to huacas La Cruz where we will find the Cross of the Conquest in 1532 left by the
Spaniards, then we go to where Zorritos We understand the Monument to the First Oil Well in
South America and second in the World. Led to enjoy our warm beaches. Nature and Ecology

We will make a tour of different places can see the typical differences between the forest and
dry tropical forest of equatorial Pacific, we will see different flora and fauna, enjoy the scenery at
Cerro Blanco, Miraflores - Mono, Tutumo and a little island in Noblecilla History and then
continue to Matapalo and culminate in Lake Lamederos fishing where we can do and then relax.
To conclude by returning to Tumbes Zarumilla. Border Shopping

We visit the towns of Aguas Verdes and Huaquillas where we make our purchases of different
items, we also have a starting point to get to Machala and / or visit Hualtaco (both in Ecuador)
and enjoy the scenery and / or meals. National Park Hill Amotape

We visit this park is typical of the equatorial dry forest, as could the sector (Playa Rica,
Huasimo, etc...) Finding a bit of history, archeology and observing flora and fauna typical of the
area. Enjoy the river Tumbes and develop alternative activities. Circuit City Tumbes.

Walk through and observe various attractions like Main Square Church, Paseo La Concordia,
Paseo Triunfino, Park Plane and culminated with a visit to Casonas (Feijoo, Pena, etc.). Mangroves National Sanctuary of Tumbes.

Zarumilla and we go to take a detour to the El Puerto Algarrobo or 25 where we visit a center of
interpretation, we will canoe the main estuaries, we arrive at a trail and enjoy the lush mangrove
species and crustaceans, mollusks and birds full contact with nature. Landscape, Customs and Rural

We visit the towns of San Juan de la Virgen, Cerro Blanco, and Pampas de Hospital Cabuyal
and traveling the river Tumbes and observe the different work activities and rescued all the
folklore Tumbesian Calendario Turstico.

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