Conditions of The People of Jannah

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Conditions of the people of Jannah

Allah says in the Quran
Verily, those who believe and do righteous deeds, shall have the
Garden of paradise for their entertainment. Wherein they shall dwell.
No desire will they have for removal therein. (18:107-108)
So Alhadullilah you have gain entry into Paradise through the mercy of
Allah. Such a perfect place where the condition also are perfect.
We came from an imperfect world. A world of grief, sufferings,
hardships ect.
What are these perfect conditions?
No grief/toil/weariness/boredom
Allah says in the holy Quran:
33] And they will say, " Praise be to Allah who has removed all sorrow
from us. Surely our Lord is Most-Forgiving, Very-Appreciative,
[34]who, out of His grace, has made us land at a home of eternal
living where neither we are touched by weariness, nor are we touched
by boredom."

In this world of our experience, no one good or bad can get away from
one or the other concern, anxiety or sorrow. Therefore, people of
wisdom call this world a home of sorrows. The sorrow the removal of
which this verse mentions includes all these mortal states of concern.

In this world we are from time to time afflicted with some form of
grief. This may be due to our family. Your children, your husband,
friend ect.

Why are we afflicted with grief and weariness etc.?

Allah says in surah Ankabut:


Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they
will not be tried

So this world is a test, a test so as to get us to Jannah. We have to
pass this exam in this world in order to be free of worries in the next
No Toiling
There is no toiling in Jannah. This was a condition of the Dunya
whereas the conditions of Jannah are no work, only entertainment.
In this world you have to work to feed your family. As women we toil
with the cooking, laundry, taking care of children ect.
There will be no Sleep

Of course, this includes mental fatigue. People living under this world's
prevailing conditions tire easily, because their bodies are created
weak. When they get tired, their minds begin to get cloudy, they lose
concentration and find it hard to think and conceptualize. Therefore
you have to sleep in order that your body recuperates for the next
couple of hours.
But this does not happen in Paradise, for its people's minds are always
open, and their consciousness is clear so that they can perceive Allah's
blessings perfectly and take pleasure from them. Since this sense of
fatigue, which comes from the world's imperfections, is eliminated,
believers can have the uninterrupted benefit of endless blessings.
People will find perfect joy in Paradise's blessings and go from one
blessing to another.
Now because theres no boredom or tiredness , Allah rewards believers
by creating "whatever they wish" (Surat ash-Shura, 22; Surat al-
Furqan, 16; Surat az-Zumar, 34).
There, they have everything that their hearts want
. In Surat al-Kahf, 35, Allah says that He will give believers more than
they can desire or imagine, and that these blessings will be increased

several-fold in Paradise. One hadith paints the beauty of Paradise as
There will be no sickness/Headaches
Allah says :
From which they will neither suffer headaches, nor will they be
intoxicated. (56:19)
Theres no one here who can say that they have never gotten sick.
Whether it is the flu or whatever.

Why do we get sick?

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri r.a. reported that the Prophet May
Allah's peace and praise be on him said: Whenever a Muslim is
afflicted with a hardship, sickness, sadness, worry, harm,
or depression --even a thorn's prick, Allah expiates his sins because of
Hadith - Muslim & Bukhari

Again, this world is a test for us and by going through any sickness Allah is
expiating from us sins. Therefore less accountability and when we reach to
Jannah we dont ever have to be tested with sickness again since we have
passed out test and Jannah is not about test but about rewards and blissful
Hadrat Abu Said Al khudri said that the Messenger of Allah said, There would
be an announcer who would announce to its inmates. Verily you would ever
remain healthy. You would never be indisposed. You will live forever and you
will never die. You will remain young and would not get old. You will enjoy
comfort and ease and you would never face any hardship. (Muslim)


There will be no Menstruation/defication/Urinating.
The women of Paradise are pure and free from menstruation, nifaas
[postnatal bleeding] and all the other impurities women in this world,
as Allaah (swt) says:

"...and they shall have therein Azwaajun Muttaharatun
[Purified mates having no menses, urine,
Hazrat jabir related that the messenger of Allah used to say: The inmates of
Paradise would eat therein and would also drink, but they would not spit, nor
urinate, no void excrement, nor blow noses. The people asked, What will
become of their food? He replied, it would be digested in form of belching
and sweating and their sweat will be of Musk. They would glorify the praised
Allah as easily as you breathe.
The Most Beautiful Form
The people of Paradise will enter in the most perfect and beautiful
form, in the image of their father, Aadam (as), human form more
perfect and beautiful than that of Aadam, whom Allaah (swt) created
very tall. He was as tall tree, sixty cubits tall.

Muslim reports from Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Messenger of Allaah
(saw) said,
"Allaah, Subhaanahu wa ta'aala, created Aadam in his own image,
sixty cubits tall... everyone who will be in the image of Aadam, sixty
cubits tall. People kept getting shorter and shorter after the time
Aadam." [Saheeh Muslim,
In Jannah you will be hairless/beardless
Abu Hurairah related that the Messenger of Allah said, The inmates of
Paradise will be hairless, beardless and their eye-lashes would be died with
kohl, there youthfulness would not perish and they would not wear out their


Type of Food in Jannah
In both the Quran and the hadith we are told that there are many
delicious foods in the Garden. In particular meat and various fruits will
be offered in abundance to the inmates of the Garden. Allah tells us in
the Quran about the quality of these gifts to the People of the Garden:
And any fruit they specify and any bird-meatthey desire (Surat al-
Waqia: 20-21)

meat: (quail)

Besides fruit, meat is also mentioned in the Quran and the hadith.
In one verse of the Quran, Allah tells us that meat is a blessing of the
Every kind of food offered in the Garden is aesthetically pleasing and
delicious. Especially wonderful are the appearances of the fruits and
their colours, smells and particular tastes.

As usual in this world, food is created with some imperfections so that
people will yearn for real blessings. No matter how much a person
appreciates a particular food, the delight in its taste diminishes
If he eats it constantly
The Messenger says the following about meat:
The most delicious of the food accompanying the bread of the
People of the Garden are meat. (Mukhtasar Tadhkirah al-Qurtubi, p.

In the Quran and the hadith, flesh of fowl is the kind of meat that
is particularly mentioned.
Bird meat is mentioned in verse 21 of Surat al-Waqia any birdmeat
they desire as well as in hadith:
If on seeing a bird, one desires to eat its meat, it will be brought
immediately, tastily fried.

Among the kinds of meat mentioned in the Quran, quail has special
Significance because it was the food with which Allah miraculously
fed the Children of Israil in the desert.


Types of Clothing
The Qur'an tells us that this beautiful clothing is ornamented with
jewelry to enhance its attractiveness. Gold and silver bracelets and
pearls are mentioned specifically, as in the following verses:
They will enter Gardens of Eden, where they will be adorned with gold
bracelets and pearls, and where their clothing will be of silk.
The garments of the Garden are not woven. The fruits of the Garden
split open and garments emerge from them (Mukhtasar Tadhkirah al-
Qurtubi, p. 21)

Whoever enters the Garden will live in happiness. He will want for
nothing, his clothing will not grow old and his youth will not end.
(Imam Ghazzali, Ihya Ulum ad-Din, vol. 4)

the leaves [of the date-palms in the Garden] are clothing to be
worn by the people of the Garden. One part are undergarments, one
part are lined over-garment.
(Mukhtasar Tadhkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 314)

They [the inmates of the Garden] will proclaim the glory of Allah
morning and evening each wife will have seventy dresses.

Allah also says in the Quran

that clothing will be rich and made of silk:
They will wear green garments of fine silk and rich brocade (Surat al-
Insan: 21)

There would be no idle talk

The hearts of the people of Paradise will be pure, their speech will be
good, their deeds righteous. There will be upsetting, offensive or
provocative talk there, for Paradise is free of all worthless words and

" from any laghw [dirty, false, evil, vague talk], and free
from sin" [52:23]


The only speech that is heard there is good, sincere and pure, free
from all the shameful shortcomings of earthly "No Laghw [dirty,
false, evil talk] will they hear therein, nor lying" [78:35]
"They shall not hear therein any Laghw, but only salaam
[salutations of peace]" [19:62]
"Where they shall hear neither harmful speech nor falsehood"

Beautiful Sounds in the Garden:

Beautiful sounds are another blessing given to believers in the Garden.
In the world, shrill noises, music with static in the background, noisy
surroundings, loud motors and sirens make our environment
uncomfortable even if they only last a short time. So screaming,
shouting and cries of anguish or pain make believers think about the

As the Prophet told us, in the Garden everyones voice will be
beautiful and every sound that strikes the ear will be pleasant.

The beautiful sounds of the Garden are described in the following

There will certainly be an assembly of the dark-eyed maidens
Who will raise up voices the like of which people will not have
heard. (Narrated by Ali, at-Tirmidhi)

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