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The best time to start setting goals in your life is right now!
Lesson 1: Get Started Now
Learning Goal:
Your goal for this lesson is to assess current areas of your life and identify
the importance of dreams and priorities in the goal setting process. You will
learn about the power of a dream and how to turn your dreams into goals.
Learning Objectives:
l Take a current inventory and decide to prayerfully complete each
l Explain the importance of dreams in relation to goal setting.
l Begin to apply Zigs action steps and prioritize your dreams into goals.
l Discuss your dreams with God and express your faith and commitment
in achieving your goals with the Lords help.
Your Goals Program
Goal Planning Journal
Setting goals will benefit you and those you influence. The fact that you
are interested in setting goals puts you in a select group of people and will
prepare you for your future.
Godly Objectives Assure Lasting Success is not just an
acronym, its a very real possibility for your life.
When it comes to setting goals, getting started is actually the hardest part. Zig
is quick to point out, Reaching goals is easy, setting them is tough!
Instructi ons
Complete the learning activities
in this Goal Planning J ournal as
they are assigned in the course
online study content.
Print this J ournal and keep it
nearby as you study, so you
can write your answers to the
learning activities as assigned.
Lesson 1: Get Started Now
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Plan Your Study Schedule for this Lesson
Write below a daily plan to complete the online study and learning activities in this Journal. Schedule 20 minutes or
more for each study period over the next few days to achieve your learning goal (see the previous page). Also setup
eStudyAlert online to send yourself email study reminders for your schedule.
? Please continue on the other side of this page for more space.
1. The Wheel of Life
Complete the Wheel of Life: Each of the spokes coming from the hub represents an area for achievement
in your life. Rate yourself in each by placing an X through the number that best states where you are today:
1 is poor and 10 is excellent.
Next, connect each X with a curved line to illustrate your Wheel of Life. Do you have any low points? Can
you see that as you roll through life, the bumps may not be because of the road? Is it time to balance your wheel?
Lets take a closer look! Proceed to Factors for Consideration.
Lesson 1: Get Started Now
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2. Factors for Consideration
On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent, rate yourself on the
Key Factors in each of the goal setting areas of your life. If the factor does not
apply to you, simply write N/A in the space.
Circle all factors rated 1 or 2.
Identify the 3 lowest ratings you have decided to improve.
regular checkup
energy level
planned recreation & relaxation
sports participation
regular fitness program
weight control
diet & nutrition
cardio-vascular endurance & strength
belief in God
inner peace
influence on others
spouse relationship
church involvement
sense of purpose
attitude toward tithing
Bible study
sharing with others
formal education
continuing education & training
creative imagination
inspirational reading
personal interest pursuits
inquisitive mind
self image
proper emphasis
personal budget
impulse spending
living within income
charge accounts
adequate insurance
financial statement
ease at gatherings
courteous nature
sense of humor
self confidence
community activities
praise of others
listening habits
good personal hygiene
listening habits
good role model
principled but flexible
forgiving attitude
build self-esteem of others
express love and respect
meals together
family relationships
time together
like what I do
understand my purpose
like my co-workers
understand institutional goals
see others as capable and
understand my role in
relationship to goals
appreciate my profession
regularly find job satisfaction
well trained and competent
for my position
Lesson 1: Get Started Now
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3. Taking Inventory
What insights concerning the 7 areas of your life did you gather from the
Wheel of Life and Factors for Consideration activities?
Is it possible to be an outstanding success and still live a well balanced
life? Why do you believe this to be true?
4. Maximize Potential and Minimize Weaknessess
Maximize Your Potential: As you prepare to write your dreams in the next
J ournal assignment, think of 5 ways your gifts, talents and abilities can be
more fully utilized to improve yourself and others. What ideas come to mind
that will enable you to more fully maximize your gifts, talents, knowledge
and skills (e.g., spend more time planning, improve time management
habits, study 90 minutes each day, do volunteer work and so forth)?
Take an
i nvent ory of
where you are i n
rel at i on t o where
you want t o go.
You dont have to
be great to start
but you have to
start to be great.
Joe Sabah

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