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State KVL and KCL

A bulb is rated as 230V, 230W. Find the rated current and resistance of the filament.
What is meant by linear and nonlinear elements?
What is meant by active and passive elements?
What is meant by unilateral and bilateral elements?
Explain how voltage source with a source resistance can be converted into an equivalent current
State Superposition theorem.
A Series RLC circuit has R=25, L=0.221H and C=66.3F with frequency of 60Hz.Find the
power factor
Three resistors, each of value R ohms are connected in delta. Find the value of resistors in its
equivalent star.
Three resistors, each of value R ohms are connected in delta. Find the value of resistors in its
equivalent star.
State Nortons theorem.
State Thevenis theorem.
When do you say that a given A.C. Circuit is at resonance?
Define quality factor
Two inductively coupled coils have self inductances L1=50mH and L2=200mH. If the
coefficient of coupling is 0.5, compute the value of mutual inductance between the coils.
Write down the condition for critically damped response of a series RLC circuit excited by a
sinusoidal A.C. source.
How the inductor and capacitor act at t=0 and t= infinity.
What are the characteristic equations for a two port network in terms of Z, Y and h parameters?
Define phase sequence.
A delta connected load has (30-J40) impedance per phase. Determine the phase current if it is
connected to 415V, 3-phase, and 50 Hz supply.

Determine the current through 800 ohm resistor in the network shown in figure.

Find the power dissipated in 10 ohm resistor for the circuit shown in figure.

Using mesh current method , obtain the voltage V
in the network.

(i) Find the current in each branch of the circuit by Nodal method.

) Obtain the current in each resistor using network reduction methods.

Find the voltage drop across 12 resistance using Nortons theorem for the circuit shown below.

Using superposition theorem calculate current through (2+j3) ohm impedance branch of the
circuit shown

Using superposition theorem calculate current through (2+j3) ohm impedance branch of the
circuit shown

i)In the circuit shown in fig. find the value of I
and I
and also the real power supplied by each

Derive an expression for the current response of RLC series circuit with step input.
Derive an expression for the current response of RL series circuit with step input.
Derive an expression for the current response of RLC series circuit with Sinusoidal excitation.
Assume that the circuit is working in critical damping condition.
Derive an expression for the current response of RC series circuit with Sinusoidal excitation.
Assume that the circuit is working in critical damping condition.
Derive the Expression for the total power in a 3 phase balanced circuit using two wattmeters 9.48
The power input to a 2000V, 50Hz, 3-phase motor is measured by two wattmeters which
indicate 300KW and 100KW respectively. Calculate the input power, Power Factor and line
Determine the line current and total power for the unbalanced delta connected load. A 3 phase
supply, with an effective line voltage of 240V is given to the circuit.

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