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“The Spanish-American adventure, like
the Mexican War of 1846 and most Indian
wars have been acknowledged by most
historians as purely imperialist pushes.”

Tenured professor fired THIS WEEK

Torres claims Discrepancy on Lucas said the school was unable to
racism a factor
comment on the case, the investiga-
dossier leads to tion is documented in a 21-page “Fac-
Sustainability Fair
in dismissal termination ulty Dismissal Hearing” the college
made public after the board meeting.
Featuring exhibits on
sustainable solutions
Under Colorado law, personnel
By Andrew Flohr-Spence By Andrew Flohr-Spence matters are one of the few topics an
from National Renewable Energy
official board is allowed to discuss be-
Angelina De La Torre’s lawyer, Da- Metro’s Board of Trustees voted hind close doors and not have open to
Lab, Denver Urban
vid Lane, told Metro’s Board of Trust- to dismiss an award-winning tenured the public because of the sensitivity
Gardens and Denver
ees that if it voted to uphold the pro- professor employed by the college for and privacy issues involved.
Bee Keeping Society
fessor’s dismissal, De La Torre would 19 years, on grounds that she lied
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
take the case to Federal Court for dis- about publishing an article in an aca- A spotless record
Auraria Events
crimination. demic journal. The faculty hearing dismissal re-

Metro said the case is about the The board, at its Nov. 4 meeting, port said De La Torre’s performance
integrity of its professors, but De La denied Angelina De La Torre’s appeal prior to 2008 and her post-tenure re-
Torre’s accusations hit a touchy sub- of a November 2008 decision to ter- view has not been called into question. “Becoming Me: The
ject for the college. minate her, made following a college She was tenured in 1995, promoted Gender Within”
“I have been down this road pre- investigation into whether she com- Angelina De La Torres Photo by to associate professor and received the Metro psychology
Drew Jaynes •
viously with Metro,” Lane said. mitted academic dishonesty. During 2007 Espiritu de Aztlan Award, an department
Counsel often for high-profile cas- a post-tenure review process, which in reporting the publication on the award for commitment and mentor- premieres the
es such as professor Ward Churchill’s every tenured professor is subject to dossier, but had no intention to mis- ing in the Latino Community. award-winning film
case versus the University of Colorado every five years, De La Torre submitted represent her work. De La Torre, who received a doc- featuring the lives of
at Boulder, Lane represented criminol- her updated curriculum vitae, or dos- The dismissal has left De La Torre torate of law from the University of five transgendered
ogy professor Richard Jackson who sier. On the dossier, she listed a paper without a job and salary for a year. California-Los Angeles, is an adviser individuals. Q&A
sued Metro for hostile work environ- as being published in 2005 in a spe- Her career has been ruined for a mis- to the Colorado Supreme Court and is follows film.
ment, retaliations and racism. cialized academic journal. take she made innocently, she said. also featured in a 1999 college publi- 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
A federal appeals court in 2006 In a review of the dossier, the She said she intends to take the cation highlighting at Metro. Tivoli
rejected the charge of racism, but publication in question was proved college to court. “I’ve always tried to be an advo- Multicultural
agreed with Jackson on the other two to not contain the article De La Torre De La Torre’s case highlights how cate for Latinos and especially Latino Lounge
charges and awarded him $300,000, claimed to have published in 2005. one false declaration, whether inten- women,” De La Torre said Nov. 8 in an
the maximum awarded by the court. The college’s investigation report tional or not, can mean losing a ca- interview.
“I think that case may be admis- said she “intentionally” lied on a re- reer. The college’s reason for terminat-
sible here,” Lane said. view of her performance. According The case also allows a rare glimpse ing De La Torre revolves around her
De La Torre testified against Met- to the Handbook for Professional Per- into Metro’s process for the dismissal claim on her post-tenure review dos- INDEX
ro in Jackson’s federal appeals court sonnel, the code of conduct for profes- of a professor. The appeal in front of sier that her article, “Emerging Global
case. Lane said there was a connec- sors, such dishonesty is grounds for the board was held publicly at De La Issues,” was published in Vol. 30, Is- INSIGHT ... A8
tion between the cases, that the col- dismissal. Torre’s request, not in a close-door ex- sue 1 of the Fall 2005 National Social METROSPECTIVE ... B1
lege would have a hard time avoiding, Criminal Justice and Chicana/o ecutive session, where the majority of Science Association Journal. AUDIOFILES ... B6
Studies Professor De La Torre said in personnel issues are handled. SPORTS ... A10
Continued on A7 her defense that she made a mistake While Metro Spokeswoman Cathy Continued on A7 TIMEOUT ... A14

Timeline of events leading to termination WEATHER

Events according to Angelina De la Torre 11.12 • Mostly Sunny
Luis Torres conducted High: 69/Low: 36
Submitted Post Tenure an investigation. 11.13 • Chance of rain
Review documents as “During the interview High: 47/Low: 32
Submitted an edited
Presented the version of the paper requested he conducted with Notified of Jordan’s
Notified of possible me on June 10, it
11.14 • Chance of rain
paper for publication February 2008 decision to terminate
“Emerging disciplinary action due appeared he had employment High: 46/Low: 27
along with the $25 to student complaints already judged me 11.15 • Chance of rain
Global issues” publication fee
at the NSSA Testified as a witness and lack of proof of guilty” November 2008 High: 47/Low: 26
conference in the Richard Jackson publishing in Oct. 2005 Met with Jordan to Memo to the Board of
November 2005 discrimination case 11.16 • Mostly Sunny
discuss the report on Trustees filed in appeal
October 2005 against Metro the investigation High: 54/Low: 27
June 2008 May 2009 11.17 • Mostly Sunny
January 2006 September 2008
High: 57/Low: 31
11.18 • Mostly Sunny
June 2008 November 2008 April 2009 High: 60/Low: 34
March 2008 May 2008 August 2008 Jordan issues December 2008 May 2009
Torres submits Notice of By Kendell LaRoche
Post De La a notice of Request for Final appeal
Tenure PTR a memo Torre meeting disciplinary hearing filed Respondents
regarding his to the Metro
Review Evaluation submits with Metro action, dismissing trial brief Board of CORRECTIONS
(PTR) interview with a memo President De La Torre for
De La Torre Trustees
beings Luis Torres to Torres Stephen cause Initial decision
requests Notice of Jordan
a copy of the Hearing To notify The Metropolitan of
of the possible Torres submits a officer an error in any of our reports,
article in disciplinary report regarding please contact Editor-in-Chief
question action the investigation Dominic Graziano at
All documents filed

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