County Profile Marin County California 1924 by D.D. Bowman President Marin County Real Estate Board

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The Redt! Btx@Bootr af Ca.

Efornia, 393
in_duslry.brsinasscnd inveslmcnt,-is HunlingLonpark, the
City of
"t "In?,i?!""'l"iti,1,Y*'Xtfi
Ht NIt\(i,r.()\ I'Allti l t . t t , } j s 1 . . \ , t . t ,l l l ( ) l i r ' r s
AUord, W. J-, 183 S_ pacinc Btvd_ J - e n s e nJ, . ^ . P . , 1 3 2 6 S . S e y i l l e
,lrerill, C. F, Bollc drd Ralr.r Arc.
B{.low ll.alty Oo.,t0il ll at.r.r.. i.'li'ii"'!3; s Pacinc
n i d q r I t r " r t t ) . o . , : 0 0 s 1 , f , L j ncch . d i'1=i;,'fl
Lenis ttcatty Co.,2t? S, p.cinc Blvd.
f r r . J " F T rf . c n . , 2 1 7 s F d r i n c R l \ i l , r s , e , I D - , l t 1 S i r a ,i l r c B t \ d .
caBey hv co, 2t1 s. Plci6c 8tvd. !c(ry, rroLr, tl0 I]. StDnson,\ve
::'.1,.1'.+ q.-,r,,jst:, . s.u <ri ' [Lovfy. nuy At , 7t, U. llt!f.nce Ave
\ r , r r J '! t t r i t L I r 4 1 . 5 4 3S t . a c i f i rR t \ , 1
r ' f o s i .n . L l r . ' n . t 1 0 N . p a . i t i . L \ u r t e e r i .J . n . , l { 4 S . p r c , n c B l r J _
'ri'"rtar'd l,r!L
I rr, :1J N I.lor.ncp
T i , : t 5 r l , f , c i n cB t r d lyrrrr. Jul'f J. 911 S pcc,hctjt\d
H i n l u r R , . r t t yi - . , 1 0 r s | r . l h c u f L l

Marin County
l}, D_ D. BotvMAN
President tlafin .ountr Ieat |state Board

A R T N , o , r r r r 5l r s i , ^ p n. e l l . d . S a r . F r . : r r r i r r o .ns. u ! r b p r u t r f u l
s u D uni l j L F o , h - t l n J y . o . d o i S h t F f j r r , t . . u . .
Inay, tn a sensc, be tr\re, but both ar.e nrisleaaling a
q'"t" r[.].i,""j','.i,j;: d jnade_
l v o r , l di r , r . l . . I r i . U u , t \ : **",;
I r . n d | p d ,. i L h u r r s : r r r d .S , , , r r _ , , , , " , . " n .
u f F o s o t I n o u s , r i r c Il sh s t , u n a 1 o ; , l a r ; r r , l, . , . 1 o 1o u l . L F j r u t i r u l

ilJ :i:i: II";i:jnl:i;:.i':Jl i:;,,i:;,.J;l;:'; "r€nLr.!

X{ariD_co-ulrty " "?y;,.1,
ir 1928,ar)dthat nunlber.rviltb" aoiillna nnJ
pelhapsnquadtupled in 1924. The leasonst"r. tt.,i" gr"r"+lr'.i;;; i.

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f,#f;F: T#;fl"J'+3lf*"i:X1"'lliithepa,.adise

394 The nealtu BIue Book ol Caltl(rrnia

The cities of Madn county are strictly up-to-datewith broad,well

paved,tree embo$'eredstreets,fine mercantileestablishmentsand all
the comforts and conveniencesof modern life.
As to scenicbeauty Marir County is absolutelywithout a peer.
There are resorts open,both winter and summer,where the visitor is
ever welcomedby a smiling summerseaand mountainscenesof amaz-
ing beauty aDd chalm. The entile county is a picture of wondelful,
Thesepoints are connectedwith eachoUrer and the outer world
by a splendidsystemof loads. The Msrin RedwoodHighway through
Marin county is secondto none in the state. At Point San QuentiD
this road is connectedby the RichmondFen'y with the highway sys-
tem on the eastem side of the bay.
Marin county is noted for its excellentschools. ttodetn. uD-to-
dare pj.ima|y and glammar schoolselp pvprJ$hera alld high schools
at Almonte and a new 9500,000hjgh school (in process of erectioD at
San R,afa€l) assure the peopl€ of the best public school educational
facilities. In addition to this we have two splendid mititary schools,
th€ Mount Tanalpais Mil;taly Academy and the Hitchcock ilitary
Academy and the world reno\\,ned College of the Dominican Sistem.
In the country districts the pfiDcipal industries are dairying and
fruit growing. The soil is rich and lands and homesites in the differ--
ent cities in the countrt' are reesonable in p ce. Manufactures are
grcwing and the entire country is on the high road to prosperity.

B!, GEoEcEW. NEIr,L, Realtor

ORRANCE, the beautiful little city which bearsthe name of its

founder, b the consummationof an ideal. A group ol los
Angeles financiers, headed by J. S. Torlance, conceived
the idea of building a model industdal community adjacent to
Los Ang€leswhere men working in the factodes might housetheir
famili€s in pleasant sun-oundings. As a result of their etrorts
Torranc€ was founded in 1912. It has gr"otrnuntil today it has a
populationof about five thousand.
Situatedsixteenmiles south of Ins Angelesand within fve miles
ot Los AngelesHafbor in rha bpautjJulGardpnavallev.wiih Daved
boulevaidsradiating from il lo l,os Angeles,the Harbor and the
nearby beaches,the \'isitor cannot help but acknowiedgeits location
ts stralegrc.
Torrance has twenty-fivemiles of paved streets,thirty miles of
sidewalksand curbs,a completesewersystem,an abundanfsupply of
fine water, splendidpoliceand 6re departments. Thousandsof shade
trees have beenplantealand there is a systemof beautiful parks.
The schoolsof Tor'ranceare claiming the especialattention of its
The TolranceAuditorium.a 975.000buildingseatingone thou-
sandpeople. housesthp mo\ing piclurptnearre.

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