The Metropolitan - 3.8.07

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07 INSIGHT • 21

War would Saddam-ize Iran

The jargon seeping from the corporate me- percent of Americans agree that impeachment
dia and the Bush administration is reminiscent should be seriously considered by Congress.
of the time when a war in Iraq was sold as a Ever since the Coalition of the Imperial-
good, justified idea. Many Americans blindly put ists illegally invaded Iraq, the infrastructure
their faith behind Dubya the Decider and sup- we destroyed has yet to be rebuilt, and civilian
ANDREW FLOHR-SPENCE ported his ambition to rid the world of the “evil- casualties have exceeded 650,000, according to doers,” despite the world’s lack of support. But a study overseen by Johns Hopkins University.

Fowl plague
whatever, we were on a mission from God. The Iraqi people have been negated from the
Then reality hit. ongoing debate of whether we should pull out,
One by one, the justifications began to un- while supporting the troops has again become
ravel. There were never any weapons of mass MANDI JONES the rhetorical pedestal exploited by warmongers
When I think back, I remember the distant destruction. The only commonality between and profiteers.
sound of flapping wings, like the muffled hooves of Saddam and Osama was a mutual hate for each While the Iranian regime continues to carry
a far away line of horses, thundering in my direc- other, and even Bush stated that Saddam had out some of the world’s worst human rights abus-
tion. At the time, however, I did not even react. nothing to do with Sept. 11. Yet the number of logue pertaining to its ties with Iraqi Sunni militias es and violent acts against women, I do not agree
I had gone to the park to get some fresh air troops killed since their commander in chief mirrors the deafening silence regarding its support that jotting them down on our military’s list of
and did not expect a brush with death. proudly pronounced “mission accomplished” for 15 of the Sept. 11 hijackers. things to do today will remedy the situation.
Geese! Migratory birds – the main carriers continues to eclipse the casualties of the World The Bush administration is once more proph- Prior to jumping into procession and march-
of the infamous bird flu, the H5N1 virus – were Trade Center collapse. esizing that it will proceed with the escalation ing to the humdrum of war, it is crucial we pause
flying dangerously close. I picked up their move- Now we move to Iran. The eerie echo of the despite whoever may disagree; the only differ- and demand our legislators explore every possi-
ment through the skeleton of branches only sec- lead-up to war has been sonorously sounded by the ence now is that Bush is set to defy his own Con- ble alternative to avoid a conflict in Iran. It would
onds before they flew from behind the trees into corporate media’s bobble-head pundits, who con- gress and his own people. While Bush’s approval be foolish for anyone to put military strikes be-
the open blue sky above me. tinue to neglect any critical analysis or intelligent ratings continue to plummet, the media has yet yond this reactionary and ill-witted administra-
I stood totally exposed – no place to hide – debate. Have the journalists who cheerleaded for to cover the fact that numerous polls conducted tion. The red flags are there. The alternatives
in an open field with a squadron of poison-bear- invading Iraq learned nothing? The response re- by the likes of Newsweek, MSNBC and Zogby are there, one of which may be found in voices of
ing big birds coming in for attack. I didn’t know garding Saudi Arabia is baffling, as the mute dia- International have shown that more than 50 the Iranian people and their resistance.
whether to run or stay motionless, but as I stood

Weight of our empire crushes domestic freedom

there frozen, the flying biological bombs merely
kept flapping their vermin-soaked wings, glid-
ing away from me across the sky.
I know I am lucky to be alive, and yet, some-
thing that day changed the way I look at fear. America is an empire. Its militarism invites Baader-Meinhof or the Red Brigade, however
While fears about terrorism, crime and resentment and violent opposition, and its main- loathsome, seems positively quaint compared to
toddlers smoking pot consume the nation’s at- tenance comes at a cost for both the economy the global variants we fear today.
tention, this far greater threat is lurking in the and democratic ideals we purport to hold dear. Johnson’s final point is the cost of empire.
shadows, waiting for the day to pounce. One does not have to be a knee-jerk liberal The financial aspect is obvious: bases, bullets,
Three times in the past century the nor- to discern the faintest glimmer of truth con- bombs, etc. Supplements and casualties pile
mally mundane flu has gone psycho. In 1918, tained within Chalmers Johnson’s premises of up while universal healthcare, education, infra-
the granddaddy of them all, the “Spanish influ- America’s foreign policies. Nemesis: The Last structure and other pressing domestic concerns
enza” killed an estimated 40 million to 50 mil- Days of the American Empire, the third install- are sacrificed on the altar of what President
lion people worldwide. Ships were found drift- ment of the University of California professor’s Eisenhower warned would become a self-per-
ing at sea with everyone aboard dead. In 1957, trilogy exploring American foreign policy and its STEVE LEWIS petuating military-industrial complex.
another 2 million were killed, this time by the consequences, sets out Johnson’s apocalyptic vi- Johnson also believes it will cost us our own
“Asian Influenza,” and 1968 saw another 1 mil- sion for our fair nation, but will the outcome be democracy. It was Hannah Arendt who said suc-
lion flu victims. as dire as he predicts? cessful imperialism requires domestic tyranny.
Since 1997, when Hong Kong recorded As a Scot growing up in Europe, I never higher. In contrast, there are zero foreign military If the Patriot Act, the denial of due process, do-
18 cases of bird flu, including six deaths, the considered the American military umbrella to be bases in America. Johnson’s contention is that mestic wiretapping, the disdain for the Geneva
H5N1 strain has begun positioning itself for a an imperial one. As time went by my impression the modern empire is one of garrisons or bases Conventions and the determinedly isolationist
big assault. Migratory birds, geese and other evolved. America was an empire, but an acciden- rather than territory and that the American Em- approach to international treaties say anything,
waterfowl infiltrate and mingle with other birds, tal and fundamentally benevolent empire. pire is as real as its Roman and British predeces- they demand less democracy. By contrast, when
infecting local populations. Domestic ducks act For those still unwilling to swallow the tag sors. Who in their right mind could disagree? an exhausted Britain contemplated its post-
as the ringleaders, excreting large amounts of empire, consider the following figures from To what extent, though, does America’s World War II future, it chose to relinquish its
of virus-infected fluid (killer duck snot), while the Department of Defense in 2003. The United militarism invite resentment and violent op- empire rather than its democracy. Despite vio-
showing no signs of illness. States owns or rents 702 overseas military bases, position? Take your pick: Taliban, Saddam and lence in Kenya and India, the decolonization pro-
The World Health Organization warns that not including such oases of peace as Afghani- radical Islam all grew stronger in reaction to, cess was relatively peaceful. The same could be
the conditions are ripe for bird flu to make the stan, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Qatar and with the support of and despite American hege- true for America’s demilitarization process. Or
jump to human flu and cause an international Uzbekistan. The 2007 post-Iraq figure will be mony. Terrorism in the ’70s, be it the IRA, the do we prefer emperors, Huns and Visigoths?
pandemic, which could again kill millions of peo-
ple around the world. It is only a matter of time.
If you are comparing evils, these figures SERVING THE AURARIA CAMPUS SINCE 1979
make war look like a health trend. EDITOR IN CHIEF DESIGN EDITOR
The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of
Birds are the biggest danger facing human- Cory Casciato • Joe Nguyen •
MANAGING EDITOR ILLUSTRATOR Metropolitan State College of Denver and serves the Auraria
ity, and I should have known not to go near any Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue
David Pollan • Andrew Howerton •
nature. Immediately, I worried if any bird flu SENIOR EDITOR PHOTO EDITOR and student fees, and is published every Thursday during the
academic year and bi-weekly during the summer semester.
particles had rained down on me from the flap- Matthew Quane • Jenn LeBlanc •
NEWS EDITOR ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR The Metropolitan is distributed to all campus buildings. No
ping wings, but then something occurred to me. person may take more than one copy of each edition of The
Geof Wollerman • Amie Cribley •
If it’s not the virus-secreting ducks, then it’s ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR COPY EDITORS Metropolitan without prior written permission. Please direct
any questions, comments, complaints or compliments to Metro
the plague-ridden squirrels, the killer jaguars, or Lou Christopher • Jeremy Johnson •
OPINIONS EDITOR Taylor Sullivan • Board of Publications c/o The Metropolitan. Opinions expressed
the starving lions and bears that stumble out of within do not necessarily reflect those of Metropolitan State
Andrew Flohr-Spence • Joel Tagert •
the mountains and bite joggers. Earth is full of ASSISTANT OPINIONS EDITOR Clayton Woullard • College of Denver or its advertisers. Deadline for calendar
items is 5 p.m. Thursday. Deadline for press releases is 10
dangerous beasts just waiting for a chance to Emile Hallez • DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA
FEATURES EDITOR Dianne Harrison Miller a.m. Monday. Display advertising deadline is 3 p.m. Thursday.
kill, but with all the possible dangers to dwell on, Classified advertising is 5 p.m. Thursday.
I would probably never see the big one coming. ASSISTANT FEATURES EDITOR Donnita Wong Our offices are located in the Tivoli Student Union, Room 313.
Mailing address is P.O. Box 173362, Campus Box 57, Denver,
In the end I would be staring up at the Josie Klemaier • ADVISER
MUSIC EDITOR Jane Hoback CO 80217-3362.
pretty colors of the sunset, when the elephant
Megan Carneal •
stampede came out of nowhere. And that’s SPORTS EDITOR
something I just have to accept. Eric Lansing •

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