Organizational Behavior Final Assignment

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Organizational Behavior Final Assignment

Organizational Behavior Final Assignment

By: Colette Gillespie
Class: Organizational Management
Teacher: Prof. Missy Santman
What is Organizational Behavior Practice (Question 1)
Organizational Behavior Practice is a field of study that investigates the
impact of individuals, groups and structures upon behavior within an
organization. Organizational Behavior Practices focus on many different
areas like for work behavior (Group Behavior, Individual Behavior, and
Collective behavior). Organization Behavior Practice is an interdisciplinary
field that includes sociology, psychology, communication, and
management. Organization Behavior Practice is designed to help manager
better understand work out come (job satisfaction, learning, and
commitment). Organizational Behavior Practice helps a manager better
understand work behavior, perceptions, personalities, motivation, and
attuide. When Organization behavior Practice is used it will give the
manager a better understanding on a lot of different area when it comes to
work behavior, and why an employee might be acting a certain way.
Where I have seen Organizational Behavior Practice used (Question 1)
I have seen Organizational Behavior Practice used before when I worked
for Production Line. There was a problem going on with the employee
performance and everyone was starting to get very negative, which was
affecting the work they were doing. Our totals were going down along with
the speed of quality of boards coming out. The management wanted to
know what was going on with the changes in motivation, and the attuide of
the employee, so they went over the things that had changed started
asking question to employee. Changed their management styles to where
they showed more empathy towards the employees. They started to be
more understanding to what the employee were feeling. When the
company started applying Organizational Behavior Practice the problem
were taken care of , because they were able to find out what was really
upsetting the employees.(MT302_Robbins_15th ed_Ch01.pdf)
Theories of Motivation (Question 2)
Motivation is the processes that account for an individuals intensity,
direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal. The key element
of motivation is intensity, direction, and persistence. One of the theory that
was mentioned in our textbooks was the Hierarchy of Needs Theory
(Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem, and Self-actualization).Which was
started in the 1950. McGregor (Theory X and Theory Y), Two-Factor
Theory, McClellands Theory of Needs, Contingency, and Expectation are
some of the theory mentioned in the textbook (MT302_Robbins_15th
ed_Ch07.pdf).The most common ones used in organization are: Theory X
and Theory Y, Two-Factor Theory, McClellands Theory of Needs,
Contingency, and Expectation. Some people still try to use the Hierarchy of
Needs theory.
The Hierarchy of Needs Theory is more for the individual person.
Physiological would be like hunger, thirst, shelter, and bodily needs, which
when applying to a job to help those need it would be money. Safety would
be security, protection from harm, when applying it to a job it would be like
a safe work environment, a stable job. Social is the sense of belonging
when applied to work it would mean acceptance from co-worker and staff.
Esteem is self respect, achievement, recognition, ones potential. Self-
Actualization is the drive to become what we set out to achieve, when
applied to work would be working towards a goal, or higher position.
The X and Y Theory: X Theory managers believe employees dislike work
and must be directed or even coerced into performing their jobs. ( Page
205 MT302_Robbins_15th ed_Ch07.pdf).A example of this type of
motivation theory in an organization would be rules and regulations with
were the manager directs you on what to do and how to do the job. Theory
Y this is where the managers thinks employees view work as being as
place for rest or play, and therefore the person learn to accept, and even
seek, responsibility (page 205 MT302_ Robbins _15thed_ Ch07.pdf). Both
of these theories have problem but are still used in some organizations.
The problem with these theories is it does not pay attention much to the
needs of the employee more to the manager and structure.
The Two- Factor Theory is Motivators, such as challenging work,
recognition and responsibility, will lead to increased satisfaction and
commitment to the organization. Hygiene factors, such as salary, job
security, supervisory practices and benefits. This is the way The Two
Factor Theory would work in an Organization. Example would be you have
a project that is hard and requires a lot of detail that report must be done in
two day this would be a challenge which would show motivation.
McClellands Theory of Needs looks at three needs (achievement, power,
and affiliation). When this theory is used in an organization it would be
aiming for the achievement of work done with great job performance, the
need to achieve power like authority or titles, the need for affiliation would
be the relationship with co-worker, manager and staff members. This
Theory is based on these three factors to boost motivation within the
Contingency Theory and Expectation /Self-Motivation Theory on
Motivation: contingency theory of organizational motivation believes that
different people are motivated by different things (money, benefits, Job
Security, and Work environment) Expectancy theory believes that
leadership style and individual goals should be tailored to individual people
and situations (achievement, progress, goal meet). Self-Motivation which is
very commonly used now in a lot of organization is the motivation that is
rewarded by one self. For example finishing the report for your boss early
and he very happy with the report your self-motivation would be the
accomplishment of having it done early, the boss being happy.
Ethical Dilemmas (Question 3)
Ethical Dilemmas are also known as a moral dilemma they usually take
place when situations in which there are two choices to be made, neither of
which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion. A situation
where I have seen ethical Dilemmas was working production line we had
an older gentlemen that had been there for many years his eye sight and
speed was starting to affect the speed of the line and also his work. When
that employee was gone the employee that filled his spot produced twice
the work and didnt hold up the line at all. The manager in this case was
face with having to make a decision do we keep letting the older gentleman
work that position, which is causing issue with other employee being held
up and his work being poorly done. Do he let the other employee work the
older gentleman position and take the chance of losing an employee that
we have had for many years. The management thought of the best solution
to the Ethical problem. They didnt want to lose the older gentleman so they
offered him a different position that was easier for him. At first he was upset
but understood why and remained there. They replaced his position with
the other employee that had done it before, which caused him to move
from a different position, and then filled his spot with a new employee. At
first some of the people involved were not so happy until they got
comfortable in their new positions. This was I time that I saw an Ethical
Dilemma take place at a job I worked at.
Miscommunication led to a decrease in employee effectiveness
Miscommunication usually takes place when a message is read wrong or
misunderstood. Miscommunication can also take place by not hearing a
person correctly or even not paying attention. Miscommunication can take
place also by not knowing how to interrupt ones voice tones, body
language, and culture. A time that I saw Miscommunication take place at
work that affected employee effectiveness was when I worked at in the
medical field. One of the Medical Assistance was asked to cover the front
desk while the secretary went out to lunch. She told the two medical
assistant to cover the front desk and to pull the files for tomorrow patient.
What she meant to say was for one to run the desk, and the other to pull
files for tomorrow patients. When the secretary got back the other both
Medical assistance were trying to run the front desk and none of the files
for the next day were pulled. The Miscommunication that took place in this
situation was the way the secretary said on what she wanted done she
didnt designate one person to do one task and the other person to do the
other task she asked. Because of this the two medical assistant were
confused and just covered the front desk and didnt pull the files, which
caused her to have to do more work. This is a time that Miscommunication
did affect employee effectiveness in a negative way.
MT302_ Robbins _15thed_ Ch 01,Ch07.pdf

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