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Insight “ Summer afternoon – summer

afternoon; to me those have always
been the two most beautiful words

in the English language.

Extracurriculariffic experience
Another semester, another year has ended. My its production in any given semester.
time as editor in chief of this paper is ending, as is Joining a club is a great way to network, pos-
my time at Metro. Only an internship and a little sibly opening the door to a future job opportunity.
paperwork stand between me and graduation. Tutoring or leading a study group is a great way ZOË WILLIAMS
My time at Metro has been fantastic. I’ve to get letters of recommendation from professors.
earned a degree, gained the knowledge and experi- The day-to-day, practical experience of working in
ence I needed to pursue my chosen profession and
I’ve grown as a person. I got everything I hoped
from college. My concern is that precious few of
student media, student government, marketing or
any of a dozen other areas provides hands-on ex-
perience that not only buffs a résumé, but hones
Liberation now
my peers are doing the same. the skills learned in class and exposes how things This is it: my last hurrah.
The prevailing attitude among students at this CORY CASCIATO really get done. After filling this column space for three
school seems to favor a straightforward, head- Just as rewarding is the sense of accomplish- years, this is the most difficult column I have
down approach to education. Go to class, go home, ment and satisfaction that comes from helping had to write. With little effort, I can think of doz-
get the degree and get on with life. Involvement someone in need, supporting and recognizing oth- ens of disasters worth opining over.
with extracurricular activities is the exception, not hand, but all too often, they go ignored and un- ers for their accomplishments, working toward Bloodbaths prevail in Iraq, Palestine, So-
the rule. It may be our status as a commuter col- used. Consider that Metro has a number of na- something larger than yourself, or even just mak- malia, Darfur and Afghanistan. U.S. officials are
lege, full of nontraditional students. Whatever the tional-championship-winning sports teams, and ing a new friend. knee-deep in corruption. Immigrants face grow-
cause, it’s a shame. yet can’t fill the seats for a home game. Our Don’t take my word for it; try it yourself. Come ing injustice from the government. Scientists es-
In my first semester at Metro, I read of a study student government is full of honest, dedicated and write for The Metropolitan; we’re losing half timate that the oceans will be dead in 40 years.
conducted at Harvard that showed students who people trying to make this school better, but un- our staff to graduation. Meet the newly elected Cell phones are driving bees to extinction. More
are more engaged and involved with their school contested seats and pathetic voter turnout is the SGA, share your concerns and resolve to run your- than one million children die every year due to a
outside of the classroom were happier with their norm in our elections. The Metropolitan receives self if they aren’t addressed. Go to a sports event, lack of clean drinking water.
college experience. My own experiences over the awards every year for excellence in student me- join a club, attend a student concert. Make the The world is a scary place right now. Any-
past four years have absolutely confirmed this. dia, yet fewer than half the people on campus most of your time here; get everything out of it you one who tells you otherwise is probably trying
The students at Metro have amazing op- ever bother to pick it up, and fewer than 50 of the can. You’ll be giving this school, and yourself, a to get you to invest.
portunities and considerable resources at school’s 500 journalism students are involved in tremendous gift. Movements to deconstruct this paradigm
are nascent at best. We donate money, volun-

God save the queen, the apple regime

teer, write letters, sign petitions and vote, all
in hope of bringing about the slightest change.
Nevertheless, we are too distant from power and
too bogged down to manifest even the smallest
I was never fond of bees. After a lifetime of when least expected. bit of evolution. Welcome to politics at its best.
being chased around by the tiny thugs, not to Obviously the servant life has made them Meanwhile, CEOs, politicians, lobbyists and
mention the traumatic experience I had a few edgy, ready to snap and attack at the slightest media moguls roll in wealth and power. If you
summers ago while working as a beer-garden provocation. And now, the bees are suffering relate to my point, you are probably adjusted to
waiter in the middle of a bee plague, the recent from the same problem humans have with driv- despair. I can’t promise much hope, but I can
news of their pesky population’s sudden disap- ing and cell phones. Karma is a bitch. say there is another option.
pearance seemed, at first, a good thing. My schadenfreude at their demise was short Official titles, leadership positions, money
There is something sinister about their hive- lived, however, when my wife reminded me of and laws only have as much power or legitimacy
mentality and lack of individuality – something the important role the little bastards play in our as we give them. It is a radical idea, and the
about 50,000 stingers under the orders of a food chain. time for such ideas has come.
single queen – I just don’t trust. If the bees don’t come back, not only is the We can walk away from the status quo. We
On my evil-insect scale, bees are not quite future of honey in doubt, but the job of pollinat- depend on the same system that wreaks global
as bad as, say, the blood-sucking, disease- According to the CCD working group – an al- ing a large part of our crops will urgently need havoc to provide our food, medicine, shelter,
spreading mosquito or the 6-inch poisonous cen- liance of scientists, beekeepers, and concerned to be filled. education and safety.
tipede that once made me scream in Thailand. citizens formed to combat the problem – the According to a study done at Cornell in Angela Davis said radicalism is the idea
But what they lacked in quality, they made up in bees are wandering about their daily commute, 2000, honeybees pollinate $14 billion in seeds of “grasping things at the root.” Let’s learn to
quantity. Bees are everywhere. but unable to return home. Something is disrupt- and crops in the United States alone. About 90 feed ourselves, take care of our basic health,
Or, at least, they used to be. ing their navigation. different crops, including apples, zucchini, avo- maintain our homes and defend ourselves. Let’s
The honeybee is vanishing. In the last year, Possible causes of the bee’s disorder include cadoes and almonds wouldn’t be around without share our skills of teaching, healing, construc-
beekeepers from across Europe and North Amer- bacterial infection, the effects of pesticides and bees. The American Beekeeping Federation es- tion or farming in exchange for our other neces-
ica have reported the loss of 30 to 80 percent artificial food, and the possibility that cell phone timates that every third bite in our diet is depen- sities. This isn’t Communism or hippie jive, but a
of their bees. While bee populations often suf- technology may be interfering with their radar. dent on bee pollination. way of life that does not involve mass suffering.
fer from mysterious decline, the newly named As far as I was concerned, good riddance. So while I still believe that the devil bugs It is inevitable. By the consequences of our
colony collapse disorder, or CCD, is something There would be no more worries while running are up to some evil plot – either hiding some- actions or by natural causes, our world is going
different altogether. barefoot through the grass, and no more waiting where drinking Kool-Aid under the influence of a to change drastically. The planet is suffering and
This year’s numbers are unheard of. The for a mouthful of stingers when taking a sip of Jonestown suicide cult, or gathering somewhere its people are getting restless. Mass consumption
timing of the die-off is irregular and the hives soda in the summer. While nature-lovers main- preparing for a final assault on humanity – the and global domination cannot carry on forever. As
are abandoned, with a starving queen and a few tain that bees are industrious workers who are reality is we need to find out what is messing much as I wish there was an easy way out, anyone
workers left behind. defending themselves when they sting, in my with the bees, even if it means shutting off our wishing to change this paradigm better prepare for
The creepy thing is that few dead bees have experience bees are mean little fascist insects cell phones, or changing the way we treat them. a fight. My wish for the future is that I will see you
been found. Most seem to have vanished. who love nothing better than to kamikaze attack Our food depends on it. And, perhaps, so do we. there, dear reader. Onward to liberation.

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