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Elias Salgado

Final Exam essay

African American Athletes

The twentieth century is when African American Athletes started to be noticed how
amazing of athletes and people they are. Unfortunately it took up to the twentieth century to
happen image how many more great African American athletes we could have. Muhammad Ali
once said Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does
the hating. It's just plain wrong because of the segregation the African American athletes. They
had to work harder than all the other athletes and had divagations all throughout their careers
because how America would look at them. Many of these athletes did not know what would
happen to them in the future because of death threats and harassment from racist. They werent
only role models because of their athletic talents they were also role models off the sport they
played as well, they were inspiration for the African Americans. Many of these athletes were the
breaking of the color barrier for American sports or accomplished what others could not which
makes them important sport figures in the twentieth century.
Jackie Robison arguably the greatest African-American athlete of all-time is one of the
most important sports figures in your history. He is known to be the man who broke the color
barrier for Americas sport baseball. Jackie was an outstanding athlete in UCLA how played
baseball, basketball, football and track for them. Jackies amazing athletic abilities and
accomplishments caught the attention of the GM of the Brooklyn Dodgers Branch Rickey. On
April 15, 1947 is when history was made with Jackie Robison. Branch Ricky called Jackie
Robison up while Jackie was playing for a minor league team and had Jackie play his first MLB
Elias Salgado
Final Exam essay

game on April 15, 1947 for the Brooklyn Dodgers. An African American in a major league
uniform naturally drew the attention to the American people. Jackie Robison has made racial
justice a sharp focus which caught the attention of President Truman. Jackie Robinson was also
one of the true forefathers of the American Civil Rights Movement. It was not easy for Jackie
Robison to be successful and get into the MLB. For example, in the spring of 1945 Jackie
Robison, Marvin Williams, and Sam Jethroe had a try out at Fenway Park because of political
pressure by Boston councilman H.Y Muchnick. After the try out H.Y Muchnick said you never
saw anyone hit the wall the way Robison did that day Jackie impresses everyone at the try out
even Red Sox chief scout Hugh Duffy unfortunately many people were still against African
Americans playing in the MLB later on Hugh Duffy said what a ballplayer! Too bad hes the
wrong color. Although Jackie Robison was a great player fans of the game and players did not
appreciate him playing in MLB. Even Robinson's teammates threatened to not play for the
Dodgers. Despite all the racialism, insults, and death treats Jackie amazingly never fought back.
He would let his talents and skills on the field do all the speaking. After all the problems
Robison went threw he still ended up winning the Rookie of Year, the NL MVP in 1949, and
leading the Dodgers to their only World Series title in 1955. Jackie Robinson's impact on
breaking the color barrier and influences in baseball were so great that the game of baseball was
changed forever for the better. He is a legend in baseball and will never be forgotten for all the
great stuff he has done.

Elias Salgado
Final Exam essay

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