Dashrath N. Prajapati: Gujarat-India - 380015

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Address: A-207 Kalptaru Home, Opp. Shiv Shanti Soc. Vastral Road, Vastral, Ahmedabad.
u!arat- "ndia - #$00%&
Phone: '(%-(7%)0)$#((, E-Mail: dnpra!apati2&*+mail.com, er,dasha2&*-ahoo.com
Personal Details:
Date of birth : 25
Dee!ber" #$%2
Nationalit& : Indian
Se' : Male
Marital Stat(s : Married
-ear #$$%:- S.S.*. .ro! Shri Sars/ati 0idh&a !andir 0ithoda.12)JARAT3
-ear 2444:- H.S.*. .ro! 5.R.5idh&ala&a Palan6(r 12)JARAT3
-ear 2445:- 7.E. .ro! ,.E.*olle8e Morbi 1Sa(rashtra )ni0ersit&" 9ith .irst *lass Dist.3
-ear 24#::- RT ,E5E,-II1ASNT*3" PT;MT;)T ,E5E, II 1As 6er ret(rn 6ratie of HD+,-24#43
A result-oriented pro.essional /ith o0er %.#4 &ears o. e0perience in 1abrication, 2eldin+, 3estin+, "nspection 4 5ualit-
6ontrol. 7resentl- associated /ith HIND)STAN D+RR-+,I5ER ,TD <Ah!edabad as Astt. Mana8er.
A 8een planner 4 administrator /ith attained pro.icienc- in plannin+ 4 mana+in+ operations /ithin the de.ined time9 cost9
:ualit- parameters.
2ell conversant /ith di..erent /eldin+ process li8e S;A2, 3A2, SA2, ;A2, 16A2 and <=3 practices.
6oordinated process Audits 1ASME );)2;S;R sta!6 = IS+3 and /or8ed to/ards miti+atin+ deviations9 ris8s.
>nsured s/i.t ramp up o. pro!ects. Resource.ul at strate+i?in+ techni:ues .or ma0imum utili?ation o. manpo/er9 machiner-.
ained considerable e0pertise in process :ualit-, 3otal :ualit- mana+ement s-stems, :ualit- assurance, and supplier :ualit-
>nsurin+ compliance to :ualit- standards 4 maintainin+ all related documents.
7roven trac8 record in implementin+ cost savin+ measures to achieve substantial reduction.
>..ective communicator /ith assertive and stron+ leadership :ualities and anal-tical.
Welding/ Testing/ Inspection/ Quality Assurance
3estin+ the methods to ensure that the- are precise, accurate, reproducible, @.ool-proo.@ and speci.ic to the product.
"nspectin+ and maintainin+ :ualit- standards .or incomin+ ra/ materials, e:uipments, ensurin+ strin+ent adherence to :ualit-
standards, norms 4 practices identi.-in+ +aps and ta8in+ corrective action
=etailin+ out the critical inspection hold points .rom the dra/in+s9 datasheet and the 7R9;R.
6hec8in+ o. 5A7, <=3 procedures, Heat treatment procedures etc be.ore submittin+ .or approval.
Repair anal-sis o. /eldments and corrective and preventive actions to miti+ate /eld repairs.
Anderta8in+ inspection o. /eldin+ 4 .abrication /or8s .or dimensional accurac-.
Supervisin+ the shop .loor9 assembl- line and conductin+ process and product audits.
>nsurin+ adherence to :ualit- standards. Anal-sin+ previous da- re/or89 re!ection 4 ta8e corrective actions and maintainin+
all related documents. "denti.-in+ areas o. :ualit- .ailures and ta8in+ steps to recti.- the s-stem.
7racticin+ :ualit- standards /ith 8e- emphasis on improvin+ :ualit-.
Handlin+ :ualit- assurance activities, audits, .eedbac8 improvements, customer claims etc.
Biasionin+ /ith 3hird part- inspectors.
Cost Reduction/ VA/VE
Spearheadin+ value anal-sis continuous improvement initiatives in processes.
"mplementin+ strict measures in operatin+ procedures, /or8 instructions, .lo/ charts, attention sheets etc to optimi?e
resource9capacit- utili?ation.
=evelopin+ in-house sub contractors9Vendors /ith re+ards to the :ualit- o. the product.
Man Management
Assessin+ the trainin+ needs o. the various emplo-ees in co-ordination /ith the various department heads in the respective
departments. 6oachin+ emplo-ees 4 counselin+, appraisin+, ensurin+ optimum per.ormance.
IT S>I,,S: O..ice Automation, "nternet Applications, 77 module in SA7 R9# s-stem.
Sine J(ne 244% /ith Hind(stan Dorr-+li0er ltd. Ah!edabad as Astt. Mana8er1?A;?*3
The company Profile C HIND)STAN D+RR-+,I5ER ,TD is en+a+ed in =esi+n, >n+ineerin+ 7rocurements, 7ro!ect
;ana+ement manu.acturin+ o. process e:uipments, 6onstruction and 6ommissionin+ o. 7rocess 7lants and s-stem .or
Re.iner-, 6hemicals, 7etrochemicals, 1ertili?ers industries.
H=OB maintains a current accreditation .romC
American Societ- o. ;echanical >n+ineers DAS;>E under its @)@" @)2@" @S@" Stamp 7ro+ram.Dunder ,RA3
3he <ational Foard o. Foiler and 7ressure Vessel "nspectors D<FF"E under its @N7@ Stamp 7ro+ram.
"ndian Foiler Re+ulation, 6hie. 6ontroller o. >0plosives D66O>E.
"SO (00%, %)00%, %$000%.
The ey Result Areas A
3estin+ the methods to ensure that the- are precise, accurate, reproducible, @.ool-proo.@ and speci.ic to the product.
"nspectin+ and maintainin+ :ualit- standards .or incomin+ ra/ materials, e:uipments, ensurin+ strin+ent adherence to :ualit-
standards, norms 4 practices identi.-in+ +aps and ta8in+ corrective action
=etailin+ out the critical inspection hold points .rom the dra/in+s9 datasheet and the 7R9;R.
7reparation o. 5A7, <=3 procedures, Heat treatment procedures etc be.ore submittin+ .or approval.
Repair anal-sis o. /eldments and corrective and preventive actions to miti+ate /eld repairs.
Anderta8in+ inspection o. /eldin+ 4 .abrication /or8s .or dimensional accurac-.
Supervisin+ the shop .loor9 assembl- line and conductin+ process and product audits.
>nsurin+ adherence to :ualit- standards. Anal-?in+ previous da- re/or89 re!ection 4 ta8e corrective actions and maintainin+
all related documents. "denti.-in+ areas o. :ualit- .ailures and ta8in+ steps to recti.- the s-stem.
7racticin+ :ualit- standards /ith 8e- emphasis on improvin+ :ualit-.
Anderta8in+ :uali.ication o. /eld procedures .or =uple0 and Super =uple0 stainless steel under <A6> testin+ re:uirementsG
based on the .eedbac8 received b- ;ar8etin+ teams.
Handlin+ :ualit- assurance activities, audits, .eedbac8 improvements, customer claims etc.
"nspection Kic8 o. meetin+ /ith 6lient937".
=ail- "nspection co-ordination /ith 37"96B"><3S.
Revie/ o. 27S975R923S.
Sta+e /ise inspection o. e:uipments .or <on 6oded and 6oded 1);)2;S Sta!63 Vessel and Heat >0chan+er as per
5ualit- 7lan durin+ manu.acturin+.
"SO (00%9%)00%9%$000 Audit related 2or8.
=ocumentation as per AS;> 6ode 4 5;S.
A6ril 244B to J(ne 244% /ith Ther!a' India ,td. as E'e(ti0e <?A;?*
The Company Profile : 3herma0 Btd. "s /orld /ide compan- .or manu.acturin+ o. 7o/er Foiler , industrial Foiler and an
"ndian >76 compan- havin+ its core business activities in providin+ >n+ineered Solutions, technolo+ies and >76
installations in Bi:uid-Solid Separation applications and process e:uipments .or chemical, .ertili?er and petrochemicals
The ey Result Areas G
6o-ordination /ith third part- inspection a+encies De.+. 3AV, Blo-dHs DBRAE, "FR, FV"S, =<V, etcIE
3estin+ and revie/ o. 73,;3,A3 and R3 reports as per AS;> 9 6lients re:uirement9speci.ications.
"nspectin+ and 6hec8in+ the =imensional accurac- o. parts at all manu.acturin+ sta+es.
;aintain records .or all inspection activit- 4 prepare9arran+e .inal documentation as per 56 =oiser.
;aintain R13 record .or all inspection activit- 4 prepare R13 data Sheet.
7lannin+ 4 mana+in+ operations /ithin the de.ined time9 cost9 :ualit- parameters.
J(ne 244C to A6ril 244B /ith An(6 En8ineerin8 ,td. As En8ineer
The Company Profile C M;s The An(6 En8ineerin8 ,i!ited. is an "SO (00%-2000 certi.ied industr-. 3his compan- is
also holdin+ JAK stamp 1or manu.acturer o. 7ressure vessel as per AS;> code. 3his is one o. the reputed compan- .or
manu.acturin+ pressure vessels, Heat >0chan+ers as per AS;> 4 3>;A code .or petrochemical. 1ertili?er,
pharmaceutical and other chemical industries. 3his compan- is also havin+ in-house .acilit- to manu.acture critical dish
ends .or mass production o. c-lindrical vessel.
The ey !eli"era#les$
6o-ordination /ith third part- inspection a+encies De.+. >"B, 6>"B, 3AV, Blo-dHs DBRAE, "FR, FV"S,B"<=> ><., =<V,
SS, 5SS, 7RO1>< etcIE
"nspection and "denti.ication o. ;aterials 4 maintain records as per "SO9A-S3A;7 re:uirements.
7repare "3795A792>B= ;A7 As 7er 7roduct Speci.ications.
3estin+ and revie/ o. 73 and R3 reports as per AS;> 9 6lients re:uirement9speci.ications.
"nspectin+ and 6hec8in+ the =imensional accurac- o. parts at all manu.acturin+ sta+es.
Revie/ o. 27S975R9237
;aintain records .or all inspection activit- 4 prepare9arran+e .inal documentation
Assi+ned 3hird part- "nspection o. 1abricated process e:uipments o. t/o ma!or re.iner- pro!ects, /hich involved inspection
services .rom the ra/ material sta+e, .abrication, testin+, dispatch and documentation.
2or8ed on approval o. 5A79 "37, 2eld procedures, <=3 procedures, etc, revie/9 /itness o. sta+e inspection to .inal
inspection o. the e:uipments as per the approved =ra/in+s, 5A7 4 3echnical Speci.ications.
J(l& 2445 to Ma& 244C /ith Patels Air-Te!6 India ,td. AHMEDA7AD
The Company Profile C 3his is an "SO (00%-2000 certi.ied industr-. 3his compan- is also holdin+ JAK stamp to manu.acture
7ressure vessel as per AS;> code. 3his is one o. the reputed compan- .or manu.acturin+ pressure vessels, A"R 6ooled
Heat >0chan+ers, 1ins tubes as per AS;> 4 3>;A code .or petrochemical. 1ertili?er, pharmaceutical and other chemical
industries. 3his compan- is also manu.acturin+ o. central A.6. unit.
The Key Deliverables;
"nspection o. incomin+ materials and ;R; clearance.
"nspection and "denti.ication o. ;aterials 4 maintain records as per "SO9A-S3A;7 re:uirements.
"nspectin+ and 6hec8in+ the =imensional accurac- o. parts at all manu.acturin+ sta+es.
;aintain records .or all inspection activit- 4 prepare9arran+e .inal documentation
The Pro%ects &andledA
"O6B 7aradip97anipat9Haldi-a Re.iner-93ecnimont 9R61B.D6olumn9=r-erE
Reliance "ndustries Btd. Lamna+arD1inned t-pe Heat >0chan+erE
>ssar "ndustries Btd.DHeat >0chan+erE.
Air 6ooled Heat >0chan+ers 1or D=resser Rand9"n+ersoll Rand9O<6E
7ressure Vessel 1or DB"<=>9R>B"A<6>9H;>B-;"33AB ><>RM DSRE9FORB9<169O<69"76B9S16E.
>conomi?er and Super Heater coils .or Hi+h 7ressure Foiler.DVedanta Aluminum Btd.E
=istillation 6olumns .or Soda Ash and 1ertili?er 7lants.DKribhcoE

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