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Architecture Change Request

Project XXXX
Client YYYY
<<Note: This document provides a generic template. It may require tailoring to suit a specific client and
project situation.>>
Table of Contents
1 Purpose of this ocument...........................................................................................................................................!
" #asic etails...............................................................................................................................................................$
! %hange escription.....................................................................................................................................................&
$ %hange 'ationale and Impacts....................................................................................................................................(
Document Information
Project Name: Project )))
Prepared By: Document Version No: *.1
Title: +rchitecture %hange 'equest Document Version Date:
Reviewed By: Review Date:
Distribution List
From Date Phone/Fax/mail
To !ction" Due Date Phone/Fax/mail
, +ction Types: +pprove- 'evie.- Inform- /ile- +ction 'equired- +ttend 0eeting- 1ther 2please specify3
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Date Revised By Description Filename
T14+/5 6 Template: +rchitecture %hange 'equest "
%opyright 7 "*1* The 1pen 4roup. +ll rights reserved. T14+/5 is a trademar8 of The 1pen 4roup.
! Pur"ose of this Document
This document is an +rchitecture %hange 'equest for the <<))) project>>.
The goal of an architecture change management process is to ensure that the architecture achieves its
original target 9usiness value. This includes managing changes to the architecture in a cohesive and
architected .ay. The change management process .ill determine:
The circumstances under .hich the enterprise architecture- or parts of it- .ill 9e permitted to change
after deployment- and the process 9y .hich that .ill happen
The circumstances under .hich the architecture development cycle .ill 9e initiated again to develop
a ne. architecture
The +rchitecture #oard assesses and approves +rchitecture %hange 'equests.
T14+/5 6 Template: +rchitecture %hange 'equest !
%opyright 7 "*1* The 1pen 4roup. +ll rights reserved. T14+/5 is a trademar8 of The 1pen 4roup.
# $asic Details
$han%e &D <<I to uniquely identify this change request>>
$han%e Title <<1ne:line summary title for the change>>
$han%e Re'uestor <<Name>>
$han%e (ponsor)s* <<etails of 9usiness sponsors for this change>>
Deadline <<+ny deadline for implementing the change- including reason>>
T14+/5 6 Template: +rchitecture %hange 'equest $
%opyright 7 "*1* The 1pen 4roup. +ll rights reserved. T14+/5 is a trademar8 of The 1pen 4roup.
% Change Descri"tion
<<escri9e the change that is proposed. 21ther documents may 9e referenced .here necessary.3>>
T14+/5 6 Template: +rchitecture %hange 'equest &
%opyright 7 "*1* The 1pen 4roup. +ll rights reserved. T14+/5 is a trademar8 of The 1pen 4roup.
& Change Rationale an' Im"acts
&(! Dri)ers for Change
The drivers for change are relevant 2provide notes on all that apply3.
Business Drivers
Business+as+usual developments
Business exceptions
Business innovations
Business technolo%y innovations
(trate%ic chan%e
Technolo%y Drivers
New technolo%y reports
!sset mana%ement cost reductions
Technolo%y withdrawal
(tandards initiatives
,perational Drivers
&mprovements #ased on operational experience
$apacity plannin%
&(# Change Rationale
<<+ny further rationale to justify the change. Include an analysis of the implications of no change.>>
&(% Antici"ate' Im"acts
<<Provide- as far as possi9le- a 9rief initial vie. on the li8ely impacts of the change. /or e=ample-
anticipated architecture re.or8 required- system changes li8ely to result- affected 9usiness areas.>>
<<+n initial indication only is required here > a full 'equirements Impact +ssessment may 9e done as a
follo.:up activity if further investigation is deemed necessary.>>
T14+/5 6 Template: +rchitecture %hange 'equest (
%opyright 7 "*1* The 1pen 4roup. +ll rights reserved. T14+/5 is a trademar8 of The 1pen 4roup.

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